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FHS-2620-401-Sp21 Jocelyn Dominguez April 29,2021

POP - Parent-Teacher Conference Participation - Part 2

I was assigned the task of elaborating two positive comments about three students that

were part of my COR, about their evolution in the learning areas.

During the process was to choose the area in which the information was to be collected, the

choice made by me was: Social and emotional development, Language, literacy and


For the observation ideas, I opted to choose the area where the children had the hardest

time performing so that I could get more noticeable information on the evolution of the areas.

After collecting the required information, go on to elaborate on the positive comments derived

from the observations for example: “In language, literacy and communication development

James has developed his listening and comprehension skills, at the beginning of the semester he

would join a conversation connecting the topic to his own experience, after several weeks the

child has demonstrated that he understands the content information (the topic) by asking and/or

responding to clarifying questions about key points presented orally or in the text”

Each of these positive comments were shared during the conference. My experience at

the conference was very pleasant, meeting the parents was an important part of it, since spending

a full semester with the children and getting to know their parents gave me the opportunity to

share ideas and questions about their children. At the beginning it was a very nervous feeling

because not knowing the parents gives you an uncertainty about how they will react to meeting

you, how you will start sharing information and how you will answer the questions they have for

you. However, the opposite was true, the parents were kind, pleasant, and very attentive to the

information I shared.
FHS-2620-401-Sp21 Jocelyn Dominguez April 29,2021

Communication between schools and families is essential to maintain an adequate

knowledge of the student's work.

If both parties maintain frequent communication, difficulties or problems presented by the

children with respect to a subject, an area of study, relationships with classmates, etc. can be

detected. In this way we will be able to address these setbacks much more quickly and

effectively to find a solution.

On the other hand, teachers and family members are the basic pillars of children's

education so both parties must complement each other. The two groups must work together to

identify how to help the child to maintain motivation, in which aspects they must establish a

reinforcement and how to act to achieve a good academic and formative result.

Through communication, more information will be obtained regarding the interests and concerns

of the children. Thus, it will be possible to give a better response to the needs and goals set by

the child.

In the future, I would also like to include the children in a certain part, where they have

the opportunity to share their ideas, as well as ask questions to me about the class, their doubts,

or simply to be part of the conference so that the child can see the good relationship between

parents and teacher.

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