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AL FATAH RAZAK (21913014)

NIRMAWATI (21913048)


SALVIANTI (22013010)

WAODE HARTATI (22013018)

1. Febiola (22013014) group 1 : What is the relationship and role between behavior and
cognitive growth in a child's development?
Answered by Al Fatah razak :
Children's cognitive development involves a progressive learning process such as attention,
memory, and logical thinking. The development of these skills is important so that your little
one can process information, learn to evaluate, analyze, remember, compare and
understand causal relationships. The child's learning process for cognitive development is
closely related to behavior, both behavior as a result of the child's cognitive interpretation or
the behavior he gets from the environment that affects his cognitive development process.
We can assess a child's cognitive development from behavior, it can be used as material for
our evaluation of whether the child's cognitive development is appropriate for his age or not.
The behavior that he gets from the environment also affects the cognitive development of
the child, such as if he gets bullying, the bullying treatment can hinder the child's cognitive
development. The feeling of fear caused by bullying can cause children not to dare to express
ideas and ideas so that it interferes with their cognitive development. In addition, this lack of
confidence in the future can prevent children from maximizing their cognitive potential.
So I think the relationship between children's behavior and cognitive development is like
that, they are interrelated.

2. Vitra Silvia Ningsih (22013003) group 3 : Regarding the theories.. Is there a difference
between the theory of Social cognitive and the theory of self-regulatory learning?
Answer : Social cognitive learning theory focuses on how and why people tend to imitate
what is seen through the media. It is a theory that focuses on our capacity to learn by
experiencing it firsthand. Meanwhile, self-regulated learning is a condition in which
individuals who learn to control their own learning activities, monitor motivation and
academic goals, manage human resources and objects, and become behavior in the decision-
making process and implementers in the learning process

3. Yuliani (21913011) group 1 : in your written material "learning is the main focus of
educational psycholog". Why is learning said to be the main focus of educational psycholog?
Answered by Al Fatah razak :
Because learning is the most important thing that has become an integral part of education
and learning is the only way so that learners can achieve their learning goals, there is no
other way than by learning. that is why this theory of learning in educational psychology
should be the main focus as it is to provide a good understanding of how students learn. this
will really help us in teaching, we can design suitable instructional strategies to make
teaching and learning a successful experience. we can teach in a scientific way that has been
tested by experts and the results can be maximized.
4. Nurhayati (22013008) group 1 : Can you explain why children's behavior should be explained
by observable experiences, not mental processes?
Answered by Nirmawati :
Mental processes are defined by psychologists as thoughts, feelings, and motives that a
person experiences but cannot be seen by others. Even though thoughts, feelings, and
motives cannot be seen immediately, they are all real. According to behaviorists, these
thoughts, feelings and motives are not appropriate subjects for behavioral science because
they cannot be directly observed. That is why a child's behavior is good or bad based on his

5. Ricky Wahyudi (22013028) group 7 : What is your strategy to form students' mentality so
that they can be more confident and actively involved in their environment.
Answered by Nirmawati :
Strategy to form students' mentality is (1) look for reasons why individuals feel confident. (2)
overcoming weakness, with a strong will the individual will view a small improvement as true
success. (3) developing their talents and wishes optimally. (4) feel proud of the success that
has been achieved in a particular area. (5) do not be influenced by the opinions of others, by
acting according to self-confidence, individuals will feel free in doing everything. (6)
developing talents through hobbies. (7) be optimistic if we are required to do a job that we
just know and know. (8) have realistic goals in life so that the possibility to be fulfilled is large
enough. And (9) don't overly compare yourself with other people who we think are better.

6. Priska Oktavia Nerta (22013013) group 3 : Explain according to your understanding what
problems might occur if behavioral analysis was applied to education in the lives around us.
Answered by Risna ladjagang :
The problem that might occur if behavioral analysis is that the emotions are unstable in
learners. Where learners will study each of these components by trying and can see that how
they respond to a stimulus.

7. Muhamad Badrun (21913013) group 2 : How do you respond to differences of opinion in a

learning environment, and if you are an organized student how can you be more adaptive
and responsive in responding to problems that exist in your learning (in organizations)?
Answered by Risna ladjagang :
Everyone has different and natural opinions for them to hold on to what he thinks is right.
We simply need to commend each difference and give others the opportunity to speak up
before we present our point of view and then To adjust and respond to the problems within
our organization we must study the situations within the organization, then be ourselves and
also respect our fellow friends because every human the way the adaptability exists is fast
and slow.

8. Sri ratna meldayana (22013030) group 2 : What are the positive and negative effects of
cognitive behavior approaches?
Answer by WA ode hartati :
Effect negative : changing preceptions and understading not always to change behavior, but
a student has different experiences and knowledge withim each student. Effect positive :
create and understading of what learned, discover new knowledge that is built from the
results of a learning approach and build a mindset in a student.

9. Rista Lestari (21913007) group 6 : Why someone can do evil to other, while other people do
good things to others? Because, basically if every human being commits a crime but actualy
doesn't do evil that to can be a form of crime example negiect childern.
Answered by WA ode hartati :
There are also crimes that occur due to mental disorders which cause their intentions to
occur out of consciuuness for example, people who drink drunk unconsciously protect each
others's hearts. In addition crime will also appear as an intraction between personal factors,
for example : someone who has a traumatic personality disorder and in the end does not
care about the law will make it easier to commit a crime.

10. Fahrani Al Rasyik (21913003) group 7 : I asked for a more specific explanation regarding the
following sentence, "Applied behasior analysis involved applying in the principles of opera
conditioning to change human behavior." Because I don't understand.
Answered by salvianti :
The meaning of the sentence is : principles that focus on how behaviors change, or are
affected by the environment, as well as how learning takes place. The term behavior refers
to skills and actions needed to talk, play, and live. While these principles impact everyone
each day, they can be applied systematically through interventions to help individuals learn
and apply new skills in their daily lives.

11. Sarifa Ulya from group 3: At the point of observational learning it has been written that
observational learning involves imitation but is not limited to it. What does unlimited
imitation mean? and give an example?
Answered by salvianti :
Imitation is the act of copying the behavior of someone observed . So, the child will continue
to observe what he learns. For example Suppose humans were imitating dangerous
behavior. Such as suicide occurs when people who attempt to commit suicide emulate
methods they have heard or seen in the media, with significant increases in apparent efforts
after suicide.

12. Melisa (21913030) group 5 : What approaches are appropriate for teachers, to early
childhood, in your opinion? and what benefits of the approach, explain?
Answered by Risna ladjagang :
in my opinion, an appropriate approach for early childhood is the approach in the 2013
curriculum on Early Childhood Education which consists of an approach; (1) Thematic
Integrative, (2) Scientific, (3) Creative Play, and (4) Plural Intelligence. In this case,
integrative and scientific thematic are the main approaches that must be used in the
development of learning activities through play, especially for children aged 3-4 years and
children aged 4-6 years in institutions. Furthermore, there are alternative options in
developing activities through play, namely creative play approaches and multiple
The benefit of the approach is that with the approach, learning directions and objectives can
be clearly planned. With clear goals, we can set a direction and goals with certainty.
Through this approach, each teacher can better understand the objectives and direction of
learning to determine the steps for learning and the development of other components, and
can be used as criteria for the effectiveness of the learning process.

13. Muh. Syukur (22013023) group 2 : Please explain How Does the Environment Shape Human
Answered by all member of grup 4 :
A human being consist of a collection of good and bad qualities. We are weak creatures
depending on the situation,if the enviroment is good if we are inclined. But, not everyone is
like that, so it is advisable to look for the enviroment. One of them is that being friends with
good people will makes us more.

14. Retno Sari Mega Utami Aglel K. From group 6: state and explain examples of cognitive
approaches in learning for elementary schools?
Answered by all member of group 4 :
1) Sequencing - the ability to sort objects by size, shape, or other characteristic. For
example, when given objects of different sizes, they can sort them out from the
biggest to the smallest.
2) Classification - the ability to name and identify sets of objects according to their
appearance, size, or other characteristics, including the idea that a series of objects
can include others in the sequence.
3) Decentering - a child begins to consider several aspects of a problem in order to
solve it. For example, children will no longer think that a short but wide cup has less
content than a tall but slender cup.
4) Reverberation-children begin to understand that amounts or things can be changed,
then return to their original circumstances. To that end, the child can quickly
determine that 4+4 equals 8, 8-4 will equal 4, the previous number.
5) Conservation - understanding that the quantity, length, or number of objects is
unrelated to the arrangement or appearance of the object or objects. For example, if
children were given a cup of the same size and contained as much water, they would
know if water was poured into another glass of different size, the water in that glass
would still be as much as the other cup.
6) An omission-the ability to see things from the other person's perspective (even when
the person is thinking in the wrong way). For example, show the comic that shows
siti keeps the doll in the box, then leaves the room, then the ujang moves the doll
into the drawer, then it's back in the room.

15. Umil Dayana (21913022) group 6 : Cognitive is one aspect that is very important in its
students, name the main factors that affect cognitive development of children and explain?
Answered by all member of group 4 :
Factors affecting cognitive development can be explained in part as follows:
1. The factors of heredity or heredity, It is revealed that the level of intelligence of a
child has been determined since the child was born.
2. Environmental factors, A child's development is largely determined by the
environmental factors it encounters.
3. Maturity, Every organ of the human body, both physical and psychic, can be said to
be mature if it has attained the ability to function.
4. Formation, The creation was all of the circumstances outside the child that
influenced his intelligence development.
5. Interests and talents, Interest directs action toward a purpose. Talent is defined as
an inherent ability, as a potential that still needs to be developed and trained in
order to be realized.
6. Freedom, Freedom can be defined as human freedom of thought. The cognitive
development of humans throughout life is influenced by several contributing factors
such as heredity, environment, maturity, maturity, interest and talent, and the
factors of freedom. Each individual has its own factors that influence its cognitive
development that can go either sooner or later.

16. Hijra (22013016) group 7 : In social activities, can you list the elements of cognitive behavior
in forming interactions with students in the learning process”.
Answered by all member of group 4 :
Elements of cognitive learning. Cognitive learning is unlike the traditional learning process,
where the focus is on memorization rather than achieving mastery of the subject. The
following factors are fundamental to the cognitive learning process. (1) Comprehension :
building cognitive learning skills teaches students how to learn more effectively. Students
learn to do more than repeat what they have learned. They understand the “why” behind a
topic and how it fits into a larger picture. (2) Memory : Unlike drill-and-kill memorization
methods, cognitive learning helps students gain a deeper understanding of a subject. This
improves recall in the long run, so students can build upon past knowledge. (3) Application :
The cognitive learning approach gives students the chance to reflect on what they are
learning and how it applies to other material. This helps students develop problem-solving
skills they need to create new connections between what they are learning

17. Riskayanti from group 5. I wanna ask : Is there one or more learning approaches that you
think are actually difficult to apply to most students in Indonesia? Explain how chan be like
Answered by all member of group 4 :
According to our group, the learning approach that is difficult to apply is the constructivism
approach because students are expected to solve problems in various ways, so students will
be trained to be able to apply them to different or new situations. but in fact, students still
have difficulty finding the answer by themselves and theirs takes a long time especially for
weak students.

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