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A sizeable number of individuals globally have been diagnosed with mental health illness such
as depression a condition that generally affects the general functionability if a normal human
body. The increasing number of people falling victim of mental health illness has tentatively
caused for an increase in need of more mental health centers and more education on this whole
issue to the people .The increasing rates in the use of antidepressants and ability of the consumer
to adhere to usage has had a profound impact in lives of patients(Shilyanski,2016).Knowledge is
power, it is hence proven that the developing technology has so far given patients the ultimate
power to chose the type of medication ,drug, they desire to use .Consumer centered care is a
service in the health care centre that entails treating patients with dignity ,informing ,listening
and involving them in decision making of the health services they need.
While most health care facilities have the patient centered care model, Gray prefers the ‘person
centered ‘care model as compared to the ‘patient centered’ model .He argues that people need
care all the time and not only when they are sick .The family and community around the patient
play a major role toward the wellness and recovery of a mentally ill patient hence they all have
to be educated in order for the medication to be impactful to the patient.
As consumers , patients demand a personalized ,intuitive experience .Shared decision making is
is key component of patient centered health care . it is a process whereby clinicians and patients
work together to make a treatment be impactful to the patient an d produce positive
outcomes .the importance of knowledge to the disabled population cannot be underestimated
people with disability have a right to education too .The disabled children are prioritised In this
case as education gives them basic skills they require to survive in life. Education to the disabled
children reduce the rate of dependence to their parents or even the care providers as knowledge
will instill some sense of responsibility in them and hence they will put their best foot forward in
ensuring they have done most of the things on their own hence releaving some responsibilities
from their care givers. for example, th ey maybe taught the necessary skills of life such as
washing clothes ,cooking, some simple trade skill .The children can also be trained on saving
skills hence they become productive and prepared to be dependable people
According to research done by the RECOUP group ,the most effective way to escape poverty is
by formal education as it will increase the quality of labor produced .This could be implemented
but due to stigma and discrimination of people with disabilities , they lack job opportunities or
find it difficult to find job opportunities hence most of them become a burden to the community
and even family members . NOT only are they deprived off job opportunities , but also they
don’t get the chance to be educated .This means there is a likelihood of the disabled individuals
to remain needy and desperate . Improved Health Conditions and long term outcomes Behavioral
health requires the patient and the family to have a better understanding of conditions such as
depression and the necessary models required to help a patient get well. Effective
communication can provide health details and a better understanding of the condition which may make a
patient adhere to treatment. Patients should be treated with dignity and respect to comeback for
reviews. Patients can take responsibility of their treatment and make changes n e e d e d t o p r o m o t e
t h e i r w e l l b e i n g . M o s t p a t i e n t s w h o s u f f e r f r o m d e p r e s s i o n u s e a n t i depressant, but
they stop using the medication as soon as they start feeling better. Patient centered care has
helped curb this issue and improve health outcomes.


For consumer centered care to be effective , there must be a proper stream ,flow of
communication between the health care provider and the client .some patients distrust or feel
uncomfortable discussing health concerns with health care providers who they cannot relate to at
a personal level .For example the elderly patients ,patients who speak English as their second
language may less enguaged in the
Decision making process and have less confidence navigation the healthcare system .Physicians
can unknowingly introduce barriers .for example a physician may assume that a teenager who is
mentally ill, depressed , is caused by ones peers and lack of fitting in the community while in
real sense the client problem may be their family members .
Ineffective client –physician communication can also be attributed due to lack of emphasizes on
communication skills during medical training .some health care providers may even have
assumed on the importance of good communication skills and hence end up building a barrier
between them and their client .Consumers are treated as the most valued person in society and
everything that happens however with this model of health care, there are associated challenges
nurses need to be apt and skilled in handling varied circumstance .


A strategy for successful care coordination includes an outstanding and implementation of the
core competencies for all health care professionals as described by the institute of medicine
(IOM,2003). This is an integrative review of the literature which provides a synthesis of the
knowledge on the investigated topic and the incorporation of the applicability of the results of
significant studies in practise , being an important instrument of evidence based practise .It
should be a patient centered care , since the patient is considered as the sole reason also why the
nurses are working and hence quality and satisfactory services has to be offered for their good.
The research was conducted guided for the following steps: preparing the research question,
search or sampling the literature, data collection, and critical appraisal of the included studies,
discussion of the results and presentation of the integrative review. The study emerged from the
question: What are the skills required for nurses to offer education to the population? In the area
of mental health, the specific competencies needed for nursing emphasize a unique philosophy of
practice to the specialty of psychiatric and mental health nursing and the needs of assisted
In the studies found, the following competencies were identified: Monitoring and ensuring the
quality of health care practice, management of patient health/illness status, cultural competence,
managing and negotiating health care delivery systems, and the nurse practitioner-patient

A study conducted in Scotland assessed the process and results of the development of mental
health services of community-based for crisis care. First, professionals' competencies were
recognized and abilities needed to be strengthened in order to provide effective responses to the
needs of the service user of mental health. In a second moment, an educational training was
applied for mental health nurses to prepare them to take on key roles and responsibilities in the
service, which was reflected in a highly positive learning experience for most participants, with
indications of relevant learning to be achieved for clinical practice .

The project contributed to the development of competence in the field of monitoring and
ensuring the quality of health care practice, when sought to interpret their own professional
forces, the role and scope of peers ability, using assessment information to improve care and
practice and monitor the quality of their own practice and participate in continuous quality

Assessment is one of the competencies domains for constant health promotion in the Galway
Consensus Statement. Determining the scope, effectiveness and impact of policies and programs
to promote health including the appropriate use of assessment and research methods to support
improvement in programs, sustainability and dissemination.

Research on the roles of the expanded practice of community mental health nurses indicated that
they were less confident about prescribing, even though, more than half (54%) reported that they
definitely or probably felt confident to prescribe medication. More than 90% said they probably
or definitely felt confident in making recommendations for involuntary treatment, 84% and 79%
showed similar levels of confidence in ordering of diagnostic tests and in referring patients to
specialist physicians, respectively.

These activities represent competence in the management of patient health/illness status, which
includes prescribing drugs based on efficacy, safety and cost, legally authorized and counseling
on drug regimens, drug side effects and interactions with other drugs and dietary supplements;
assess the results of interventions based on criteria and results, and consult or refer as needed.

A similar study found that nurses and psychiatrists agreed that certain psychiatric workflows can
be distributed to nurses trained to manage them. Nonetheless, interviewed nurses agreed that for
independent nurse prescribing, preparation and training would be essential, beyond that provided
in the current curriculum.

The results demonstrated appropriate competence when analyzing and interpreting the patient's
history and the information to develop appropriate diagnoses, but they showed difficulties in
meeting the patient's response to lived experience.
The study on the development of culturally competent "territory" care, in relation to substance
abuse by teenager's rural population, indicated that the lack of integration of the family unit was
presented as an etiological factor for substance abuse in adolescence. Families were
conceptualized as social units characterized by permittivity values that were favorable to the
development of these problems. The study also revealed that the religion influence hindered the
approach of explicit questions regarding substance abuse in youth and there were no available
reference networks for professional services. Besides these aspects, socioeconomic factors and
dynamics associated to gender in the Hispanic traditional culture, as the dominant male roles,
were also identified as barriers to seeking help and produced negative health outcomes.

Research on the experiences of mental health nurses on Emotional Intelligence in nursing

practice experience highlighted the importance of genuine and authentic relationship with the
patient suffering from mental health problems, essential to establish trust and confidence. Nurses
highlighted the capacity for empathy and communication, as social skills needed to build positive

The results demonstrated appropriate competence when analyzing and interpreting the patient's
history and the information to develop appropriate diagnoses, but they showed difficulties in
meeting the patient's response to lived experiences.

The authors reported that the empathic capacity is the key to context awareness and
understanding of the disease and suffering. Communication and dialogue make it possible for
nurses to access the world of the patient's life in order to understand their suffering, which is an
important base for nursing mental health professional.

The nurse demonstrates competence in the nurse practitioner-patient relationship domain when
he/she creates an atmosphere of mutual trust and establishes partnerships with patients,
communicates a sense of "being present" with the patient and provides comfort and emotional
support, reflects on own emotional response to interaction with patients and uses this knowledge
to further therapeutic interaction.

In the selected studies, competences related to the teaching/coaching function individuals and
professional role domains were not found.

The teaching/coaching function involves, from the assessment of guidance needs according to
the stage of development, teaching implementation supported by his/her characteristics and
learning style to the care monitoring that requires specific skills or information.

In research conducted with mental health nurses, they recognized the importance of education
and information to users and their families, facilitating their understanding, as an important
strategy for increasing the participation of users and caregivers in the care and treatment in
mental health services, highlighting, yet, the adoption of continuing education specifically
guided by the needs of individuals and their caregivers

From an integrative literature review the nurses competencies for health promotion in the mental
health and psychiatric context were explored, on studies published on the topic, were identified:
Monitoring and ensuring the quality of health care practice, management of patient health/illness
status, cultural competence, managing and negotiating health care delivery systems and the nurse
practitioner-patient relationship.

The studies analysis evidenced the need for education and training so that nurses may develop
the competencies of health promotion in diverse psychiatric care and mental health contexts, in
order to broaden knowledge and skills.

A limitation of the study was the small number of studies on nurses competencies, with methods
that produce evidence.

It is also noteworthy that the competencies were assessed from studies already published, which
may not reflect the reality of health services in Brazil, therefore, we highlight the need for studies
that seek to address the nurses' knowledge about the competencies in the field of mental health
and its practice on health care contexts.

The results brought contributions in the sense of generating reflections between mental health
nurses about the need to deep in knowledge and competencies needed to work in the perspective
of health promotion .The studies analysis evidenced the need for education and training so that
nurses may develop the competencies of health promotion in diverse psychiatric care and skills .


We can conclude that consumer centered healthcare is the most effective method of enhance the
health outcomes of people .It has also been established that consumers are the only people who
are the centre of all decision made within the consumer associated health care setup .The primary
goal as a consumer related health care is to ensure a better quality of health to the consumer .As
a result the nurses need to be skilled on how to share knowledge with particular populations
despite the barriers to various consumers – related populations.

Aron,L.,&lopresst,P.(2012).Disability and education system.The future of children ,97-122

Fukada, M.(2018). Nursing competency; Definition, structure, and development .Yonago


Health Consumers Allience (n.d.). Consumer related care . Derived from care

Rioux,M.,&Florian,L.(2013).Disability rights in education .

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