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Journal: Christian Views on Alcohol

Alcohol consumption is not harmful when looking at it a face value. There are many

instances when one needs to take alcohol. There are also several instances in the Bible where

mentioned drinking wine on occasions. However, the readings for the past week did say that

what is wrong is drunkenness.

It is evident that to be drunk, you have to take alcohol. However, taking alcohol doesn’t

always result in drunkenness. Looking further, what was obvious here is that alcohol

consumption is not forbidden. However, it must be controlled so that it will not cause the person

to do harmful things which will be against the Christian’s definition of moral.

There were many instances or examples in the readings where Christian leaders didn’t

oppose alcohol but what they opposed is the effect of alcohol. So, the leaders end up abstaining

from taking alcohol in some instances to show that they have control and to serve as an example.

And true enough, the abstinence of the church leaders so also awakened people to the causes

they are supporting. Like for example, a preacher did not consume alcohol because alcoholism is

a current problem among young ones. I believe that applying what the preacher preaches is a

good way of “walking the talk” and encourages others not to take alcohol when not needed.

On a personal take, I considered alcohol consumption as an activity when a man can live

without. With the numerous cases of alcoholism, and the effects it causes especially the

possibility of breaking families it is better not to take alcohol at all. Complete avoidance will be

safer, and besides, the bad effects of alcohol in the body is sidestepped.

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