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LAB 10 Answers

Step 2:

 How many more times will solar rays hit the area between 0-30 degrees
than between 60-90 degrees?
 4 times
 If the earth at the equator is heated more efficiently than other latitudes,
what will happen to the air above it?
 The air-cooled above it sinks and spreads out.

 Which way will the wind blow to replace the rising air?
 The wind blows equatorially meets mid latitude air, rising and
condensing. It is like driving on the gears of a bike.

Step 3:

 What will happen to the air at the poles if it is cool?

 It moves down/up to the equator

 Which way will air move as it piles up above the poles?

 southwest

Step 4:

 What happens to the tropical air after it has risen to the upper

 It merges

Step 5:

 If the winds are blowing outward from this latitude, where is that air
coming from?
 The air comes from the both the north and th south poles

Step 8:

 What color are the cold water currents?

 blue

Step 11:

 On which side of a continent do you usually find cold currents?

 Western coasts of continents

 Which type of land is next to these cold currents worldwide?

 desserts

Step 12:

 What would happen if the prevailing surface wind were to slow down?

 Wind speeds will be less

 The Gulf Stream is a major current moving toward the poles, so if the
prevailing winds were slowed, how might this affect the climate of western

 Western Europe will experience a hotter climate/warmer

temperature because the wind speed will be less
LAB 11

Question 1:

 The wind is from the North, because of the wind is diverted

clockwise from the region with high pressure.

Question 2:

 The wind direction in the northern pacific ocean is west- south

west because of the wind converged in an anticlockwise direction
towards the region having low pressure

Question 3:

 The direction of the wind in the tropical region near Hawaii is from
the east, whereas the wind direction in the upper atmosthere over
Hawaii is from the west.
 Trade winds are present in the easterly surface winds over
tropical region near Hawaii anti-trad ewindes are present in the
upper athmosthere winds (also known ans westerly winds). This is
the reason why there are different win directions in the surface
and upper athmosphere over the tropical region
 Surface wind speed in the lower athmostphere influeded by
frictional forces while there are less influenced in the upper
Temp Pattern

Question 1:

 Land water contrast

Question 2:

 Altitude

Question 3:

 Land – Watre contrast

Question 4:

 Wind patterns and air masses

Question 5:

 Fairbanks is located in a higher latitude than Oakland

Question 6:

 Ocean- Currents

Question 7:

 Lithue have small annual temperature compared to Oakland

because of its location in the latitude, Lithue is still considered to
be in the tropics

Question 8:

Altitude explains the difference in the temperature pattern between

Lithue and Kilauea. Kilaluea has higher elevation from the sea level.

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