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Theme 1: Aims of Education and Role of Schools in a Democratic Society

Section 1.1: Educational Models

2.1.2- Compare educational models and explain how they impact the classroom

There are different ways a teacher can teach a student. It is important that teachers

evaluate different models and pedagogies they can use in the classroom. Learners are diverse and

their educational needs need to be met in a variety of ways. Pedagogies are methods we use or

how we choose to teach according to what we know about how our students learn. A teacher's

approach to teaching depends on how much they know about themselves and how much they

know about each of their students. Due to the diversity of students in a classroom, it's important

that teachers compare different teaching strategies and methods.

The diagram below explains the educational pedagogie, such as teacher led, student led,

student - teacher led, and response to intervention. It illustrates the difference between each of

them (Evidence; 1.1.1). Over the years, the educational model has moved more towards student

led teaching than teacher led teaching.

Response To Teacher Led Student Led- In a Student - Teacher

Intervention- student led class, the Collaborative
Identifying students students are in charge
with learning of their own learning
disabilities, testing
them, differentiation,
scaffolding, and
figuring out best way
to help them

Social Constructivism Behaviorism Constructivism Behaviorism

Theorists: Jean Theorists: Jean Theorists: John Theorists: Benjamin

Piaget, Benjamin Piaget, Burrhus Dewy, Benjamin Bloom, Lev Vygotsky
Bloom Frederic Skinner Bloom

Strategies: Strategies: Strategies: Strategies:

-Explicit teaching -Modeling -Cooperative learning -Experiments
-Think aloud -Lecturing -Centers -Interactive
-Centers -Demonstration -Socratic Seminar -White boards
-Inquiry- Guided -Scaffolding -Peer teaching -Stations
learning -Student model the -Field trips
right way to complete
a task

In the diagram you can see that the four education models all have different but impactful

strategies in the classroom. It's important that teachers know the different types of strategies so

that they can give the maximum learning to all of their students.

The different pedagogies all have different impacts in P-12 classrooms. The teacher led

model looks very different from the student led model. In a teacher- led classroom the teachers

are in control of the students' learning, they know that the students are getting the right

information, and they can set the pace of their instruction (Evidence; 1.1.2). A student- led

classroom gives the students a guide to their own learning, and lets them corporate with their

classmates (Evidence; 1.1.3). Student- led strategies like stations, socratic seminars, games,

writing prompts, experiments, or learning centers can be used in all of the different grade levels.

A Teacher- led classroom will look very different in Elementary School than a High School.

Modeling is very common for a teacher to use in an elementary school classroom, where a

lecture is not. Lecturing is very common in a high school classroom but when it comes to

response to intervention, it's important to identify those who need more support often, which

then they would offer scaffolding. Word banks, guided notes, or experiments would all be

effective in any classroom level. The last educational model is Collaborative. Which is both

student and teacher led. This is very helpful because you get to develop a connection with you

students so they will be more involved in the classroom, and you get to know the different

learning styles of each of them. (Evidence; 1.1.4). Using different teaching strategies will
promote more effective thinking to students. In the past, students were always given direct

direction on what to do about an assignment. Now, teachers are combining both direct learning

and cooperative learning when doing an assignment. Having different styles of teaching in your

classroom promotes more of an engagement in the students. When students are more engaged

about their learning, they start to become more self aware and start to take more ownership in

their own work. In conclusion, there is always more than one way that teachers can teach their

students. Teachers getting to know their students is the most important thing in a classroom

because you can determine which educational approach will work best so you can help them

maximize their learning.

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