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Week #15

This week was my final week ay my internship. It was very bittersweet. However, I am

very happy that the Women’s Center is where I completed my internship.

This week was honestly the week that was the least busy out of all my time at my

internship this semester. We did have an event this week in my Sexual Assault Awareness Month

team on Wednesday. However, it was a virtual event so it did not take much of a time

commitment this week, since I had already done the marketing work for it last week. The event

was Denim Day on April 28th to raise awareness of sexual assault and also to encourage moving

away from victim blaming attitudes. Denim Day began in Italy when a woman was raped and

reported her attacker, who was initially convicted. However, the verdict was overturned because

the rapist appealed, claiming that because the victim was wearing snug denim jeans, she had to

have helped him remove her pants; therefore, he claimed that it was consensual sex instead of a

rape. The ruling judge agreed with the rapist, and he walked free. This type of victim blaming is

still very prevalent and sadly very common in our society still today. When a victim of sexual

assault comes forward, they are often met with the question of “well, what were you wearing?’

The whole point of Denim Day is to highlight that it does not matter what any victim of sexual

assault was wearing at the time of their assault, the blame is solely on the assailant. Women (or

any gender) should be free to wear whatever they want without fear of being sexually assaulted

or abused. Denim Day is a way of showing our support for that. Although we did not see the

amount of participation that we had hoped to see on social media, since this event was solely on

social media, we still had some participation. There was a winner picked of those that did

participate, and they will be receiving a bag of Women’s Center goodies as a prize for

participating. I think this event was still a success overall.


Monday: 7; 9-4

Tuesday: 5; 9-2

Wednesday: off

Thursday: 1

Friday: off

Weekly hours: 13

Total hours worked to date: 508

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