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Senate Bill

Sponsored by Senator of Georgia

Shannon Giesen

117th Congress
1st Session

S. 10

A Bill
To create a country where abortion is legal for the first 36 weeks and no state may go
against it.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America
in Congress Assembled.

Section 1. Short Title

This Act may be cited as the “Open Abortion Act”

Section 2. Findings and Purposes

Abortions are legal in America, but states are still allowed to put their own laws and
restrictions in place to prevent them from happening. 45% of all abortions, worldwide,
are unsafe or illegal. Illegal abortions happen when a woman is not able to obtain an
abortion because of her state’s laws against it or the inability to pay for one. In the state
of Georgia, there have been new restrictions on abortion. Such as, woman have to
receive counseling designed to discourage them from getting an abortion before they
make an appointment. Also, health insurance provided by the state only covers abortions
when there is signs of life endangerment or severely compromised physical health. A
fetus becomes viable at about 24 weeks and states such as Alabama, Ohio, and Kentucky
have banned abortion before the viable stage.
Section 3. Proposal
No states may be allowed to put any restrictions, laws, or bans, on any abortion before a
fetus becomes viable at 24 weeks. This will give women the time to learn about their
own pregnancy and then make a well thought out plan on what she chooses to do. Many
women in America are only allowed to obtain an abortion in their state if the pregnancy is
life threatening to them or if they have been raped. This bill will give all women the right
to make her own choice within the first 24 weeks and will prevent any state from
stopping these women from doing so. State and Federal government-provided health
insurance will also help cover the costs of abortion if it is received between the beginning
of the pregnancy and the 24th week because it is a medical procedure that will now be
fully legal.

Section 4. Enforcement
Since Roe v. Wade, abortion has been legal and protected by the Constitution as well as
the Supreme Court. The enforcement of this bill will come from the Supreme Court and
the Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions AND Agriculture, Nutrition,
and Forestry. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services will also do their part
to enforce this bill because they protect the health of all Americans.

Section 5. Incentives
Large organizations such as Planned Parenthood, the National Abortion Federation, and
the American Civil Liberties Union that continuously fight for abortion rights will stop
because of the rights this bill offers women. States will not be able to find loop holes
around abortion laws protected by the U.S. Constitution. Women will no longer have to
harm themselves or lose their lives to unsafe abortions due to them being illegal. Finally,
women will also be able to have the right to do what they want to their own body.

Section 6. Effective Date

Once this bill is passed, states with bans or restrictions on abortions from week one to
week 24 will have to immediately lift them all and create new laws or restrictions
according to this new bill. This bill will go into effect on September 1, 2021 to allow
states to appropriately plan. It will happen quickly so we can start making change in
women’s lives as soon as possible.
Section 7. Authorized Funding
The only budget that needs to be created is for this bill is for the government-provided
health insurance that will now be covering abortions before the 24 week stage.The health
insurance will cover $400 of the surgical procedure that takes place if the abortion
happens after the first 10 weeks of pregnancy. This will mean the budget for the surgical
abortions will be about $300,000,000. With this bill, the government-provided health
insurance will also fully cover the abortion pill that is needed for an abortion that takes
place during the first 10 weeks. This will cost about $20,000,000. Overall, the budget for
this bill will cost $320,000,000 and will coming out of government health insurance

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