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Pudding Ingredients

30 gr Chocolate Nutrijel

30 gr gelatin

100 gr sugar

700 ml of water
Ingredients Vla

5 grams of egg yolk

20 grams of cornstarch

200 ml full cream milk


1. Prepare ingredients, put in a pan Nutrijel chocolate, sugar, salt, stir well.
2. Then add the water to the cholat pudding mixture, mix well so that it doesn't get
shaggy. Cook the cholat pudding mixture until it pops, and when it's cooked, wait
a while then put it in a cup
3. After the pudding is put in the cup, wait a little cold, then put it in the
refrigerator for about half an hour. Then take it out again to add vla on top of the
cholat pudding
4 Make vla with hot water dispenser, 250 ml of water then pour it into the bowl,
stir it well so that it doesn't get ridged. After a little heat, pour the vla into the
chocolate pudding. Put the pudding back in the refrigerator. Once cool, it's ready
to be served

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