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published: 20 April 2015

doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2015.00319

Gene expression in the mixotrophic

prymnesiophyte, Prymnesium
parvum, responds to prey availability
Zhenfeng Liu 1*, Adriane C. Jones 1 , Victoria Campbell 1 , K. David Hambright 2 ,
Karla B. Heidelberg 1 and David A. Caron 1
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 2 Program in Ecology and
Evolutionary Biology, Department of Biology, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, USA

The mixotrophic prymnesiophyte, Prymnesium parvum, is a widely distributed alga with

significant ecological importance. It produces toxins and can form ecosystem disruptive
blooms that result in fish kills and changes in planktonic food web structure. However, the
relationship between P. parvum and its prey on the molecular level is poorly understood.
In this study, we used RNA-Seq technology to study changes in gene transcription of
P. parvum in three treatments with different microbial populations available as potential
Edited by: prey: axenic P. parvum (no prey), bacterized P. paruvm, and axenic P. parvum with
Senjie Lin,
University of Connecticut, USA
ciliates added as prey. Thousands of genes were differentially expressed among the
Reviewed by:
three treatments. Most notably, transcriptome data indicated that P. parvum obtained
Tatiana Rynearson, organic carbon, including fatty acids, from both bacteria and ciliate prey for energy and
University of Rhode Island, USA
cellular building blocks. The data also suggested that different prey provided P. parvum
Tom O. Delmont,
Marine Biological Lab, USA with macro- and micro-nutrients, namely organic nitrogen in the form of amino acids
*Correspondence: from ciliates, and iron from bacteria. However, both transcriptomic data and growth
Zhenfeng Liu, experiments indicated that P. parvum did not grow faster in the presence of prey despite
Department of Biological Sciences,
University of Southern California, 3616
the gains in nutrients, although algal abundances attained in culture were slightly greater
Trousdale Parkway, AHF 231, in the presence of prey. The relationship between phototrophy, heterotrophy and growth
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0371, USA
of P. parvum is discussed.
Keywords: Prymnesium parvum, transcriptomics, gene expression, mixotrophic protist, golden algae, harmful
Specialty section: algae
This article was submitted to
Aquatic Microbiology,
a section of the journal Introduction
Frontiers in Microbiology

Received: 05 December 2014 Prymnesium parvum is a globally distributed prymnesiophyte alga of considerable ecological
Accepted: 30 March 2015 importance. P. parvum occurs in ecosystems across a wide range of salinities and environmental
Published: 20 April 2015 conditions (Guo et al., 1996; Barkoh and Fries, 2010; Johnsen et al., 2010), possesses a complex life
Citation: history including haploid and diploid stages (Larsen, 1999), and exhibits mixtrophic abilities (Till-
Liu Z, Jones AC, Campbell V, mann, 2003). The combined photosynthetic and heterotrophic capabilities of P. parvum enable
Hambright KD, Heidelberg KB and the alga to form Ecosystem Disruptive Algal Blooms (EDABS) (Sunda et al., 2006). The disruptive
Caron DA (2015) Gene expression in
nature of the alga to the ecosystems in which it blooms has implicated P. parvum as a cause of
the mixotrophic prymnesiophyte,
Prymnesium parvum, responds to
significant economic loss to the aquaculture industry worldwide (Barkoh and Fries, 2010).
prey availability. Commonly referred to as the “golden alga,” P. parvum has appeared and attained bloom abun-
Front. Microbiol. 6:319. dances in several waterways of the southwestern United States during the last two decades (Roelke
doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2015.00319 et al., 2011; Hambright et al., 2015). Genetic analyses of P. parvum populations have indicated

Frontiers in Microbiology | 1 April 2015 | Volume 6 | Article 319

Liu et al. Prymnesium parvum transcriptome and prey

a relatively recent appearance of this species in the region, the same approach to study P. parvum gene expression under
perhaps a consequence of a recent introduction of a strain N or P limitations. Freitag et al. (2011) correlated the expres-
from Europe, and subsequent range expansion (Lutz-Carrillo sion of certain polyketide synthase genes (genes assumed to play
et al., 2010; Hambright et al., 2015). The alga has resulted a role in toxin production) by qPCR with toxicity of the alga
in ecosystem disturbances ranging from changes in plank- when cultures were exposed to physiological shock. Koid et al.
ton food web structure to massive fish kills (Southard (2014) compared the gene contents of P. parvum and other three
et al., 2010; Jones et al., 2013). Various reports have noted prymnesiophytes on a whole transcriptome level. These studies
that substances produced by P. parvum can immobilize have provided baseline information on gene expression by the
a range of co-occurring species and thereby aid in the prymnesiophyte.
capture of prey that are often considerably larger than We conducted a transcriptomic analysis of P. parvum using
the alga (Henrikson et al., 2010; Remmel and Hambright, 2012). RNA-Seq designed to specifically examine the effect of the pres-
These substances may also act as predator deterrents for potential ence or absence of prey on gene expression. Gene expression of
consumers or allelopathic agents retarding the growth of com- the alga was analyzed when grown in laboratory culture for 2–3
peting phytoplankton (Schmidt and Hansen, 2001; Fistarol et al., weeks in three situations; (1) axenically, (2) in the presence of
2003; Granéli and Salomon, 2010; Remmel et al., 2011). a mixed bacterial assemblage (potential prey and/or symbiotic
P. parvum exhibits robust phototrophic growth in culture, interactions), and (3) grown in the presence of a ciliated proto-
a characteristic that is not always common for mixotrophic zoan that was readily consumed by the prymnesiophyte. Gene
microalgae (Jones, 1997). Aside from a requirement for the vita- expression of P. parvum was significantly affected by the pres-
mins thiamine (B1 ) and cobalamin (B12 ) (McLaughlin, 1958; ence of other microbial taxa. Transcription data suggested that
Rahat and Reich, 1963), the alga is capable of growth on inor- P. parvum obtained organic carbon from both the bacteria and
ganic medium. Maximal growth rates of 0.6–0.8 d−1 have been ciliate populations. The data also suggested that the two differ-
reported for Prymnesium species in axenic culture (Granéli et al., ent prey types provided different nutrients to P. parvum, namely
2012; Hambright et al., 2014). Conversely, growth of P. parvum organic nitrogen from the ciliate and iron from the bacteria.
in the dark is not supported by the presence of prey, and has only However, despite providing nutrients, the presence of prey had
been achieved when the growth medium has been supplemented little positive impact on the growth rate of P. parvum, although
with high concentrations of specific organic compounds (most nutrients released from prey maintained algal population growth
notably glycerol) (Rahat and Jahn, 1965). Moreover, growth rates longer than in axenic cultures.
in the dark in the presence of high concentrations of glycerol that
have been reported for this species are considerably slower than Materials and Methods
growth in the light (Rahat and Jahn, 1965).
Despite a very limited ability to grow exclusively heterotroph- Organisms and Cultures
ically, P. parvum grown in the light displays clear predatory Prymnesium parvum strain UOBS-LP0109 (Texoma1) was iso-
behaviors, and has been shown to be predatory on a number lated from Lake Texoma, Oklahoma, USA. It was subsequently
of types of microbes including bacteria, protists and a variety made axenic by micropipetting single cells through rinses of
of metazoan zooplankton (Tillmann, 2003; Sopanen et al., 2006; sterile medium, and then cultured in sterile L1 medium with-
Brooks et al., 2010). It has been suggested that up to 78% of out silica ( The bacterivorous ciliate,
the cellular nitrogen and 45% of the cellular phosphorus may be Uronema marina, was isolated from Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts
acquired via predation (Carvalho and Granéli, 2010). The het- and maintained on its attendant bacterial flora by periodic sub-
erotrophic capabilities of the alga include the production of a culturing into filtered sterile seawater containing 0.01–0.001%
suite of toxins that exhibit hemolytic, ichthyotoxic, cytolytic, and yeast extract.
potentially neurotoxic activities (Edvardsen and Paasche, 1998;
Barkoh and Fries, 2010; Henrikson et al., 2010; Bertin et al., 2012; Transcriptomics Experiment
Granéli et al., 2012), and toxin characterization is an area of Three treatments were performed for transcriptomic analysis:
active research (Schug et al., 2010; Weissbach and Legrand, 2012; axenic P. parvum, non-axenic P. parvum with its attendant bac-
Manning and La Claire, 2013). terial flora (hereafter called bacterized treatment), and an axenic
An alternative approach to understanding the physiological culture of P. parvum to which an aliquot of the bacterized ciliate
response of microbial eukaryotes to environmental factors has culture was added (hereafter called ciliate treatment). The latter
recently been enabled through genomic and transcriptomic anal- treatment was prepared by inoculating an axenic P. parvum cul-
ysis (Bik and Thomas, 2012; Murray et al., 2012). The latter ture in mid-late exponential phase with an aliquot of the ciliate
approach has proven particularly fruitful for microbial eukary- culture in early stationary phase (∼50,000 ciliates· ml−1 ) to yield
otes in recent years (Keeling et al., 2014) because the larger an alga:ciliate ratio of 100:1. Ciliate biomass strongly dominated
genomes of many of these species relative to bacteria and archaea the ciliate culture at the time of innoculation, although attendant
incur much greater sequencing costs and difficulties with genome bacteria were also present at ∼105 · ml−1 in the combined cul-
assembly. The genome of P. parvum has not yet been sequenced, ture. Cultures were examined using a dissecting microscope every
but a few studies examining gene expression in the species using 30–40 min following addition of the ciliates to determine when
a variety of methods have been conducted. La Claire (2006) ciliates were eliminated by the alga. All ciliates were rapidly killed
established the first EST database for P. parvum and examined (<6 h) after addition of ciliates to the P. parvum culture, and the
the most frequently detected genes. Beszteri et al. (2012) used cultures were harvested as soon as no live ciliates remained.

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Liu et al. Prymnesium parvum transcriptome and prey

All three treatments were grown in 1–2 L volumes in 2800 ml toolkit (
Pyrex glass Fernbach flasks in L1 medium minus silica at 18 with options “-p 80 -q 20.”
ppt salinity and 18◦ C. Cultures were incubated at an irradiance An assembled transcriptome of P. parvum was then gener-
of ∼300 µE·m−2 s−1 , measured using a QSL-100 sensor with ated as a reference for downstream alignment processes. All
QSP-170 deckbox (Biospherical Instruments Inc.). Cultures were sequences of the ciliate treatment were excluded from the assem-
incubated on a 12:12 h light:dark cycle. bly to ensure that the P. parvum assembled transcriptome was not
contaminated with ciliate sequences that might have remained
Growth Experiment after ciliates were killed by the alga. Although the bacterized treat-
The effect of the presence or absence of prey on the growth of ment and ciliate treatment also contained bacteria, the sequence
P. parvum was established in batch cultures of the alga. All cul- data from those treatments should have been reasonably free of
tures used in growth experiments were grown under the same bacterial sequences because RNA was polyA-selected in our pro-
conditions as the transcriptome experiment except that they were tocol for all treatments. Sequences from the axenic and bacterized
in ∼100 mL volumes. The same three treatments of P. parvum treatments were combined and assembled de novo using a hybrid
that were used for transcriptomic analysis were examined. All approach containing both a de Bruijn graph and an overlap-based
treatments were conducted in duplicate. On day 16, cells from algorithm method. Sequences were first assembled using ABySS
a ciliate culture were added to an axenic P. parvum culture at a v. 1.3.2 (Simpson et al., 2009) at four different k-mer settings of
ratio of 100:1 (alga:ciliate). Growth of P. parvum was monitored 19, 25, 31, and 37. The resulting four assemblies were merged
by performing direct microscopic cell counts on samples peri- using Trans-ABySS v. 1.4.4 (Robertson et al., 2010). Redundant
odically removed from each flask over a 28-day period. Growth contigs were removed from the assembly using CD-Hit-EST v.
rates in different treatments were compared using One-Way 4.5.7 (Li and Godzik, 2006) with option “-c 0.99.” The remain-
ANOVA test. ing contigs were then further assembled using the overlap-based
program CAP3 (Huang and Madan, 1999) with options “-p 99 -o
RNA Extraction and cDNA Production 50 −k 0.” Scaffolding of the resulting contigs was inferred using
All samples were harvested during mid-exponential growth ABySS with default parameters (Simpson et al., 2009). The Gap-
phase in the middle of the 12 h light cycle. Cultures were spun Closer v. 1.12 application of the SOAPdenovo (Luo et al., 2012)
down in an Eppendorf 5810R centrifuge using the A-4-62 rotor was employed to try to fill in gaps in the assembly. Scaffolds
at 3200 rcf for 15 min at 15◦ C. The supernatant was carefully were broken into contigs where gaps remained unfilled. Contigs
decanted, and 1–2 ml of TRI reagent (Ambion) was added to the shorter than 150 bp were discarded. CD-Hit-EST was used again
pellet and vortexed until the pellet fully dissolved. Homogenates to remove redundant contigs.
were then either processed immediately using Ribopure kit All contigs were searched against SILVA database (Quast et al.,
(Ambion), or stored at −80◦ C for later processing. Eluted RNA 2013) using BLAST to identify and remove rRNA sequences. Pro-
was treated with DNase (Sigma) to remove DNA contamination. tein coding genes with at least 150 bp were predicted from the
Samples were cleaned and concentrated using RNA Clean and remaining contigs using ESTscan v. 3.0.3 (Iseli et al., 1999). Genes
Concentrator-25 (Zymo Research). RNA was quantified using a were annotated using an evalue cutoff of 1e-5 based on a vari-
Qubit 2.0 Fluorometer (Invitrogen) and run on an E-gel iBase ety of database searches including HMMER3 v. 3.1b1 (http://
with E-gel Gel EX 1% (Invitrogen) to check for nucleic acid searches against Pfam (http://pfam.sanger.
quality. and Tigrfam (
RNA samples were sent to the National Center for Genome cgi) databases. A BLAST search against NCBI nr database was
Resources for processing and sequencing. RNA was quantified also carried out using the same e-value cutoff. Genes without
again at the sequencing center using Invitrogen Qubit Q32855, hits to Pfam or Tigrfam were annotated based on their best hits
and RNA quality was assessed using the Agilent 2100 Bioan- in the NCBI nr database. KEGG and Gene Ontology annota-
alyzer. cDNA libraries were made from 2 µg RNA using Illu- tions were also obtained using KEGG Automatic Annotation
mina’s TruSeq RNA Sample Preparation Kit. The average insert Server ( and Blast2GO v. 2.5
size of each library ranged from 250 to 350 bp. Libraries were (Conesa et al., 2005), respectively, to provide additional func-
sequenced on an Illumina HiSeq 2000 which generated 2 × tional understanding of the genes. Annotations of some genes of
50 bp (paired-end) reads. The original sequence data are pub- interest were edited after manual inspection of all the information
licly available from NCBI Sequence Read Archive under acces- available.
sion number SRA166613 and sample IDs MMETSP0006_2, Sequences from each of the three datasets were aligned back
MMETSP0815, and MMETSP0008_2, for axenic, bacterized and to the assembled transcriptome using BWA v. 0.6.1-r104 (Li and
ciliate treatment, respectively. Durbin, 2009). Read pairs that were aligned to genes correctly
(i.e., paired reads aligned to the same gene, on the opposite
Sequencing and Bioinformatic Analyses strand, with fragment size of ∼200 bp) were counted using a cus-
Bioinformatic analysis procedures were adapted and devel- tom PERL script. Statistical analyses of the read counts of each
oped from guidelines established by the Marine Microbial gene were carried out using the “exact test” function of edgeR
Eukaryote Transcriptome Sequencing Project (https://www. v. 3.6.2 (Robinson et al., 2010) with common dispersion set at (Keeling et al., 2014). Sequences of 0.1. Pairwise comparisons between all three treatments were car-
all treatments were first checked for quality using the FASTX ried out. P-values were adjusted to false discovery rate using

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Liu et al. Prymnesium parvum transcriptome and prey

p.adjust in R software v. 3.1.0 (Benjamini and Hochberg, 1995). Overview of the Transcriptome
Only genes with adjusted p-values smaller than 0.05 were deemed The assembled transcriptome of P. parvum contained 55,984
as having significantly different expression levels between treat- contigs and 43,058 genes or partial genes, totaling 47.42 mil-
ments. Normalized expression levels in the form of FPKM (Frag- lion base pairs (Table 1). Most of the physiologically necessary
ments per kilobase exon per million fragments aligned) values genes were found in the transcriptome (Table S1). For example,
were calculated. Expression levels in bacterized and ciliate treat- the transcriptome contained all genes necessary for glycolysis,
ments relative to those in axenic treatment were calculated and the TCA cycle, nitrogen metabolism, nucleotide biosynthesis and
plotted in figures. almost all genes required for the biosynthesis of all 20 amino
acids. Based on this information, it is reasonable to assume that
the transcriptome had enough sequencing depth to cover most
Results of the transcribed genes. Consistent with previous experiments
(McLaughlin, 1958; Rahat and Reich, 1963), the P. parvum tran-
Growth Experiment scriptome contained no genes for the synthesis of thiamine and
A growth experiment was conducted to determine whether the cobalamin but did contain most of the genes required for the
presence of prey (bacteria or ciliates) had a significant effect on synthesis of other vitamins.
the growth rate or overall yield of P. parvum (Figure 1). Growth Among the 43,058 genes identified in this study, only a
rates of the alga were not significantly different (p = 0.20, small percentage (9.2% or 3972 genes) had significantly different
ANOVA) among the three treatments in early exponential phase expression levels between at least a pair of treatments (Figure 2).
(0.36 ± 0.02, 0.42 ± 0.01, 0.38 ± 0.04 d−1 during the first 9 days Similar numbers of genes (1600∼1900) had higher expression
of the experiment for axenic, bacterized, and ciliate treatment, levels in each of the three treatments (1612, 1861, and 1645
respectively. Axenic and ciliate treatments did not differ during genes in the axenic, bacteria and ciliate treatments, respectively;
that period). The addition of ciliates at late exponential phase Figure 2). The overlap among those sets of genes, however, was
of the alga on day 16 allowed P. parvum to continue growing quite interesting. A total of 618 genes, or 33 and 38% of all
(0.12 ± 0.05 d−1 ) while cultures without ciliates exhibited neg- genes with elevated expression levels in the bacterized and cili-
ligible growth (0.03 ± 0.01 d−1 ). P. parvum in the bacterized ate treatments, respectively, had higher expression levels in both
treatment reached the maximum abundance of 4.28 ± 0.03 × 106 treatments compared to the axenic treatment. In comparison,
cells mL−1 , which is slightly higher than that of the axenic treat- 426 genes were shared between the axenic and bacterized treat-
ment (3.80 ± 0.17 × 106 cells mL−1 ). The addition of ciliates ments, and only 102 genes were shared between the axenic and
also increased the maximum abundance of P. parvum to (4.95 ciliate treatments, in terms of genes with higher expression levels
± 0.25 × 106 cells mL−1 ). compared to the third treatment (Figure 2).
A more detailed evaluation of differential gene expression and
function with respect to roles in P. parvum showed that most
(>50%) of its genes had no matches or functional annotations
to existing databases, owing to the relative scarcity of protistan
sequence data (Caron et al., 2009). Nevertheless, we were able

TABLE 1 | Summary of three transcriptome datasets of Prymnesium


Axenic Bacterized Ciliate

No. of readsa 19,277,859 pairs 33,615,796 pairs 17,560,521 pairs

Size of assembled 55,984 contigs; 47.42 Mbp; N50 = N/A

transcriptomeb 1281 bp; 43,058 predicted genes;
average 800 bp

Reads mapped 77.6% 75.8% 69.3%

back to
FIGURE 1 | Growth of the prymnesiophyte, Prymnesium parvum, in
axenic culture (circles, solid line), in non-axenic culture with attendant Reads mapped 61.5% 62.0% 61.0%
bacterial flora (squares, dashed line), and in axenic culture with the back to predicted
addition of ciliates at late exponential phase (triangles, dotted line). genes
Arrow indicates Day 16 when ciliates were added to the axenic P. parvum
a Afterquality filtering (see Materials and Methods for quality filtering standards).
culture. In the transcriptome experiment, cells were harvested from axenic and
b The transcriptome of axenic and bacterized treatments were combined to generate
bacterized treatment just prior to the addition of ciliates, while cells were
harvested from ciliate treatment ∼6 h after the addition of ciliates. Symbols and an assembly. The ciliate treatment was not included in the assembly to exclude cili-
error bars represent mean ± standard deviation of two replicates. ate sequences from the assembled transcriptome. Only contigs and genes with at least
150 bp were retained for further analysis.

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Liu et al. Prymnesium parvum transcriptome and prey

FIGURE 2 | Distribution of genes according to changes in their

expression levels among three treatments. Numbers in each area indicate
numbers of genes whose expression levels were higher in that treatment
compared to the other two or in two treatments compared to the third.

to infer interesting patterns from changes in the transcriptional FIGURE 3 | Relative expression levels of individual genes of P. parvum
patterns of those genes with putative functions (Figure 3). Genes within different metabolic pathways or functions. Each dot represents an
belonging to the same pathway or metabolic function had very individual gene. X-axis values indicate expression levels in bacterized
similar transcriptional patterns among the treatments. For exam- treatment relative to those in axenic treatment (FPKMbacterized /FPKMaxenic ).
Y-axis values indicate expression levels in ciliate treatment relative to those in
ple, all differential expressed genes associated with fatty acid
axenic treatment (FPKMciliate /FPKMaxenic ). Sizes of the dots are proportional
metabolism had higher expression levels in the presence of either to the number of reads assigned to the genes. Not all genes within certain
prey type and formed a cluster in the upper right quadrant pathways or functions are shown, only those that have differential expression
of Figure 3, while genes associated with iron uptake clustered between at least a pair of treatments. These functions and pathways with
together in the lower left quadrant (i.e., the latter genes had lower significantly differential gene expression were plotted in Figures 3–5 to further
show consistent patterns within each function/pathway that are highlighted in
expression levels in the presence of both prey). Figure 3 also illus- our discussion of core metabolism of P. parvum. For list of genes and their
trates that genes associated with different metabolic functions read counts, FPKM values, and relative expression levels, refer to Table S2.
often demonstrated different transcriptional patterns (as noted
above). While changes in transcription do not necessarily equate
with protein concentrations or enzymatic activities, the tran- responsible for almost every step of the TCA cycle were reg-
scriptional patterns observed in this study provided insights into ulated in strikingly similar patterns as those of fatty acid oxi-
the relationship between P. parvum and the presence of potential dation (Figure 4B). Expression levels of two genes specifically
prey, and different prey types. involved in the glyoxylate cycle, malate synthase and isocitrate
lyase (the rest of the pathway overlaps with the TCA cycle)
Carbon Metabolism increased ∼6-fold in the bacterized treatment relative to the
Genes involved in several carbon metabolism pathways had axenic one, and increased ∼100-fold when ciliates were present
higher expression levels in both treatments with prey, compared (Figure 4C).
to the axenic treatment. Several copies of genes of every step in Expression patterns of glycolysis/gluconeogenesis genes were
the fatty acid oxidation pathway, including acyl-CoA dehydroge- inconsistent among themselves. However, genes involved in the
nase, enoyl-CoA hydratase, 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase, connection between glycolysis/gluconeogenesis and other car-
and acetyl-CoA C-acetyltransferase, had ∼9-fold higher expres- bon pathways had interesting expression patterns. Genes encod-
sion levels when prey, either bacteria or ciliates, were present ing pyruvate carboxylase and PEP carboxykinase had slightly
(Figures 3, 4A). Two genes encoding an electron transfer flavo- higher expression levels in the bacterized treatment, and even
protein gene and an electron transfer flavoprotein ubiquinone higher levels in the ciliate treatment. These two proteins con-
oxidoreductase that also play a role in fatty acid oxidation (Wat- vert pyruvate and TCA cycle metabolites through oxaloac-
mough and Frerman, 2010) had similar transcription patterns etate to PEP, and are generally regarded as gluconeogenic
(Table S2). enzymes. Conversely, PEP carboxylase, which operates in the
Fatty acid oxidation produces a large quantity of acetyl- opposite direction of PEP carboxykinase, decreased significantly
CoA, which can be used in two different pathways in P. in its transcription level in the ciliate treatment (Figure 5,
parvum mitochondria: complete oxidation through the TCA Table S2).
cycle or transformation to succinate through the glyoxylate
cycle, with the former pathway being catabolic and the lat- Nitrogen Metabolism
ter being anabolic. As expected, genes involved in both path- Transcription data suggested dramatic changes in modes of
ways had higher expression levels as a result of increased influx nitrogen acquisition in response to the addition of prey and par-
of acetyl-CoA when prey were available (Figures 4B,C). Genes ticularly to the presence of the ciliates. First, expression levels

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Liu et al. Prymnesium parvum transcriptome and prey

FIGURE 4 | Average expression levels among different groups of are shown for relative expression levels against the axenic treatment of genes
genes of P. parvum in bacterized and ciliate treatment relative to of each pathway or function. For list of genes and their read counts, FPKM
those in axenic treatment. Geometric means ± 95% confidence intervals values, and relative expression levels, please refer to Table S2.

of ammonium uptake genes drastically decreased in the ciliate had significantly higher expression levels in the ciliate treatment
treatment, compared to the other two treatments (Figure 4D). (Figure 5, Table S2).
Those genes include several copies of an ammonium trans-
porter and two periplasmic L-amino acid oxidases. The lat- Photosynthesis
ter two genes were similar to a homolog in the green algal A large number of genes involved in photosynthesis, such as most
species, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, that has been shown to photosynthetic reaction center genes and ribulose-bisphosphate
oxidize extracellular amino acids to release ammonium (Val- carboxylase genes are encoded by the chloroplast genome. Their
lon et al., 1993). Similar although less dramatic transcriptional mRNAs were not retained in the polyA selection process in our
changes were observed for nitrate reduction genes. Nitrate trans- protocol, and their sequences were largely undetected in our
porter, nitrate reductase, ferredoxin-nitrite reductase and several datasets. However, we were still able to obtain transcriptional pat-
nitrite transporters had ∼6-fold lower expression levels in the terns of many chromosomal genes involved in photosynthesis or
ciliate treatment relative to the axenic or bacterized treatment CO2 fixation (Figure 4F). Four genes encoding photosystem I or
(Figure 4E). II proteins were detected in the transcriptome, and all of them
The balance and interconversion between α-ketoglutarate and had higher expression levels when prey were present. The tran-
glutamate is central to nitrogen metabolism, especially amino scriptome also included many copies of chlorophyll a/b binding
acid metabolism, as the pair provide the amino group to most proteins, some of which were among the most actively tran-
if not all amino acids during their biosynthesis, and accept scribed genes. Of these, 20 genes were differentially expressed,
the amino group when they are metabolized. Expression lev- and 17 of those had higher expression levels in the presence
els of glutamine synthetase (GS) and glutamine oxoglutarate of prey. Two genes encoding plant type ferredoxin, the major
aminotransferase (GOGAT), which converts α-ketoglutarate to electron acceptor from photosystem I, increased their expression
glutamate, decreased significantly in the ciliate treatment. On levels in the presence of prey. Three genes encoding carbonic
the other hand, expression levels of glutamate dehydrogenase anhydrases, which supply CO2 to the Calvin cycle, had similar
(GDH), which catalyzes the opposite reaction, increased sig- expression patterns. Two other genes encoding phosphoglycerate
nificantly (Figure 5, Table S2). Meanwhile, an aminotransferase transporters that presumably transport the end products of the
gene, which catalyzes the exchange of amino groups between Calvin cycle outside of chloroplast (Neuhaus and Wagner, 2000)
α-ketoglutarate/glutamate and other amino acids/α-ketoacids, had similar expression patterns (Figure 5, Table S2).

Frontiers in Microbiology | 6 April 2015 | Volume 6 | Article 319

Liu et al. Prymnesium parvum transcriptome and prey

FIGURE 5 | Cellular overview of gene transcription of Prymnesium suppression of functions of P. parvum, respectively, in response to the
parvum under three treatments and hypothetical model of metabolic presence of bacteria in the bacterized treatment. Red shaded arrows and
activities. Transcription levels of select genes, pathways or functions in crosses indicate the same flows and suppressions in response to the
bacterized and ciliate treatments relative to axenic treatment are shown. Blue presence of ciliates in the ciliate treatment. Cellular localizations of proteins
shaded arrows and crosses indicate proposed model of metabolic flows and are based on knowledge of homologs in other protists or in silico predictions.

Other Notable Pathways and Functions although to a lesser degree (∼8-fold) in the ciliate treatment
Twenty-seven genes encoding ribosomal proteins exhibited sim- (Figure 4H).
ilar transcriptional patterns. On average, their expression lev- Expression levels of 14 genes involving in purine biosynthe-
els decreased ∼4-fold in the ciliate treatment compared to the sis increased in both bacterized and ciliate treatments compared
axenic treatment (Figure 4G). The same genes had slightly higher to axenic treatment (Figure 4I). Most of the 15 genes encode
expression levels (∼2 fold) in the bacterized treatment compared proteins involved in the early, generic part of the purine biosyn-
to the axenic treatment. thesis pathway. Therefore, it was unclear whether there was a
Genes encoding three proteins involved in iron uptake were targeted increase in adenine or guanine biosynthesis. In compar-
regulated similarly. They include the low iron inducible periplas- ison, pyrimidine biosynthesis genes did not change significantly
mic protein FEA1 and two high affinity iron permeases FTR1. among the three treatments.
FEA1 has been shown to be one of the major proteins excreted Genes responsible for the biosynthesis of prymnesins are
by iron deficient Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (Allen et al., 2007). not yet fully characterized. However, since the two identified
FEA1 may also facilitate iron uptake when expressed heterolo- prymnesins are polyketides (Igarashi et al., 1996), it has been
gously in yeast and plants (Narayanan et al., 2011). FTR1 is part speculated that polyketide synthases play an important role in
of a high affinity iron uptake system consisting of a permease and the synthesis of prymnesins (Manning and La Claire, 2010).
an oxidase (Stearman et al., 1996). The transcriptional levels of Eleven different genes annotated as polyketide synthase were
these three genes were ∼30-fold lower in the bacterized treat- found in the transcriptome. Among them, only one had differen-
ment than in the axenic treatment. Those levels also decreased, tial expression (slightly higher in the ciliate treatment), the other

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Liu et al. Prymnesium parvum transcriptome and prey

10 were not differentially expressed in any of the treatments. or one consisting of largely a ciliated protist with a background
Homologs of the genes previously studied by qPCR (Freitag et al., assemblage of bacteria. We realize the lack of replication in
2011) were among those not differentially expressed. our transcriptome study and therefore have been purposefully
Three different phosphate transporters were differentially conservative in our interpretation of the data. In many cases,
expressed. However, the pattern of their expression among the different genes involved in the same pathway had similar
three treatments was not consistent. An ABC-type and a Pho4 transcription patterns (Figure 3), thereby providing a level of
family phosphate transporter both had higher expression levels confidence to their collective transcription patterns. Inference
(∼4-fold) in the ciliate treatment. A sodium-dependent phos- from the data was only drawn in those cases, and was never based
phate transporter had higher expression levels in the bacterized on the transcription pattern of a single gene. We also recognize
treatment (∼4-fold). and acknowledge the complexity of the ciliate treatment in that
many factors could have affected gene transcription of P. parvum
Discussion leading to difficulties in attributing P. parvum response to a
specific factor. Those factors include ciliate cells, bacterial cells,
Comparison with Previous Gene Expression nutrients from the ciliate culture, and nutrients released as a
Studies consequence of ciliates consuming bacteria. We assume that
The size of the P. parvum transcriptome is comparable P. parvum gene transcription changes in the ciliate treatment
to other protistan transcriptomes in the Marine Microbial were likely the result of its predation on ciliates because ciliate
Eukaryote Transcriptome Sequencing Project (https://www. biomass greatly outweighed bacterial biomass in that treatment,, the transcriptomes of other prym- but dissolved substances released by the ciliates may also have
nesiophytes (Koid et al., 2014), and protistan genomes in gen- elicited responses from the alga. Regardless, our results clearly
eral (Caron et al., 2009). The transcriptome was also compared indicated that P. parvum killed prey and acquired nutrients in
to EST data previously obtained for P. parvum. Out of 6286 their presence, and also provided insights into the response of
EST sequences generated for P. parvum strain UTEX no. 2797 specific metabolic processes affected by the presence of other
(La Claire, 2006), 5626 (89.5%) had a homolog in the transcrip- microorganisms.
tome of clone UOBS-LP0109 obtained in this study, with aver- The transcriptomic data obtained in this study indicate some
age nucleotide sequence identity of 98.9%. Out of 17,153 EST shared changes in gene expression to the presence of bacte-
sequences generated for P. parvum strain RL10 (Beszteri et al., ria or ciliates (relative to the alga grown axenically), as well
2012), 14,271 (83.2%) had a homolog in this transcriptome, with as some changes that were specific to these two types of prey
average nucleotide sequence identity of 95.8%. The numbers of assemblages. For carbon metabolism, expression levels of genes
shared genes were probably slight underestimates because of the involved in fatty acid metabolism and the TCA cycle were higher
limitations of the de novo short read assembly. P. parvum strain in both treatments with prey (Figures 4A,B). This finding indi-
UOBS-LP0109 shares a large numbers of genes with both other cates that P. parvum probably used fatty acids from both prey
strains, but was more closely related to strain UTEX no. 2797 types. Changes in expression levels of genes involved in the gly-
than strain RL10 in terms of both percentage of shared genes and oxylate cycle, pyruvate carboxylase, PEP carboxykinase, and PEP
sequence similarity. This finding is not surprising considering the carboxylase were much more dramatic in the ciliate treatment
proximity of the sources of strain UOBS-LP0109 (Lake Texoma, than in the bacterized treatment (Figure 5). This implies that
on the border of Oklahoma and Texas) and strain UTEX no. 2797 organic carbon from prey was used in different ways in those
(Texas). Many of the most frequently-encountered ESTs in the two treatments. Specifically, it seemed that more fatty acids were
study of strain UTEX no. 2797 (La Claire, 2006), such as multiple used for biomass production and less for energy production in
chlorophyll-binding proteins, ABC-type phosphate transporter, the ciliate treatment (Figure 5).
and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, were also among the In nitrogen metabolism, significant changes in gene expres-
genes with the most read pairs. sion were only observed in the ciliate treatment. The presence
of ciliates led to dramatic decreases in expression levels of genes
Nutrient Uptake from Prey involved in inorganic nitrogen uptake, especially ammonium
Numerous studies have documented the ability of P. parvum to uptake (Figures 3, 4D). On the other hand, the transcription
kill or prey on a variety organisms, ranging from bacteria to pho- patterns of GS, GOGAT, GDH and an aminotransferase gene
totrophic and heterotrophic protists, zooplankton and even fish indicate increased catabolism of amino acids in the ciliate treat-
(Tillmann, 2003; Southard et al., 2010; Remmel and Hambright, ment (Figure 5). Collectively, these data suggests that amino
2012). It has been reported that heterotrophic nutrition by this acids, presumably obtained either directly from the ciliate or
toxic, mixotrophic alga may provide a substantial percentage of mediated by the ciliate (i.e., perhaps as a consequence of cil-
the macronutrients and carbon required for growth (Carvalho iate predation on co-occurring bacteria), were metabolized in
and Granéli, 2010). However, the specific contribution to algal P. parvum. Nitrogen needs of P. parvum were likely satisfied
nutrition provided by consumed prey remains unclear, and there by the influx of organic nitrogen, which led to the suppression
is virtually no information on how P. parvum might respond of inorganic nitrogen uptake. In all, these data imply that cil-
at the cellular or molecular level to the availability of prey. We iates might be a very effective nitrogen source for P. parvum
evaluated changes in gene transcription of the alga in response in nature. Ciliates have been shown to be an important source
to two different prey assemblages: a mixed bacterial assemblage, of nitrogen for other mixotrophic protists in nitrogen-limited

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Liu et al. Prymnesium parvum transcriptome and prey

environments (Bockstahler and Coats, 1993; Smalley and Coats, ribosome synthesis levels could be a good measure for growth
2002). This hypothesis is also consistent with previous findings (Rudra and Warner, 2004). The expression levels of genes encod-
that have reported greater toxicity of P. parvum under nitrogen ing P. parvum ribosomal proteins increased only slightly in the
or phosphate limitation (Johansson and Granéli, 1999; Granéli bacterized treatment compared to levels observed for the axenic
and Johansson, 2003; Hambright et al., 2014), and suppression treatment (Figure 4G). However, P. parvum did not grow signif-
of toxicity when high doses of ammonium are provided (Grover icantly faster in the presence of bacteria (Figure 1). On the other
et al., 2007, 2013). hand, the expression levels of these genes decreased in the cili-
Expression levels of genes involved in iron uptake decreased ate treatment (Figure 4G), implying P. parvum synthesized fewer
sharply in the presence of bacteria, and to a lesser degree in the ribosomes. Although the addition of ciliates in the late exponen-
ciliate treatment (Figure 4H). Both prey assemblages were likely tial phase maintained growth of P. parvum, that growth rate was
sources of iron for P. parvum in our experiment, although it slower than that of an axenic culture in the early-mid exponen-
would appear that bacteria alone were more effective in making tial phase (p < 0.001, ANOVA, Figure 1). The treatments with
iron accessible than the ciliate. This finding is consistent with the prey did support slightly higher yields of the alga relative to the
varied and complex relationships known to occur between phyto- axenic P. parvum culture. This outcome is presumably a result
plankton and co-occurring bacteria (Amin et al., 2012). Maranger of the additional nutrients available from the prey or the culture
et al. (1998) experimentally demonstrated that the ingestion of medium of the prey. Overall, our findings are consistent with a
bacteria by a different mixotrophic phytoflagellate, Ochromonas previous study in which P. parvum fed Rhodomonas salina did
sp., provided iron for cellular growth of the alga. We speculate not grow faster than a monoculture of P. parvum, even under
that the digestion of ingested prey by P. parvum may meet the nutrient deficient conditions (Carvalho and Granéli, 2010).
iron requirement for growth of the alga and thereby reduce the One possible explanation for the lack of increased growth rate
need for iron uptake and transport. Alternatively, iron availabil- in the presence of prey is the cost of making heterotrophic cellu-
ity may be increased in the presence of other microbes, obviating lar machinery when prey become available. However, we did not
a requirement for phagotrophy by P. parvum. For example, pre- observe an initial decrease followed by later recovery in growth
dation on bacteria by heterotrophic protists has been shown to rate that would be expected if such hypothesis were true. Addi-
relieve iron stress of co-occurring algae (Barbeau et al., 1996). tionally, killing of the ciliate cells started almost instantaneously
Most previous studies of P. parvum have focused on the impor- when they were added to the P. parvum culture, suggesting P.
tance of nitrogen and phosphate contained in prey biomass as parvum was already toxic and predatory when growing axeni-
a factor in the toxicity of the alga, since N:P ratio has a direct cally. Therefore, a more likely explanation is that P. parvum is
impact on the toxicity of P. parvum (Granéli et al., 2012). Our critically dependent on some aspect of phototrophy, and that
results broaden these findings to include the possible importance phototrophy presents a bottleneck controlling growth rate, at
of iron to the metabolism of P. parvum. The bacterial assem- least under the specific growth conditions employed in this study.
blage in our culture was part of the native bacterial assemblage A photosynthetic bottleneck is implied by the observation that
occurring during a P. parvum bloom. It would be interesting to P. parvum cannot grow or survive in the dark even when prey
determine whether P. parvum has a preference among different are available at high abundances (Carvalho and Granéli, 2010;
bacteria as a means of acquiring iron. Brutemark and Granéli, 2011). The only known exception to this
rule is that P. parvum can grow very slowly in the dark when
Contribution of Predation to the Growth of supplied with high concentrations of certain organic compounds
P. parvum (Rahat and Jahn, 1965). However, the concentrations of organic
The ciliate employed in the study, Uronema marina, was readily compounds required for its growth in the dark are much higher
killed when introduced into cultures of P. parvum at high abun- than concentrations that would be experienced in nature. The
dance. The process involved immobilization and attachment of mechanism and metabolic details of such growth are unknown.
several algal cells to each ciliate, as has been described previ- Carvalho and Granéli (2010) suggested that photosynthesis
ously (Tillmann, 2003). Bacterivory has also been reported for and phagotrophy in P. parvum might supplement each other,
P. parvum (Nygaard and Tobiesen, 1993), although ingestion of employing “co-metabolism” for growth. Our results do not
bacteria was not confirmed in our study. It has been speculated directly support this hypothesis, since the presence of prey in our
that prey capture and digestion by P. parvum provide substantial study did not enhance growth rate per se beyond that enabled
sources of major nutrients (N, P) or organic carbon for energy by phototrophic growth. However, one observation in our study
and growth (Carvalho and Granéli, 2010; Granéli et al., 2012). was at least partially consistent with their hypothesis. A num-
Our transcriptional data supported this hypothesis, for nitrogen ber of genes involved in photosynthesis, although far from com-
and carbon. plete and conclusive, increased their expression levels in response
Many mixotrophic protists grow faster when prey are avail- to prey despite the fact that there was no difference in light
able compared to axenic growth (Sanders, 2011). Surprisingly, conditions during the experiment. The presence of prey may
our transcriptional data and our direct measurements of growth have relieved some of the cellular processes required to obtain
of the alga indicated that P. parvum did not grow faster despite its major nutrient elements (e.g., N), as evidenced by changes in
demonstrable predatory behavior. Protein synthesis at ribosomes gene expression among our experimental treatments. As a con-
is a huge component of cell growth, therefore ribosome synthesis sequence, more resources might have been made available for
could at least in part reflect cell growth. It has been proposed that making the photosynthetic apparatus. Alternatively, prey may

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Liu et al. Prymnesium parvum transcriptome and prey

have provided some micronutrient(s) that support photosynthe- both the bacteria and the ciliate, organic nitrogen in the form of
sis. For example, increased availability of iron may have had a amino acids from the ciliate, and iron from the bacteria. Despite
positive effect on photosynthesis since the photosynthetic appa- the nutrient gains, P. parvum did not grow faster, implying that
ratus includes many proteins and cofactors that contain Fe-S its growth is ultimately controlled by its photosynthetic activity,
clusters. at least in the cases of tested prey types. Our study revealed tran-
It was unclear from our transcriptomic data where or how scriptional behaviors of P. parvum in response to prey availability,
nutrients acquired by P. parvum from its heterotrophic activi- and has led to several testable hypotheses relating to interactions
ties were used, since growth rate was not noticeably enhanced. between P. parvum and its prey. These results provide the neces-
One possibility is storage, possibly in carbohydrates. Some of our sary foundation for future molecular studies regarding the con-
data supported this hypothesis as expression levels of some glu- tribution of prey for growth and maintenance of this ecologically
coneogenic genes increased in treatments with prey, especially and economically important organism.
in the ciliate treatment (Figure 5). However, genes involved in
starch biosynthesis were not significantly regulated. Other forms Acknowledgments
of storage are also possible, although there were no transcrip-
tional data indicating which form. If this hypothesis is true, it This research is funded by the Gordon and Betty Moore Founda-
means that P. parvum may be acquiring nutrients from prey tion through Grant GBMF3299 to DAC and KBH. This sequenc-
and storing them for growth when conditions are amenable for ing effort was funded in part by the Gordon and Betty Moore
photosynthesis. This is consistent with the observation that P. Foundation through Grant GBMF2637 to the National Center for
parvum took up nitrogen and phosphorus from Myrionecta rubra Genome Resources.
but did not grow in the dark (Brutemark and Granéli, 2011).
Our study investigated expression of a wide range of genes in Supplementary Material
the mixotrophic protist P. parvum in the presence or absence of
two different prey assemblages. Our gene expression data clearly The Supplementary Material for this article can be found
indicated that P. parvum obtained a variety of nutrients from its online at:
prey including organic carbon in the form of fatty acids from 2015.00319/abstract

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