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Mariam Aloboody Aloboody 1

English Comp 1211

Professor Renyolds

12 April 2021

Healthy Weight Loss

Weight loss can be hard on anyone who is trying to achieve and maintain weight loss.

Every New Year's Eve the gym ger twice as fuller because everyone is convinced that exercise is

the solution. However, what people fail to understand is that everyone has a different body type

and there are different approaches for everyone. Nutrition and what the food we consume is an

especially crucial factor to maintain weight loss. It is okay, to eat what is craved however there is

portion control as well as eating plenty of low-calorie food but, eating so much of it. It is not

needed to be on a diet or weight loss supplements such as pills to see a progress in the body.

Now, everybody has a different body type and no matter how hard they try to lose weight there

are medical factors that are preventing them from completing their goals such as diabetes,

thyroid problems etc. Is exercise the most beneficial way for weight loss? Research and experts

say that exercise alone is not beneficial for fast seeing results in weight loss. there are other

factors that need incorporated with exercising to see weight loss results. With excessive amounts

of exercise and no nutrition relation can cause a lack in weight loss, which will cause lack in

motivation leaving people to quit. When people all around the world are looking to lose weight

and wear themselves out by exercising excessively and not eating the right nutrients will quit

before they see results. There are many ways to maintain a balanced weight through exercise and
nutrition. However, more underlying issues make it hard for some people to maintain a healthy

diet such as, medical conditions, anxiety and depression, and nutrition.

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Self-monitoring or self-control can be used as a good factor for people who struggle with

obesity and weight loss. This is used with digital health tools such as a fit bit or an apple watch

can be used to track the calories being consumed because consuming more energy than it Is

burned will cause any humans to gain weight. Staying active and eating lean can be the solution

for most of the population. The obesity rate has gone from around 30% In 2002 to 40% in 2017.

That is a 10% increase. This is caused by people's lack in portion control and physical activity.

However, there is scientific evidence that exercise and nutrition is the best result for natural

weight loss. However, various psychological and biological factors influence that comes with

trying to lose weight can cause lack of motivation and more cravings to food. Some people look

at food as comfort so, when feeling stressed, unmotivated, or sad this can cause more people to

eat unhealthy foods for the comfort of it. Loss in weight there are also biochemical explanations

that people should not lose weight. According to a 2017 report covered by Medical News Today,

defective brain signals can encourage obesity by reducing the amount of fat burned after eating.

Mental health issues could also influence weight loss attempts in 2018, according to a 2018


Losing weight can be tough, but it is doable. Researchers highlight data that suggests

emerging innovations are useful in weight loss management in a recent article. Weight loss was

positively associated with 74 percent of treatments, including digital self-monitoring. The

relationship between self-monitoring and weight loss did not differ significantly depending on

the form of self-monitoring used, such as diet, exercise, weight, or a combination of these.
Tracking weight loss progress was higher for the people who used digital rather than paper-based

methods. Based on this research, it is recommended that using modern wellness apps to chart

one's weight loss journey. Self-monitoring promotes responsibility for diet and workout


There are many people who have tried everything in their power to slim down and when

it becomes an obstacle where there is no progress, weight loss is a constant battle. Some and for

others it can be very fulfilling but, for those who are having emotional challenges can have a

more difficult time fulfilling their own ideal body image. Firstly, healthy and natural weight loss

is identifying the issue, what is causing all the emotional distress. Is it a self-esteem issue or a

personal problem because whatever it is once addressed it will be beneficial in what is needed to

achieve if it is weight loss or weight gain. Humans are people that stick to their patterns. Routine

provides relief to humans. When a routine involves diet and health patterns that have resulted in

an excessive weight gain. For people reach out to those familiar behaviors when things are

rough. These patterns provide temporary relief from pain. These are the most common emotional

problems that people face while trying to lose weight. Personal or childhood trauma, stress,

depression, and a distorted body image are only a few examples. For example, childhood trauma

research has found kids who have experienced sexual assault, physical abuse, and peer bullying

have a higher rate of obesity. Obviously, not every kid with childhood trauma will be obese

guaranteed however, there is a connection there. Researchers not sure whether depression is the

cause to weight loss or weigh gain. In the article, “How to Overcome 5 Psychological Blocks to

Weight Loss,” it states that, “In some people, [depression can cause weight loss due to the lack of

appetite... Common depression symptoms such as, fatigue and insomnia can make weight loss

difficult. As well as antidepressant that are prescribed can cause weight gain].” (Frey). This
exemplifies that believe depression or stress can lead to weight loss or weight gain and that is

due to the underlying issue of how people deal with these factors.

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Stress is another significant factor in weight loss or gain. For some people eating feels

good. Some people under stress use food to comfort themselves. This issue can cause various

unhealthy factors because if coping with stress is the only way with food it will be exceedingly

difficult to try to stay in shape or fit. Having other coping mechanisms that help deal with stress

can be beneficial on a human being. For example, in the article, How to Overcome 5

Psychological Blocks to Weight Loss, it says, “[Researchers have found evidence to prove that

excessively over eating is a common factor of coping mechanisms that deal with stress. This

strategy is used for the people who are dealing with a lot of stress and tend to be overweight.]”

(Frey). This is an indicator that stress can be a leading cause of weight gain. Also, negative body

image is an issue so many females face every day. There is an unrealistic expectation on how a

female should be shaped or how she should look due to social media platforms such as,

Instagram, Tik-Tok and twitter of how females flaunting an image that is very impractical and

can leave girls with a negative body image on themselves. In the article, How to Overcome

Psychological Blocks to Weight Loss, it states, “[Evidence suggests that people who are

overweight experience body dissatisfaction more common than the people with average

weight.]” (Frey). This exemplifies how people with whoa are obesity have a higher

dissatisfaction rather than those with normal weight.

More than 66% of adults and almost 33% of adolescents and kids in the United States are

faced to be obese and overweight. 45 percent of overweight people and 67 percent of obese
people in the United States are attempting to lose weight. Following a balanced eating plan,

lowering food consumption, and participating in physical exercise, according to health

researchers, is the first step for maintaining a healthy and sustainable weight. However, since

changing one's routine can be daunting, people often resort to weight loss pills or capsules in the

expectation that these drugs can help them more quickly. Dietary supplements are used by 15

percent of Americans more women than men. However, Americans 2.1 billion dollars (about $7

per person in the US) year just on weight loss supplements.

Dietary supplements can be used in forms of medications such as, tablets, capsules, even

drinks and gummies. The main reason people consume supplements is for weight loss. For

example, the article, “Dietary Supplements for Weight Loss”, it states, “The U.S Government

Accountability office has concluded due to distinct evidence and research there is little to none

evidence on just how productive dietary supplements are. Many weight loss supplements can be

pricey and when taking with other medications can cause high risk complications. So, it is highly

necessary to check the ingredients of each dietary supplement used when taking other medication

as well.]” (National Institue's of Health). This states how even researchers are not aware of how

effective weight loss pills are and it can cause complications when taken with another


It is very more effective if Americans follow the natural guide to weight loss which is

being on a calorie defect and committing to physical activity to at least sixty minutes a day.

Although, there are many healthy remedies to consider when trying to promote weight loss such

as, apple cider vinegar. The benefits that come with digesting apple cider vinegar has a lot of

health benefits such as antioxidant effect which helps with weigh management and lowering high

cholesterol and reducing blood sugar.

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Exercise, along with diet, is essential in managing weight and trying to remain healthy.

For the reduce of weight, the calories being consumed must match the energy being expend. For

weight lose management, users need to expend more calorie intake. Now, benefit of exercise is

more than just weight loss, it reduces the risk of heart disease. Exercise helps to support the heart

and circulatory system. The increased blood pressure increases the body's oxygen levels. This

reduces the chances of developing heart problems. For example, exercise reduces high

cholesterol and coronary artery disease. Exercise on a regular basis will also help to lower the

blood pressure and triglyceride levels. Also, exercise helps the body manage high levels of

insulin and sugar. For example, in the article, “Benefits of Exercise”, it states, “[Exercise can

help reduce high insulin levels and reduce excessive blood sugar. Exercise is strong reducer for

type two diabetes and heart disease and if already diagnosed with one of those diseases, exercise

can help treat the disease.]” (Medline Plus). This statement exemplifies how exercise is

beneficial not only for weight loss but can reduce the risk for some serious illness such as

metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes as well as cancer in the lungs, breasts, or colon.

Exercise helps improve mental health and mood swings. When working out the human

body releases chemicals that can make the mind and body more relaxed. Exercise is one of the

best stress reliefs. As well as reduce depression when working out. Exercise improves sleep and

can make a human live longer by good health. However, with busy schedules and with work and

kids millions of people worldwide have a hard time finding time to exercise. making little

changes every day can go a long way. For example, taking the dog on a walk or be active with

friends and family. Also, there a different way to making exercising fun, there is swimming,
which is a killer workout, Zumba, which is a fast dance class, as well as yoga, which is relaxing,

but challenging. Aloboody 7

it is no wonder that number of calories being consumed, has a major effect on one’s

weight. Consume a regular number of calories that the human body will burn off over a time

period. When people eat more than the body burns, people gain weight. When users eat less,

users lose weight. So, nutrition plays a big role in weight loss. The positive thing is that many of

the foods that help avoid illness and help with weight management, such as wheat, vegetables,

and citrus. Many of the foods that raise disease risk—most notably processed food and soda also

contribute to weight intake.

People should not consume supplements or diets on their own. Eating meals that fit into a

larger eating schedule, and studies have started to investigate whether such diets or meal

schedules aid in weight loss or lead to weight gain. Significant sizes in portion have risen over

the past thirty years and has fast food intake by children in the United States. There is mounting

research that the same nutritious food preferences and dietary habits that help reduce heart

disease, diabetes, and other chronic diseases can help maintain a healthy weight. The main goal

is to reduce the intake of unhealthy treats, processed grains, rice, and junk food. For example, in

the article, “Beyond Willpower: Diet Quality and Quantity Matter”, it states, “[Small changes of

the diet may seem small but considerably will make a big effect because over time it will affect

the whole society. Since people choices are based on the environment. It is the government's

responsibility to promote less processed food and a healthier sustainable environment where we

a prone to having more fresh and organic foods.]” (Food and Diet). This statement exemplifies

how the way humans eat is due to our surroundings and the government should do something

about all the processed food and meal portions today and to make healthy organic food more

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There are many medical reasons to why people are not losing weight, whether following

a strict diet and constantly working out. Some people do not seem to see any differences. There

are many medical reasons that associate with why people cannot lose weight. For example, there

is chronic stress, Cushing syndrome, hypothyroidism, polycystic ovary syndrome, syndrome x,

and hormonal changes in women. Chronic stress is when living with constant stress and anxiety

the human body give off chemicals called hormone cortisol its likely to make the human body

store more fat around the waist. Cushing syndrome is the adrenal glands about the kidney

produce excess amount of cortisol which makes fat build up on one's face, stomach, and upper

back. Hypothyroidism the thyroid in a human body is not producing enough thyroid hormones

that help burn fat due to this the metabolism slows down, causing unpredicted weight gain.

Polycystic ovary syndrome afflicts almost five million women in the United States the most

common symptoms are hormonal bleeding, acne, facial hair, and being infertile. This causes

weight gain that is not from overeating. Syndrome X causes unnecessary weight gain of high

insulin levels. Lastly, hormonal changes in women can cause unwanted weight to gain due to

puberty and menopause.

However, there are many health conditions to why a person is gaining unwanted weight

without excessively eating and still are somewhat active. There are many different medical

reasons but checking up with the doctor if excessively gaining weight for no reason is always a

good call. For example, in the article, “Why Aren’t You Losing Weight”, it states, [There are

plenty of things that can cause excessive weight gain and even provoke weight loss. There are

about two more things to take into consideration that medical issues and the excessive use of
alcohol and wine can be the reason for excessive weight gain alcohol may contribute to high

insulin levels as well as excessively increase blood sugar which will lead to weight gain.]”

(Sorgen). This statement exemplifies how there are multiple reasons to why people are gaining

excessive weight due to medical conditions or even alcohol.

Overall, there are many ways to stay healthy and maintain a balanced weight however,

there can be underlying barriers that make it more difficult than others. Many people suffer from

depression and anxiety that go to food for comfort. As well as plenty of medical conditions that

result into excessive weight gain. It is even more difficult to try to stay in shape due to

surroundings of one's environment. There is excessive fast food in the United States and bigger

portion meals than any other country. There are many ways to maintain a healthy weight without

taking dietary supplements such as, capsules or pills that show little to no effect. There are digital

apps and watches that help track calories and prevent unwanted weight gain. Or if suffering from

medical conditions that cause unnecessary weight gain it's always good to talk to a doctor that

can prescribe the medication needed. Nevertheless. It is always good to exercise at least sixty

minutes a day as well as eat as clean as possible.

Works Cited

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Cox, Carla E. “Role of Physical Activity for Weight Loss and Weight Maintenance.” Diabetes

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