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Japan International Science and

Mathematics Olympiads (JISMO) – 2020


Ruby : Nicholas Jayden Zein (P3)

Devan Dharma Dwiadmojo (P3)
Nicholas Tanaja (P5)

Emerald : Arleen Warner ongkojoyo (P4)

Ryu Adhikumara (P6)
Sapphire : Winston Wibowo Ongko (P3)
Allan Sven Motanto (P3)
Claire Susanto (P5)

Good Effort : Effen Valerina (P3)

Marcell Fredson Kuncoro(P4)
Japan International Science and
Mathematics Olympiads (JISMO) – 2020


Emerald : Marcell Fredson Kuncoro (P4)

Good Effort : Sophie Eloise Husein (P3)

Nicholas Jaden Husein (P5)

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