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Complete each statement with the correct answer

. 1.Rita says, “_____.”

a. I have two children

b. I have two girls and a boy

c. I have a boy and a girl

2. How many children does Mauro have?

a. Three kids

b. One grandson

c. A son and a daughter

3. When the interviewer says, “Do you have any siblings” he means, “Do you have any ____?”

a. children

b. brothers or sisters

c. parents

4.Maiko is:

a. The youngest sister

b. The oldest sister

c. an only chil

d 5. Maiko’s brother is

a. Tall, skinny and handsome

b. Short, fat and charming

c. Tall, funny and fit.

Complete the sentences. Circle the correct words.

1.Cheryl has (a son and a daughter / a brother and a sister).

2.Cheryl says her (mother / grandfather) is not old.

3.Cheryl’s sister has a (daughter / husband).

4.Cheryl says her sister’s (son / brother) is so young.

B. Write in front of each statement if it is True or False

1.Cheryl’s brother is thirty-four. / True

2.Cheryl’s brother is an architect. / False

3.Cheryl’s brother has a wife. / True

4.Cheryl’s sister has a son. / True

5.Cheryl’s sister’s husband is a doctor. / False

6.Cheryl’s mother is eighty-five. /False

7.Cheryl is in one of the pictures. /True

Part 2: Writing (Forum) a) Using the eBook’s vocabulary and expressions, describe at least 4 members of
your family and 1 friend. Write a short text description for each one including the following information:
- Describe the physical appearance - Personality.

Positive and negative qualities (e.g., “My stepfather is really generous”. - Occupations - Describe their
relationships (e.g., “He is my aunt’s husband”.)


Simon is Forty-nine years. Its tall, and plump; He has a blond and short hair and sometimes he has a
beard. In the back has a tattoo, a birthmark and many moles, his face is round and pale and he is good
looking. Simon is responsible, polite, funny and hard worker. he is talkative but is not a liar. He is honest,
sociable and clever. He is as cheerful as me. His negatives qualities are boring, sometimes obnoxious, a
little intolerant and drastic. He has a Hotel- Restaurant, his profession is chef but he has many
occupations in the day. He has to clean the hotel, serve customers and cook. He is my father.

Janeth is Fifty-one years. She is kind of height and slim. She has a long, curly and fair hair. She has some
gray hair. In her front has a mole and she has no tattoos. Her face is thin and she is pretty and elegant.
Janeth is sociable, talkative, cheerful, responsible and is not insecure. Her negatives qualities are nasty,
distant and discuss on several occasions. She works as a freelancer; she is a very good seller but in
seasons she has many occupations. She has customer service and manage different types of vacations
homes. She is my mother.

Karen is seventeen years. She is young and she is as height as my mother and slim. She has a long,
straight and black hair. Sometimes she uses a ponytail. In the arm she has a birthmark and she has no
tattoos. Her face is thin, is attractive, little pale and she has a many freckle. Karen is cheerful, funny,
sociable and talkative. Her negatives qualities are selfish, nasty and lazy. She has not occupations, she
likes make up and I think her occupations are watching videos, chatting on social media. In her house
she helps with the homework. She is My uncle’s daughter.

Nicolas is fourteen years. He is young, thin and he is short. He has a short and brown hair. Sometimes he
is bald. In the leg he has a birthmark and he has many freckles. His face is thin and little round, he is
handsome. Nicolas is very funny, happy and he is not quiet is very noisy. In the school is very sociable
and talkative. His negatives qualities are talks to much, he argues a lot with his brother, sometimes he is
weird and lazy. He is student his occupations every day is study, he does his task from the school and he
helps with the homework. Also take care his sister baby. He is my brother.


Juan Carlos is twenty-three years. He is young, tall and tanned. He has a short and black hair. He has a
one tattoo in the arm. He has a many freckle. His face is thin. He is good looking and well dressed.
Usually he uses suit, he is elegant and clever. He is very generous. Juan is very sociable but he is not
talkative, is polite, responsible, honest and hard worker. He works every day fore alone time. His
negatives qualities are insecure and lazy. He is accountant, his occupations are tax audits and study in
the university. He is my boyfriend’s best friend.

b) Then, describe the place where you live.

I live in Bogota the capital of Colombia. I live in a small apartment in a nice neighborhood, safe but it is
expensive. My apartment is cozy and I have two cats. In the building many families have pets. In the
building there is a park and basketball court. the building have security and many plants. I live in a
tower on the fifth floor. The view is beautiful

c) Talk about your household routines and chores

Four people live in my house. We have different routines. My routine is wake up, make the bed , brush
my teeth ,cook the breakfast and look the university platform. Actually I work from home in a costumer
service call center . I work until eight pm . Sundays all clean the house , we wash clothes, we wash the
bathrooms , we clean the sofas and we don’t cook . The apartment is small , that is why the daily task
are not many. We work in the apartment and we rested the Sundays. The chores also are take out the
trash, clean the cat littler box, clean the table, watering plants , clean the dirty deashes and sometimes
go to supermarket

d) Describe your room and the furniture in it

My room its big and comfortable. I have a bed, a window, a curtain, a white desktop and a chair., In a
desktop have a computer, teddies, nail polishes and photos with my boyfriend. My room have a large
closet with three 0rganizade and a basket for dirty laundry. I have many books but I dont have a library. I
have also a exercise mat.

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