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Effective Classroom Management Techniques

Harry Wong Says:

 The vast majority of the behavior problems in the classroom are caused by the
failure of students to follow procedures and routines, which in turn are caused by
teachers who do not have procedures and routines.
 Effective teachers MANAGE their classrooms with procedures and routines.
 Ineffective teachers DISCIPLINE their classrooms with threats and punishments.

What is Classroom Management?

Everything a teacher does to organize students, space, time, and materials so that
instruction in content and student learning can take place.
If Pilots have flight plans, Coaches have game plans, Executives have business plans,
then Effective teachers must have a Classroom Management Action Plan. Do you?

4 Characteristics of a Well-Managed Classroom

Characteristics Ineffective Teacher Effective Teacher
1. High Level of student  Teacher is working. Students are working.
2. Clear Student Expecta Teacher says “Know everythin Teacher tells students objective 
tions g in Chapter 3.” of lessons and tests.
 3. Little Wasted Time, C Teacher punishes according to  Teacher has discipline plan and 
onfusion, of Disruption mood. Students always ask wh posts assignments.
at the assignment is.
4. Work-Oriented Teacher tells but does not pra Teacher practices procedures u
ctice procedures. Teacher yells  ntil they become routines and k
and flicks light switch. nows how to bring class to atte

Seven things students want to know on the first day.

Am I in the right room?
1. Where am I supposed to sit?
2. Who is the teacher as a person?
3. Will the teacher treat me as a human being?
4. What are the rules in this classroom?
5. What will I be doing this year?
6. How will I be graded?

Don’t Forget that Smile

 Stand at the classroom door on the first day with a big smile and a warm welcome.
Ensure the students are in the right place.
 Direct the students where to sit.
 Have their first assignment (non-graded) ready and have them get started on it
 Show that you are efficient and competent as a classroom manager and teacher.
(First Impression)

The three most important student behaviors that must be taught the first day of school
are these:

1. Discipline—Have a plan
2. Procedures
3. Routines
Difference between Discipline and Procedures

Discipline concerns how students behave.

Procedures concern how things are done.
Discipline has penalties and rewards.
Procedures have no penalties or rewards.
ROUTINE:  What the students do automatically. (habit)
Students readily accept a uniform set of classroom procedures because it simplifies their
task in succeeding in school. It creates a predictable and consistent environment.

Classroom procedures that MUST become Routines

1. Beginning a class
2. Quieting a Class
3. Student seeking help
4. Movement of students and papers
5. End of Class

The Procedure for Teaching Procedures

Explain.  State, explain, model, and demonstrate the procedure.
Rehearse.  Rehearse and practice the procedure under your supervision. (Must DO!)
Reinforce.  Reteach, rehearse, practice, and reinforce the procedure until it becomes a
student habit or routine. Give Praise.

How to Quiet a Class

Explain that you will raise your hand or tap a bell and the students are to freeze,
turn and face teacher, and be ready for instruction. Model for the students.
Rehearse the procedure by having the students visit quietly for a few minutes. Then
raise your hand or tap a bell.
Reinforce the procedure by correcting any mistakes or giving praise for following
procedure. Then rehearse again and again and again.

How to Start the Day

 Post a list of necessary morning routines such as: (verbally practice for lower
 Put coat and backpack in locker, come into the room, turn in homework, sharpen
pencils, begin morning work.
 Remember to explain, rehearse, reinforce.
 Remember to post your assignments everyday in the same place as well as your

Signal System
The “ineffective” way goes like this……
The “New Effective” way goes like this…
2 Fingers—Sharpen Pencil
3 Fingers—Get Drink/Use Bathroom
4 Fingers—Talk to Teacher
5 Fingers—Need Help

Movement of Paper
The “ineffective” way…..
The “New Effective” Way
Pass across (sideways) putting papers on desks. Never put in hands.

Procedures to Rehearse
Entering the classroom
Listening and answering discussion questions
Keeping a neat desk
Asking questions for understanding
Knowing the schedule
When you are tardy or absent
Turning in papers
Heading a paper
Coming to attention
Walking in the halls
Emergency Procedures
If your pencil breaks
Saying Please and Thank You
When you finish early
When visitors are in the classroom
When a schoolwide announcement is made
If you become sick
Riding the Bus
Going to Lunch
Using the Bathroom—1 at a time

Help Keep the Noise Down

Play classical music at a low level and the students must keep the noise level lower than
the music. It works.
“Do you have a question” to talking students

Attendance Keeper
 Assign a student as the attendance keeper for the week
When the day begins, student puts ‘absent folder’ on desks of absent students
A quick glance will let you know who is absent when roll is taken (after students are
Fill absent folder as the day progresses with assignments missed and assignment sheet

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