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Fast aerodynamic design of a one-stage axial gas turbine in order to

produce a 3D geometry ready for optimization

Artur João Carvalho Batista Soares de Figueiredo

Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa, Portugal

October 2014

The turbine plays a vital role in major industries worldwide, namely in electricity generation and the
aerospace industry. The preliminary design phase of a turbine (one of most important phases of the overall
design, since it sets the tone for all subsequent design stages and results) is nowadays often carried out by
hand. However, in any industry, reducing costs and increasing efficiency are everyday goals. The need for an
automatic, fast and reliable way to perform a preliminary design of an axial turbine in order to produce a
3D geometry ready for optimization brings us to the purpose of this thesis.
The necessary tools for such a preliminary design are nowadays accepted knowledge for any turbine
designer. The purpose of this work is to use this knowledge for the creation of a methodology, coded into a
C program, capable of delivering a feasible and realistic turbine preliminary design ready for optimization,
starting only with data from the engine this turbine belongs to.
Typical thermodynamic analysis of an engine (turboshaft), followed by the application of mean line
analysis and radial equilibrium theory (ISRE and NISRE) and subsequent airfoil selection compose the main
tools in this design. Loss calculation is included with Soderberg’s correlation in the 1D design (MLA), and
with Craig & Cox’s method in the 2D design (RET).
The objective of this thesis was therefore attained, with the development of a methodology able to deliver
a full 2D design of a turbine and consequently a 3D geometry.
Keywords: turbine design, preliminary, MLA, RET, airfoil.

Acronyms derstanding of the process of airfoil choosing (3D ge-

ometry). In fact, contained in the items previously
Symbol Description
presented, is also the study of historical trends and
ECA Engine Cycle Analysis
good practices of turbine design, knowledge that will
ISRE Isentropic Simple Radial Equilibrium
be passed to the C program developed during this
MLA Mean Line Analysis
thesis, along with different models for loss calculation
NISRE Non-Isentropic Simple Radial Equilibrium
in a turbine.
RET Radial Equilibrium Theory

The understanding of design strategies concerning gas Design Procedure
turbines is of utmost importance for a constantly
changing and demanding World, where providing a This design task can be divided in six fundamental
customer with fast and positive answers is a require- elements: the Engine Cycle Analysis, that regards
ment for success, as well as a task of science. the engine as a whole and takes each element of it as
The objective of this thesis is to develop a pro- a “black-box”; the Mean Line Analysis, comprising
gram that allows a user to obtain a gas turbine 3D the 1D design of the turbine that is the center of our
geometry ready for optimization, starting from global study; the Design Control, with the purpose of check-
data. ing the feasibility of the design; the ISRE, Isentropic
Therefore, the main goals of this thesis concern Simple Radial Equilibrium, a more detailed, 2D anal-
the understanding of the engine cycle analysis and the ysis of the turbine; the NISRE, Non-Isentropic Simple
mean line analysis (1D design), including the influ- Radial Equilibrium, which accounts with the losses in
ence of each variable on feasibility and output power; this 2D design; and finally the Airfoil Selection, which
the understanding of radial equilibrium theory (2D is based on the results from the NISRE and yields a
design) and its application in order to obtain a good 3D geometry. The program structure is presented in
radial design of the turbine in study; and the un- figure 1 in a flow chart.
the figure above from [3], absolute and relative an-
gles, along with tangential velocities, are measured as
positive in the direction of rotation when downstream
of the stator. Downstream of the rotor, these quan-
tities are measured as positive against the direction
of rotation. However, in many documents, absolute
and relative angles, along with tangential velocities,
are measured as positive in the direction of rotation
when downstream of the rotor. When needed be, the
convention may be changed in order to use certain
references. Again, the reader will be warned if such
is the case.

Figure 1: Design Procedure Adiabatic Flow

When referring to the stator, this simply implies the
conservation of total enthalpy, or, since this docu-
Theoretical Background ment always assumes constant cp , conservation of to-
Turbine h-s diagram tal temperature. This results in:
A complete h-s diagram of a turbine, taken from ref- V2 V2
erence [2], is presented below. This diagram will be T1 + 1 = T2 + 2 (1)
2cp 2cp
used as a reference throughout the entire document
for the design and analysis of the turbine. It can be shown that, in the the rotor case, rothalpy,
I, is conserved: I = h0 − U Vθ . This results in:
W22 U2 W2 U2
T2 + − 2 = T3 + 3 − 3 (2)
2cp 2cp 2cp 2cp

Turbine Efficiency
Stage Efficiency
The total to total efficiency, used in this document as
the main reference for stage efficiency calculation is
given by (with a constant cp ):
h01 − h03
ηT T = (3)
h01 − h03ss
Figure 2: Typical h-s diagram for a turbine
Blading efficiency
Blade Geometry The isentropic blading efficiency definition used as a
The following nomenclature is used concerning blade main reference is, in the stator case:
geometry: c is the chord, cx is the axial chord, g is
the pitch, o is the throat, γ is the stagger angle, e is h01 − h2 T01 − T2 V2
η= = = 22 (4)
the back surface radius, b is the backbone length and h01 − h2s T01 − T2s V2s
te is the trailing edge thickness.
The loss in kinetic energy definition here used is:
Turbine Velocity Triangles V22s − V22
It is important to refer the different conventions re- ξ= (5)
garding angles and velocities. First, there are dif-
ferent conventions as to whether the angles should For the rotor the expressions are similar but using
be measured from the axial line or the meridional the relative exit velocity of the rotor, W3 .
line. Hence forth, these conventions shall be referred
to as English and German conventions, respectively. Radial Equilibrium Theory
This document takes the English convention as de- In RET we assume that the flow is axisymmetric, the
fault. However, due to the different references used blade rows do not interact and there are no side forces.
throughout the document, there may be a need to The basic assumption of radial equilibrium theory is
use the German convention at certain sections of this that the radial velocity is zero, Vr = 0. Taking the
thesis. In these situations, the read will be informed. momentum equations of the turbine, according to [3],
The second convention to be discussed regards which we arrive at
is the positive direction of the meridional axis of the dh0 T ds V2 dVθ dVx
reference frame. In this document, and along with − = θ + Vθ + Vx (6)
dr dr r dr dr
For a design exercise one usually takes the total
1 T04 gas

enthalpy as constant, as has been done in this doc- p04 = 1 − 1− p03 (15)
ηgg T03
ument. The following equation shall be used for the  
 κgas −1
ISRE and NISRE computations. κgas −1

T05 = T04 1 + ηpt  (16)
Vθ d (rVθ ) dVx ds p04
+ Vx +T =0 (7)
r dr dr dr
ṁair =  (17)
Engine Cycle Analysis 1+

Cpgas (T04 − T05 )
Engine Architecture
The considered engine ṁf , Pgg and Pc follow.
is a turboshaft engine,
comprising a propeller Mean Line Analysis
driven by a turbine As a first approach to the actual turbine design we
which shall be men- use the mean line analysis, a 1D approach. In this
tioned to as power analysis, an imaginary blade-to-blade plane, tangen-
turbine; a compressor Figure 3: Engine Scheme tial at the mean radius is analysed and considered
driven by another tur- representative of the rest of the turbine (a very rea-
bine which will be referred to as gas generator (and it sonable assumption for stages where hub and tip
is the object of our study) and a combustion chamber. speeds are very similar). By applying this approxi-
Figure 3 shows a schematic view of the engine and mation, we are able to obtain an averaged analysis of
its components, as well as the numbering adopted in the turbine, therefore allowing a basis to start more
order to analyse the engine cycle. complex analysis.
The mean line analysis computes not only the proper-
Global Starting Data ties of the flow, pressure, temperature, Mach number,
It is observable that several scalars are required as the but also the velocity triangles of the turbine at mean
global starting data. These are: the total pressure at radius. In fact, losses are also considered, with focus
the beginning and end of the cycle, the inlet total on the efficiencies of the stator and rotor (for now
temperature, the turbine inlet total temperature, the guessed values that must be checked in the end and
power required for the power turbine, the pressure iterated on).
ratio achievable by the compressor and the heat ca-
pacity ratio and heat capacity at constant pressure
for the flows before and after the combustion cham- Losses
ber. Guesses concerning efficiencies of the compo- Previous Considerations
nents, Πcc and LHV are also needed.
We must note that the loss calculation occurs at the
Calculation Procedure end of each MLA iteration, when certain quantities
The equations here described show the mathematical are already known, enabling us to calculate the ge-
procedure followed at each iteration of the engine cy- ometry figures that are to follow.
cle. We note that ηgg (the total to total efficiency Based on historic trends, we typically assume (this
ηT T of the turbine being designed) is, in the first it- can be changed by the user): r2t = 0.9, allowing the
eration, just a user guess, but shall change according calculation of stator radii. For the rotor exit radii
to Soderberg’s loss correlation, as will be explained calculation, the user can choose between two possi-
later. bilities: to keep the tip radius constant, or to keep
the mean radius constant. This defines all the radii
  κair −1 
1 κ
T02 = T01 1 + Πc air − 1 (8) of the turbine stage.
The chord is taken as constant from hub to tip,
p02 = Πc p01 (9) and it’s calculated using the height of the blade and
Pc typical height to chord ratios. For the stator we
= Cpair (T02 − T01 ) (10) typically have h = 0.5 → 0.8 and for the rotor
ṁair c
p03 = Πcc p02 (11) c = 1.1 → 1.5. Values of 0.65 and 1.15 are assumed
as default.
ṁf Cpgas (T03 − T02 ) The stagger angle prediction is based on the work
= (12)
˙ LHV ηcc − Cpgas (T03 − T02 ) of KACKER, S.C. and OKAPUU, U. in [4].
Pc The trailing edge thickness is also assumed con-
= ṁair (13) stant throughout the radius. There are two types
ṁair ηm
  of trailing edges to be considered: uncooled(0.5 mm)
ṁf Pgg and cooled (1.2 mm). We now present the flowchart
1 + ṁair Cpgas T03 − ṁair
T04 =   (14) (figure 4) for the calculation of the number of blades,
1 + ṁair Cpgas pitch to chord ratio and trailing edge thickness.
Calculation Procedure
This computation is an iterative process. A value
for M3 is guessed at the beginning of the computa-
tion. In the end, a new value for M3 is found and
the cycle restarts until convergence. Several choices
and guesses are used along the way (β3 , U , α2 , Rp ,
ηS , ηR , M3 ). For the sake of simplicity, in the first
approach implemented, the choices made throughout
the cycle deliver a turbine with the minimum possi-
ble exit Mach number, which translates into a higher
Figure 4: Flow chart for the calculation of the number efficiency. The implemented cycle is now presented.
of blades By knowing the guessed value of M3 , we have:
κ − 1 2 κ−1
p3 = p03 1 + M3 (21)
Figures A B and C referred in the previous 2
flowchart are based on the work of Dejc and Tro-  −1
janovskij in [5]. This method allows for the calcu- κ−1 2
T3 = T03 1 + M3 (22)
lation of the pitch based on historic trends. 2
p2 = Rp (p1 − p3 ) + p3 (23)
Soderberg’s Correlation In the first iteration p1 is unknown. Hence, as a first
guess, p01 is used instead.
Soderberg’s correlation is a method for obtaining the v
losses that is based on the space-chord ratio, Reynolds
u 2   −κ !
p2 κ−1
number, aspect ratio (based on axial chord), thickness M2s = t −1 (24)
κ−1 p01
ratio and blading geometry. The method is composed
of a nominal loss and two corrections, one for the as-  −1
pect ratio and another for the Reynolds number. The κ−1 2
T2s = T01 1 + M2 s (25)
nominal loss is given by figure 5. 2
V2s = M2s κRT2s (26)

V2 = V2s ηS (27)
T2 = T01 − (28)
V2 cos (α2 ) = W2 cos (β2 ) (29a)
V2 sin (α2 ) = U + W2 sin (β2 ) (29b)
Figure 5: Soderberg’s nominal loss coefficient ξ Since we know V2 , α2 and U , W2 and β2 follow from
the two equations above.
The thickness to chord ratio shown as label for the

p3 k

different carpet plots is neglected. At this stage of the T3s = T2 (30)

design, we simply take the middle curve as reference
for this 1D analysis. The correction for the aspect W22 W2
T2 + = T3s + 3s (31)
ratio (based on axial chord) follows. 2cp 2cp

 cx  W3 = W3s ηR (32)
ξ = 1+ξ 0.975 + 0.075 −1 (18)
h V3θ = W3 sin (β3 ) − U (33)
Pav = ṁU (V2θ + V3θ ) (34)
[6] suggests that the expression above is valid for ro-
tors, whilst for stator a small correction must be in- In order to reach convergence, we calculate M3 at the
troduced, resulting in the expression below. end of this procedure and feed it back to the begin-
ning of the cycle. At this point, after the iteration
 cx  on M3 , we are able to compute the initial conditions,
ξ = 1+ξ 0.993 + 0.075 −1 (19)
h that is, the conditions on the stator inlet. We first
take the mass flow equation for section 1 and we as-
The last correction concerns the Reynolds number sume the flow fully axial (V1x = V1 ). By taking the
(based on the hydraulic diameter Dh). relation between total temperature, temperature and
1/4 velocity we can write:

000 00
ξ = ξ (20) r s 
ReDh V1 = 2cp T01 1 − T1
T01 = 2cp T01 1 − ρρ01

Since we can calculate ρ01 with ρ01 = RT 01
, we Hence, in the case that PM LA < PECA the follow-
can discover ρ1 by iteration. Therefore, V1 , T1 and p1 ing action is taken, in order of desirability, according
can be calculated. We can go back to the calculation to whatever can help in minimizing M3 or at least
with a new initial guess of p1 to use in equation 23. harm this minimization the least (second and third
Every time a new value of p1 is fed back to the be- choices are only activated if the previous choice is no
ginning of the cycle, the iteration on M3 must occur longer possible due to imposed variable limits): 1)
again. increase α2 ; decrease R; increase β3 .
At the end of the iteration on p1 , the losses are
calculated using Soderberg’s correlation, allowing us Design Control
to find new values to feed back to the beginning of the This control is mostly based on guide lines given in
cycle. Again, every time this happens, until conver- [2], along with suggested actions if the design does
gence on the losses, new iterations on p1 must occur, not comply.
along with the consequent iterations on M3 .
1. 0.85 < M2 < 1.2: increase R if M2 > 1.2 and
decrease R if M2 < 0.85;
Design Veracity, Control and Op-
timization 2. β2 < 45° or M2r < 0.5: 1) decrease α2 ; 2) in-
crease R;
Total to Total Efficiency Convergence
Taking into account figure 2 and assuming that we 3. β2 + β3 < 110°: 1) decrease α2 ; 2) increase R;
have a negligible divergence between the p2 and p3 3) decrease β3 ;
isobars we can assume that the total enthalpy loss
is equal to the sum of the enthalpy losses in stator 4. 0.85 < M3r < 1.3: if M3r < 0.85 increase R(1)
and rotor ((h03 − h03ss ) = (h3 − h3s ) + (h2 − h2s )). and decrease β3 (2); if M3r > 1.3 decrease R(1)
Therefore, it can be demonstrated that: and increase β3 (2);
ηT T = V2 W2
(36) 5. h3 /h2 < 1.2: 1)increase α2 ; 2) decrease β3 ;
ξS 22+ξR 23
1+ h01 −h03
6. α3 < 30°: decrease β3 ;
Therefore, at the end of the mean line analysis, we
have a new value for the parameter ηT T (ηgg in the It may happen that two requirements may demand
ECA) that was given as a guess to the engine cycle counter-actions. If so, when finding a counter-action,
analysis, thus allowing us to iterate between the ECA the program tries using secondary options in order to
and the MLA. satisfy both requirements.

Exit Mach Number Optimization Radial Equilibrium

It is observable that the general trends in the vari-
ables that allow for a smallest as possible exit Mach
We start by taking equation 7 and assuming isen-
number are (within user given limits): Rp as low as ds
tropic behaviour, dr = 0. We observe that by admit-
possible, α2 as high as possible, U as high as possible
ting a certain tangential velocity distribution, we can
and β3 as high as possible. These are only general
compute the axial velocity. The general distribution
individual trends of these variables.
equation is given by:
The initial guess for U is changed, using the val-
ues for the radius calculated at each iteration, until B
the program arrives at a U t ≈ 500 m/s, highest pos- Vθ = Arn ± (37)
sible value due to material limitations. The other
variables, Rp , α2 and β3 are subject to change only The plus sign corresponds to the flow downstream
if really necessary for the purpose of power or design of the rotor and the minus sign corresponds to the flow
control. upstream of the rotor. The three different cases pro-
grammed are presented below, with expressions for
Power Availability the tangential and axial velocity distributions. An
The power delivered by the turbine was calculated important note regarding the equation above is that
in different ways in the engine cycle analysis and the it is written considering the direction of the axis as
mean line analysis. positive in the direction of rotation when downstream
Given that the total to total efficiency is being it- of the rotor. This goes against the convention used in
erated on until convergence, it is expected that the this document. However, for the sake of uniformity
power delivered is the same independently of the for- with most documents regarding this subject, the ex-
mula. Since the convergence is never perfect however, pressions are kept for this part of the calculation only.
small changes may arise. Also, the values imposed to In the end, the results are translated to the conven-
design variables such as α2 or β3 may not be able to tion used in the document, so that they can be used
deliver a turbine with the desired power. for other sections of the design exercise.
Vortex Design In Free Vortex Design we have: this calculation for the stator, we are able to calcu-
late pr02 and T02
, which will be used for the same type
Vθ = (38) of computation for the rotor, as described below. In
r fact, relative quantities are used for the rotor calcu-
We can determine B (different for the stator and lation.
for the rotor) using Vθm = rBm . Therefore, in Free W3θ (r3 ) = V3θ (r3 ) + Ωr3 (45a)
Vortex design,
Vx = const. (39)
r 1
W32x (r3 ) + W32θ (r3 ) (45b)

T3 (r3 ) = T03 (r3 ) −
Constant Degree of Reaction Design 2cp
Vθ = Ar ± (40) κ
T3 (r3 )
p3 (r3 ) = pr02 (r3 ) r (r ) (45c)
Since we know that A and B must be the same T03 3
in front and behind the rotor, we can use mean line
analysis data to find these constants (the same will
be done for the exponential design). This leads to: p3 (r3 )
ρ3 (r3 ) = (45d)
r RT3 (r3 )
r2 2
−2A2 r22 − r2m 2 + 4AB ln

V2x = r2m + V2m
Z r3t
ṁ = 2πr3 ρ3 (r3 )V3x (r3 )dr (45e)
= −2A2 r32 − r3m 2 − 4AB ln rrm3 + V3m

V3x (41b)
x 3 r3h

Exponential Design These integrals were performed in 20 sections

along the radius. In the end, the value obtained for
Vθ = A ± (42) ṁ is compared to the one calculated in the engine
cycle analysis. The initial guess of Vxm is changed ac-
cordingly, until convergence. All distributions of tem-
V2x = −2A2 ln rrm2 − 2AB r12 − 1
r2m + V2m
(43a) perature and pressure, both static and total, absolute

r     and relative, along with velocity, Mach number, an-

r3 1 1 2
V3x = −2A2 ln r3m + 2AB r3 − r3m + V3m
(43b) gles and enthalpy degree of reaction are computed for
all sections of the turbine.
Calculation Procedure
The iterative process applied for the ISRE will now This loss section is mainly based on reference [7]. The
be presented. A first initial guess of Vxm is taken. As losses can be divided into the following types: profile
such, using the constants previously computed and losses, secondary losses, annulus losses and leakage
this initial guess, we can compute the entire velocity losses. It is important to notice though, that these
distribution for any given radius. The iterative cycle coefficients, as calculated in [7], must be summed, ac-
is composed of 4 main equations, all dependent on the cording to whichever distribution they have (for ex-
radius through the expressions of the tangential and ample the leakage losses will only occur at the tip).
axial velocity. These 4 equations are now presented. X, the total loss calculated from [7] corresponds to
1 the loss in kinetic energy referred to the real velocity,
V22x (r2 ) + V22θ (r2 )

T2 (r2 ) = T01 − (44a) as presented in equation 5.
T2 (r2 )
p2 (r2 ) = p01 (44b)
T01 Previous Considerations
p2 (r2 )
ρ2 (r2 ) = Some aspects of the turbine geometry must be com-
RT2 (r2 ) puted before starting the losses calculation, includ-
Z r2t ing an update of the quantities referred before in the
ṁ = 2πr2 ρ2 (r2 )V2x (r2 )dr (44d) MLA. Also, the angles definition used in [7] is differ-
ent from the one used in this document. These are
We remark the important detail of equation 44b measured from the meridional line. For simplicity, in
using p01 (pr02 (r2 ) in equation 45c), representing the this section, whenever any angle is referred to, it cor-
non-existence of losses in this computation, and the responds to the definition in [7] (German convention).
use of T01 in equation 44a (T03 (r3 ) in equation 45b), All geometry previously calculated is reviewed at this
which translates as adiabatic flow. After performing point of the calculation.
Profile Losses (secondary loss ratio against aspect ratio factor) and
(xs )b (basic secondary loss parameter) are available
The profile losses are the losses related to the fric- in reference [7].
tion on the blade profiles and also to the blade wakes. We can now proceed to the redistribution of these
For the profile loss calculation, the incidence angles losses. Two decisions must be made concerning this
are supposed to be zero and the blades are assumed redistribution. The first is the level of penetration of
straight backed blades, since this will lead to smaller the secondary losses. This is the percentage of blade
profile losses. For each radial position, the following height, starting from the walls, that is affected by
quantities are computed: pitch; pitch over backbone the secondary loss of each wall. The second decision
length ( gb = 0.72+0.005∆α
); throat size (based on the is the type of distribution of these losses. The sec-
sine-rule for the outlet angle); and Reynolds number ondary losses are higher at the walls and decrease to
based on the throat size. Sutherland’s Law was used zero when reaching the point on the radius previously
in order to calculate the dynamic viscosity. We are defined with the level of penetration. This variation
now able to use the plots from [7] in order to calcu- may be modelled in two ways: with a linear distribu-
late the profile losses. The profile loss factor in the tion or a parabolic distribution. The integral of these
correlation proposed in [7] is given by the following curves inside the radius defined by the level of pene-
equation. tration must be equal to the integral of the average of
the values found in [7] using the hub and tip radius
Xp = xpb Npr Npt + (∆xp )t + (∆xp )m (46) values.
As suggested in [8], an averaged value for the sec-
Npr presents the effect of the Reynolds number on the
ondary losses can be found with a sort of mass av-
profile loss ratio, xpb is the basic profile loss param-
eraging of the secondary losses at the hub and tip,
eter, Npt gives a correction on the profile loss ratio
hence finding the final value for the secondary losses
based on the trailing edge thickness over pitch ra-
from the Craig & Cox correlation, (Xs )CC .
tio, (∆xp )t is a further increment on the profile losses
based on the trailing edge thickness over pitch ratio
and finally (∆xp )m is yet another increment, to ac- Level of Penetration [7] does not present any in-
count for Mach number effects. dication concerning this topic. However, Holliger [9],
Npr is based on a plot that depends on the defines a critical aspect ratio (based on pitch), de-
smoothness of the blades. A standard finish is as- pending on the profile losses, at which the secondary
sumed, which corresponds to the value of 0.1. The flow regions extend to half the blade height.
  This cor-
plots used for this calculation are available in refer- relation, adapted by [2], is given by: hg = 7 →
ence [7].
10 ζp . Four critical blade heights are computed, for
hub and tip of stator and rotor, using the correspon-
Secondary Losses dent values at these geometric points for ζp (loss of
kinetic energy as referred to the isentropic velocity)
The secondary losses are the losses related to the fric- and g. Since this critical blade height corresponds
tion on the walls at root and tip, together with any to secondary flow regions with half the blade height,
other end effects. Given this, it is obvious that sec- then we can find the level of penetration through:
ondary losses occur mainly at the hub and tip and p = 0.5 hcr . This value may never be above 50%,
seldomly at mean radius. Instead of calculating the since it ishnot physically possible. If the computation
losses for several lines parallel to the walls, we ac- delivers such a case, the program assumes a value of
tually get only two values from [7], using hub and 50%.
tip radii values. Each of these values represents an
overall integrated value of the secondary losses. The
Linear Distribution We arrive at the following
reason for the calculation of two values, one at hub
equations for the tip and hub, respectively:
and another at tip, instead of only one at the mean
2 (Xs )CC r − rt0
radius, lies with the possible asymmetry in the sec- t
Xs = t (48a)
ondary losses distribution. Having two values, we are p (1 + K) pt h
able to ponder on the amount of secondary losses dis-
2K (Xs )CC rh0 − r
tribution for either hub or tip. After calculated, the Xsh = h (48b)
secondary losses must be redistributed. First, how- p (1 + K) ph h
ever, the process for finding a value for the secondary
losses from [7] will be explained. All the calculations Parabolic Distribution We arrive at the follow-
here presented are performed the same way for stator ing equations for the tip and hub, respectively:
and rotor. According to [7], the secondary losses are 2
given by: t 3 (Xs )CC r − rt0
Xs = (49a)
Xs = (Ns )r (Ns )h/b (xs )b (47) (1 + K) pt pt 2 h2
(Ns )r is the same Reynolds number correction used h 3K (Xs )CC r − rh0
Xs = (49b)
for the profile losses, (Np )r . The plots for (Ns )h/b (1 + K) ph ph 2 h2
 are only Whereas when we have an r > rm the integral re-
 valid for their own do-
main rh , rh0 and rt0 , rt , for the hub and tip, re-mains as it is, when r < rm we must observe that
Rr ds
R rm ds
spectively, for both linear and parabolic distributions. T dr dr = − r T dr dr. Given the relation be-
This procedure is valid for both stator and rotor. ds
tween the axial velocity and T dr , we must now relate
the losses on [7] with T dr . The basis for this connec-
Annulus Losses tion are the expressions below, the total pressure loss
We know from the start that the annulus losses will coefficient:
have a negligible impact on the total losses. Hence, p01 − p02
they are not taken into account. Stator: ωS = V2
ρ2 22

Leakage Losses pr02 − pr03

(52b) Rotor: ωR =
Leakage losses can occur over blade tips, around ρ3 23
shrouding, through disc balance holes, etc.. The equa-
According to [2], the total pressure loss coefficient
tion below gives the reduction of blading efficiency
is related to the kinetic loss coefficient ξ, that has the
due to tip clearance losses when compared to the blad-
same definition as X (from the Craig & Cox correla-
ing efficiency for zero tip clearance, that is, the effi-
tion), through:
ciency calculated before, comprising profile and sec-
ondary losses. 

Stator: ωS = XS 1 + κ 2 (53a)
Ak 2
∆ηk = Fk η zero (50)
At clearance 2
(M3r )
[7] tells us that this equation must be multiplied by a Rotor: ωR = XR 1 + κ (53b)
factor of 1.5 in case of an unshrouded turbine, which
we assume to never be the case, in order to have an
efficiency as high as possible. The efficiency debit Entropy Increase Stator
factor Fk is taken from a plot available in reference For each radial position r2 , the increase in entropy
[7]. ∆L, the tip clearance was defined by the rule of can be found at the stator exit using first equation
thumb that ∆L = 0.007h. However, this may not be 53a to find ω and then equation 52a to find a new p02
feasible due to machining limitations. Thus, a min- distribution. We can hence calculate ∆sS . According
imum limit of 0.2 mm was imposed. Ak is the total to [2] we have,
effective area of clearance whilst At is the total blade
throat area. We assume the clearance losses affect p02 (r2 )
30% of the blade height, with higher loss at the tip ∆sS (r2 ) = −R ln (54)
(the value ∆ηk ), in a linear distribution until we reach
zero at a point 30% of the blade height away from the This allows us to compute dr ds
Calculation Procedure Stator
The NISRE (non-isentropic simple radial equilibrium) The NISRE calculation must start with an ISRE cal-
takes into account the losses in the turbine. These culation. The losses, calculated using [7] follow. The
losses are calculated from [7], as presented before. p0 losses and entropy increase are then calculated for
This results in the following expressions for the ax- the stator exit, first using ISRE values. At this point
ial velocity: we compute T2 ds dr , using on the first iteration ISRE

q values. After this, we find an absolute axial mean ve-

R r2
V2x = V2m 2
−2 T2 ds locity at the stator exit that satisfies the mass flow
dr dr (51a)
Free Vortex Design:
x r2m
from the engine cycle, with a procedure similar to the
Constant DR Design: V2x =
r   Rr
−2A2 r22 − r2m 2 + 4AB ln rrm2 − 2 rm2 T2 ds
 m2 (51b) one on ISRE. We must iterate on the static temper-
dr dr + V2x

2 2
ature between the point of calculation of T2 ds dr and

(51c) the final results after the mass flow has been satisfied,
    R r2
Exponential Design: V2x = −2A2 ln r2
− 2AB 1
− 1
−2 T2 ds m2
dr dr + V2x
r2m r2 r2m r2m

until convergence. Also, this iterative cycle is inside a

bigger iterative cycle starting on the entropy increase.
q R r3
Free Vortex Design: V3x = V3m −2 r3m
T3 ds
dr dr (51d)
x Therefore, these results from the mass flow cycle are
Constant DR Design: V3x =
r   Rr
−2A2 r32 − r3m 2 − 4AB ln rrm3 − 2 rm3 T3 ds
 m2 (51e) also used to be fed back to the entropy increase cal-
dr dr + V3x

culation, until convergence on p02 . The equations for

3 3

(51f) the mass flow cycle are reproduced below.
    R r3
Exponential Design: V3x = −2A2 ln r3
+ 2AB 1
− 1
−2 T3 ds m2
dr drV3x
r3m r3 r3m r3m

On the other hand, the tangential velocities ex-

pressions areR the same. For each radial position r, 1
V22x (r2 ) + V22θ (r2 )

the integral rm T drds
dr must be evaluated carefully. T2 (r2 ) = T01 − (55a)
T2 (r2 ) Cl0 = 1.0 (Cl0 is the camber, expressed as design lift
p2 (r2 ) = p02 (r2 ) (55b)
T01 coefficient of isolated airfoil [10]). Calculating xc for
each blade control point i is direct. We must simply
p2 (r2 ) c
ρ2 (r2 ) = (55c) compute: (xc )i = xc 100 . The chords are the same for
RT2 (r2 ) the entire vane and blade. Hence, xc is the same at
Z r2t all control points of stator and rotor.
ṁ = 2πr2 ρ2 (r2 )V2x (r2 )dr (55d)

Entropy Increase Rotor

We first calculate pr02 and T03 r
using the converged
NISRE results of the stator. We are now in position
to compute dr for the rotor. Just like in the stator
case, we use equation 53b to calculate ω and then 52b
in order to compute pr03 . Figure 6: Method of blade construction
 r   r 
T03 (r3 ) p03 (r3 )
∆sR (r3 ) = cp ln r (r ) − R ln (56)
T02 2 pr02 (r2 )
In what concerns yc , we can write: (yc )i =
We note that the expression for ∆sR depends also on (C ) (y ) c
l0 i c Cl0 =1.0 100 . Cl0 can be computed knowing
the total relative temperature ratio, unlike in the sta- the control section turning angle. From [10], we have,
tor case, since we have T01 = T02 but I2 = I3 , which
r r
results in T02 6= T03 .
dyc dyc
(∆α) = ∆α + (∆α)c+ (∆α) = arctan C
induced − arctan C
deviation l0 dxc l0 dxc
0.5 95

Calculation Procedure Rotor

The NISRE calculation for the rotor follows the same We now can calculate (∆α)c through equation 58
steps as for the stator. However, relative quantities and data given in [10]. Using the right-hand side of
are used. The iterations are similar: besides the mass this equation we can find Cl0 for each control point
flow cycle, we have an iteration on T3 ds r
dr and on p03 .
through an iterative cycle. Finally, we can find (yc )i
and complete the coordinates that define the camber
W3θ (r3 ) = V3θ (r3 ) + Ωr3 (57a) line. The coordinates for the thickness are given in
r 1 percentage of the mean line length. The mean line
W32x (r3 ) + W32θ (r3 ) (57b)

T3 (r3 ) = T03 (r) −
2cp length of an airfoil can be calculated using the coor-
 κ−1 dinates xc and yc , with j representing the points that
T3 (r3 )
p3 (r3 ) = p03 (r3 ) r (r ) (57c) make up the airfoil at the control point i.
T03 3

p3 (r3 ) r
ρ3 (r3 ) = (57d) 2  2
(xc )j+1 − (xc )ji + (yc )j+1 − (yc )ji (59)
RT3 (r3 ) mli = j i i

Z r3t
ṁ = 2πr3 ρ3 (r3 )V3x (r3 )dr (57e)
r3h Therefore, we can already calculate (xt )i : (xt )i =
xt ml
100 . yt is tabulated for a thickness over chord of

The results of the NISRE (new distributions for 20%. Hence, in order to achieve other thickness over
velocity, temperature, pressure, etc.) are computed chord ratios, we must simply multiply by the ratio
after convergence. of the desired thickness to 20%. Therefore, the cal-
culation of yt for each blade control point i can be
Airfoil Selection summed up in the following fashion: (yt )i = yt ml i t/c
100 0.2 .
After the completion of the NISRE calculation, we Two more quantities can be calculated for the airfoils
proceed to the calculation of the NACA profiles for according to [10]. The trailing edge radius, TER,
the turbine. For this purpose, we use the work of which depends only on the chord. Therefore, we
James Dunavant and John Erwin [10]. [10] offers two will have one value for the stator and another for
possible profiles. Only the primary airfoil (named the rotor. T ER = 0.01c. The leading edge radius,
A3 K7 ), with a maximum thickness over chord at 20% LER, depends not only on the chord, but also on the
of the chord, was considered for this methodology. mean line length. Hence, we will have different val-
The method of construction of the airfoils using these ues for each control point at stator and rotor. Ac-
data is presented in figure 6, adapted from [10]. cording to [10], the leading edge radius is given by:
 t c 2
The camber coordinates are given in [10] as a per- c (ml)i
centage of the chord. The yc data is given for a (LER) i = 0.04407(ml) i 20 .

Coordinates in the airfoil reference form a preliminary design of a one-stage axial gas
frame turbine turbine in order to produce a 3D geometry
Using figure 6 we can calculate the coordinates of ready for optimization, is considered accomplished.
the upper and lower surfaces of the airfoil. Given
that the information for the camber and the one for Acknowledgements
the thickness are in two different reference frames, The fulfilment of this thesis would have been impos-
we first find a correspondence between the camber sible without the help of many people. Therefore,
coordinates and the thickness coordinates of the air- I must express my thanks: to my supervisor at Von
foil, using equation 59 and figure 6. Given that the Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Professor Tony
thickness is distributed along the camber line on per- Arts; to my supervisor at Instituto Superior Técnico
pendiculars, we must calculate the derivative of the of Lisbon, Professor Afzal Suleman; and to many oth-
camber line at each point, in order to find the angle ers who have helped in developing and enriching this
τ , shown in figure 6, necessary to calculate the final Master’s Thesis;
coordinates. The geometric transformation of the co- To my Mother, Cândida Perpétua Carvalho, for
ordinates is given below, as a direct result of figure all the help given at all times.
6.  u 
xa 1 0 − sin (τ )  

y u  0 1
 a 
 l=
cos (τ ) 
  yc 
 
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