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Department of Morphology, Surgery and Experimental Medicine, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy
Department of Medicine and Surgery, University of Milan-Bicocca, Milan, Italy
Ministry of Public Health, Rome, Italy
Department of Clinical Sciences and Translational Medicine, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Rome, Italy
Department of Life, Health and Environmental Sciences, School of Dentistry, University of L'Aquila, L'Aquila, Italy
Department of Medical Sciences, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy
Department of Biomedical, Surgical and Dental Sciences, University of Milan, “Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico Ca' Granda” Foun-
dation, Unit of Oral Pathology and Medicine, Milan, Italy

Purpose. The aim of this paper is to describe epidemiology and clinical manifestations of oral infection by Human papil-

lomavirus (HPV), with particular attention to potential malignant lesions.

Materials and methods. A systematic review of the literature was conducted to describe the state of the art about HPV
infection in oropharyngeal mucosa and its modalities of transmission, with particular attention to possible simultaneous
infection in multiple anatomic sites. The aspects of prevention and control of infection by administering vaccines and the
diffusion of sexual education campaigns are discussed also. Therapeutic protocols are also described where necessary.
Results. In recent years there has been a growing interest in HPV oral medicine, suggesting a role of such a family of
viruses in the development of neoplasms of the oropharyngeal district as well as of the uterine cervix. Even if the mass
media have increasingly faced the problem, causing frequent alarming among patients, the dentist therefore needs a com-
plete and up-to-date knowledge of this infectious condition that is one of the most common causes of sexually transmit-
ted mucous membrane infections (e.g. genital, anal and oral).
Conclusions. Recent studies about HPV infection are a basic requirement in order to promote the health of patients and
provide them with the most exhaustive indications from dentists.

Key words: human papillomavirus, oropharynx carcinoma, sexual transmission, oral infections, anti-HPV vaccines, HPV test.

nomas (OPSCCs) (3, 4).

Introduction The etiologic role of human papillomavirus in-
fection in the development of Squamous Cell
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection is con- Carcinomas (SCC) of the uterine cervix has
sidered the most common sexually transmitted been widely demonstrated, so that this tumour is
infection (STI) (1). About 6 million people are caused, in almost of the cases, by the persistent
diagnosed each year and approximately 9.0- infectious status by high-risk atypical geno-
13.0% of the world population (630 million peo- types. There is also strong evidence to support a
ple) is already infected with the disease (2). causal role of these viruses in the etiopathogen-
HPV plays a role in the pathogenesis of Head esis of SCC, both in the anogenital area and in
and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinomas (HN- the head area (for example, pharynx, larynx and
SCCs) and Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carci- oral cavity) (5). Genital HPV infection is one of

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the most commonly sexually transmitted infec- The way of transmission and
tions (STIs) in the world population: in the Unit-
response of the host immune

ed States, it was estimated that the prevalence of
infection in women aged 19 to 54 years is 40%
and is strongly associated with risk factors relat-
ed to sexual behaviour (6); in Europe, the preva- Mature viruses, excised from the surface layers
lence of high-risk HPV cervical cancer infection of the cell by desquamation, are transmitted
is 3-15% in women between the ages of 20 and mainly for direct horizontal contact (e.g. sexual
60, but is significantly higher (29-45%) in young intercourse with genital and/or oral contact with
women (20-24 years) (7). the mucous membranes of an infected subject)
Due to changes in sexual habits in the general or indirect (e.g. by medical instrument, contam-
population in recent decades (e.g. reduction in inated utensils). In both cases the transmission
the age of onset of sexual activity, increase in occurs in the presence of epithelium microle-
number of partners, orogenital sexual habits), sions that favour the entry of the virus into the
the epidemiological characteristics of HPV in- receptive basal cells. The virus can also be trans-
fections in both the genital and oropharynx dis- mitted vertically by maternal-fetal way (e.g.,
tricts, with a greater exposure to infection of pa- prenatal transplacental, during delivery or post-
tients at early age (8), make HPV an endemic in- natal).
fection. HPV anogenital infections primarily recognize
This phenomenon would explain the increase in an infected partner’s sexual transmission. The
HPV-related SCC frequency in target districts. risk of infection is closely related to sexual ac-
In particular, it was found that the detection of tivity and is increased by the principal factors in
HPV 16 in the epithelial cells of tonsillary crypts the STIs (e.g. a high number of sexual partners,
and the lingual base is significantly associated early onset of sexual activity). The use of the
with the presence of SCC (the increased risk of condom does not seem to adequately preserve
infection is 13 times more in subjects with carci- from exposure to the virus, as it can be transmit-
noma than healthy controls) (9). In the oral cav- ted through contact with non-preserved infected
ity, the risk of HPV infection in SCCs would be sites (11).
lower, though it was almost quadrupled com- A systematic review of worldwide literature con-
pared to patients with healthy mucous mem- ducted by Kreimer et al. (12) in 2005 reported
branes (10). The knowledge of the natural histo- that HPV DNA was detected in 35.6% of
ry of HPV infection, risk factors, clinical mani- oropharyngeal cancers, with HPV type 16 ac-
festations, and current preventive and therapeu- counting for a vast majority (87%) of HPV-pos-
tic strategies, constitutes an indispensable pre- itive cases. In addition to investigating the pres-
requisite for the professional upgrade of the den- ence of HPV DNA, several studies have evaluat-
tist, which is increasingly involved in the man- ed HPV functionality in oropharyngeal tumours
agement of the patient at risk of infection or with (1). These studies show specificity of HPV to tu-
clinical manifestations of the infection. mor cell nuclei (2), integration of HPV DNA in-
This review intends to describe the natural his- to the human genome (3,13), high HPV viral
tory of HPV infection in the oral and oropha- copy numbers, and high level expression of the
ryngeal mucosa, the transmission modalities, HPV oncogenes (E6 and E7) in tumours (14), all
with particular attention to possible simultane- of which underscore a causal association of HPV
ous infection in multiple anatomic sites (e.g. with oropharyngeal cancers. Several analytic
anogenital mucosa and oropharynx), the clini- epidemiologic studies have evaluated the associ-
cal manifestations and current issues in preven- ation of HPV with risk of oropharyngeal cancers
tion and therapy. predominantly through case-control study de-
signs (15).

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Oropharynx transmission is still unclear. It is histochemistry investigations are not very use-
plausible that orogenital sexual practices may ful, as they aim at the identification of capsid
involve the spread of the virus from a mucosal proteins expressed in the late stage of HPV life
area to the other (16, 17), while the possibility of cycle. The only immunohistochemical marker
autoinoculation, rather frequent in children, is with recognized diagnostic significance is the
very few investigated (18). p16 (INK4) protein, whose hyperexpression in
Immune response plays a very important role in oral or cervical displastic/neoplastic histologic
HPV infection; it is well documented, for exam- samples is strongly associated with High Risk-
ple, that in immunocompetent subjects, skin HPV (HR-HPV) infection, although it is not pos-
warts often regress spontaneously, while immuno- sible to exclude the simultaneous presence of
deficiency states, either congenital or acquired other genotypes (19).
(e.g. transplanted or AIDS patients), favour the Serologic tests are dubious in the diagnosis of
development and persistence of HPV-induced le- active or past infection. Serumconversion, when
sions. However, compared to other viral infec- performed, is followed by several months (on
tions, the antibody and cellular immune re- average 8-12 months) of viral DNA identifica-
sponse to HPV is generally not very intense, as tion through HPV testing, and antibody response
the viral replication cycle occurs at intracellular is not consistent throughout the individuals,
level, without cytolysis, therefore the presenta- sometimes falling within a short period of time,
tion of viral antigens to the immune system is sometimes persisting despite the negativity of
minimal and the infection can persist for months molecular tests (20). At present, the diagnosis of
or even years. infection is based on nuclear biology techniques,
aimed at detecting the virus DNA within the
cells, and the most sensitive and most suitable

Diagnostic procedures
biomolecular method to identify and to make the
genome of HPV is the PCR (Polimerase Chain
Reaction: Polymerase Chain Reaction). PCR is a
HPV may be associated with lesions only in case technique that allows the amplification of in vitro
of a productive infection, so the objective exam- DNA, starting from a specific fragment, an un-
ination is not particularly useful for diagnosis. limited number of DNA molecules identical to
Other diagnostic methods used in the past (e.g. the starting fragment; the advantage of the
histopathology in optical or electronic mi- method is that it can also be used to test biolog-
croscopy, immunocytochemistry and serology) ical samples containing extremely small
have been abandoned because they are not sensi- amounts of nucleic acids. Recently, the SPF10-
tive and specific. Histopathological analysis can LiPA system has been introduced, enabling suc-
only suggest HPV infection in the presence of cessive PCR method amplification and genotype
tissue alterations such as dyskeratosis, acantho- identification. Studies conducted so far reveal
sis, basal hyperplasia, and in particular coilocy- many advantages over other techniques, such as
tosis, or the presence of cellular elements called high sensitivity and specificity, ease to use, and
coilocytes, characterized by globular form, large finally the ability to detect multiple and persis-
clear cytoplasm, picnotic nucleus surrounded by tent infections. However, as opposed to what
a clear vacuolization area. This finding is happens in gynaecology, in oral medicine, stan-
pathognomonic of HPV infection, however the dard diagnostic protocols have not yet been es-
sensitivity of detecting these alterations is low tablished, either in terms of the type of sample
and very operator-dependent. Viral particles can (e.g. histological samples vs exfoliated cells),
be highlighted in the nuclei of infected epithelial method of cytological sampling (e.g. scraping by
cells by electronic microscopy, but the method is spatula or brush vs oral rinses) and preservation
limited only to productive infections. Immuno- of sample (e.g. fresh frozen vs fixed in formalin

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Subclinical infection
and paraffin). A diagnostic approach recom-
mended as a screening method in subjects with

clinically normal mucosa is, in current state of

knowledge, cytological sample by mouthwash, In the normal oral mucosa, the prevalence of
to be performed with 10 ml of cetylpyridinium HPV is contained in a wide range (0-81.1%),
chloride solution or, alternatively, sterile saline with an average value of 11% (24). In a large
solution. The sample thus harvested should be meta-analysis on a total population of over 4,500
examined freshly at a laboratory by the molecu- subjects, Kreimer et al. (12) calculated a preva-
lar biology techniques (e.g. SPF10-LiPA), to lence of subclinical HPV infection in 4.5% of
identify the type or types of viral species (21). subjects, in the majority of cases supported by
This procedure, in addition to the high sensitivi- HR genotypes. An overlapping result was ob-
ty, is easily executable by the operator and the tained from Syrjanen et al. (25) who, in a sys-
patient, is minimally invasive and therefore re- tematic review of HPV frequency in oral SCCs
peatable to control the patient in case of persis- and potentially malignant oral disorders with re-
tent infection. This technique also provides for spect to healthy controls, found a 12% infection
bleeding cells from the entire epithelial oral mu- rate. Both groups of researchers have found that
cosa and tonsillary crypts. HPV-DNA research the remarkable discrepancy between the various
kits have recently been introduced for saliva studies analysed is the result of the lack of ho-
samples, though still unanimously validated by mogeneity and standardization of the parameters
scientific literature. In the presence of oral le- used, including: ethnological and sociodemo-
sions suggestive of viral infection, the use of a graphic variables, different sexual behaviours,
fragile, fresh and frozen tissue fragment, taken sample size, finally, the variability of the diag-
during the diagnostic incision biopsy is recom- nostic techniques employed and the different
mended (22). The advantage, in addition to the sensitivity of the biomolecular procedures.
possibility of using the same sample for However, based on these findings, it is believed
histopathological and virological investigations, that oral mucosa represents an infection reservoir,
is to obtain a diagnosis of site-specific HPV in- so that a primary involvement of the virus in the
fection; however, in the case of negativity, it is oral cancerogenesis process should be excluded.
not possible to exclude the presence of the virus Then it is suggested that the virus can simply
in the other oropharyngeal epithelial sites. passes the oral cavity and sometimes stays in sites
at more risk, such as tonsillary crypts, showing
features similar to the cervical squamous cell
HPV oral infection: oral junction, and in sites where undifferentiated basal

keratinocytes, targeted by HPV infection, are
more exposed to the environment.
In this perspective, it is desirable that future in-
The natural history of HPV infection in the oral vestigations will take the cytological sample us-
cavity and oropharynx is not entirely clear al- ing oral gargarisms as the gold standard for sam-
though there are some characteristics similar to pling, including the oropharyngeal and tonsillary
those described for the uterine cervix. Histolog- region as well.
ical similarities between cervicovaginal and
oropharyngeal districts, both coated with squa-

Orogenital infection
mous or slightly keratinized epithelium (23), and
the capacity of the virus to immortalize in vitro
human oral keratinocytes, have allowed to trans-
fer the concept of HPV-induced oncogenicity in Various groups of researchers studied the con-
the gynaecological area, to the oral cavity. comitance of HPV orogenital infection in order

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to check whether the presence of genital infec- the cervical mucosa to the oral one, this infec-
tion and the risk factors associated with sexual tion is strongly conditioned by the immune sys-
behaviour, may lead to a higher oral transmis- tem.
sion probability. Some studies focused that oral The most significant aspect emerging from these
transmission may occur following self-inocula- studies is related to the association with sexual
tion or direct contact with an infected partner behaviour, in terms of early onset of sexual ac-
(e.g. fellatio, cunnilingus, deep kisses). The per- tivity and number of partners. Sanders et al. (17)
centages of patients with simultaneous orocervi- calculated a 10-fold greater risk of oral HPV in-
cal infection are influenced by the sensitivity of fection in patients with over 20 sex partners than
diagnostic methods. individuals with less than 3 partners. Due to the
Early studies conducted in the 1990s with low remarkable change in sexual habits in the popu-
sensitivity techniques and small samples, lations, which strongly influenced the spread of
showed relatively high co-frequency rates (16- infidelity among young people, as well as the in-
24%). More recently, other studies, sometimes crease in oral sexual practices among teenagers,
including sexual partners, and with more sensi- probably due to the conviction whether it is a
tive diagnostic techniques, reported lower per- form of risk-free sexual activity, an increase in
centages of bifocal infection, in the absence of cases of oral infection and with it a greater risk
genotype concordance between the two districts of HPV-related SCC incidence was observed in
and also among partners, suggesting the hypoth- the last years.
esis of a different susceptibility to the virus of
the two mucous membranes, greater in the geni-

Clinical Infection
tal area respect to oral mucosa. In fact, it has
proposed a protective role-played by saliva in
virtue of its cleansing action and also for the Benign lesions
presence of salivary IgA.
A recent study conducted in Finland on the intra- HPV is involved in the pathogenesis of several
family transmission dynamics of the virus found benign lesions that develop in the oral cavity, es-
that 11% of women and 26% of their partners re- pecially the verruca vulgaris, squamous papillo-
ported regular sexual orogenital behaviours (15). mas, and the most rare focal epithelial hyperpla-
In another population (young university stu- sia. They are all esophytic growth-papillary le-
dents) the infection was detected in 3% of cases sions that can occur either single or multiple and
and was associated with the total number of part- with a smooth or verrucal surface of white, pink
ners. The case-control study of De Souza et al. or red colour depending on the degree of kera-
(10) suggested that sexual behaviour increases tinization of the lesion itself. These asymptomat-
both the probability of HPV infection and of on- ic lesions can develop in every part of the oral
set of SCC in oropharynx respect to controls. mucosa but more frequently at the level of the
The only meta-analysis conducted in the litera- tongue, the soft palate and the lips. In most cas-
ture, over a total of over 1,000 women, showed es, except for focal epithelial hyperplasia, they
a prevalence of bifocal infection of 18.1% with have a very similar clinical profile, so the diag-
genotype concordance in 27% of cases of oro- nosis is based on histology. At the histological
genital infection (16). This study also found a examination, coin-like aspects are characterized
significant increase in risk associated with HIV by polyclonal epithelial proliferation, coilocyto-
infection (HIV positive 27.2% vs HIV negative sis – which corresponds to the extrinsection of
15.5%). In the group of HIV positive patients, the cytopathic effect of the virus against the host
47% of the cases was also identified by the same cell – and dyscheratosis. In HPV-related benign
genotype in the two districts. These data suggest conditions, low-risk genotypes such as HPV 2,
that although it is possible to transmit HPV from 4, 11, 13, 32 are most frequently found, although

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high-risk genotypes have also been isolated in mation (22). In the past, due to the clinical pre-
these lesions. sentation (white plaque with irregular surface

and verrucous surface) and the first virological

studies indicating a high frequency of HPV 16, it

Potentially malignant
was strongly associated with infection, so to be
defined as “viroplasia”. However, subsequent
disorders studies (20, 23) provided others results: as the
sensitivity and specificity of the diagnostic tests
In the context of the malignant transformation of used increase, the frequency of infection rate is
potentially malignant oral disorders (PMODs), reduced or, however, does not increase signifi-
the potential role of promoter of HPV is still de- cantly with respect to OL.
bated (6). Several groups of researchers The OE is a rare PMOD characterized by a ma-
screened the hypothesis of an HR-HPV role in jor neoplastic risk. Due to its very low frequen-
promoting carcinogenesis in the presence of cy, references to viral infections are very rare in
PMODs, considering that oncogene proteins E6 literature. The most recent data published by
and E7 act at a very early stage of carcinogene- Syrjanen et al. (25) reported that of the 11 OE
sis, significantly increasing the capacity of the tested for HPV, 54.5% was found to be HPV 16
epithelial cell of duplicate by blocking the apop- positive.
totic pathways. While the hypothesis that HPV OLP was also investigated in relation to viral in-
contributes to the genesis of these lesions has fection, with frequency of infection ranging
been completely rejected, the hypothesis that from 27 to 65% (25). Some Authors hypothe-
PMDs HPV positive would have a better prog- sized the influence of the erosive OLP in in-
nosis respect to HPV negative is still on debate. creasing the risk of HPV infection, although this
The prevalence of PMOD infections is included hypothesis has not been confirmed by subse-
in a wide range (0-85%) with a higher frequency quent studies (19). In the review of Syrjanen et
of HPV 16 and 18. In addition considering the al. (25) the prevalence of HPV infection in OLP
over-emphasized criticisms of non-uniform di- was 5.12%, with genotype 16 being most com-
agnostic procedures, these studies differ in terms monly involved.
of inclusion criteria and classification of lesions, The same Authors calculated the risk of HPV in-
sometimes not histologically diagnosed. The fection in the presence of a PMOD, which is sig-
most common PMODs are oral leukoplakia nificantly increased by almost 4 times in OL and
(OL), proliferative verrucous leukoplakia OLP versus healthy oral mucous membranes,
(PVL), oral erythroplakia (OE) and oral lichen while the data is not significant for PVL. How-
planus (OLP). ever, answering the question of whether HPV in-
In relation to OL, the most frequent disorder fection plays a role in the PMOD onset or has a
among PMODs and therefore the most investi- negative prognostic role, still the scientific evi-
gated in literature, current evidence suggests OL dence to support is rather limited and controver-
shows an increased risk of HPV infection with sial, not being able to exclude the hypothesis
respect to clinically healthy mucosa, with a that the presence of the lesion facilitates the en-
prevalence of around 20% (18, 19), with no sig- try of the virus. Yang et al. (24) have also evalu-
nificant differences in clinical presentation (20). ated the percentage of OL undergoing neoplastic
More recently, Szarka et al. (21) published an in- evolution and various risk factors, including
creasing percentage, with HPV positive preva- HPV infection, highlighting a lack of genotypic
lence of 40.9%. PVL, previously considered a correlation between the infection in OL and the
rare variant of OL, today is considered a distinct risk SCC. Therefore, the Authors concluded that
entity, characterized by multifocality, a strong the etiologic role in HPV in the early stages of
tendency for recurrence and neoplastic transfor- oral carcinogenesis seems rather modest.

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Malignant lesions
anatomical site and biological behaviour, sug-
gesting two different carcinogenic patterns. The
first model is associated with known risk factors
The most common malignant neoplasm of the (e.g. smoking and alcohol), manifested mainly
oral cavity is SCC. Recent estimates, both the in older men (e.g. > 60 years), affecting the en-
annual incidence rates and the mortality rates of tire oral cavity and having a decreasing epidemi-
SCC, have not diminished in recent years, so ological trend, though without substantial reduc-
SCC is still a serious problem of public health. tions in mortality.
This disease is characterized by strong local ag- The second model, however, manifests itself in
gression and a poor prognosis, with a five-year young people (for example <40 years), predom-
survival ranging from 59.4 to 67%. The follow- inantly men, it is independent from traditional
ing evidence subsequently supported initial hy- risk factors, and correlates with sexual be-
potheses about a possible etiologic role of the haviour (e.g. partner number, age of sexual in-
virus in oral and oropharyngeal carcinogenesis, tercourse, orogenital sexual practices), mainly
dating back to the early 1980s: affecting oropharyngeal sites (e.g. palatine pil-
• Epithelial tropism of virus; lars, tonsils, lingual base, lower face of the soft
• The confirmed etiologic role of HR-HPP in palate, pendulum veil). This second model is the
the almost total SCCs of the uterine cervix type of SCC that is growing epidemiologically
and in approximately 40% of the cases of oth- and shows a global prevalence of HR-HPV in-
er SCCs; fection ranging from 37 to 72% (27). The scien-
• The histological similarities between the ep- tific evidence available for oropharynx is there-
ithelial of the two mucous membranes. fore differentiated from those available for the
Despite the histological similarities of the two oral cavity. Only the SCC of the oropharynx is
epithelial, it must be stressed that the environ- most closely related to HR-HPV infection, while
ment of the uterine cervix is much more recep- SCC of the mouth have not demonstrated a
tive to the presence of the virus than all the oth- strong relationship, in fact HPV has a more
er anatomic sites. marginal role in etiopathogenesis.
The role of the virus in carcinogenesis of the oral An interesting data reported by Kim et al. (28),
cavity is very controversial. Syrjanen et al. (6) found the HPV DNA integrated into 94.1% of
reported that HPV infection was almost 13 times the examined SCCs, and the significant correla-
more frequent in SCC oropharynx and 4 times tion between HPV-DNA integration and cell cy-
more frequent in oral SCC than in healthy mu- cle alteration is well known. The most alarming
cous membranes, especially with reference to data is that, according to the latest epidemiolog-
HPV 16. Again, the prevalence range of infec- ical studies, due to the success of alcoholism and
tion is very wide (0-100%) and is influenced by tobacco awareness campaigns, confirmed by the
the demographic and ethnic differences of the reduction of new cases of SCC oral and alcohol-
populations investigated, the different diagnostic related, the annual incidence of HPV verrucous
procedures, but above all the topographical clas- carcinoma of oropharynx has increased expo-
sification of the SCCs of the head-neck district nentially over the last twenty years, so that it is
for single sites. In fact it was noted that the estimated that by 2020 their frequency will be
prevalence of viral infection is particularly high higher than SCCs in the uterine cervix and in the
in oropharyngeal SCCs (about 50% of SCC cas- anogenital tract (29).
es lingual and tonsils), which is therefore the From a prognostic point of view, it has been ob-
second target site of the infection (26). Over the served that subjects with positive HPV-SCC of
past five years, scientific literature has increas- oropharynx have a more favourable prognosis
ingly distinguishing two different tumour sub- than negative HPV. Yang et al. (30), in a review
types for population distribution, risk factors, of randomized trials in SCC orpharyngeal pa-

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Therapeutic protocols
tients in chemotherapy stage III and IV distin-
guished three categories with different prognosis

(e.g. low, intermediate or high risk) in relation to

some parameters (tumour extension, lymphnode Contrary to other viral infectious conditions that
involvement, smoking, and HPV infection). The respond to pharmacological therapy, there are no
statistical analysis confirmed that negative HPV active substances available for HPV infection that
tumours belonged to the worst prognosis, with a can eradicate the infection or induce regression of
three-year survival of 46.2%, while for the HPV clinical lesions, if present. Some drugs have been
positive it was significantly higher (71% in the tested for topical and/or systemic use for the treat-
risk category intermediate and 93% in the low ment of genital lesions. For oral subclinical infec-
risk group) (30). The best prognosis would seem tions, similar to genital surgery, no treatment is
to be related to greater radio and chemosensibil- provided; none of the antiviral drugs tested (e.g.
ity, currently demonstrated for oropharingeal acyclovir, ribavirin) have been effective in elimi-
verrucous carcinomas HPV 16 positive. In the nating the infection. Management of HPV infec-
light of these evidences, National Comprehen- tion request follow-up and HPV testing every 8-12
sive Cancer Network (NCCN) has updated the months from first detection and periodically to
guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic protocols verify the eradication of infection by the immune
of SCCs in the head and neck adding the search system. Of course, “persistent” is an infection al-
of HPV infection (for example by immunohisto- ways sustained by the same genotype that is main-
chemical detection of p16INK4 protein or tained for more than 18-24 months (33).
biomolecular detection of HPV DNA) in the In the presence of HPV-related lesions, their
SCC of the oropharynx diagnostic protocol. treatment is predominantly surgical, not being
However, since therapeutic protocols for HPV responsive to topical application or systemic ad-
positive or negative HPV tumours have not been ministration of cytotoxic or immunomodulatory
differentiated, it is likely that they will be de- drugs. The surgical treatment is the excisional
fined in the near future with the aim of achieving treatment with cold-bladed scalpels, quantum or
individualized therapeutic protocols. laser resonance scales, which allow for the his-
Verrucous carcinoma (VC) is a rare clinical-his- tological examination of the sample.
tological variant of SCC (<5% of cases of oral The management of suggestive lesions of
cancer) characterized by high degree of differen- PMOD or in situ SCC, wherether single or mul-
tiation, reduced aggression, slow growth and tifocal, is much more complex. It should be of
poor tendency to metastatic diffusion often asso- relevance to a clinician with specific training in
ciated with a past PVL. Because of the non-sim- oral medicine, firstly diagnosing the lesions with
ple differential diagnosis with the most common incision biopsy and HPV test on the biopsy. The
SCC, the HPV role in VC pathogenesis is not en- complete excision of the lesion should be con-
tirely clear: the few data in the literature indicate firmed by histologic diagnosis, depending on the
association with both LR genotypes (6 and 11), possible presence of dysplasia of various de-
both with HR genotypes (16 and 18), mostly as grees (low to high). In the presence of a diagno-
multiple infections. However, the detection rate sis of carcinoma, the therapeutic approach is
of the virus in the head-neck district is extreme- even more complex and depends on the stage of
ly low (7.7%), so there is insufficient data to tumour according to TNM classification. How-
demonstrate a causal relationship (31). A recent ever, it is good to keep in mind that because of
study reported prevalence rates of HPV-HR sim- the multifocality of HPV oropharyngeal infec-
ilar to SCCs and oral VCs, not suggesting a par- tion, surgical removal of the lesion does not
ticular etiopathogenetic association of these in- guarantee the eradication of infection, as HPV
fections (32). DNA may persist in the adjacent healthy mucous

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The new therapeutic perspectives concern the portant to note that the bivalent vaccine, struc-
possibility of using “therapeutic vaccines”, turally and functionally similar to quadrivalent,
namely real molecules capable of stopping can- is also effective in preventing HPV 16 and 18-re-
cer-related growth linked to vectors directed lated lesions in other mucosal areas. In both cas-
against certain viral antigens and therefore di- es, vaccination is tridose and currently most Eu-
rected against positive VCs. In this case the ropean countries (e.g. Sweden, Italy, France, the
challenge lies in the possibility of highly selec- Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Denmark,
tively targeting a specific tumour histotype, to a Spain, Belgium) and over 70 countries around
highly targeted therapy and with collateral ef- the world have free vaccination for girls aged 9-
fects extremely reduced, compared to the cur- 17, with a rate of about 50%. These vaccination
rently administered chemotherapy protocols, campaigns, intended for young teenagers before
with a life-style benefit. However, therapeutic sexual activity, are aimed at obtaining not only
vaccine formulations are still under study and of the individual immunization of the vaccinated
are not yet applicable. subjects but also of the so-called “flock immuni-
ty”, which occurs when at least 80% of the pop-
ulation is vaccinated against a specific infection

Prevention of infection
and involves a reduced circulation of the virus
and consequently less likely that the unvaccinat-
ed ones may become ill. In order to reach this re-
There are currently three prophylactic vaccines sult, it is essential to extend vaccination to ado-
already evaluated by randomized clinical trials, lescent males, although the high cost of vaccina-
but only the last two are available: monovalent tions is a limit, at least in developing or under-
vaccine against HPV 16; direct quadrilateral developed countries. Other crucial and still de-
equivalent vaccine against HPV 6, 11, 16 and bated issues concern the ideal age of vaccination
18; bivalent vaccine against HPV 16 and 18. in the light of both the ever-early sexual inter-
The quadrivalent vaccine was approved by the course among adolescents and the need to vacci-
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2006 nate native individuals to obtain higher efficacy
for the prevention of precancerous lesions and rates, and the extending vaccination to homosex-
anogenital SCCs (cervical, vaginal and vulvar) ual males who are currently not protected either
in girls ages 9 to 26 (28); it was later extended to individually or indirectly as group immunity,
males of the same age group for the prevention and which are a vulnerable category for anogen-
of penile and anal SCC (28). The indication of ital SCCs. Although there are still no data in the
this vaccine, which also protects against geno- literature on the efficacy of HPV vaccines in re-
types LR 6 and 11, also includes the prevention ducing the incidence of SCC of oropharynx and
of condyloma and anogenital warts. In clinical oral cavity, it is reasonable to assume that in the
trials so far, quadrivivalent vaccine has proven long term the benefits will also be found for this
to be very effective in preventing SCC and pre- category of tumours. Only in the future decades
malignant lesions both in native patients (effica- it will be possible to evaluate exactly the impact
cy> 98%) and in previously infected individuals of vaccine programs on the epidemiology of
(efficacy between 50 and 78%). positive HPV tumours. The oral cavity is popu-
The bivalent vaccine was only tested for cervical lated by a large number of bacteria species that
SCC and not for other HPV-related neoplasms form polymicrobial communities called biofilm.
and was recommended for girls aged 10 to 26 The biofilm formed by the oral microbiota in-
years. The percentages of efficacy in the preven- cludes both symbiotic and potentially patho-
tion of premalignant and malignant lesions of genic species and viruses such as HPV. The ad-
this mucosal region are also extremely high (> vent of periodontal diseases and peri-implantitis
97% for native subjects) (34). However, it is im- appear associated with a microbial shift, more

ORAL & Implantology - Anno X - N. 3/2017 217

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Journal of Biological Regulators and Homeostatic Correspondence to:
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51. Lauritano D, Pazzi D, Iapichino A, et al. Evaluation of Department of Morphology, Surgery and Experimental
the efficacy of a new oral gel containing carvacrol and Medicine
thymol for home oral care in the management of University of Ferrara
chronic periodontitis using PCR analysis: a microbio- Via Luigi Borsari 46
logical pilot study. J Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 44121 Ferrara, Italy
2016;30:129-134. Phone: +39.0532.455874
52. Lauritano D, Bignozzi CA, Pazzi D, et al. Evaluation Fax: +39.0532.455876
of the efficacy of a new oral gel as an adjunct to home E-mail:

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