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Emphasis is defined as an area or object within the artwork

that draws attention and becomes a focal point.

Subordination is defined as minimizing or toning down other
compositional elements in order to bring attention to the focal
Focal point refers to an area in the composition that has the
most significance, an area that the artist wants to draw attention
to as the most important aspect.
Unity in an artwork creates a sense of harmony and
wholeness, by using similar elements within the composition
and placing them in a way that brings them all together.
Variety adds interest by using contrasting elements within
the composition.
In its early stages during lhe late 19"' century.
photography was viewed as a purely technical
process, that ol recording visible images by light action
on light sensitive materials In fact. its yery name —
from the Greek "”photos" (meaning light) and “yraphos'
(meaning wriling) — slates this process literally.

In comparison to the highly-regarded arts of painting and

sculp ture, then, photography immediately
considered art. But it was nol long before the artistry of
20th century photographers elevated this "light writing "
IO aesthetic İOIfat own right.
Focusing a camera at a subject and clicking
the shutter is photography as
Discerning a significant moment or a unique
expression, fra ming it in the camera
viewfinder with an eye tor composition. and
then clicking the shutter is photography as
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