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Upper Body Exercises for Pitcher

By Chris Spielman,
Instructor, Windmill Clinics, St. Charles, IL
Several Good Weight Training Exercises for Pitchers

Be sure to stretch muscles before weight training

Use weights that feel comfortable
Gradually increase weights to get optimal strength training.


3 sets of 8-12 reps

works front outer deltoids, shoulders Dumbbell Press

Sit on a straight-back chair; feet shoulder width apart on floor, with dumbbells at shoulder
While keeping elbows and palms out, press dumbbells through full range of motion extending
both arms.
Slowly lower weights to starting position

Alternating front and side lateral raises

2-3 sets 8 -16 reps
works front and out deltoids, shoulders
Stand with feet shoulder width apart knees slightly bent.
Raise dumbbells just above shoulder, with arms straight down at sides
Alternate this with side lateral raisers using the same technique
Hold dumbbells with palms facing in, raise dumbbells just above shoulders, pause, and slowly
return to starting position.

Rear Deltoid Dumbbell Raise

3 set - 8-12 reps
works rear deltoids, upper back, shoulders
Bend forward just above the waist high to a comfortable position
Hold dumbbells to shoulder height with elbows slightly bent
Raise dumbbells to shoulder height with elbows slightly bent
Slowly lower dumbbells to starting position

Inverted Dumbbell Raise

3 sets 8-12 reps
works rotator cuff, deltoids, shoulders
Stand with dumbbells at your side.
Rotate your hand so that the palms are facing away from your body, thumbs at bottom and
little finger at top.
Begin to raise dumbbells at a 30-degree angle from center of body with little finger leading
the way.
Raise to shoulder height in order to contract muscle
slowly lower dumbbells to starting position

Alternating dumbbell bicep curl
3 sets 8-12 reps
works biceps
Standing with feet firmly on floor, knees slightly bent
Start with dumbbells at side palms facing up.
Slowly curl dumbbell with one hand until biceps is contracted.
Slowly lower dumbbell down to starting position.
Repeat with opposite hand.

Standing Triceps Curl

3 sets 8-12 reps
works - Triceps
Hold dumbbell directly overhead with elbows locked.
Comfortably hold so the top of the dumbbell rests in between thumbs and palms of hands.
Keep arms close to head.
Lower dumbbell behind head until triceps fully contract and forearms are touching biceps.
Slowly press up to starting position.

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