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Jake Grimsley

1417 Devon Lane, Apt. L, Harrisonburg, VA 22801

(540) 656-8925 ▪

Waynesboro High School Hiring Staff

1200 West Main Street
Waynesboro, VA 22980

To all the hiring staff,

I’m Jake Grimsley, and I’m extremely excited at the prospect of working at Waynesboro High
School. With my mix of education and experience, I believe I would fit in perfectly at your
school. Looking at your job description, I can see you are looking for someone to stay organized
and meet all deadlines while also individualizing instruction for all students, including those with
disabilities. I would be an extraordinary fit with these qualifications.

Over the course of my education and teaching experience, I have had to keep up with a large
amount of coursework while going to practica through James Madison University and teaching
in public schools. I also have experience helping students with disabilities and non-native
English speakers. I hope to grow from these experiences teaching music at your school.

In addition to my experiences in public schools around Harrisonburg, my time at JMU has given
me a great base in education, preparing me for all aspects of teaching music from kindergarten
through high school. I plan on using my experiences through education and experience as a
starting point in this job, learning and growing constantly throughout so that the students at
Waynesboro can gain the absolute most from my teaching them as is possible.

I would love to speak further about my working with you. You can use any of my above
information to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have.

Thank you for your consideration.


Jake Grimsley
Jake Grimsley
1417 Devon Lane, Apt. L, Harrisonburg, VA 22801
(540) 656-8925 ▪


To obtain a position as a music teacher in a public school, from which I may polish my skills as an
educator and help in producing young adults fully prepared for what is next on their journey.


James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA

Fall 2018 - Present, Anticipated Graduation: Spring 2022
● Bachelor of Music in Music Education
● Major: Music Education, Instrumental Emphasis
● Applied Professors: Casey Cangelosi, Caleb Pickering

Brooke Point High School, Stafford, VA

Class of 2018
● Advanced Studies Diploma
● Class Standing: 25 out of 468 (top 5%)

Teaching Experience

James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA - Practica Fall 2018 - Present

● Taking part in both observations and teachings of elementary, middle, and high school students from many
different schools in the area.
● Working with teachers to plan and participate in lessons, as well as to reflect, learn, and grow after the

Brooke Point High School, Stafford, VA - Percussion Captain Fall 2015 - Spring 2018
● Attended leadership training meetings and seminars.
● Worked with other members of the leadership team.
● Led sectionals and helped manage rehearsals.


James Madison University NAfMEC Chapter, Harrisonburg, VA - Secretary Fall 2020 - Present
● Working with other board members to provide music students with good experiences and knowledge
helpful to a career in education.
● Typing and distributing minutes for meetings, creating flyers and advertisements for sessions.

JMUke, Harrisonburg, VA - Student Facilitator Fall 2020

● Worked with other students to prepare instructional slides and performances of songs for events.
● Led and facilitated participants in learning how to play and sing songs with a ukulele.
Gemeinschaft Home, Harrisonburg, VA - Songwriting Workshop Volunteer Spring 2020
● Worked with formerly incarcerated men, teaching and learning how to write songs, as well as performing
these songs for other participants.
● Worked with other volunteers to plan and organize activities for each meeting.

Performance Experience

James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA Fall 2018 - Present

● Percussion Ensemble
● Wind Symphony
● Symphony Orchestra
● Symphonic Band
● Marching Band
● Pep Band

Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church, Alexandria, VA Fall 2019

● Timpanist

Rappahannock Choral Society, Fredericksburg, VA Fall 2018

● Drummer

Macy’s Great American Marching Band, New York, NY Fall 2017

● Tenor Drummer

Student-Led Jazz Ensemble, Stafford, VA Fall 2016 - Spring 2017

● Drummer


Casey Cangelosi
Associate Professor, Director of Percussion
James Madison University
(435) 512-9843

Dr. Caleb Pickering

Instructor of Music, Percussion & Music Theory
James Madison University
(903) 715-0122

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