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Name: Chua, Marielle P.

Date: 05/03/2021
Group No. B1 CI: Evelyn Siong, RN

Learning Feedback No. 22

Today, we had our two learning tasks and a quiz. We made a video about deep
breathing exercise, pushing techniques, positioning in labor, measuring of fundal height. We
also accomplished the necessary forms that should be filled up such as the VS sheet, Progress
of Labor, Partograph, etc. And we had our quiz about stages in labor and different kinds of
machine and equipment used in the delivery room.

I learned many things about this day. There are some quarries in my mind and
confusions that were answered. It truly helps us as we can know what our mistakes or errors
are and what is/are the area/s that need/s improvement so we can go back to that area/s and
review more about it. It reinforces our knowledge and skills about the topic.

We’ve lost our internet connection in our home and even I bought a load so I can
participate well in our class, the internet was slow and I have a difficulty in hearing the feedback
of our CI in our video meeting. Ma’am Siong articulated well her feedback about the output.
Some clarifications and questions from my groupmates were answered. Thus, I do not have
recommendations or suggestions.

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