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Kira Abney

Edu 280

“Understanding Mistreatment and Discrimination” Lesson Plan for Grade: 2

MCE Concept Being Taught:

The MCE concept being taught is discrimination and mistreatment.

Overall Goal of Lesson:

The overall goal of this lesson is to inform the students about what discrimination and

mistreatment is. The other goal is to show the students that they should treat others they want to

be treated.

Specific Objectives:

Students will be able to understand the concepts of mistreatment, bullying, and discrimination.

Students will grasp the idea that these are real problems, even today. Students will understand

that these behaviors are not acceptable.

Materials Needed to Achieve Lesson Plan:

The required materials are two pieces of paper per student (one blank, one with a Venn diagram),

pencils/writing utensils, and “The Ugly Duckling” book (enough for all students and one for me).

A projector, smartboard, and computer will also be needed.

Opening Question (Bell Work Activity):

Has there ever been a time when you have felt like someone was treating you badly or unfair just

because of a difference you have? How do you wish that person would’ve treated you instead?

Step-By-Step Procedures:

Kira Abney
Edu 280

First, I will start the class with the opening question. These opening questions will only be for

me, but I will ask for any volunteers if the students feel comfortable with sharing. Then, I will

inform them and talk a little bit about what discrimination and mistreatment means. I will show

them how examples of how it happened in the past, and how it is still happening today. After that

discussion, I will hand out the book, “The Ugly Duckling”. Together, as a class (each student

having their own copy), we will read this short book. I will start out reading one paragraph, but

then I will popcorn volunteer each student to read a paragraph after until the story is completed.

From there, we will have a class discussion to examine the meaning behind this story. I will tell

them to work in their groups and determine the “main idea” of this story. Each group (table) will

pick one person to volunteer and share what their group came up with. After this activity, I will

then hand out the Venn Diagram paper, labeled “Mistreatment” and “Discrimination”. Each

student will then work independently on their own paper to compare examples of these concepts.

On the smartboard, I will draw a large version of the Venn diagram that I had handed out. After

the students are finished making their own, they will then write down one example of these

concepts under one category until the whole Venn diagram is filled up with one of each students’

examples. They will then turn in their Venn diagrams for a grade. We will then reflect about the

examples the students have given and how these concepts are wrong. I will promote the motto,

“treat others how you want to be treated.”

Plan for Independent Practice:

The independent practice that will be held in this lesson will be the opening activity, and the

Venn Diagram. This will test their independent thinking skills. For homework that day, I will ask

the students to do one kind act for a family member, friend, stranger (such as holding the door


Kira Abney
Edu 280

Reflection (Closing Activity):

I will end the class by having reflection time. Each student will go one by one about what they

learned about discrimination and mistreatment. “What did you learn today?” “How can we help

fix this problem?”

Assessment Based on Objectives:

The assessment given will be the Venn Diagram. It is showing the students’ individual thoughts

and is testing what they now know about discrimination and mistreatment. It will be turned in for

a grade.

Possible Connections to Other Subjects:

This lesson plan can connect with other subjects such as reading. They will be reading a classic

story and learning new vocabulary. It can also be tied into history, as they learn about

discrimination from the past as well.

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