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3 Grammar Worksheet
COMPARATIVES & SUPERLATIVES 4 Choose the correct answer.
1 Your bedroom is a bit big / bigger than mine.
1 Complete the table. 2 Look! Your boots are as dirtier as / not as dirty as mine.
3 Giant pandas are much more endangered /
Adjective Comparative Superlative much endangered than grey wolves.
1 healthy
the healthiest 4 Dad is as fit as / the fittest as a fiddle!
3 5 French is not much harder / a lot hard than English.
cheap the cheapest
4 5
6 The summer holidays are a lot longest / longer than the
further Christmas holidays.
lazy lazier
8 9
10 11
5 Correct the sentences.
useful the most useful

2 Complete the sentences with the comparative or

superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.
1 Wood is stronger than (strong) china.
2 The Amazon is (big)
rainforest in the world.
3 Cotton is (cool) wool.
4 Is your football team
(good) mine?
5 Titanium is one of
(strong) metals in the world.
6 This is (good) paella 1 There are hardly any giant pandas somewhere in the
I have ever eaten! world.
7 I think Maths is There are hardly any giant pandas anywhere in the world.
(difficult) subject. I just don’t understand it! 2 My memory is terrible! I can’t remember something!
8 Running is (healthy)
watching TV. 3 There’s somewhere knocking at the door. Can you open
it, please?
4 There’s nowhere in this cardboard box. It’s empty.
3 Match the parts of the sentences.

1 I think she’s ill. She is as white C 5 It’s a really big party! Do you know everything?
2 Plastic plates aren’t as _
3 I always fail Maths. I’m not as _
6 There is pollution anywhere. I can’t breathe!
4 I can’t afford either of them! This car is as _

5 I’ll carry the bag for you. It’s as light _
6 Anna never says a word. She’s as quiet _ 7 ‘Where are you going?’ ‘No one.’

A nice as china ones. 8 I’m so hungry, I could eat everywhere here!
B as a mouse.
C as a sheet.
D expensive as that one.
E as a feather.
F intelligent as Kate!

40 UNIT 3 GRAMMAR WORKSHEET Support Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015

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