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Imagine wanting a family of your own and not being able to have it.

I have two
family friends that are wanting a family, but are having many troubles with becoming
pregnant. They have to suffer every time the pregnancy tests say that they failed again.
The sorrow that they have to see in others faces when they tell them “It didn’t work this
time but hopefully next time it will”. When my friends personally tell me that they were not
able to get pregnant, thrives and pushes me to be able to help people like them. Seeing
people struggle with not being able to start a family sparks that ambition in me to try and
help them.
Being in the fertility field is a very rewarding job that not only helps families
physically but emotionally. You get to help them as a doctor but you also get to be there
for them throughout their progress and see your patients grow as parents. As a doctor you
get to see the happy couples who are trying so hard to make themselves a family but can’t
without some help. Helping people through fertility is like trying to train a puppy to go to
the bathroom outside. Sometimes it works right away, sometimes it can take years. There
are happy successful days and then there's hard days when you just want to give up and
not do it anymore.
Fertility treatment can be a very painful and emotional time for women and even
men. Men can also be infertile causing them emotional pain as well. With me being able to
step in as one of those caretakers makes me feel obligated to help those couples who just
want to have a family. 10% of women have a problem with becoming pregnant. That is 6.1
billion women in the world that cannot start a family on their own.
Everyone wonders what helps women with infertility. Right now many different
options are available for women. Tracking apps and calendars that can tell women when
they're more likely to be fertile. Women that are infertile might use In Vitro Fertilization
(IVF). IVF is when a doctor will take the womens eggs and a males sperm and then take a
dish and mix the two. That egg will then be placed into the womens uterus hoping for it to
take. Women can also have the progesterone injected, which can become painful. While
there can be physical pain like being uncomfortable or feeling sick, emotional side effects
can be lasting. Emotional side effects can go from anxiety to depression, feeling alone,
while there can be good emotions like thankfulness and happiness.
Not only is fertility hard for some people but it is a path that couples want to take
so they can have that pregnancy, bonding, and growing experience. With a woman being
pregnant it can give that feeling of reality. During pregnancy women connect with their
child through a special bond. It is a bond that only a pregnant woman can experience. The
tie and connection with that baby and their mom is unbreakable. Women may like fertility
treatment instead of adoption. Adoption is a very complicated and long going process. It
can take years to adopt a child and you still don’t get to experience what it is like to be
pregnant. Mother’s who are able to have their own children tend to have a lot of respect
for a woman who can’t. Other mothers’ know that women are hard on themselves thinking
it is their own fault why they can’t start a family. Mother’s can also see their pain easily
because they know that women are missing out on all of those prenatal bonding
The idea of women going through this pain and experiencing these difficult times
motivates to push me through fertility schooling and programs.

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