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Information Systems Strategy

Theory, Practice, and Challenges for Future Research
IS strategy has been right at the top of IT management agendas for years. Given the
technological and economic transformations we are currently witnessing, the topic’s
importance might even increase in the future. However, this trend is not adequately
reflected in IS strategy research. Research activities had their peak in the 1990s and declined
since then. In fact, it now appears that IS strategy research and practice have diverged
significantly over time. Hence, it is not surprising that academic recommendations are rarely
adopted by practitioners, if they are perceived at all. In response to this problem, the latest
academic debate on IS strategy research suggests a turn towards practice. The paper at
hand introduces a highly topical framework proposed to increase the practical relevance of
IS strategy research. This framework particularly reflects current planning conditions as are
characteristic for the “Information Age”.

DOI 10.1007/s12599-013-0279-z

1 Introduction extensive research has been done on

The Author the process of devising IS strategies, the
Information systems (IS) strategy1 is a methods and techniques that can be ap-
Dr. Rolf Alexander Teubner () significant concern in practice which plied to it, the competitive impacts of IS,
Institute for Information Systems has dominated management agendas for and the alignment of IS strategies and
Westfälische Wilhelms-University more than 20 years now. (Galliers et al. business strategies. Findings from this re-
of Münster 1994; Watson et al. 1997; McGee et al. search have found their way into numer-
Leonardo Campus 11 2005; Luftman and Ben-Zvi 2011). Ac- ous publications, including conference
48149 Münster cordingly, management positions de- and journal publications as well as doc-
Germany voted to IS strategy development can toral dissertations. Nevertheless, research be found in many larger firms and or- findings and academic recommendations
ganizations. Common job titles include are often ignored in everyday business.
Received: 2012-06-04 “head of IT strategy” or “director strate- Instead, practitioners deal with IS strat-
Accepted: 2013-04-10 gic IT management”. Editorial columns egy on practitioner conferences and in
Accepted after three revisions by in practitioner magazines and practi- practitioner magazines which are largely
Prof. Dr. Peter Buxmann. tioner conferences dedicated to the topic disconnected from the academic debate.
Published online: 2013-07-16 of IS strategy (for instance the col- Adding to this, the practitioner debate
umn “IT-Strategie” in Computerwoche, differs so fundamentally from that of aca-
This article is also available in Ger- a weekly German IT magazine, and the demics that both might appear to be lead
man in print and via http://www. annual practitioner conference “Strategi- in their own separate universe. Teubner RA
sches IT-Management” hosted by Han- By now, the academic IS community
(2013) Informationssystem-Strategie.
delsblatt, a German daily business news- has begun to recognize the apparent gap
Theorie, Praxis und Herausforderun-
gen an die Forschung. WIRTSCHAFTS- paper) also underline the relevance of the between IS strategy research and practice
INFORMATIK. doi: 10.1007/s11576- topic. (Ward 2012; Hackney et al. 2000). Aca-
013-0374-2. As can be expected from its promi- demics increasingly discuss the need for a
nence in practice, IS strategy has also shift of perspective in IS strategy research
© Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden been an important field of research in in order to respond to this development.
2013 academia both in the Anglo-American This discussion is the focus of the pa-
Information Systems discipline as well as per at hand, which intends to contribute
in the German Wirtschaftsinformatik as to an up-to-date and practically relevant
its counterpart. Over the past 40 years, understanding of IS strategy.

1 We prefer to speak of an IS strategy. Thus we intend to avoid overemphasizing either the technological means (IT) or the ends to which they are

employed (i.e., information provided and exchanged). The term IS strategy simultaneously expresses that information and technology are used
in pursuit of business purposes and that they are embedded into the organization. Information Systems are socio-technical systems and as such
constitute themselves through the relations between business information needs, the users and the technology employed.

Business & Information Systems Engineering 4|2013 243


The paper starts with an overview of the potential of Galliers’ contribution of company’s business concerns and strate-
the current state of research on IS strat- adding to the development of an up-to- gic goals. However, this link was one-
egy. Initially, in Sect. 2 the topic of IS date and practically relevant understand- way only, from business to IS. The ap-
strategy is placed in the broader con- ing of IS strategy. We conclude this paper proach to designing IS at that time
text of the debate on Strategic Infor- by consolidating the results of this dis- was systematic and top-down, sometimes
mation Systems Planning (SISP). Subse- cussion into a brief summary and out- even adopting engineering-like qualities
quently, Sect. 3 introduces IS strategy re- loock section which includes a series of (Henderson and Sifonis 1988).
search in more detail, considering both suggestions on how to refocus IS strategy With rapid technological advances
the concept and the contents. Sections 2 research (Sect. 6). in data processing and especially in
and 3 are based on a systematic litera- telecommunication in the 1980s, IT de-
ture review that has been conducted ac- veloped a competitive dimension: Indi-
cording to the recommendations by Web- vidual companies began to realize strate-
ster and Watson (2002). The review in- 2 Development of the Academic gic advantages by using information and
cludes publications from the beginnings Debate communication technologies more ef-
of IS strategy research in the 1970s up to fectively than their competitors. Charles
2005 (Teubner and Mocker 2008; Chen Until well into the 1960s, in the times Wiseman (1985) coined the term “Strate-
et al. 2010). Following this, Sect. 4 con- of the so-called era of Data Processing, gic Information System (SIS)“ in order to
fronts the state of research with current practical IS planning was dominated by accentuate this new, competitive view on
IS strategy practice. The insights into technical problems and their solutions. information systems. For years, the no-
practice provided in this section mainly Information Technology (IT) was pri- tion that IT was able to deliver a supe-
build on experience from interviews with marily used to automate standardized rior competitive position became so pop-
CIOs, findings from other researchers mass data processing. The main aim of IS ular among academics that this time has
published in the academic literature and, planning was to develop efficient systems retrospectively been identified as the era
above all, two studies the author has con- for this purpose. During this time, IS of Strategic Information Systems (Ward
ducted together with colleagues. The first planning was largely independent from and Peppard 2002, pp. 25 f). During
study is a case study of a financial ser- business planning and, accordingly, did this time, IS planning developed distinc-
vice corporation that was conducted as not have any immediate relationship to tive traits of competitive strategy: of cen-
an action research project over several strategic business planning (Gibson and tral interest was the question of how
months in 2003 (Teubner and Mocker Nolan 1974). IT could be used to support the com-
2005; Teubner 2007). The second study During the 1970s, IT became increas- petitive goals of a company. This new
is a collection of qualitative in-depth in- ingly more interactive, powerful, and less competitive view extended and, in terms
terviews that were conducted with twelve expensive. As a result, the number of ar- of its methods, ultimately even super-
selected IT strategy experts in 2005 and eas of worthwhile IS deployment grew seded the traditional top-down view of
2006 (Mocker and Teubner 2006; Mocker significantly. Especially the domain of IS planning. Planning methods originat-
2007; Teubner et al. 2009). The experts management was discovered as an area of ing from this time, such as the 5-Forces-
interviewed actively conducted strategic valuable IS application, so that the 1970s Model, the Value Chain model (Porter
IS planning in their organizations on a became known as the era of Management and Millar 1985), the Strategic Oppor-
regular basis. They had a formal respon- Information Systems (MIS) (Ward and tunity Grid (Ives and Learmonth 1984),
sibility for IS strategy in their organiza- and the Strategic Thrust Model (Rack-
Peppard 2002, pp. 17 ff.). This era’s main
tions, which in most cases was also re- off et al. 1985), primarily aim at ex-
characteristic was a growing demand
flected in their job titles (e.g., head of IT ploiting the strategic and competitive po-
from functional executives for IS that
strategy). In addition to this, all intervie- tential of IT. In contrast to traditional
specifically supported their management
wees accepted as IS strategy experts also top-down methods such as Information
tasks. The resulting IS – called manage-
represented IS strategy externally by par- Engineering or Business Systems Plan-
ticipating in inter-organizational and in- ment information systems (MIS) – gave ning, they neither prescribe a specific
dustry committees or by publishing on this period its name. The main purpose procedure nor do they require specific
practitioner conferences and in maga- of these MIS was to provide manage- techniques for modelling and problem-
zines (Teubner et al. 2009, pp. 369 f.). ment with extensive information needed solving. They should rather be under-
All the experts interviewed worked for for planning and controlling. In reaction stood as heuristic approaches to uncover
medium-sized to large companies with to these demands, several new methods the strategic and competitive potentials
headquarters in Germany, most of which for IS planning were developed and ap- of IT.
did business on an international scale. plied (Lederer and Sethi 1988), such as In the early 1990s, systematic planning
Finally, Sect. 5 addresses the need for Business Systems Planning (IBM 1984), of SIS began to show first signs of its lim-
a new perspective on IS strategy by in- Critical Success Factor Analysis (Rockart itations. An analysis of prominent cases
troducing a recent and widely discussed 1979), and Method/1 (Arthur Andersen of successful SIS documented in litera-
proposition by Robert Galliers on neces- & Co 1982; Lederer and Gardiner 1992). ture revealed that, in many cases, SIS suc-
sary changes in academics’ understand- These methods directly linked IS plan- cess was rather due to fortunate circum-
ing of IS strategy. This proposition is dis- ning to business tasks and problems. stances than to careful and circumspect
cussed critically against the backdrop of More comprehensive methods such as planning activities (Senn 1992). In addi-
the current state of IS strategy research Information Engineering (Martin 1989) tion, the same study showed that strate-
in academia and its distance to practice. finally supported a concerted company- gic IS tended to develop from ordinary
In doing so, we pay special attention to wide planning of IS that aligned to the IS in the functional areas, particularly at

244 Business & Information Systems Engineering 4|2013


Fig. 1 Development of the academic debate on SISP

the interface to customers and suppliers. search gradually moved away from re- a certain level of technological know-
Hardly ever were they the result of de- searching and analyzing Strategic Align- how and management competence (Mata
liberate initiatives by the IT department. ment merely from the viewpoint of et al. 1995; Powell and Dent-Micaleff
IT departments took part in the process methodological challenges towards one 1997; Melville et al. 2004).
of SIS development, if at all, as technical that also includes a broader organiza- Figure 1 graphically represents the de-
innovators and moderator. Instead, the tional dimension (Merali et al. 2012, velopment of the academic debate on
proximity to the users in the functional p. 130; Chan and Reich 2007, p. 308). SISP. The x-axis as the time axis shows
areas (Senn 1992, p. 10; Maier 1997, The growing extent to which IT be- the progress of the four IT ages in delib-
p. 44) as well as top-management support came an integral part of business was ac- erately broad and schematic strokes. Each
(Galliers 1991, p. 57) turned out to be companied by intensified efforts to in- of the different ages is briefly character-
of superior importance for the success of tegrate IS within and even across com- ized. The four designations are adapted
SIS initiatives. These insights questioned pany boundaries. Additionally, compa- from Mintzberg’s (1990) differentiation
the kind of “outside-in” planning that nies found it increasingly difficult to gen- of planning schools. This seems legiti-
most SIS methods had followed until that erate competitive advantages through in- mate as other authors also emphasize the
point. Instead, they turned this reasoning telligent IT use. First, IT markets had correspondences between business plan-
around by focusing on the capabilities of matured and IT products and IT ser- ning and IS planning (Chan et al. 1997;
the company (“inside-out”) and empha- vices were generally available – they be- Segars and Grover 1999), which, more-
sizing the link between business planning came a commodity (Carr 2003). Second, over, has been empirically substantiated
and IS planning. This link had already internet-based IT solutions were highly (Sabherwal and King 1995). However, we
been recognized in the top-down meth- visible and could hence be more eas- do not intend to suggest that the de-
ods of the MIS age, but only as a one- ily and quickly imitated. As a result, velopment of strategic IS planning and
way street from business planning to IS the late 1990s saw the pace and feroc- strategic business planning can be simply
planning. ity of competition greatly increasing. The equated (Lee and Hsu 2009).
In the 1990s, calls for a mutually potential to sustain a competitive edge Figure 1 depicts the publication activ-
aligned business and IS strategy, aiming gained by innovative IS rapidly dimin- ity as a distribution graph using data col-
at a good fit between the two, grew suc- ished (McAfee and Brynjolfsson 2008). lected in a comprehensive literature study
cessively louder. This paradigm has been The discussion of IS planning acknowl- which investigated publications from 10
coined “Strategic Alignment” in the aca- edged these changing circumstances by leading Anglo-American and five Ger-
demic literature (Henderson and Venka- directing its attention to the “Resource man IS journals beginning in the 1970s
traman 1989, 1993; Teubner 2006). A Based View (RBV)” (Mata et al. 1995; (Teubner and Mocker 2008). The y-axis
more precise designation would actually Piccoli and Ives 2005). In contrast to represents the number of publications on
be “Strategic Co-alignment”, as business the “Market Based View (MBV)”, which SISP relative to the overall number of
and IS strategies are developed in paral- many of the methods of the SIS age publications in these journals. The graph
lel and matched interactively and contin- are based on (Ives and Learmonth 1984; shows that, even accounting for a time
uously. The idea of Strategic Alignment Porter and Millar 1985), the RBV main- lag between actual research activity and
was seminal to the IT developments of tains that sustainable competitive advan- its publication in academic journals, the
the late 1990s, which mark the transi- tages do not simply result from indi- late 1970s mark the earliest point when
tion to the era of E-Business. As the term vidual IS or even particular technolo- there is a clearly discernible tendency to-
“E-Business” already suggests, IT increas- gies, but from the unique capabilities of wards researching strategic issues in IS
ingly became integral to all areas and pro- a company. These include, in particular, planning. We are aware that the term
cesses of regular business. This unprece- the ability to develop and operate ad- “strategic” in conjunction with IS plan-
dented degree of integration made the vantageous IS. Many studies show that ning research was used before that time,
idea of Strategic Alignment even more this capability demands not only finan- but this happened only to differentiate IS
meaningful. As a consequence, IS re- cial and technical prerequisites, but also planning focused on business needs from

Business & Information Systems Engineering 4|2013 245


earlier IS planning focused on technical contents are supposed to be. This finding according to economic criteria (Doherty
needs. corresponds with the assessments by Teo et al. 1999). Some definitions also in-
A direct comparison of the Anglo- and Ang (2000, p. 275) and Gottschalk clude planning of the requisite technical,
American with the German publication (1999, p. 78), both of which conclude that financial, and human resources besides
output shows that strategic IS planning SISP research has so far mainly dealt with the application system itself (O’Connor
is a dominant issue in the former com- the planning process and less with the 1993, p. 71). Baker (1995, p. 62) goes even
munity but only a minor one in the lat- planning outcome, i.e., IS strategy. A lit- further by defining SISP as a process of
ter (at least as far as the publication of erature study by Brown (2004) supports identifying and prioritizing IS “(. . . ) that
research results in academic journals is these results: The lion’s share of the pub- are efficient and effective and/or strate-
concerned). In fact, only very few such lications studied (84 %) deals with the gic in nature together with the neces-
studies have been carried out in the Ger- IS planning process, whereas only 26 % sary resources (human, technical and fi-
man speaking parts of Europe (Brown also address the IS strategy as the desired nancial), management of change consid-
2004, p. 26). The publication activity in outcome (multiple answers permissible). erations, control procedures and orga-
the “Wirtschaftsinformatik”, the leading We thus have to conclude that, despite re- nizational structures needed to imple-
German IS journal, may serve to illus- markable research efforts, the construct ment these.” According to this defini-
trate this. In the last 10 years, there has of “IS strategy” as the eventual outcome tion, SISP also includes the design of
been practically no publication activity of SISP has not received any substan- organizational structures, processes, and
on the topic of SISP. The few publica- tial research attention yet. In light of this governance mechanisms.
tions on SISP that actually exist date back finding, the remainder of this article deals
to the end of the 1980s and early 1990s with the state of IS strategy research in 3.1 Information Systems Strategy
(for instance Kaucky and Niedereich- greater detail. The subsequent section be- Concepts
holz 1988; Schumann and Hohe 1988; gins by introducing interpretations of IS
Roithmayr and Wendner 1992; Hilde- strategy given in the respective academic Beyond the basic agreement that the
brand 1994). The ostensibly low interest literature. application systems portfolio constitutes
in SISP stems from the specific character the core of IS strategy, there is a cer-
of the research done in the German dis- tain heterogeneity in the interpretations
cipline of Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI). In
3 IS-Strategy in the Light of the of IS strategy and its contents. This is al-
contrast to Anglo-American IS research, Current Academic Debate ready indicated by the variety of labels
which has a distinctive bias towards be- that the result of SISP has been given.
SISP is commonly seen as the process in
havioral and mostly empirical research, While some authors speak of “IS strat-
which IT-based application systems are
the WI research concentrates much more egy” (Galliers 1991), others call it “IT
developed in support of achieving a com-
on design and engineering aspects of strategy” (Gottschalk 1999), while again
pany’s business goals. This is supported
IS (Steininger et al. 2009, p. 480). The others use a combination of both, “IT/IS
by Earl (2003, p. 60), who asserts that it
engineering-related areas of WI research strategy” (Henderson and Venkatraman
“is conventional wisdom and practice to
(Aier et al. 2009; Teubner 2003), such as 1993). Also applied are the denomina-
think of the information systems plan as
Information Engineering (Kurbel et al. tions “strategic information plan” (Led-
an applications development portfolio”.
1994; Heilmann et al. 1996), Business En- This basic agreement has held over all of erer and Salmela 1996), or “information
gineering (Österle and Winter 2003), and the four different ages of SISP (Fig. 1). strategy“ (Smits et al. 1997).
Enterprise Architecture (Aier et al. 2008), What has shifted, however, are the el- A deeper analysis of the common con-
include issues of IS strategy but these are ements of SISP that the different peri- ceptions and ideas that researchers asso-
not focus of research per se. ods accentuated. Whereas in the MIS age, ciate with the term IS strategy shows ad-
An analysis of the content reveals that SISP primarily focused on satisfying a de- ditional differences in comprehension. In
the majority of SISP publications deal mand or need for specific IS within a our studies of the academic literature on
with the question of whether and how company, the SIS age concentrated on IS strategy (Teubner and Mocker 2008;
companies are able to gain a competitive developing and using IS that would de- Chen et al. 2010), we were able to identify
advantage through the application of IT liver a competitive advantage. To high- four different “mental concepts” (Lau-
(Teubner and Mocker 2008). More than light this difference, some authors de- rence and Margolis 1999): First, IS strat-
half of the studies concentrate on this scribed SISP as “planning of strategic IS” egy is seen as the basic disposition to-
question (53 %, multiple answers per- in contradistinction to “strategic plan- wards IT, or the generally accepted role
mitted). Other areas stressed are proce- ning of IS” (Cavaye and Cragg 1993). of IT in the company. Second, IS strat-
dures, methods, and frameworks that can In the age of e-business, SISP has be- egy is seen as instrumental in and an “ex-
be employed for developing IS strategies come more proactive and concentrates tended arm” of business strategy. Its pur-
(28 %) as well as Strategic Alignment on enabling new business strategies, di- pose is to define the IT support required
which deals with how to bring business versifying business and opening up new by strategic business initiatives. Third,
and IS strategies into agreement (14 %). business options (King and Teo 2000; IS strategy is understood as a general
One might expect that IS strategy itself Newkirk and Lederer 2006). plan (“master plan”) for the build-out
as the eventual outcome of SISP would Linked to the view that the IT applica- of the company’s information processing
have also been a substantial matter of aca- tion systems portfolio is at the heart of throughout the organization. The fourth
demic investigation. However, the litera- IS strategy are issues of range and reach view sees IS strategy as the departmental
ture study shows that only 13 % of all of application system support for busi- plan of the IT department.
publications also deal with the question ness processes. Also stressed is the neces- Table 1 represents the four views ac-
of what an IS strategy is and what its sity of prioritizing IT application projects cording to four different criteria. The first

246 Business & Information Systems Engineering 4|2013


Table 1 Strategy concepts in academic literature

Conception Criterion
Central question to be Intended effect Position adopted Relation to Business
answered Strategy

IS strategy as What is the role of IT for Establishing an Organization-centric IS strategy is self-contained

basic (managerial) our business? What is our organization-wide Normative and distinguishable from
disposition disposition towards IT consensus on importance business strategy.
towards IT investments, IT use, and IT and use of IT as well as on
management? IT investments.
IS strategy as Which tasks are to be Identifying required IT Department centric IS strategy is an
departmental plan carried out by the IT resources and ensuring their operationalization of
function in the next timely and reliable business strategy on the
planning period? acquisition and allocation organizational level of the
Which resources are so that business can run Strategy execution oriented IT function.
required to do so? smoothly.
IS strategy as For a given business Creating the IT facilities Business-centric IS strategy is subordinate to
extended arm of strategy, how can IT be used necessary for the business strategy; it is an
business strategy to support it? implementation of the extension of business
In particular, how can IT be business strategy and Competitive strategy rather than a
used to gain and sustain a attainment of competitive success-oriented strategy in its own right.
competitive business advantages.
IS strategy as Which IT and related assets Provide the IT facilities and Information processing IS strategy is a strategy in its
master plan are needed across the capabilities that render the centric own right, it is deployed in
organization? organization able to do alignment with business
How to develop and deploy successful business in the Build-out oriented strategy.
IT and related assets? future.

criterion is the set of central questions might for instance shape the course of The focus of IS strategy here is on pro-
that the conceptualization of IS strategy IS/IT investment decisions. Such deci- viding the technical prerequisites for
answers (column 2). Related to this is sions will certainly vary according to executing the business strategy. An im-
the intended effect on the business that whether IT is seen as a strategic factor portant element of this, and hence also
is sought by the IS strategy (column 3). or “competitive weapon” or merely a in the focus, are the projects that sup-
The position adopted (column 4) defines supportive tool or even a cost factor in port strategic initiatives. Such projects
the aim and focus of strategy formula- an organization (McFarlan et al. 1983). are called “strategic projects” in or-
tion. This position also influences the an-  In contrast to the first conceptualiza- der to distinguish them from opera-
swer to the question of how IS strategy tion, the notion of IS strategy as de- tional projects that mainly result from
should be aligned with business strategy partmental plan (Smits et al. 1997; maintenance needs. Particular atten-
and thus affects the relation of IS strategy Boddy et al. 2005, p. 65; Lehner 1993, tion is paid to projects that are directly
and business strategy (column 5). p. 16) makes use of IS strategy in linked to the competitive strategy of
As far as a researcher bases her or his re- a much more detailed and concrete the company (SIS projects).
search on one of the four conceptualiza- form. The focus here is on the short  In contrast, IS strategies as master
or mid-term IT projects whose im-
tions shown in Table 1, this decision has plans (Henderson and Venkatraman
plementation constitutes much of the
immediate implications for the content 1993; Galliers 1991; Earl 1989) are
work of IT departments. Additional
of IS strategy: blueprints for the development of a
duties are operational tasks and the
 The concept of basic disposition to- company-wide infrastructure for in-
(re-)organization of IT functions (e.g.,
wards IT, i.e., the role assigned to IT IT service management, risk control- formation processing. As such, these
in a company (Leidner et al. 2011; ling, or compliance projects). In ad- are comprehensive as well as concrete.
Chen et al. 2010; Parsons 1983; Szyper- dition, IS strategies as departmental They are comprehensive because they
ski 1981), is closely associated with plans are typically concerned with de- refer to the organization as a whole
the importance of IT for the business. ploying the requisite IT resources (e.g., and consider technical questions as
Generally, this notion of IS strategy personnel and financial resources) to well as use and application contexts.
is not concerned with particular de- meet these obligations. They are concrete because they de-
cisions or planning issues, but rather  If IS strategy is regarded as an ex- termine the principles and concepts
takes form in, e.g., “mission state- tended arm of the business strategy and set the course for the build-out of
ments”. Even though such dispositions (Gottschalk 1999; Hoey 1998; Hatten the corporate IT-based infrastructure.
are fairly abstract, they nevertheless and Hatten 1997), it is constituted di- Frequently, application systems, or the
have a discernible bearing on specific rectly in relation to the goals and mea- development portfolio of these, are
strategic decisions. A basic disposition sures set forth in the business strategy. of central importance here. They are

Business & Information Systems Engineering 4|2013 247


Table 2 Comparison of IS strategy checklist examples

Das et al. (1991) Conrath et al. (1992) Lederer and Salmela (1996)
literature analysis case study analysis method analysis

 Distinctive competence emphasized in  Statement of objectives  Summary of IT strategy

strategic MIS planning  Hardware plan  Data plan (data requirements, initial
 Resources (e.g., IT budget)  Projection of possible future MIS/EDP entities), application plan (high-level
 Dominant information processing environment specification of apps), security and
technology  Recommended implementation plan training, tools for the IS function
 Level of computerization (incl. the  Systems development plan  Cost, benefits, risks, and resource re-
MIS function)  Financial Plan quirements resulting from the plans
 Sources from which the firm obtains  Personnel plan  Change management plan: actions that
its information technology  Facilities plan will facilitate adoption of IS plan
 Contribution of MIS department to  Projection of possible future user envi-  Human resource plan: newly required
systems design and development ronment IS skills, new roles/ responsibilities
 Medium, by which MIS contributes  Organization plan  Technical architecture of hardware,
 Technical processes through which  Educational plan supporting databases and system soft-
MIS are managed and controlled  Projection of possible future industry ware
 Organizational structure of the MIS environment  Migration plan: overall approach, key
function  Summary of strengths and weaknesses projects, their order of implementa-
 Administrative policies used to moti- of staff tion with cost, benefits, risks of each
vate and manage employees in MIS  Comparison of past IS performance vs. project
department plan  Process description: annually updating
 Alternate strategies the plan

Fig. 2 Genealogy of Earl’s

strategy model

supplemented by development plans dress. They are based on literature stud- duced by Earl (1989) is arguably the most
for the technical infrastructure, the ies (e.g., Das et al. 1991), case study prominent and influential. Since its in-
information needs, and the required and questionnaire research (e.g., Wexel- ception, the model has undergone several
resources to be provided. blat and Srinivasan 1999; Conrath et al. updates and extensions (Earl 1996, 2000)
The different conceptions assumed by 1992; Gottschalk 1999), or the analysis of and has inspired several other authors to
strategists will find expression in the con- SISP methods and their documentation develop their own models. Figure 2 dis-
tents of the resulting IS strategies. How- requirements (e.g., Lederer and Salmela plays Earl’s influence on the development
ever, more studies exist which deal more 1996; Flynn and Goleniewska 1993). of conceptual strategy models in terms of
explicitly with the contents of IS strate- Table 2 displays three typical issue lists an inheritance tree, which we have cre-
gies. These are introduced in the next derived in different ways as examples. ated by way of a backward citation analy-
section. Their juxtaposition shows that these lists sis (Teubner and Mocker 2009, p. 154).
cover a broad variety of topics. Unfortu- Three central questions have guided
3.2 Contents of Information Systems nately, the terminology used in these lists Earl in the development of his model:
Strategies is not universally defined and therefore Which business tasks should be sup-
very difficult to compare. Another signif- ported by IT? How is IT to be used to
Approaches to investigating the content icant problem lies in the fact that the issue support these tasks? Whose responsibil-
of IS strategies can be divided into two lists possess little or no internal structure. ity is it to provide IT-based solutions and
basic categories: issue lists and concep- In contrast to issue lists, conceptual services to the business? The last ques-
tual models. The former comprise ques- models attempt to explore the field of tion also includes the decision as to which
tions and problems that an IS strategy IS strategy in a logically deductive fash- tasks are to be performed in-house (in-
often deals with or that it should ad- ion. Among these models, the one intro- sourcing) or rather provided by exter-

248 Business & Information Systems Engineering 4|2013


intensification of competition, for exam-

ple by increasing market transparency,
accelerating innovation processes, and
globalizing trade. IT has also fundamen-
tally changed the structure of economic
processes, for example in the form of
dis-/intermediation, networked compa-
nies, or business ecologies (McAfee and
Brynjolfsson 2008; Picot et al. 2008).
One possible reason for the opposed
development of IS strategy research on
the one and practice on the other hand
might be that both IS strategy and SISP
Fig. 3 Earl’s IS strategy model (Earl 2000)
have been sufficiently understood in re-
search and that only the knowledge trans-
nal suppliers (outsourcing). In response Strategy models, such as Earl’s, can fer from research to practice is still miss-
to these questions, three distinct dimen- contribute significantly to a more struc- ing. At first glance, this argument is con-
sions of IS strategy result: systems strat- tured understanding of IS strategies in sistent with the empirical finding that
egy, technology strategy, and manage- practice. However, many of these mod- practitioners responsible for IS strategy
ment strategy (Earl 1989, 1996): The sys- els feature IS strategy contents only as far hardly consume any academic literature
tems strategy refers to the business areas as they are necessary for illustrative pur- of that area (Teubner 2007, pp. 122 f.;
that are to be supported by IT (what?). It poses. A comprehensive depiction of the Teubner et al. 2009, pp. 406 f.). However,
consists of the application portfolio and topics and decisions in the different strat- upon closer inspection, this finding can-
the planned IS projects. Earl character- egy areas is lacking, as is a proof of their not be attributed solely to ignorance on
izes the systems strategy as oriented to- practical relevance. In contrast to this, is- the part of practice since there are strong
wards business goals and demand. The sue lists give an idea of the concrete issues indicators that practice’s and research’s
technology strategy in turn defines the to be dealt with in IS strategies, whereas notions of IS strategy are incompatible
necessary technologies and guiding prin- they fail to systematize these or to set pri- both in terms of how strategy is under-
ciples which support and govern the im- orities. Therefore, a concrete benefit for stood (Sect. 3.1) and what its contents are
plementation of the applications (how?). practice can only be attained by combin- (Sect. 3.2).
Earl describes it as implementation- ing theoretical strategy models and em- Thus we can observe that the way in
oriented and technology-focused. Fi- pirical issue lists. The issue lists could which IS strategy is interpreted in prac-
nally, the management strategy deals with fill the dimensions specified by the strat- tice hardly corresponds to the concepts
the role of the IT function in the com- egy models with content so that practi- prevalent in academic literature. Table 3
pany (wherefore?) and the responsibili- tioners could be provided with, for in- provides an overview of the interpreta-
ties in carrying out its tasks (who?). It stance, structured IS strategy checklists tions of IS strategy in practice that we
clarifies the purposes of IT use and de- for different areas of IS strategy. have identified based on interviews with
fines the requisite human resources and
IS strategy practitioners (Mocker and
related responsibilities.
Teubner 2006). The comparison with Ta-
Earl sees the systems strategy at the 4 Research vs. Practice ble 1 shows that research and practice
heart of IS strategy as it provides the
only overlap in the view that equates IS
interface to the business and its pro- In contrast to the academic interest in IS
cesses. The systems strategy makes sure strategy with the departmental plan of
strategy, which has considerably waned
that a company’s IT use is aligned with the IT department – a conception that
over the last years (Fig. 1), practition-
its business interests and needs. Further- is theoretically problematic. Some of the
ers continue to treat IS strategy with
more, it ensures that IT is applied ef- other views show that practitioners stress
great attention (Luftman et al. 2006; Luft-
ficiently by evaluating and prioritizing man and Ben-Zvi 2011). Recent stud- the role of IS strategy as a marketing
IS projects. However, in his latest ver- ies of the IT Governance Institute sug- strategy of the IT department or as an
sion (Fig. 3), Earl has added a fourth di- gest that the strategic importance of IT agenda for change. It has to be men-
mension that, in his view, takes a cen- use in practice has even risen over the tioned, however, that, in contrast to the
tral role in creating business success in last years (ITGI 2008, 2011). The reasons mental concepts of academics as shown
the information age. This dimension an- for this are obvious. Information systems in Table 1, the practitionner interpreta-
swers questions concerning the “where?”: are ubiquitous, and a general scarcity tions given in Table 3 are functional by
Where is value added, and where is po- of resources forces many companies to nature. As such they not mutually ex-
tential for further development? In doing consider carefully how, for what, and at clusive and can overlap. They also vary
so, Earl acknowledges the role of infor- which costs to use IT. IT costs of typ- widely. This observed heterogeneity in
mation as an organizational resource. He ically 3–5 % of revenue – in some ar- how IS strategy is understood is sup-
puts particular emphasis on the role of eas such as telecommunications and fi- ported by a study by Brady et al. (1992,
commonly available information in orga- nancial services even substantially more p. 183), which concludes that the inter-
nizational knowledge management and (Potter et al. 2011) – require dedicated pretations of IS strategy differ not only
in developing critical competences (Earl top-management attention per se. In ad- between companies but often also within
2000). dition, IT has contributed greatly to an them.

Business & Information Systems Engineering 4|2013 249


Table 3 Practitioner’s interpretations of IS strategy

Interpretation Criterion
Purpose Trigger Formalization Core contents

Binding Sustainable development of Business or technological High IT platform selection due to

guideline the IIS changes merger situation or because
current platform not
sufficient any more
Mitigate the risk of locking Technical restriction that put Forms a sets of guiding Governance and role of the
the company into a wrong into question fulfilment of principles IT department vis-à-vis the
technological direction future demands business units
Ensure reliable delivery of IT Contracts and forms
Departmental Ensure that the aims, tasks Regular business planning High Objectives, task assignments
plan and resources of the IT (including IS-projects) and
department are in line with resource assignments
the company’s business (including budget)
Formal requirements and
Change Change the way of how IT is Innovations in technology Low Relevant technology
agenda currently conducted emergence of standards developments, technical
fundamentally standards
Make the CIOs work End of life of systems and Only core concerns get Innovation projects
interesting technologies documented (e.g., in
No coherent IS strategy Best management practices
document (e.g., ITIL, CobiT)
Marketing Shaping the profile of the Management Workshops High Mission and Vision of the IT
strategy of the internal IT organization department
IT department vis-à-vis the business
Acceptance and appreciation Is the “constitution” of the IT Definition of customers and
by the business department products, setup of the IT
department to best serve its

However, much more striking than the

heterogeneity among IS strategy inter-
pretations in practice is the difference be-
tween practice and academic literature
(Brady et al. 1992, p. 182; Brown 2010).
A quick look at the contents of prac-
titioner magazines suffices to illustrate
this. Two thirds of the topics discussed
in 2009/10 under the label “IS strategy”
in the “CIO Magazine” and the German
“Computerwoche” deal with new tech-
nologies (e.g., Cloud Computing, Service
Oriented Architecture, Software as a Ser-
vice, Web 2.0) or application trends (e.g.,
Customer Relationship Management, So-
Fig. 4 IS strategy contents in academic discussion and professional practice
cial Software, Business Intelligence). An-
other 10 % of articles deal with IT gover-
nance and IT outsourcing. Smaller shares projects, practitioners are mainly con- fied and rated according to their im-
are held by further topics such as tech- cerned with technology development and portance in the academic discussion and
nology and process standards and IT standards as well as with the IT orga- professional practice (for rating meth-
security. nization. These differences in emphasis ods and scaling cf. Teubner et al. 2012,
Whereas academics mainly discuss are confirmed by an analysis by Teubner pp. 44 f.). Figure 4 illustrates the results
how to create competitive advantage et al. (2012). In this study, nine distinct by means of a Kiviat diagram that shows
and to plan IT application development IS strategy planning areas were identi- the respective focal points as two differ-

250 Business & Information Systems Engineering 4|2013


ent areas: The upper area represents the ingly recognizing problems of traditional with great importance in the Informa-
IS strategy focus in the academic discus- IS strategy research. As a result, a de- tion Systems discipline (Ciborra 1997,
sion (Sects. 2 and 3), which is on cre- bate has arisen in academic circles about 2001; De Vaujany 2008). Here, they are
ating competitive advantage and plan- new challenges and approaches to look- viewed as an adequate response to to-
ning the IT application portfolio. In ad- ing into IS strategies (Ward 2012; Merali day’s discontinuous environmental con-
dition, information as an organizational et al. 2012; Buhl et al. 2012). A very re- ditions which have frequently been inter-
resource has also attained broader atten- cent issue (2/2013) of MIS Quarterly, for preted as part of the economic and so-
tion. The lower area represents the IS instance, discusses the concept of “digital cietal change associated with the advent
strategy topics important in professional business strategy”, analyzing the role of IT of the information society (Castells 2009;
practice. These are mainly IT architec- in devising, and giving direction to, busi- Lehner 2003, 2005; Schmid 2001). But
tures, the definition and introduction of ness strategies. This discussion includes which impact do practice turn and at-
standards for IT application systems, and the question if and how a “digital busi- tention to micro activities have on the
IT-related processes (e.g., introduction of ness strategy” helps overcome the short- understanding of IS strategies? And how
standards for IT project management or comings of existing IS strategy concepts – could a change of perspective come about
IT operations), IT sourcing, and IT or- particularly the understanding of IS strat- in research? One proposition that has
ganization (including the co-ordination egy as a departmental plan (Table 1 and been met with growing recognition in the
between business and IT organization). Table 2). academic discussion (cf. for example the
The differences regarding IS strategy The debate about new perspectives JSIS special issue of 2013, “Information
contents can be partly explained by dif- in IS strategy research has two main Systems Strategy as Practice: Micro Strat-
ferent interests of practitioners and aca- sources: First, the fact that the relevance egy and Strategizing for IS”) has been
demics concerning IS strategy. Whereas of existing research is perceived as low put forth by Robert Galliers. He devel-
academic research usually studies IS in practice (Sect. 4) and, second, the ops a so called “Strategizing” framework
strategy in a single business unit con- fact that the conditions of IS planning for IS strategy research; by choosing the
text, practitioners often take a corpo- have changed substantially. The prime term “strategizing” alone he already indi-
rate view which has to accommodate sev- time of SISP research falls into a period cates that he draws on the practice turn of
eral individual business units in paral- of relatively stable economic conditions strategy research in the discipline of busi-
lel (Teubner et al. 2012, p. 31). Such ness administration (Johnson et al. 2003;
(Fig. 1), conditions which hardly exist
strategies do not regularly aim at sup- Jarzabkowski et al. 2007).
anymore in today’s economic environ-
porting a specific business, its products
ment. Several researchers have therefore
and processes, but at realizing synergies 5.1 The Strategizing Framework
questioned whether the premises of tra-
across several business units. Therefore,
ditional SISP research still hold in the
topics such as corporate-wide systems The strategizing framework implies a
current economic and societal circum-
standardization or the development of fundamental shift in how IS strategies are
stances (Tanriverdi et al. 2010; Salmela
common IT infrastructures preponder- viewed. This becomes evident in the di-
ate. This tendency is particularly evident and Spil 2002; Hackney et al. 2000).
rect comparison between the strategiz-
in the two views that interpret IS strategy Such questions are not new and have ing framework and earlier frameworks of
as a change agenda and a binding guide- already been discussed in business ad- Galliers’ that he proposed for strategy re-
line (Table 3, first column). The aca- ministration and management studies as search in the 1990s. Whereas the original
demic discussion, on the other hand, has related disciplines. Henry Mintzberg, for frameworks (Galliers 1991, 1993, 1999)
so far paid only limited attention to these example, criticized central premises of organize strategy contents, the strategiz-
questions. classical strategy planning in a debate ing framework (Galliers 2006, 2011; Gal-
In light of these differences, it is hardly with Igor Ansoff as far back as the 1990s liers and Newell 2003) models areas of
surprising that IS strategy practitioners (Mintzberg 1994; Ansoff 1994). Follow- concern in strategy formation.
consider the academic discussion on IS ing this debate, the informal planning Galliers’ early frameworks (Fig. 5)
strategy as less relevant to their work processes as well as human aspects have draw on the three part division of Earl’s
(Teubner 2007, pp. 122 f.). This is ex- gained more attention in strategy re- original model (Fig. 2). In contrast to
acerbated by the fact that the results search. Whittington (1996) even suggests Earl (1989), who differentiates between
of the academic discussion have so far understanding strategy development as a three separate partial IS strategies (sys-
been presented in a rather unrelated and social practice where the focus of research tems, technology, and management strat-
barely integrated fashion, which poses shifts to the human beings (the plan- egy), Galliers’ IS strategy is made up of a
additional challenges for practitioners in- ners) and the actions they take in strategy technology strategy (how?), an informa-
terested in adopting them (Lederer and development. In doing so, Whittington tion strategy (what?), and a service strat-
Salmela 1996). Also Allen and Wilson opens up a new perspective to research egy (who?), and the relationships exist-
(1996, p. 240) see this diversity as a con- which has been missing so far and that ing between them. These three strategies
siderable obstacle to a productive use of has given rise to a practice turn in busi- are complemented by an implementation
academic results in practice. ness strategy research (Whittington 2006; strategy that coordinates the realization
Jarzabkowski et al. 2007). of the former three strategies. The im-
Associated with this turn in strategy plementation strategy includes not only
5 A New Perspective on IS research is a shift of focus away from aspects of technical implementation but
Strategy formal responsibilities and procedures also the associated organizational change.
towards the “micro-activities” in daily For this reason, Galliers himself prefers
While original research on IS Strategy is strategy practice (Johnson et al. 2003). the term “Change Management Imple-
on the wane (Fig. 1), academia is increas- These micro-activities are also credited mentation Strategy” instead of simply

Business & Information Systems Engineering 4|2013 251


according to areas of concern and dispo-

sitions of strategizing. Galliers still distin-
guishes three problem areas of strategy
that need to be addressed: exploitation
strategy, exploration strategy, and change
management strategy.
 The exploitation strategy deals with

the application of IT for predeter-

mined operational purposes. The aim
of the exploitation strategy is to enable
efficient business operations. A typi-
cal example is the procurement and in-
troduction of ERP software to support
core operational tasks.
 The exploration strategy, in contrast,

is tasked with exploring new business

potentials. This may happen by suc-
cessfully using IT competitively, as for
example Wal-Mart or American Air-
lines have done. Strategic IS for this
Fig. 5 Galliers’ original IS strategy framework purpose are amply documented in lit-
erature (Kettinger et al. 1994). Other
potentials lie in the exploration of
new markets or the development of
novel and innovative IT-based busi-
ness models as for example in the cases
of Ebay or Netflix.
 The change management strategy is

partly equivalent to the implementa-

tion strategy in the original frame-
work but puts less emphasis on the
technical implementation of technol-
ogy and more on the organizational
change induced by IT.
Drawing on Mintzberg (1994), Gal-
liers characterizes the exploitation strat-
egy as a deliberate strategy, whereas he
sees the exploration strategy as an emer-
gent strategy. He believes that emergent
planning processes and change manage-
ment become more and more important
as complexity and dynamism of the en-
vironment increase (Galliers and Newell
2003, p. 192): “IS strategy, therefore,
in addition to the more deliberate, de-
Fig. 6 Galliers’ new problem-oriented strategizing framework signed and codified IT ‘solutions’ that
have conventionally been implemented,
should be seen as being: on-going and
speaking of an implementation strat- strategy in the sense that it (the IS strat- processual; crucially dependent on learn-
egy. In his early framework, the business egy) can be thought of and planned in-
ing from ‘below’ (. . . ) on tinkering and
strategy is an outside entity which is re- dependently. Instead, the IS strategy has
improvisation; and ready to learn from
lated to and aligned with the IS strat- become an integral part and prerequi-
and respond to the emergent and un-
egy via the information strategy. How- site of the business strategy. The need
ever, Galliers advocates a strong connec- for a “strategic alignment” is therefore intended consequences of strategic deci-
tion between business and information eliminated. sions (. . . )”. With this, Galliers also ar-
strategy in order for both to inform each The new framework also abolishes the gues the importance of generating and
other productively. explicit differentiation between informa- exchanging knowledge (“Knowledge Cre-
Galliers’ new framework (Fig. 6) does tion strategy, technology strategy, and ation and Sharing Infrastructure”) that
away with the separation of IS and busi- service strategy. This is due to the model’s aims at supporting strategy-related com-
ness strategies. Now the IS strategy is new focus: it does not detail IS strategy munication, collaboration and learning
no longer independent from the business according to areas of content but rather processes (Fig. 6, upper part).

252 Business & Information Systems Engineering 4|2013


5.2 Review of the Strategizing and decision process that aims at a bet- IT services need to be rendered reliably
Framework ter understanding of requirements, possi- and cost-effectively, while at the same
bilities, and restrictions of IT use in busi- time new business opportunities enabled
The shift of perspective from strategy ness (Salmela and Spil 2002; Segars and by technological progress and new IT ser-
to strategizing that Galliers proposes is Grover 1999; Auer and Reponen 1997). vices needs to be exploited. Finally, by re-
borne out by the fact that IS strategies By considering the goals of the com- moving the division between IS and busi-
that are codified in strategy documents pany and actively engaging with the en- ness strategies, the strategizing frame-
are seldom implemented completely, but vironment, SISP is expected to help rec- work matches the propositions made in
mostly in smaller parts only (Lederer ognize environmental and technological the present discussion on digital business
and Mendelow 1993, p. 320). The rea- changes early and to assess these changes strategies. Nevertheless, against the back-
sons are manifold and range from lack with respect to their possible impacts on drop of the current state and the short-
of top-management support over unsub- organizational information processing. comings of IS strategy research as out-
stantiated investment appraisals to politi- The primary result of this is a shared un- lined in Sects. 2 to 4, Galliers’ proposition
cal or organizational resistance (Hartono derstanding of challenges, relevant devel- still has to be challenged in three central
et al. 2003; Teo and Ang 2001, pp. 467 f.; opments and options for action (Repo- points.
Gottschalk 1999). Researchers also men- nen 1994, p. 36). The consensus reached
tion discontinuities and planning risks in the planning process will often be ar- (1) The Process Aspect of Strategy Devel-
as particularly challenging (Wilson 1991; ranged into formal documents, such as opment is Emphasized in a Disproportion-
Lederer and Mendelow 1993). Especially declarations stating the official role of IT ally Strong Manner It is a basic obser-
in the so-called “information age”, which in the company, blueprints, or develop- vation that IS strategy research has paid
is marked by rapidly advancing globaliza- ment portfolios. However, the presence considerably more attention to the pro-
tion, fragmentation of markets, short in- of a formal documentation is not a pre- cess of strategy development than to the
novation cycles, intense competition, and requisite for an IS strategy to exist: “Strat- IS strategy itself as the eventual outcome
fundamental societal change, IS strate- egy is what an organization knows, not of this process (Sect. 2). This dispropor-
gies, once devised, tend to have very short what is written. The outcome of an IS tionality is reinforced in Galliers’ strate-
life spans. Hence, Galliers (2006, p. 11) strategy process should thus be an in- gizing framework. In our opinion, how-
demands: “We should not lament frag- creased understanding of IS opportuni- ever, it is precisely this neglect of the IS
mentation, provisionally, or incoherence, ties and constraints, and a shared view strategy itself as the object of research
but rather take it as given. If we can’t pre- of IS utilization“ (Auer and Reponen that is in large parts responsible for the
dict the future, we should not pretend 1997, p. 32). This view is also evidenced limited usefulness of available strategy
that we can.” in practice, where IS strategies are of- frameworks, heuristics, and instruments.
Galliers does not fundamentally doubt ten recognized as a means to document For matters of logic alone, the question
the possibility of planning IS strategically. learning progress and agreement (Clark of what an IS strategy is and what it
His proposition is rather directed against et al. 2000). In these cases, strategies are is composed of, precedes any considera-
an understanding of planning that was seen as preliminary and are subject to tions of how it can and should be devel-
typical for strategic planning research in constant revision. Accordingly, strategies oped. This is true not only for system-
the 1960s and 1970s. According to this understood in this way do not suffer atic and deliberate planning processes
understanding, which has had a long- from the same implementation problems that have been in the focus of traditional
standing tradition in SISP research ever which SISP had to deal with in the past SISP research, but also for the emergent
since, planning is about predetermining (Hartono et al. 2003). strategizing processes highlighted by Gal-
future action. Hence, the primary out- For these reasons, we applaud Gal- liers. On the one hand, without an un-
come of planning in this spirit is a set of liers in his turn towards emergent plan- derstanding of the nature and contents
decisions concerning future actions and ning as an answer to discontinuous en- of IS strategy, emergent planning pro-
resources needed for taking these actions, vironments. His motion to acknowledge cesses can hardly be identified as a sep-
which is extensively documented in for- the increasingly temporary and provi- arate area of research. In what other way
mal plans. Therefore, accurate and use- sional character of IS strategies is also if not by topic can the emergent commu-
ful plans require as precise predictions of conclusive. Moreover, the differentiation nication and learning processes related
environmental developments as possible. between exploitation and exploration as to strategizing be separated from other
These developments are to be assessed distinct areas of IS strategy formation in-company communication and learn-
in careful analysis (e.g., SWOT analysis, contributes to the development of “or- ing processes? On the other hand, a better
risk-benefit analysis) which in turn can ganizational ambidexterity”, which has understanding of the nature of IS strat-
be supported by dedicated planning tech- been identified as an answer to two egy is also a prerequisite for the develop-
niques (e.g., portfolio methods). How- conflicting challenges imposed on infor- ment of practical advice on and of useful
ever, while this approach may have been mation age organizations (O’Reilly and instruments for strategizing which aim at
valid in the economic environment of the Tushman 2004): On the one hand, com- animating, structuring, and moderating
1960s and 1970s, it hardly applies to the panies need to create stable and efficient communication processes and consensus
conditions of the late 20th century, and structures for current operations. On the finding.
ever since the Mintzberg-Ansoff debate, other hand, companies need to contin-
at the latest, it is regarded as out-of-date. uously challenge these structures in the (2) The Importance of Exploitation and
Accordingly, SISP is no longer under- light of discontinuous and unpredictable Change Strategy is Underestimated Gal-
stood as formal decision making about environmental developments. Regarding liers’ problem-oriented division of IS
the future but as a combined learning IS strategy, this implies that all required strategy into exploitation, exploration,

Business & Information Systems Engineering 4|2013 253


and change management strategies is an have shown that systematic planning can This view of IS strategies allows them
important contribution to a modern un- be in fact effective even under conditions to remain effective even under conditions
derstanding of IS strategies. This tripar- of highly dynamic environments and un- of planning discontinuities (Newkirk and
tition does not only advance a more certainty (Chi et al. 2005; Newkirk et al. Lederer 2006; Leidner et al. 2011). Thus,
differentiated understanding of IS strat- 2003; Hartono et al. 2003; Teo and Ang organizations which do not develop IS
egy itself but also of its underlying pro- 2000). These findings apply under the strategies leave the potential of IT to
cesses. This is mainly due to the fact premise that IS strategies are not seen as meet new business challenges unused
that the three partial strategies are as- unchangeable entities determined once or to chance. For Wirtschaftsinformatik
sociated with three different modes of and for all, but viewed as subject to reg- and Information Systems as applied sci-
strategy development. In the case of ex- ular revisions. Segars and Grover (1999), ences, the challenge of developing specific
ploitation strategies, strategy develop- for instance, show the effectiveness of guidance and recommendations for ac-
ment is characterized by deliberate, goal- planning systems based on rational deci- tion arises. However, to meet this chal-
oriented, and partially formalized anal- sion making even under turbulent envi- lenge is difficult given the current state
yses and decision processes. The same ronmental conditions. Grover and Segars of research. Neither has the construct of
holds for the case of change manage- (2005) show moreover that, in practice, IS strategy been sufficiently understood
ment strategies. Here, technical imple- planning systems become the more com- nor is there agreement on its contents
mentation processes can even resemble plex and elaborate, the greater the envi- (Sect. 3). In addition, there is a signifi-
engineering processes (Österle and Win- ronmental uncertainty – with consider- cant gap between the traditional focus of
ter 2003). In the case of exploration, how- able success. Furthermore, Salmela et al. IS strategy research and IS strategy prac-
ever, the informal and creative processes (2000) demonstrate by means of case tice (Sect. 4). This gap can be narrowed
of strategizing predominate. These are, studies that a comprehensive systematic if research takes a turn towards actual
above all, coordination and learning pro- planning approach can outperform in- IS strategy practice. Galliers’ strategizing
cesses that take place across individual cremental planning approaches even in framework contributes to a better under-
planning teams on multiple levels of the turbulent environments. standing of the challenges which IS strat-
organization, from top-management to egy planners face under conditions of
project committees. increasingly discontinuous change. The
In contrast to Galliers, who empha-
6 Conclusions and Desiderata for framework does not directly address the
sizes the exploration strategy and the
emergent processes associated with it, IS
Future Research issues of IS strategy concepts and con-
tents but emphasizes the need to engage
strategy practice seems to pay more at-
The importance of IS strategies will not with the practice of IS strategy. This also
tention to the reliability and cost effi-
diminish in the information age, in spite means to become more involved with
ciency in IT use, while questions such
of occasional beliefs to the contrary. the topics that IS strategists deal with in
as IT enabled innovation and develop-
Rather the opposite will hold true. The practice (Teubner and Pellengahr 2013).
ment of new business potentials are of
dynamic advances in IT are not only There are at least two good reasons for
secondary importance. In other words,
central to the technological changes sur- this: First, the topics favored by practi-
practice focuses on exploitation and im-
rounding us, but also driver and medi- tioners diverge substantially from those
plementation strategies rather than on
exploration. This is especially true for IS ator of societal and economic changes. featured in research (Sect. 4). Second,
strategies on a corporate level (Sect. 4). Businesses need to react to these changes research may thus become more firmly
Even accounting for the fact that explo- in concerted and organized ways, an im- grounded in practice, which, in turn, will
rative strategies are hard to observe in portant part of which are IS strategies. render its findings and results more us-
practice since they are the result of emer- The conditions of dynamic change do not able in practice. Buhl et al. (2012) sec-
gent – and thus mostly informal and challenge the significance of IS strategies ond the call for a closer relationship be-
fragmented (“bricolage”) – processes, re- as such but merely an orthodox under- tween research and practice, and point
search should not give them precedence standing according to which an IS strate- out the potential of design-oriented re-
over exploitation and implementation gies is simply an unchangeable prede- search as characteristic for the German
strategies per se. termination of future action. This strat- Wirtschaftsinformatik in this regard.
egy understanding, which has its roots Our call that research should pay
(3) The Potential of Systematic Planning in the planning theory of the 1960s and greater heed to practical needs and cir-
is Regarded in a Too Restrictive Way 1970s, has to be regarded as outdated. cumstances is not an encouragement to
The importance given to the exploration Instead, it is far more appropriate to adopt practical views and priorities com-
strategy under the discontinuous envi- view the IS strategy of today as the re- pletely and unquestioningly. It is true
ronmental conditions of today has an im- sult of processes of analysis, communica- that research needs to investigate in more
mediate bearing on one’s view on the lim- tion, and reaching consensus about rel- detail how practitioners view the con-
its of systematic planning. This is due evant future societal and technological struct of IS strategy and which topics
to the fact that exploration strategies developments, requirements, and alter- they connect with it. A good starting
come into being in emergent processes native options for action. This view im- point for this may be the existing issue
which, according to Galliers, are very dif- plies that IS strategies are instruments of lists. But since these are difficult to com-
ficult to support by systematic analysis strategic knowledge management and or- pare and hardly structured, future re-
and formal planning methods. Empiri- ganizational learning. They are also of- search will have to take a decisive step
cal research, however, casts the possibil- ten preliminary and do not necessarily ahead. Contents need to be investigated
ities and limits of systematic planning in have to be put down in formal strategy and compared systematically, taking in-
a slightly different light. Some researchers documents. dividual business and planning contexts

254 Business & Information Systems Engineering 4|2013


into account. Additionally, the question Aier S, Krupjuweit JS, Winter R (2009) Enter- Chi L, Jones KG, Lederer AL, Pengtao L,
of “why?” needs to be addressed. This prise architecture design as an engineering Newkirk HE, Sethi V (2005) Environmen-
discipline. AIS Transactions on Enterprise tal assessment in strategic information sys-
requires investigating in more detail the Systems 1(1):36–43 tems planning. International Journal of In-
reasons why practitioners regard certain Allen DK, Wilson TD (1996) Information strate- formation Management 25(3):253–269
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