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Illnesses and symptoms


1. A fever = demam
2. A headache = sakit kepala
3. A stomach ache =sakit perut
4. A backache = sakit punggung
5. A toothache = sakit gigi
6. An earache = sakit telinga
7. A cold = flu (lebih ringan)
8. A broken leg = kaki patah
9. A cough = batuk
10. A high blood
pressure = tekanan darah tinggi
11. An ear infection = infeksi telinga
12. The flu = flu
13. A diarrhea = diare
14. Nausea = mual (symptom)
15. A sore throat = radang tenggorokan
16. A rash = ruam kemerahan (lupus)
17. Scraped = tergores
18. Bruised = memar
19. Twisted = bengkok / terkilir
20. A broken arm = lengan patah
List of Health Problems

The following is a list of common health problems (ailments and illnesses)

with the definition of each word or expression:

1. an allergy: a medical condition that causes you to react badly or

feel sick when you eat or touch a particular substance.
2. asthma: a respiratory condition where spasms in the lungs cause
difficulty in breathing. An asthmatic uses an inhaler to calm the
3. a backache: a prolonged pain in the back.
4. a broken leg: when a bone in the leg is broken. A broken leg is put in
a cast to help immobilize the leg so that it heals quicker. Other
parts of the body with bones can also be broken, for example
a broken arm, a broken wrist etc.
5. cancer: a serious disease caused by an uncontrolled division of
abnormal cells that kill normal body cells in a part of the body.
6. a cold: a common viral infection which causes mucus to run from the
nose, gives a sore throat and often includes sneezing.
7. a cough: the act of expelling air from the lungs with a sudden sharp
8. diarrhoea: (America English: diarrhea) an illness in which faeces are
discharged from the bowels frequently and in a liquid form.
9. an earache: pain inside the ear.
10. a fever: an abnormally high body temperature, usually accompanied
by shivering and a headache.
11. the flu: flu is the common name given for influenza. It is a
contagious viral infection of the respiratory passages that causes
fever and sever aching.
12. a headache: a continuous pain in the head.
13. heartburn: a form of indigestion felt as a burning sensation in the
chest. It is caused by acid regurgitation into the esophagus.
14. (the) measles: an infectious viral disease cause fever and a red rash
on the skin. It typically occurs in childhood.
15. a rash: a lot of small red spots on the skin that are usually itchy.
16. a sore throat: a condition of pain in the throat, typically caused by
inflammation of it.
17. a sprain: an injury to a joint in your body, especially your wrist or
ankle, caused by suddenly twisting it.
18. a stomachache (US) - stomach ache (Brit): The pain in a person's
belly. Notice how the word can be spelled together or as two words,
depending on the country.
19. sunburn: when the skin becomes red with inflammation as a result of
overexposure to the ultraviolet rays of the sun.
20.a toothache: the pain in a tooth or teeth.

The most common ways to ask about someone's health are:

 How do you feel (today)?

 How are you feeling?
 Is everything okay?

They will most likely respond:

 I'm fine.
 I feel sick.
 Not so good.
 Not very well.
 I don't feel well.
 I'm sick.

When you see (or hear) that they are not well, then you can ask:

 What's the matter?

 What's wrong?

If the person wants to say what is wrong, they may give the reason they feel that way:

 I have ... (+ health condition)

 I've got ... (+ health condition)
 I have a headache
 I've got a sore throat.

Sympathetic Response

 "I'm sorry to hear that."

 "Actually, you don't look very well."
 "You look a little pale."
 "Maybe you're going down with something. There's a bug going around."
 "Maybe you should go home and get some rest."
 "Why don't you go home and have a lie-down.“
 I think you should go and see a doctor
 "Is there anything I can do?"
 "Shall I get you an aspirin?“
 I hope you feel better soon
 get well soon!

Types of doctor

 Cardiologist: A heart doctor

 Dermatologist: A skin doctor
 Dentist: A doctor who treats teeth
 General Practitioner: (G.P.) A family doctor who you would usually go to
see for common health problems
 Obstetrician: A doctor for female patients before and during pregnancy (child
 Optometrist: An eye doctor
 Orthopedic Doctor / Surgeon: A doctor who specialise in bones
 Pediatrician: A doctor for children
 Surgeon: A doctor who performs operations

Other important words

 Prescription: (Noun) The piece of paper that your doctor gives you with
the name of the medicine you need on it.
 Patient: (Person) A sick person in hospital or visiting the doctor's.
 Drug Store (US) / Chemist's (UK) / Pharmacy: The place you go to get
 Making an appointment: to make an appointment with the receptionist.
 Symptoms are any feelings of illness or discomfort which are caused by a
health problem. E.g. If you had the flu (influenza) your symptoms would
be a fever, a runny nose and I have been coughing.
 A diagnosis is when a doctor tells you the medical name of your problem.

Types of symptoms

 Red eyes
 Runny nose
 Sneezing
 Uncomfortable noise (caugh)
 Dizzy
 Hot
 Red spots (rash)
 Itchy (rash)
 Red / painful skin (skin burn).

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