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1. In your own words, what is the value or importance of practicing good

i. Aside from serving as demonstration of good personal hygiene, good housekeeping
does not only create a clean space; it also helps in improving a person’s well-being.
They say that people who are clean are happy and healthy. This proves to be true as
an uncluttered surrounding helps the mind to think better and more sensibly. A
company might hire a maintenance team for the job, but keeping the workplace neat
is everyone’s responsibility. Doing so helps prevent unnecessary injuries and damages.
For one, keeping things organized helps people notice when something is amiss or
when something is not working properly. Damages can be spotted and fixed early on
and larger issues can be averted. Neat work spaces also aid in significantly reducing
stress levels and notably boosting productivity rate.

2. Summarize the roles of management, supervisor, and employees in good

housekeeping activities.
i. Management, supervisor, and employees basically establish a hierarchy of
accountability. The management, as the title indicates, is in charge of coming up with
a systematic flow in which tasks are to be done. They are in charge of designating
specific assignments and planning an equal division of labor among their subordinates.
They are also in charge of providing necessary hardware for particular functions and
basically the overall process of what is to be accomplished and how to do it. The
supervisor is tasked with the responsibility of overseeing all operations. They serve as
a sort of mediator between the management and the employees. Before an issue or
hardware damage gets any bigger, they are to come up with immediate solutions as to
prevent further problems. They are also in charge of giving out direct instructions that
need immediate follow-up. The employees, lastly, are the ones commissioned with
the actual job of fulfilling these tasks. They carry out directives given by the higher-ups
and follow respective procedures. If an emergency or unsafe condition comes up, they
are to immediately report it to their superiors.

3. Identify and discuss good housekeeping practices.

i. Good housekeeping is more than just the act of cleaning itself. It is a process and
quality maintenance grounded on efficiency and effectiveness. Generally, effective
housekeeping in the workplace has many practices under it. One of these is keeping
work areas neat and orderly. In achieving peak results, workers must be able to focus
on the task at hand and in order to do this, their working environment must be
uncluttered. A neat and tidy work space always helps in composing the mind. Another
good housekeeping practice is maintaining halls and floors free of slip and trip
hazards. Accidents are perpetually just around the corner when hazards are
everywhere. Most employees live their work lives in a hurry and every so often cannot
even check what they are running into or stepping on. To prevent bad accidents, it is
important to always keep the floors and halls in good order. Routinely removing of
waste materials and other fire hazards from work areas is also a good practice. Offices
usually have so much paper waste that it becomes a major fire hazard. Considering
that certain systems hold vital data, such hazards should always be kept away.
Besides, it’s better if these wastes get recycled rather than have them lying around the
work space left as trash. And while there are a lot of tasks to be done under effective
housekeeping, one should always remember that it is not an occasional job. This is
why they are called practices. Maintenance is always key and having the initiative to
clean and organize regularly.

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