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What is your opinion of the King in this story? Is he a good leader? Justify your
answer with an explanation.

Three Questions tells the story of a king who is looking for answers to three
philosophical questions. He cannot figure out the answers to the three questions;
When is the best time to start something? Who does he pay attention to? What is the
most critical task for him to complete?
In my view, the king is a good leader. The king is very down to earth as he put on
simple clothes and went on alone to see the hermit without his bodyguard. A humble
leader encourages people to speak up and respect differences of opinion.
Furthermore, the king is a good leader as he is open to new ideas. The king is being
open to ideas and alternative ways of thinking of the solution to his questions. A
good leader should have the emotional intelligence to understand and accept that
change is inevitable. Instead of trying to maintain a status quo for the sake of
consistency, the king embraces change and innovation.
Also, the reason why the king is a great leader is he is forgiving. In the story, the king
forgives his enemy and chose to help him. Forgiveness helps to resolve conflicts,
move forward, promote creativity, build trust and relationships. Forgiving leaders
encourage risk-taking, authenticity, collaboration and dissenting voices in the

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