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1. Describe your dream life, describe it in detail.

2. If you could have any job in the world, what would It be and why?

3. What does happiness mean to you?

4. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

5. If you had 3 wishes, what would you wish for?

6. If you could change anything in your life, what would it be and why?

7. Describe in detail where you would want to be in5 years?

8. What sets your soul on fire? What do you feel most passionate about and why?

9. Who is your biggest inspiration and why?

10. What are your top 5 achievements?

11. What are the 5 things that make you happiest and why?

12. What are you most thankful for and why?

13. What are you biggest priorities and why top 10 listing in priorities.

14. Name 5 things you do well

15. Name 5 things you love the most about yourself and why?

16. What do you feel you need more in your life

17. What are the 3 of your strongest traits?

18. How would you want people to remember you by?

19. If someone asked you to describe yourself, what would you say?

20. What is your favorite song and why?

21. What are the 5 things that you wouldn’t live without? Why?

22. If you had any super power, what would it be and why?

23. What do you think of when you hear the word self-care and why?
24. How would you like to spend your Sunday? Describe it in detail

25. What does your ideal weekend look like/ Describe it in detail?

26. Write down 5 top goals that you would want to achieve a year from now.

27. I love you. Thought I would throw this in here. Nothing to journal today. Just think

about my love for you.

28. You are an amazing human, with the biggest heart and soul for love. Yet very

feisty, protective of your heart and afraid to fully love.

29. Please have faith in yourself. You are doing great. Best believe that.

30. Write down things you forgive your self for. And tear the page and set it on fire.

31. What are 3 ways you can take actionable steps towards your goals.

32. Write down a perfect morning routine to stick to.

33. How can you improve your mindset to love yourself for?

34. Write down anything that comes to your mind today. Let’s call it freelance day.

Clear your mind. Write anything that comes to mind. Clear pages.

35. Without any limits, what would you eat, where would you live, how would your life

look like.

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