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1. Introduce yourself ? 2. Describe yourself in six words ? 3. What kind of person are you ? 4. Describe your personality ? 5. What is your guiding principle in life ? 6. Describe your parameter for selecting partner in your life ? 7. What are your values in life ? 8. What are your strength and weakness ? 9. Tell about your family back round ? 10. Name three people who loves most , whom three hate you ? 11. How will you overcome your weakness ? 12. Who is your role model in your life ? 13. Meaning of your name ? 14. Happiest movement in your life ? 15. Sadest movement in your life ? 16. Describe any incident when you were dishonest recently ? 17. Who is your favorite industrial ? 18. Which Indian women do you admire most ? 19. Do you have girl/boy friend ? 20. Do you believe in love marriage ? 21. Do you believe in intercast marriages ? 22. What do you do in your leisure time ? 23. What are your position in life ? 24. Lots of good manager today donot have MBA why do you need it ? 25. Why are you not going abroad for future studies ? 26. Tell us a joke ? 27. Can you sell anything sell yourself ? 28. If a freely gave you three wishes , what would you wish for ? 29. In order to achive your goals , you may be required to use unfair means will you do so ? 30. Do you believe in god, why ? 31. What are the quelties required to be a good manager ? do you posess those qualities ? 32. Is it ethical for a general manager who works 24 hours for a company to use office stastionry for personel use ? 33. Can business and ethics go together ? 34. What are your views about corruption ? 35. Are ypu honest ? are Indian honest ? 36. Why should we select you ? 37. Why less % in ypur graduation ?


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