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Myrna Adams CHD 265 T. Conour Germanna Community College CASE STUDY: CAMDEN TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Early Childhood Development Domains Cognitive Development Physical Development Emotional Development Social Development Creative Development Language Development Attached Documents Artifacts Observations/Logs Checklist Conclusion 17 NN: AGE THREE Introduction: Meet Camden A child case study provides an opportunity to learn about the development and growth of a child and take in account the milestones each child should reach for proper development. Domains develop at different times and sometimes when a child is working on one domain another domain is not strong. | have had the opportunity to ‘observe a child that is three years old and the observation took place in a daycare setting... Meet Camden. First of all, | must say, Camden is the cutest little boy. He is three years old and attends Countryside Daycare in Caroline County, VA. On this learning journey or case study, you will have the chance to see the growth and changes that have occurred during my observation of Camden and how his is meeting and exceeding his milestones. A very happy boy, Camden's smile lights up the room and his laugh is contagious. Let's continue on as we walk through each domain and we see how Camden is learning and growing, Cognitive Domain Just like Camden's physical development, his cognitive development is also progressing at anormal rate, Camden's vocabulary is expanding rapidly. He has a great memory and | noticed he was playing a memory game that he was very good at finding matches. | have been watching Camden through this observation and | have noticed that he is, very focused and expresses his feelings appropriately and also likes options when offered choices. ‘As mentioned previously, Camden attends a child care development center and he definitely has separation anxiety. | observed in the morning hours the transition from leaving his mom to the classroom and he had to be calmed by the teacher. He expresses himself very well when he is upset or wants something. At age three, childhood tantrums are usually evident and Camden is no exception to the rule. He gets frustrated when he wants something and using his language skills to share his frustration by crying and continually wanting attention. Camden wanted to play with a toy and it was time to get change centers and instead of listening, he proceeded to throw three items that were within his reach. Camden does understand three step directions and when he is not upset, he will follow directions. Camden loves music. He sings a lot of songs. His favorite is Baa Baa Black Sheep. He can also sing Hokey Pokey, Itsy Bitsy Spider, and Rain, Rain, Go Away. When music is playing, his first reaction is to dance and sing. He also is repeating the alphabet, counting, and naming shapes. During table time, Camden and another friend were playing with counting bears. He was able to sort them by color. He also would giggle and pretend to put the wrong color in the wrong group and wait for the teachers response Physical Development Camden's development from birth through the toddler stages was normal. He was born September 26 2018 and was a full term pregnancy, He was a normal weight and height. As an infant, his mom chose not to breastfeed and instead used formula. Camden has hit all the important milestones, according to his grandmother, including learning to walk which occurred around sixteen months. As Camden has moved from a toddler to a preschooler, he continues to progress. appropriately. He is learning about his own body and working on fine motor and gross motor skills. | have observed the following gross motor skill. Camden can walk in a line, walk backwards, catch a large ball, and jump with two feet. He struggles with pedaling a tricycle. Going up and down stairs also does not cause a problem because his home has steps to get in and out of the house and he is determined to do it by himself, his mom stated. In relation to his fine motor skills, Camden can wash and dry his hands, turn pages in a book, hold a crayon, and he tries to dress himself but needs assistance. | did notice that Camden is favoring his left hand while holding items so he may be left-handed. His mom just purchased a step potty seat and Camden loved it. Potty training became very easy as Camden wanted to keep getting on and off the potty. Eventually, he used it and has been going ever since. Emotional Domain As with physical development, | am able to see that Camden is attaining the emotional developmental milestones as he is moving through the preschool ages and stages. Camden is from a single parent home and his father lives out of state. Camden still seems to be hitting all the important milestones and he is able to show a wide range of emotions. For the most part, Camden is energetic and an easy going 3 year old. At the childcare center he seems to feel safe and comfortable and will tell the teacher if he likes or dislikes something. As discussed previously, he can lose complete control of his temper and throw things around in order to get attention. If he loses his temper, it doesn't seem to last long, he can work himself out of it and then continue to play with others. He will still bite. When he is mad, his body language definitely shows it from this frowny face to crossed arms, he will also roll his eyes to the side. He doesn't verbally share his emotions but he definitely uses his body language to display his emotions in a dramatic way. Camden shows affection towards his friends and teachers. A child was crying and Camden walked over and wiped a tear from the child's face. He will sit in the teachers lap and rub and pat her shoulder. He seems to show genuine care with those that are hurting or sad Camden is kind-hearted and will likely improve as he gets older and understands how to better control his emotions. Social Domain It is so much fun to watch Camden interact with the other children in his class. Camden is full of life and his laughter is contagious. He loves playing with other children and wants to always involve them in what he is doing. | watched him playing with dinosaurs and making the dinosaur sound to try and scare the other children in the center (in a good way). He was trying to get the other children to grab their dinosaurs and play fight with them. He laughed at himself everytime he made the dino sound. Camden likes to repeat things he hears from the teacher. The class was in circle time and the teacher was asking the weather, Camden proceeded to point and ask, “What's the weather?" He will sometimes answer @ question with a question while repeating the teacher. Then, he will look at the other children and try and get them to participate as well. Camden is very interested in new things and he loves to help others. If the teacher brings out an art project, he quickly moves to that area and begins trying to assert himself into the new project and he encourages others to come and play with him. Ifit is lunch time, Camden will try new foods, very timidly but he always tries. If a new child is in class, Camden is the first one to try and hold their hand. Outside, he loves to ride the tricycle around the play yard and will get other little friends to come and join him. He seems to be very social and enjoy being around other people, adults and/or children Creative Domain Narrative If there is one thing | can say about Camden, he enjoys being creative and using a variety of materials. Camden was observed in the art center coloring a shamrock. The teacher was teaching the children that shamrocks are green but that they could color their shamrock any color they would like. Camden immediately chose the green crayon and began coloring his shamrock. He used his fingers to hold the crayon. ‘Camden is still coloring very lightly and with little control. He tends to scribble on his paper. He can make circles and a smiley face but he is unable to draw a person with body parts. Camden also enjoys creative movement, he enjoys dancing and singing. The teacher provided an opportunity for the children to use their body to move. They sang the hokey pokey, made waves with their body to music, and other movement songs. He smiled the entire time and seemed to really have fun. In the art center, there were a variety of materials and Camden chose the box of scraps to.use. The object of the scraps is to use scissors to practice cutting. Camden had a hard time getting the scissors in place but once he did, he was able to cut some of the pieces of paper. Occasionally the paper would slide sideways and he would get frustrated but he would just get another piece of paper and continue to try and cut. Language Domain ‘As | have been watching and learning about the characteristics of Camden, Language is the one domain that seems to be a struggle for him. Camden is beginning to speak but his language is still hard to understand. He gets frustrated when the listener cannot figure out what he is trying to say. | observed Camden at lunch. He was provided a sandwich from the daycare staff. The teacher asked him if he liked his sandwich and Camden shook his head yes and said “Tuna”. It is obvious that he must eat tuna sandwiches at home because he knew the word so well and it was very understandable. During most of his speech, the things he knows well, he says well. After lunch the children went to music time. Camden enjoys singing and dancing. He bounces his knees as he is trying to mimic the music and whatever song is playing he is singing right along with it. The class teacher played, “Head, Shoulder, Knees, and Toes” and Camden could point to each one as he was trying to name the body parts. He struggled when the teacher got faster but he kept singing and then stopped to watch her. He likes to say what he is doing. | noticed during music time, he said “Jump” while he was jumping. During the “Monkeys on the Bed” song, he said, “I fall down" when he falls down during the song. Camden is growing and his language development is on target but more reading and signing will help him as he continues to get stronger and better vocabulary. Case Study Camden EMOTIONAL ARTIFACTS CREATIVE ARTIFACTS- Case Study Camden Jam sharing this video of Camden, although he was singing before the video started as soon as he saw the light from the video camera, he became upset and did not want to be recorded. Watch here... httos// Xv_FokY: 031. Z0a view? usp=sharing The picture below is Camden playing a sound book that names the pictures after you point to the correct one. Camden is pointing to the “bear” on the animal page. Cognitéve COGNITIVE CHECKLIST: CAMDEN [cognitive activity | Usually Developing Not Yet Practice ABC’s/Counting/Shapes “Beginning to say ABC’s ‘Asks Questions, *Asks but not if complete sentences Names Familiar Colors *Names blue, Green, | *Cannot Yellow name red Plays Make-Believe with Toys Yes fz Copies a circle with Crayon | Yes with assistance Sorews or Unscrews lids Yes : ; Follow 3-Part Commands Yes Sorts Objects by Color or Shape __| Yes a Sings familiar Nursery Rhymes —_| Yes. Understands Same & Different “Beginning to understand opposites PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT PHYSICAL CHECKLIST Walk in a straight line x Walk backwards x Catch a large ball ‘Throw a ball Jump with two feet Wash & dry hands x |x| x] x| x Turn pages of a book Can hold a crayon Yes: Will sometimes use fist grab Dress himself No- Needs assistance Potty Trained No- not at this time but trying EMOTIONAL CHECKLIST Able to express feelings x x (Verbally) Able to express feelings x (Body Language) Identifies feelings x Recognizes others have x feelings Talks about his feelings x Expresses likes or dislikes x | Shows concer for others | x Understands, x “Mine’, "His", “Hers ‘Accepts being told “No” x SOCIAL CHECKLIST Shares toys Yes Verbally imitates Others Yes Participates in parallel Play Yes Initiates play with peers Yes Invites others to play alongside Yes Obeys game rules Yes Offers toys to peers Yes Offers materials to peers Yes Organizes play Yes Talks about what is going on during Yes play CREATIVE CHECKLIST Draws a face x Draws a person with body parts Uses scissors to cut paper Xi Draws circles x Draws lines x Beginning to copy some letters ei Uses a variety of colors when x coloring Uses a variety of materials when x creating an art project Creative Domain Observation *Shark color picture with Markers *Box of scraps for cutting practice Date Time Observation March 17,2021 | 9:00 AM Camden and his classmates were coloring today, They made a shamrock to hang in their | "Shamrock classroom on display for the month of March | coloring with Camden used the color green and worked hard to crayons stay in the lines. He used his fingers to hold the crayon and did not fist hold the crayon. He seemed to enjoy coloring. March 22, 2021 | 10:00 AM Camden loved music time. He actively participated and enjoyed the sounds. He danced *Creative and moved in great excitement while he sang all Movement the songs. sound and body They did creative movement with their bodies. -Hokey Pokey Camden followed directions and moved with the -Waves music. March 25, 2021 | 10:00AM The teacher passed out color sheets and the children were given the opportunity to color them. ‘Camden chose the shark picture and used invisible markers to color. | watched as he picked up one color and then chose a different one for the other shark. Blue is his favorite color. Camden can also use scissors but he still needs assistance. He tried to use both hands to cut. The center had a box of scraps for cutting practice, LANGUAGE CHECKLIST Share simple stories x Can use words for emotions x Tell stories that follow a theme x Use connecting words... x “Because” or “if” Name of groups of things. x Animals, Vegetables, etc. 3 step directions x Can point and name body parts x Asks what, when, why, or how x Using 3-4 words together x Naming actions x Language Domain Observation T Time Date Observation Feb. 18,2021 | 10:00AM | observed Camden using more words while participating in a word game activity. He is developing his language and communication skills. It also helps to be more socially confident and engaging him socially. March 3, 2021 | 8:00 AM Camden was very interested and did well with a lesson on Rhyming. His listening skills were good and memory retention. March 17,2021 | 10:00 AM Camden loved music time. He actively participated and is learning more words. Lyrics that rhyme seem more entertaining and easier to leam. He danced and moved in great excitement while he sung all the songs. Camden is showing more ways to express his thoughts, feelings, and actions better through the use of words. This will better prepare him to have more confidence as he gets older. FINAL NARRATIVE- Camden In a quote from ASCD president, Celina Brennan she states, “Actually meeting students where they are on their learning journey signals to them that we are advocates for their personal growth, succes, and well-being,” At the start of my case study, | had the opportunity to meet Camden, Camden is a delightful,energetic, and handsome young toddler. When | first began observing Camden, he had just entered the daycare setting in his new 3 year old classroom. Camden was still learning his teachers routine and center based activities. He is one of the youngest in his classroom and he watches the other children very intently as they model that way of the classroom. As | continued with observations of Camden, | was encouraged at his progression and growth. Over the few months, his language and communication is getting better. He Participates actively in music time and craft time. He still seems to struggle with transitions but over time and more familiarity with his class routines, that will get better. His fine motor skills are getting better as he is provided with more opportunities to enhance those skill sets. His gross motor skills are very much improved. He can balance well, walk a straight line, jump with both feet, and he loves to dance. Camden is going to be a very smart little boy and he is going to excel in grade school as | observe that his logical thinking, memory skills, rhyming, and many cognitive areas are developing either on track or ahead of where he should be. | really love the way he recites the alphabet. As | conclude this case study, | am reminded of the quote that | began with and that this was a great opportunity to watch Camden on his learning joumey. A journey that will be full of smiles, laughter, positive thinking, and fun!

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