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Symbol and Pronunciation Key

Chapter Symbol Meaning Pronunciation

2: Presenting Data in
Tables and Charts

3:Summarizing and
Describing Numerical
N Population size
n Sample size
 Population Mean mu
 Operation of Adding sigma or sum
X Adding a group of values sigma X or sum
of X
x Sample mean X bar
2 Population variance sigma squared
 Population standard deviation sigma
S sample standard deviation
4: Basic probability
P(A) Probability of A P of A
P(A and B) Probability of A and B P of A and B
P(A or B) Probability of A or B P of A or B
P(A|B) Probability of A given B has P of A given B

5: Discrete Probability n! n times n-1 times n-2 ….. n factorial

n the number of ways to choose x n combination x

 x

  objects from a group of n objects

6: Normal Distribution
and Sampling
x Mean of the distribution of sample mu x bar
x Population standard error of the sigma x bar
sample means
p Population proportion
ps Sample proportion p sub s
7: Confidence Interval
 Level of significance alpha
E Margin of error e
d.f. Degrees of freedom

8: Hypothesis Testing,
One-Sample Tests
H0 Null hypothesis H0
H1 Alternative hypothesis H1

9: Two-Sample Tests
n1 Number of observations in sample 1 n1
n2 Number of observations in sample 2 n2
X1 Mean from first sample x bar 1
X2 Mean from second sample x bar 2
s 2p Pooled sample variance s squared p
D Population mean of the difference
between dependent samples
D Sample mean of the difference d bar
between dependent samples
s D2 Sample variance of the difference s squared d
between dependent samples

MSA Mean square among groups
MSW Mean square within groups

12: Simple Regression and

0 Population intercept beta 0
1 Population slope beta 1
b0 Sample intercept b0
b1 Sample slope b1
s b1 Standard error of the slope sb1
r2 Coefficient of determination r square
SYX Standard error of the estimate
SST Total sum of squares
SSR Regression sum of squares
SSE Error sum of squares
MSR Mean square regression
MSE Mean square error
DW Durbin-Watson statistic
Yˆ Predicted value of the dependent y hat
 Population correlation coefficient rho
r Sample correlation coefficient

13: Multiple Regression

VIF Variance inflation factor

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