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Effect of Water Salinity Concentration on Flathead Grey Mullet, Mugil Cephalus Performance in the Laboratory

Arish University
Faculty of Aquaculture and Marine Fisheries
North Sinai, Egypt

Effect of Water Salinity Concentration on Flathead Grey Mullet, Mugil Cephalus

Performance in the Laboratory
By, Hesham M. Dorgham
Esraa T. Nassar
Under Supervision of:
Prof. Ashraf Y. El-Dakar
Prof. Shymaa M. Shalaby

Abstract 1. Introduction
This Study Was Performed to Investigate the Effect of Mullets Are One the Most Important Fish Species for
Different Concentrations of Water Salinity on Commercial Aquaculture for Both Mono and
Performance of Flathead Grey Mullet (Mugil Polyculture Systems (Thomson, 1963, Nash And
Cephalus). One Experiment Was Carried to Identify Shehadeh 1980; Benetti And Fagundes Netto, 1991).
Survival and Growth Rate of Mullet in Glass Mullets Are Distributed Between 42° North And 42°
Aquarium. Four Aquariums Were Filled with South Latitudes, They Are Catadromous Moving into
Different Water Salinities (0 ppt, 10 ppt, 20 ppt, 30 Groups Within Coastal Waters and Enter Rivers,
ppt) In Three Replications. Fry Were Collected from Estuaries and Lagoons in Order to Feed, But They
Bardawil Lagoon at North Sinai Egypt. Groups Of 10 Migrate to Seawater for Spawning (Nash And
Larvae Were Distributed After Rest to Glass Shehadeh, 1980 Whitehead Et Al. 1986). Mullets Are
Aquarium (80-Liter Capacity). Fry Were Fed Also Good Candidate and Play an Important Role in
Artificial Diets (35% Protein) Twice A Day to The Fisheries and Fish Farms of Tropical and
Satiation for Six Weeks in The Laboratory. The Subtropical Countries of The World (Nash And
Experiment Showed That the Fish Tolerated to A Shehadeh 1980). The Wild Is Still the Main Source of
Salinity Range Between 10 ppt and 20 ppt. The Mullet Fry, But High Mortality of The Collected Fry
Highest Survival Rate Was Recorded at Salinity 10 During and After Transportation from The Collecting
Ppt. Statistical Analysis of The Mortality in All the Sites to The Fish Farms and Culture Sites Is Limiting
Salinity Regime with ANOVA Showed No Significant the Development of Mullet Culture. This Is Due To
(P>0.05) Variation. The Highest Gain in Length Was Differences In The Physio-Chemical Properties And
22.02 At 20 ppt. The Highest Gain in Body Weight Sudden Change In Salinities Between Both Sites, Next
Was 22.99 Also At 20 ppt. The Least FCR (2.29) Was To The Stress To Which The Fish Is Exposed During
Recorded At 10 ppt While the Highest FCR (2.31) Transportation (Mabrouk 1991), Few Studies Have
Was Recorded At 20 ppt. The Best SGR Value Was Investigated The Salinity Effects On Survival And
Recorded In 20 ppt Regimes. Fry Maintained In 0 ppt Growth Of These Larvae And Reported That Mullet
and 30 ppt Suffered From 100% Mortality After Can Be Cultured In Both Brackish And Fresh Water
Seven Days. Fry Maintained In 10 ppt and 20 ppt (Sivalingam 1975, Pillai 1975). Also, Some Authors
Suffered From 50% And 70% Mortality Respectively Indicated That Mullet Fish Prefers Brackish Water
at The First Two Weeks and No Mortality Occurred and Grow Faster in Such Water Areas of The
Until the End of The Experiment (6th Week). The Best Subtopics (Gosline And Brock 1965, Nash And
Survival Rate (50%) Was Recorded At 10 ppt. Mullet Shehadeh, 1980). Piltai (1975) Reported That Mullet
Has A Good Potential for Brackish Water Culture. Could Be Stocked in Different Salinities Even in Fresh
Water Lakes, But Need Acclimatization When the
Salinities Are Considerably Different in Capturing
and Stocking Sites. Newly Hatched Mullet Larvae Has
Key words: Mugil Cephalus; Mugillidae; Salinity A Limited Tolerance to Salinity Fluctuations Found
Tolerance; Mullet Fry; Brackish water. by Sylvester Et Al, 1975.
Effect of Water Salinity Concentration on Flathead Grey Mullet, Mugil Cephalus Performance in the Laboratory

However, Devaneson And Chaco (1943) Found That The Fry Was Fed Three Times A Day (At 9 Am 12
Salinity Tolerance and Survival Rate of Mullet Fry Pm And 4 Pm), Seven Days A Week For 42 Days
Could Be Increased by Acclimatization to Gradual (From 20-6-2020 To 31-7-2020). The Aquarium Was
Increase in Water Salinity Level. Cleaned Every Day in Order to Remove Wastes and
Mullet Has A Good Potential for Brackish Water Expelled Water Was Replaced by Another One of
Culture the Fish Tolerated A Salinity Range of 5 ppt to The Same Salinities. The Values of Salinity,
25 ppt (Olukolajo S. O. And Omolara L. A. A. 2013). Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Were
Mullet Fry Acclimated to Freshwater Died Gradually Monitored Daily by Using Special Apparatus to
Showing the Same Symptoms Including Stress, Dark Check the Salinity to Keep It as Described
Coloration, Loss of Appetite and Abnormal Swimming Previously, The Temperature Was Ranged From
Behavior. (Cathrine R. Mansour 2011). 23.9-28.8 °C, While Water Was Almost Saturated
with Dissolved Oxygen and The Values Ranged From
2. The Aim of the Research 5.39 To 5.98 Mg/Liter. Prepared Salt Water Was
Mullets Are Very Important Fishes Which Are Stored in One Cubic Meter Fiberglass Tanks
Cultured in Many Countries. In Egypt The Total Located Over the Laboratory. Salinities Were
Production of Mullet Is 245852 Tons (13.49% Of the Adjusted in Each Aquarium Separately. The Front
Total Fish Production) From Which 35639 Comes Side of Each Aquarium Was Covered with Dusky
from Natural Sources (Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, Plastic Sheet to Prevent Fish Disturbance. Before the
Lakes, Nile River) And 210213 Tons from Experiment, Aquariums Were Rinsed with
Aquaculture. Every Year Millions of Mullet Fry Are Chlorinated Water For 24h Then It Was Dehydrated
Being Collected from Natural Sources and by Heavy Aeration and Salt Water Was Supplied to
Transported to Farms Where They Are Cultured Each Aquarium.
Under Conditions with Different Salinities. And Since To Study the Effect of The Tested Diets on
Egypt Has A Lot Of Different Conditions (Fresh Fingerlings Performances, A Series of Measurements
Water, Brackish Water, And Marine Water) The Were Accomplished Including the Initial Weight
Purpose Of These Study Is To Identify The Most (G/Fish), The Final Weight (G/Fish) And the Amount
Suitable Water Salinity For Both Growth And of Food Given (G/Fish). To Determine the Effect of
Survival As They Are The Most Important Factors The Acclimation Trials on The Growth Rates and
That Needs To Be Optimized To Maximize Feed Utilization Efficiency of The Tested fry, We
Productivity And Increase Profits Of The Process For Made Up the Following Measurements:
Both Government And Private Farms. A- Average Daily Gain (ADG) = W2-W1/T
B- Percent Weight Gain (%) = W2-W1/W1×100
C- Specific Growth Rate (SGR) = Logew2-
3. Materials and Methods Logew1/T×100
This Experiment Was Performed Under Laboratory
D- Feed Conversion (FC) = Dry Feed Intake (g) /Fish
Conditions. Flathead Grey Mullet (Mugil Cephalus)
Live Weight Gain (g)
Fry (Initial Mean Body Weight 0.1 g) Was Collected
F- Feed Conversion Efficiency (FCE) = Weight gain
from The Coast of Bardawil Lagoon Using A Scope
(g)/Feed Intake
Net. Fry Was Left A Day to Rest in A Plastic Container
G- Gain in Total Length (cm) = Final Total Length
(1000-Liter Capacity). Three Replications of Fish
(cm) – initial Total Length (cm)
Were Distributed into Glass Aquarium (80-Liter
Where: W1 = Initial Weight (g), W2 = Final Weight
Capacity) Which Were Previously Filled with Water of
(g), T = Time of The Experiment
Different Salinities. Each Group Contains Ten Fishes,
The First Group Was Exposed to Salinity Of 0 Ppt, The
Salinity of Each Aquarium Was Measured on Daily
Second Group Was Exposed To 10 ppt, The Third
Basis Using A Refractometer in Order to Maintain
Group Was Exposed To 20 ppt And the Fourth Group
Desired Salinity Level. Waste Water Was Removed
Was Exposed To 30 ppt. The Duration of The
to Maintain High Hygienic Condition.
Experiment Was 42 Days (Six Weeks). The Fingerlings
Every Week and At the End of The Experiment, The
Were Fed Diet With 35% Protein, The Composition of
Fingerlings in Each Aquarium Were Netted and
The Used Diet Was Given in Table (1). Weighed to Estimate the Final Weight (g/Fish). Using
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) To Test the Effect of
The Diets on The Fry Growth Performance.
Effect of Water Salinity Concentration on Flathead Grey Mullet, Mugil Cephalus Performance in the Laboratory

Table (1): Composition of the experimental diet. (End of The Experiment). The Survival Rate
Ingredients Amounts used (g) Recorded Was 30%. Initial Body Length Measured
Soy bean (44.8% 7.5 Was 2.1 Cm and The Final Body Length Measured
protein) Was 4.6 Cm at The End of The Experiment With 2.5
Corn (9.6% protein) 5 Cm Gain in Body Length of Fingerlings. Initial
Wheat bran (15.2% 10 Weight of Fry Was 0.1 G and The Final Weight
Recorded Was 1.10 G with Daily Weight Gain Of
0.023. Feed Conversion Ratio Was 2.31 As This
Plant oil 3
Group Shows the Best FCR And SGR But at Lower
Fish Oil 7
Survival Rate (30%).
Total 100
The Fourth Group: Being Exposed To 30 ppt Mullets
Suffered from Mortality Rate At 40% At the First
4. Results and Discussion Day with Common Symptoms of Loss of Appetite
4.1. Results: and Abnormal Swimming Behavior. At the End of
The Results of This Experiment Will Be Discussed for The First Week 100% Mortality Occurred.
Each Salinity Degree:
The First Group: Exposed To 0 ppt Fry Stopped

at the survival
Eating at Day Two of The Experiment. Later They


Began to Swim Near Water Surface and Death
Occurred Gradually, So We Got 2-3 Fishes Struggle to


the 8th
End of
Table (2): Summary of Mortality rate of Mugil Cephalus under different salinities.
Survive but Total Mortality Occurred at Day Eight.



Fry Revealed the Same Symptoms Which Include
Stress, Loss of Appetite, Abnormal Swimming and
Gathering at The Surface.


The Second Group: Exposed To 10 ppt At the First
Week Mortality Rate Of 20% Occurred and During


the Second One This Percent Reached 50%, However

After the First Two Weeks No Mortality Have Been


Observed and Until The 6th Week (End of The
Experiment). Fingerlings Were Eating Well and

Staying Alive and Active. The Initial Body Length 0


Recorded at The Start of The Experiment Was 2.2 Cm
While the Final Body Length Recorded at The End of

The Experiment Was 4.2 C With 2 Cm Gain in Body



Length. The Initial Body Weight Was 0.1 G and The

Final Body Weight at The End of the 6th Week Was


1.00 G with A Total Weight Gain Of 0.90 G. The Daily

Weight Gain Recorded Was 0.021 And FCR Was 2.29.

This Group Are Showing the Best Survival Rate




The Third Group: At the First Week Mortality of 50%
Occurred and Fry Was Eating at Lower Rate. During

the Next Week Mortality Rate Reached 70% But Fry


Was Gradually Accumulated to Salinity (20 ppt) And

Begun to Feed Normally at Higher Rate at The Start of
the 3rd Week. No More Mortality Occurred Until the
End of the 6th Week.
Effect of Water Salinity Concentration on Flathead Grey Mullet, Mugil Cephalus Performance in the Laboratory

Figure (1): Growth Performance of M. Cephalus reared

under 10 ppt and 20 ppt Salinity.

Table (3): Summary of Growth Performance of M. Cephalus Under Different Salinity Level.

(% per




Conversion Conversion






Loss in






mean Weight
or loss Mean




Weight Gain (Percent Weight Gain and Final


Biomass Showed A General Increase in The Larvae




That Started At 20 Ppt Salinity. They Gained Ten

Times the Initial Weight but With Lower Survival

Rate (30%). From the High Mortality Rate of The






Larvae Maintained at The Salinity Higher Than 25

Ppt And Lower Than 5 ppt, So It’s Recommended to
Start Acclimatization at The Second Day After the





Collected Wild Mullet Larvae Are Kept in Salinity

Similar to Its Wild Salinity For 24 H In the

Laboratory Conditions. From the Results of The




Experiment It Was Found That That M. Cephalus

Fry Can Withstand Abrupt Changes in Salinity
Level From 10 ppt To Brackish Water Up To 20 ppt.
It Was Observed That Increasing Water Salinity Had Mortality Occurs at Direct Transfer or Higher
A Significant Effect on Survival Rate. After 24 Hours, Salinities.
A High Mortality Rate Occurred in The Highest and Figure (2): Mortality rate % of M. Cephalus reared
Lowest Concentrations. (0 ppt ,30 ppt). The Survival under 10 ppt and 20 ppt Salinity.
Rate of Larvae Maintained At 30 ppt Salinity Was
Lower Than That of The Larvae Maintained At 0 ppt
Salinity. Both of Them Were Lower Than 10 ppt and
20 ppt. The Larvae Took Lesser Time to Suffer 100%
Mortality Within Higher Salinities. Fry Kept Under
Decreased Salinity Level Took Longer Time to Suffer
100% Mortality. The Author Suggests That This May
Be Due to The Nature of The Area Larvae Was
Collected From.
Effect of Water Salinity Concentration on Flathead Grey Mullet, Mugil Cephalus Performance in the Laboratory

The High Survival Rate of M. Cephalus Fry (1.5-2.0 Experiment Showed That Mortality Rate of M.
Cm TL) In Water of Different Salinities (10-20ppt) Cephalus Larvae Maintained at Lower Salinities
Shown in This Present Investigation Revealed the Was Lower for A Longer Period. Devanson And
Ability of Grey Mullets to Adapt to Wide Salinity Chaco (1943) Reported That Gradual Lowering of
Fluctuations. The Mortality Experienced Within The Salinity Markedly Reduced the Mortality of Mullet
1st Week in the 0 ppt and 30 ppt Salinities Was Fry.
Probably Connected with The Abrupt Transfers. The Present Results Support Those of Greyand
Ciccoti Et Al (1994) Noticed A High Survival Rate and Mcdonall (1993) And Fielder and Bardsley (1999)
Tissue Osmolality Regulation of M. Cephalus Juveniles That Juvenile Mulloway Prefer Water with Some
Acclimated to Freshwater Gradually In 48 Hours. Marine Influence, But Are Able to Survive in Fresh
Water For At Least Short Periods of Time.
4.2. Discussion The Inability of Mullet to Survive When Suddenly
Mullets Are Euryhaline Being Tolerate to A Wide Transferred to Freshwater Differs from That
Range of Salinities (Tomson, 1996). Adult Mullets Can Observed for Some Other Euryhaline Fishes.
Withstand A Wide Range of Salinity Ranging from Juveniles and Adult of Striped Mullet (M. Cephalus)
Zero Salinity To 75 Ppt, While Fingerlings Can Only Are Known to Exhibit A Remarkable Tolerance of
Tolerate Such Wide Salinity Ranges After They Reach Salinity Fluctuations. They Also Have the Ability to
4–7 Cm in Length. However, This Ability Is Not the Cope with The Salinity Fluctuation (Sylvester Et
Same for All the Species. This Experiment Revealed Al% 1975; Lee and Menuy 1981; Walsh Et. Al. 1989).
That Fresh Water Salinity (Zero Ppt) Was Vital to Fry El-Ebiaiy, (1982) Investigated the Effects of Salinity
Lower Than 4 Cm. It Was Noticeable That Some on Survival of Striped Mullet and Pointed Out That
Larvae Stayed Alive Longer Than Others. This May the Lowest Mortality Rate Was Recorded in The
Due to The Condition of Each Fingerling and Their Larvae Reared At 5 ppt Salinity, While the Highest
Ability to Overcome Stress, But Eventually, They All Mortality Rate Was Reported in The Larvae Reared
Died Showing the Same Symptoms of Slow Swimming, At 30 ppt Salinity Followed by Those Reared At 0.75
Dark Coloration and Loss of Appetite. The Results ppt Salinity.
Obtained Indicated That the Fingerlings Died at Fresh El-Sayed (1991) Reported That Groups of Grey
Water (0 ppt) Whether They Were Transferred to It Mullets Reared in Fresh Water Exhibited Poor
Abruptly or Directly. The Experiment Indicated That Growth and Feed Efficiency Associated with High
Brackish Water Ranging From 10 ppt to 20 ppt Are Mortality Rate. Also, The Striped Mullet Larvae
the Best for Larvae Regarding That Mortality Suffered Heavier Losses When They Were Exposed
Increases with Increased Salinity Level. Growth Rate to Abrupt Change From 20 ppt Salinity to
and Weight Gain Increased at Higher Salinities (20 Freshwater, While the Salinity Decreasing Rate Of 5
ppt). The Result Indicated Identified That At 20 ppt ppt / 24h Resulted in High Survival Percentages
Weight Gain Increases but Survival Rate Decreases, (Mabrouk, 1991).
And At 10 ppt Survival Rate Increases but Weight The Present Study Also Supports Those of S. O.
Gain Decreases. So, It’s Recommended That A Further OLUKOJO And Omolara (2013) That the Fish Has
Work Must Be Done to Define Accurately the A Good Potential for Brackish Water Aquaculture;
Optimum Salinity Level for Both Growth and Its Fishery and Culture in The Brackish
Survival, Which Should Range According to The Environment Can Be Sustained. Salinity Tolerance
Present Work From 10 ppt to 20 ppt. Experiment Carried Out Showed That the Fries
Several Studies Were Carried Out to Investigate the of M. Cephalus Could Survive in Varying Salinity
Effect of Water Salinity on Many Species of The World Range Of 5 ppt to 25 ppt Similar of The Results We
Because Mullets Are Very Important Source of Protein Obtained from This Experiment. Finally, at the end
and Have Higher Market Demand. Mires and Shak of this study, we recommended the great needs of
(1974) Found That, When Grey Mullet Fry Was further investigation concerning the acclimation of
Transferred From 24.6 ppt to 8.22 ppt Salinity, They local mullet's species to different water salinities in
Suffered High Mortality. This May Explain the High order to investigate the ability of future culture in
Mass Mortality That Occurred in Larvae Reared at brackish and freshwater ponds.
The Higher (30 ppt) And the Zero Salinity in This
Effect of Water Salinity Concentration on Flathead Grey Mullet, Mugil Cephalus Performance in the Laboratory

The Ability of Flathead Grey Mullet (M. Cephalus) Brulhet, J., (1975). Observations on the biology
Fry to Tolerate A Wide Range of Salinity Regime of Mugil cephalus ashanteensis and the possibility of
Evaluated in This Study Agreed to The Ability of Fish its aquaculture in the Mauritanean coast,
to Be Cultured in Brackish Water Ranging From 10 Aquaculture,5:271-281.doi:10.1016/0044
Ppt T0 20 ppt. 8486(75)90004-6.
High Mortality to Total Mortality Occurred at Lower
Salinities (0 ppt) And Also at Higher Salinities (30 Ciccotti. E., Marino. G., Pucci. P., Cataldi. E.,
Ppt). Cataudella., (1994). Acclimation trial of Mugil
Brackish Water Salinity Of 10 ppt to 20 ppt Regimes cephalus juveniles to freshwater: morphological and
Had the Best Weight Gain and Survival Rate. biochemical aspects, Environ-mental Biology of
Fishes, 43(2): 163-170. doi: 10.1007/BF00002487.
Acknowledgments Dimitriou. E., Rogdakis. I., Leonardos. I.,
This Paper and Experiment Behind It Would Not
Athanasopoulos, A., 1994a. The quality and quantity
Have Been Possible Without the Exceptional Support
synthesis of fishery products from the lagoon of
of Our Supervisor, Prof. Ashraf Y. El-Dakar. His MesolonghiEtoliko as an index of management.
Enthusiasm, Experience and Exacting Attention to
Alieftika Nea_Fishing News-Greece., No. 155, May
Detail Have Been an Inspiration and Kept Our Work
1994, in Greek.
on Track.
We Would Also Like to Show Our Gratitude to Our
Lee, C. S., and Menu, B. (1981). Effect of salinity on
Supervisor Prof. Shymaa M. Shalaby For Sharing Her
egg development and hatching in grey mullet Mugil
Pearls of Wisdom, Knowledge and Invaluable
cephalus L. J. Fish Biol., 19: 179-188.
Assistance During the Course of This Research and
Mires, D. and Shak, Y. (1974). Further information on
the effect of salinity and temperature changes on
Mugil capito and Mugil cephalus fiy. Bamidgeh. 26 (4).

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