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What increases a child's risk

for hydrocephalus?
Types of Hydrocephalus Hydrocephalus
Obstructive (non-
Infections in the mother during communicating) hydrocephalus "Water on the Brain"
pregnancy caused by bacteria or is caused by a blockage in the
a virus system of cavities (ventricles) in
Problems during the growth of the brain. The blockage prevents
the fetus that may cause defects the cerebrospinal fluid from
in the brain flowing (or "communicating") with
Head injuries or trauma the area that surrounds the brain
Infections in the brain and its and spinal cord (subarachnoid
coverings space), as it normally should.
Prematurity (being born too Blockages can be present at birth
early), which may increase his or can occur later.
risk for bleeding in the brain Non-obstructive (communicating) Hydrocephalus is an abnormal
Tumors that may decrease or hydrocephalus results from problems buildup of fluid in the ventricles
block the flow of CSF with cerebrospinal fluid being (cavities) deep within the brain.
produced or absorbed. One of the
most common causes is bleeding into A condition in which there is extra
the subarachnoid space. cerebrospinal fluid around the brain
Communicating hydrocephalus can and spinal cord. Cerebrospinal fluid
be present at birth or can occur later. acts as a cushion for the brain and
spinal cord, supplies nutrients, and
takes away waste products.

Bea Flor Rapisura-Pegad

Symptoms: Prevention:
A large head that is growing ---wear appropriate protective gear
too rapidly when participating in contact sports or
A bulging "soft spot" on top other activities, such as skiing, riding a
of head (anterior fontanelle) bike and sledding, with a risk of head
Irritability trauma.
Seizures --if pregnant, have a frequent check up
Delays in development for fetal monitoring, and reduce the
risk of premature birth.

--Neuro Exams
Treatment: --Brain Imaging(such as MRI, CT-
Surgery: Scan,Ultrasound
Shunt placement helps
drain extra CSF fluid
through a tube from your
child's brain into his
abdomen where it is
Ventriculostomy helps drain
the extra CSF fluid through a
small hole in your child's
Medicines may help decrease
the swelling your child's brain
or treat a bacterial infection.
(Furosemide and antibiotics

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