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Viral marketing is a business strategy that uses existing social networks to
promote a product.
lts name refers to how consumers spread intformation about a product with other people in their
social networks, much in the same way that a virus spreads from one peraon to another.
The basis of viral marketing is in the spread of information by word-of-nouth (see Word-of
Mouth marketing), but modern technology has allowed the viral effect to include
Internet-based platforms as well.
The viral effectcan spread through many different networks, including:
Social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc)
Video sharing sites (Youtube, Vimeo, etc)
.Web forums
Viral marketing typically supplies its audience with something of value for free. This can be
something as simple as an amusing song or game. Whatever the viral content is, it must
encourage people to share with others so as many people as possible receive the content's
Viral marketing is useful as a stand-alone marketing tool or as a part of a larger campaign that
USes multiple kinds of marketing. It is especially attractive to smaller businesses or companies
because viral marketing can be a cheaper alternative to traditional marketing efforts.
A new energy drink company, for example, could create an Internet video featuring a person
who consumes the energy drink before performing a seemingly impossibl; bicycle jump. If the
video is made to look real, it may encourage people who see it to share it with others. After the
video receives enough views, the company could reveal its true purpose, convincing its viewers
to seek out more infornmation about the drink without ever using a traditiona! advertisement.
Viral marketing is often used in conjunction with other methods of marketing, such as in the
case of the Blair Witch Project. The viral aspect of the campaign generatecl buzz about the story
long before the release of commercials, trailers, posters, and other forms of traditional
marketing. This caused many people to already talk about the movie before it was officially
announced to the public.
Content does not have to be covert to be viral. Political campaigns often create videos featuring
sound clips of an opposing candidate saying something people may find offensive. Politicians
hope that by pointing out an outrageous statement, the video will go viral and cause others to
develop a negative attitude toward the targeted opponent.
There is a common misconception that viral marketing depends on the ability to reliably create
something extremely popular. In reality, a successful viral marketing can1paign rests more on
understanding how to connect with specific demographics by presenting them with valuable
Viral marketing is a customer-focused approach, so the first step is to identify the target
demographic for a product and what they value the most in products, requiring marketers to
research and analyze demographic data. During the Blair Witch campaign, the filmmakers and
main marketing agents for the movie were accomplished film students. They examined what
made horror movies compelling for the demographic of teens to youhg adults they were
targeting, as well as explored how that demographic shared information. They used this
information to focus on their product's mystery, and they concentrated thejr early efforts on the
Internet where they knew they would have the best chance of reaching a younger audience.
Once a company knows what its target demographic wants and how they communicate, they
begin creating content those people will want to share. The Blair Witch team created websites,
message boards, and fake news stories that heightened the horror and m/stery of the movie's

story. The content encouraged people to look for more information about the story, and even
collaborate with their friends in their investigations.
Viral marketing is a continual, interactive process. A company that implements a viral
compaign shouldn't simply let it run its course without adjustment. The Blair Witch campaign
remained active on Internet message boards, interacting with real fans and regularly updating
Websites with more information based on fan discussions. It, like most viral campaigns,
Succeeded because it grew
along with the interest in the product.
Guerrilla marketing is an advertisement
strategy to promote products or services on the streets
or other public places with little money. This involves getting the attention of the public.
Guerrilla marketing is done in
attract a big
public places such as shopping centres, parks or beaches to
audience. It was popularized by Jay Conrad Levinson in the book Guerrilla
Marketing, 1984. Traditional advertising media are channels such as print, radio, television and
direct mail but as we are
to find new
moving away from these channels the marketers and advertisers have
strategiesto get their commercial
messages to the consumer.
Guerrilla marketing is an alternative strategy and is about taking the consumer by surprise to
make a big
impression about the brand (What is Guerrilla Marketing, 2015), this in turn creates
buzz about the brand or
product being marketed. It is a way of advertising that increases
engagement with the product or service, and is
designed to create a memorable for
the consumer.
By creating this memorable experience for the consumer, it alsoexperience
increases the
likelihood that a consumer, or someone who
interacted with the campaign will tell their friends
about it and via word of mouth the
product service
people than initially anticipated, and means it has more ofbeing advertised reaches a lot more

a mass audience.
This style of marketing has the
advertise their product or service,
potential to be extremely effective for small businesses to
especially if they are competing against bigger companies as
it is inexpensive and focuses more on
reach rather than frequeney. For
be successful
companies don't need to spend large amounts, they just needguerrilla
to have
campaigns to
energy and time (Bourn, 2009). Guerrilla marketing is also an effective imagination,
do not provide a tangible service can advertise way companies who
their products through the non traditional
channels as long as they have an effective
As opposed to traditional media Guerrilla
and hits but is measured by profit made. It is
marketing cannot be measured by statistics, sales
designed to cut
advertising and have no mystery about what is being advertised.through
clutter of traditional
The message to consumers
will be clear and concise, the business will not diversify the
message to the consumer and focus
will be maintained. This type of marketing also works on the unconscious
qulte one0 are decided by the unconscious mind. To keep the productmind,
as purchases
or service in the
unoonecious mind means repetition is needed, so if a buzz is created around a
shared amongst friends it enables repetition. (Bourn, 2009) product and it is
Two types of marketing encompassed by guerrilla marketing are viral
marketing and buzz
Unlike typical public marketing campaigns that use billboards,
guerilla marketing involves
the application of multiple techniques and practices in order to establish direct contact with the
customers. One of the goals of this interaction is to cause an emotional reaction in the clients
and the final goal of marketing is to get people to remember brands in a different
way than they
are used to. The technique involves from flyer distribution in public spaces to creating an
operation at major event or festival mostly without directly connecting to the event but using
the opportunity. The challenge with any guerilla marketing campaign is to find the correct
place and time to do the operation without getting involved in legal issues.
Viralbuzz marketing
Viralmarketing describes any strategy that encourages individuals to pass on a marketing
message to others, creating the potential for exponential growth in the message's exposure and
intluence. Like viruses, such strategies take advantage of rapid multiplication to explode the
messageto thousands, to millions. Off the Internet, viral marketing has been referred to as
"word-of-mouth'", "ereating a buzz", "leveraging the media", "network marketing", But on the
Internet, for better or worse, it's called "viral marketing".
Similarly, buzz marketing uses high-profile media to encourage the public to discuss the brand
or product. Buzz marketing works best when consumer's responses to a product or service and
subsequent endorsements are genuine, without the company paying them. Buzz generated from
buzz marketing campaigns is referred to as "amplified wOM" (word-of-mouth), and "organie
WOM" is when buzz occurs naturally by the consumer.

The societal marketing is a marketing concept that holds that a company should make
marketing decisions not only by considering consumers' wants, the company's requirements,
but also society's long-term interests.
The societal marketing concept holds that the organization's task is to determine the needs,
wants, and interests of a target market and to deliver the desired satisfactions more effectively
and etticiently than competitors in a way that preserves or enhances the well being of both the
individual consumer and society in general. Therefore, markcters must endeavor to satisty the
needs and wants of their target markets in ways that preserve and enhance the well-being of
consumers and society as a whole. It is closely linked with the principles of corporate social

responsibility and of sustainable development.

Societal marketing can be defined as a "marketing with a social dimension or marketing that
includes non-economic criteria". Societal marketing "concerns for society's long term

interests" It Bl is about "the direct benefits for the organization and secondary benefit for the
community". Societal marketing distinguishes between the consumer's immediate
satisfaction and longer term consumer and social benefits. Accordingly, Andreas Kaplan
defines societal management as "management that takes into account society's overall welfare
in addition to mere profitability considerations." Its a 3 dimensional concept of marketing
Social welfare,Individual welfare, Company profits.
Various attempts to define the objectives of societal marketing have been noted, such as:
"Social responsibility implies that a business decision maker... is obliged to take actions that
also protect and enhance society's interests
"Business has the responsibility to help [the consumer) .. It is the duty of business to promote
proper consumption values."
"Business leaders are mandated to adopt roles of leadership in the advancement of our society
to new levels of moral conduct."
Societal marketing v social marketing
Societal marketing should not be confused with social marketing. Societal marketing is a
philosophy or mindset that informs marketing decisions whereas social marketing is a distinct
branch within the marketing discipline. Societal marketing is concerned with the consideration
of the social and ethical aspects of marketing planning. Social marketing is concerned with
facilitating social change. A key difference is that the greater 'social good' is the principal
consideration in social marketing while social benefits are one of a number of considerations
in societal marketing.
On the other hand, social marketing is a sub-branch of marketing that began in 1971, with the
publication of an article by Kotler and Zaltman, emphasising a planned approach to achieving

social change.It is primarily concerned with encouraging pro-social behaviours (c.g.recyclng.
sun-safety,safe driving practices) and discouraging anti-social behaviours (e.g. litering. drink
driving). It is defined as an "adaptation of commercial marketing rechnologies to programs
aesigned to intluence the voluntary behavior of target audiences to improve their personal
welfare and that of the society of which they are a part"
dOClal marketing uses more traditional commercial techniques and strategies, focusing on

persuasion, to achieve goals for the greater social good. Its campaigns can either encourg
as for example fund raising for not-for-profit organizations or dissuade
the useor
unerit goods promoting society's well being, as non-smoking campaigns or promote the use
influence individual
OT Seat belts. Another characteristic of social marketing is that is planned to
in traditional mass
DEnaviour to improve well-being. It includes more than just advertising
media, and may extend to educational programs and formal enforcement regimes in the cas
of road safety campaigns. It planned campaigns, implemented bý governmenlal and non
governmental organisations. A clear example that differentiates societal from social marketing
i sa marketing campaign on non-smoking. A smoking cessation advertisement is an examp
of social marketing, but if the marketing strategies and techniques used in that campaign1ocs
on increasing the well-being of society, that same campaign can ba an example of soietal

The societal marketing concept was a forerunner of sustainable marketing in integrating 11e
of social responsibility into commercial marketing strategies. Inj contrast to that, social
marketing uses commercial marketing theories, tools and techniques to influence social change.
Social marketing applies a "customer orientated" approach and uses tte concepts and tools used
or fund
by commercial marketers in pursuit of social goals like Anti-Smoking-Campaigns
raising for NGOs.


(CRM) that focuses on

Relationship marketing is a facet of customer relationship management shorter-term goals like
customer loyalty and long-term customer engagement rather thar
goal of relationship marketing (or
customer acquisition and individual sales. The
connections to a brand
create strong, even emotional, customer
relationship marketing) is to word-of-mouth promotion and information
that lead to ongoing business, free

customers that can generate leads.

in contrast to the more traditionaB transactional marketing
Relationship marketing stands number of individual sales. In the
which focuses on increasing the
approach, A customer may be
acquisition cost may be insufficient.
model, the return on customer marketing strategy,
brand one time, but without a strong relationship
convinced to select that combine
come back to that
brand in the future. While organizations
the customer may not
customer relationship marketing
and transactional marketing,
elements of both relationship
more important
role for many companies.'
starting to play a
marketing strategy
Implementing a relationship
based on the tenets of customer
experience management (CEM),
is While these
Relationship marketing customer interactions
to foster better brand loyalty.
which focuses on improving much of relationship marketing
in person or over the phone,
interactions can still occur
the Web. use of social media,
CEM has taken to on the Web and flourishing the
of information brand and even expect
With the abundance access to details about
to have easy,
media posts and online
consumers expect services via social between
influence products and communication

opportunity to involves creating easy two-way

Today, relationship
customers and the business, tracking customer activities and providing tailored information to

customers based on those activities.

For example, an e-commerce site might track a customer's activity by allowing them to create
a user profile so that their information is conveniently saved for future visits, and so that the
also be able to
Site can push more tailored information to them next time. Site visitors might
them a simpler user
sign in through Facebook or another social media channel, allowing
experience and automatically connecting them to the brand's social media presence.
This is where CRM and marketing automation software can support a relationship marketing
CRM tools
customer information. Social
strategy by making it easier to record, track and act on
into the social media sphere, allowing
go turther by helping to extend relationship marketing media channels,
to customer issues on social
companies to more easily monitor and respond
which in turn helps maintain a better brand image.

more forms of
or brands via one or
Digital marketing, the promotion of products channels and methods that
in that it uses multiple
media, differs from traditional marketing what is working and
an organization to analyze marketing
campaigns and understand
what isn't-typically in real time.
often and for how long, sales
marketers monitor things like what is being viewed, how the
Digital the Internet is, perhaps,
conversions, what content works
and doesn't work, etc. While instant
text messaging,
marketing, others include
channel most closely associated with digital television and radio channels,
electronic billboards, digital
messaging, apps, podcasts,
Why digital marketing is important consumers have access
to information any time
and any place
media is so pervasive that or services
Digital people got about your products an ever-
want it. Gone are the days when the messages media is
they what you wanted them to
know. Digital
came from you and consisted of only are
and social interaction, and

of entertainment, news, shopping

growing source about your brand, but what
the media, friends,
now exposed not just
to what your company says believe them than you.
are saying as well.
And they are more likely to
relatives, peers, etc., communications that are
want brands they can trust,
companies that know them,
People needs and preferences.
and offers tailored to their
personalized and relevant,
Challenges facing digital channels and a variety
Proliferation of digital
channels. Consumers use multiple digital
interfaces-and they interact
that use different protocols,
specifications and
of devices different ways and for diffèrent purposes.
with those devices in with
channels are relatively cheap, compared
Intensifying competition. Digital of
business every size.
within reach of practically every
traditional media, making them consumers' attention.
a lot harder to capture
As a result, it's becoming
behind a huge trail of data in digital
data volumes. Consumers leave
Exploding that data, as well as find the right
difficult to get a handle on all
channels. It's extremely the right decisions.
volumes that can help you make
data within exploding data
Three keys to digital marketing

Here are three keys to digital marketing


What does it take to do digital marketing right? both digital and

relationships across a variety of channels

Manage complex
customer interactions.
Respond to and initiate dynamic decisions faster.
Extract value from big data to make better

But let's say you're not just an individual consumer looking to cook dinner for your family.
Let's say you own your own business, a restaurant, and you want to purchase food. Going to
the grocery store and purchasing four or five small cans of corn will not go very far to feed
your restaurant full of hungry customers. It wouldn't make sense to purchase all of your food
at a regular grocery store because they don't have the bulk quantities you need to stock your
restaurant. There are stores that focus on business to business sales and offer food in large
quantities, a more appropriate option for purchasing food for your restaurant.
How does B2C Marketing Work?
When a business is focused on B2C marketing, they must keep their customer in mind. They
need to know the needs, wants, problems, and challenges of their consumers. When they
understand their customer, they can create the marketing messages that answer their customers
Returning to the example of the grocery store, the company sends out weekly ads that highlight
the sales and discounts offered to customers. There may be rebates or refunds available that are
explained to consumers. Some grocery stores even place ads on their receipts and shopping
carts. These are all efforts to market their business to individual consumers.

Green marketing products that are presumed to be environmentally safe. It incorporates a broad
range of activities, including product modification, changes to the production process,
sustainable packaging, as well as modifying advertising. Yet defining green marketing is not
a simple task where several meanings intersect and contradict each other, an example of this
will be the existence of varying social, environmental and retail definitions attached to this
term. Other similar terms used are environmental marketing and ecologicalmarketing
Green, environmental and eco-marketing are part of the new marketing approaches which do
not just refocus, adjust or enhance existing marketing thinking and practice, but seek to
challenge those approaches and provide a substantially different perspective. In more detail
to the group of approaches which seek to
green, environmental and eco-marketing belong
address the lack of fit between marketing as it is currently practiced and the ecological and
social realities of the wider marketing environment.
The legal implications of marketing claims call for caution or overstated claims can lead to
regulatory or civil challenges. In the United States, the [Federal Trade Commission] provides
some guidance onenvironmental marketing claims.This Commission is expected to do an

overall review of this guidance, and the legal standards it contains, in 2011.
The green marketing mix
A model green marketingmix contains four "P's":
not only must not contaminate the
Product: A producer should offer ecological products which
environment but should protect it and even liquidate existing environmental damages.
Price: Prices for such products may be a little higher than conventional alternatives. But target
LOHAS are willing to pay extra for green products.
groups like for example
main focus is on ecological packaging.
Place: A distribution logistics is of crucial importance;
from regional farms is more easy to be
Marketing local and seasonal products e.g. vegetables
marketed "green" than products imported.
should put stress on environmental aspects, for
Promotion: A communication with the market
a CP certificate or is ISO
14000 certified. This may be
example that the company possesses
Furthermore, the fact that a company spends
publicized to improve a firm's image. the natural
environmental protection should be advertised. Third, sponsoring
expenditures on

environment is also very important. And

last but not least, ecological products will probably

require special sales promotions.

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