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BaZi: YHZP - 疾病 Disease or Illness

YHZP states that the human body is made of the Internal and the External:

The internal called ZhangFu 脏腑: which is made of

 心、肝、脾、肺、肾为五脏,
 Heart, Liver, Spleen, Lungs and Kidneys as the 5 Zang
 胃、胆、三焦、膀胱、大肠、小肠为六腑
 Stomach, Gallbladder, Triple warmer, Prostrate, Large Intestines, Small
Intestines as the 6 Fu

The external called ZiTi『肢体』which are the limbs/anggota badan and trunks.

The Stem and Branches of BaZi, with the principles of Engendering and
Countering, take that is heavily wounded to be analyzed; when the five
elements are overly prosperous or inadequate, they are all regarded as

For the Internal Organs, the representations of the HS are as below:


Jia - Liver
Yi – Gallbladder/kandung empedu
Bing - Small intestines/usus kecil
Ding - Heart
Wu - Stomach
Ji - Spleen
Geng - Large Intestines/usus besar
Xin - Lungs
Ren - Prostrate
Gui - Kidneys

For the External limbs, the representations are:


Jia - Head
Yi - Forehead
Bing - Shoulders
Ding - Heart (Chest)
Wu - Laterals (from armpits to ribs)
Ji - Abdomen
Geng - Bellybutton (possibly upper abs and lower abs)
Xin - Buttocks / Thighs
Ren - Calves
Gui - Feet

As for the EBs, the representations are:


Zi - Hernia?
Chou – Abdomen/perut
Yin - Arms
Mao - Eyes and Hands
Chen - Back and Chest
Si - Face and Teeth
Wu - Heart and Abdomen
Si - Spleen and abdomen
Shen - Cough related illness
You - Liver and Lungs
Xu - Back and Lungs
Hai - Head and Liver

Now this part is something that I don't understand.

Kidneys/ginjal are connected through the eyes, 

Gallbladder/kandung empedu stores the soul 魂, 

Liver stores vigor/semangat 魄,
Kidneys stores essence/zat vital 精, 
Heart stores spirit/jiwa 神
Spleen/limpa stores Qi 气.

Other part of the text is too complicated for me to translate, it requires some
knowledge in TCM which I do not have. 

May TCM practitioners find this helpful.

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