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Exploring elasticity concept using

augmented reality
Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 2331, 030037 (2021);
Published Online: 02 April 2021

Handjoko Permana, Fauzi Bakri, Nur Devi Vani, Arum Setyarini, and Dewi Muliyati


Textbook with augmented reality technology: Improve critical thinking skill in elasticity
AIP Conference Proceedings 2331, 030036 (2021);

Student cognitive level achievement in the textile chemistry lesson conducted in a blended
learning environment
AIP Conference Proceedings 2331, 040017 (2021);

The impact of industrial revolution 4.0 on basic chemistry learning

AIP Conference Proceedings 2331, 040024 (2021);

AIP Conference Proceedings 2331, 030037 (2021); 2331, 030037

© 2021 Author(s).
Exploring Elasticity Concept Using Augmented Reality
Handjoko Permana, Fauzi Bakria), Nur Devi Vani, Arum Setyarini, and
Dewi Muliyatib)

Physics Education Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jl
Rawamangun Muka No.1, East Jakarta 13220, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
Corresponding author:

Abstract. This era is known as the digital era, where everything is made alive by technology, include in education. To
compete in this era, teachers' skills and capabilities are needed that keep up with advances in information technology. One
of the applications of technology that can be used in learning is Augmented Reality (AR). This study is an exploring
elasticity concept using augmented reality as an answer to the challenges that teachers represent in today's teaching. This
study follows the steps that begin with the question, why am I going to do it, what will I do, what will I do, how will I do,
and what has been achieved. The study revealed that physics teachers could explore the material such as elasticity and
integrate technology into learning media by integrating AR Technology. The material and media expert validation has been
carried out on this product. The material expert validation results were 82.35% for the suitability of the material, 100.00%
for the consistency of the material, and 85.00% for the language of writing the material. The results of the AR book media
expert obtained a percentage score of 81.60% and the AR application obtained a percentage score of 83.33% with very
good interpretations for both.

Teachers must be able to face all challenges in teaching students. The challenge today is that teachers are required
to integrate technology into learning [1,2]. Even though at the same time, the teacher also has to develop their
knowledge. All of these challenges are felt by all subject teachers, including science teachers [3]. In learning, science
teachers must be able to develop learning situations that relate situations from nature to students' experiences [3].
Teachers must encourage students to contribute media to the classroom collection. Specially learning media with
integrating by technology.
Using technology is not always effective [3,4]. Technology will be effective if used to engage with data, explore
and create, express ideas, and develop presentations of learning; and where peer discussions and teacher-led activities
[4]. One of the technologies that can provide these benefits is Augmented Reality (AR). Also, AR can help teachers
develop learning situations related to nature [5]. AR technology is a technology that can combine two-dimensional
(2D) virtual objects in the form of images and videos or three-dimensional (3D) objects [6]. This ability, combined
with textbooks, is by scanning the book's images, and then a video or 3D animation appears [7]. While the textbooks
are the most often used media during learning [8] and are the primary learning resource for students [9].
Teachers can explore material and integrate it with AR technology. One of the materials that can integrate with
AR in physics lessons is elasticity [10]. Elasticity material discusses stress, strain, young modulus, Hooke's law, and
spring. [11]. Teachers can explore topics in elasticity, such as Hooke's law experiments. Because students still have
difficulty in making graphical relationships between styles and length increments [12]. Therefore, this research will
discuss how teachers can explore the concept of elasticity using augmented reality.

The 2nd Science and Mathematics International Conference (SMIC 2020)

AIP Conf. Proc. 2331, 030037-1–030037-6;
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-4075-3/$30.00

The research steps used in this study adapt the method developed by Landoy, et al. [3], as seen in Fig. 1. FIGURE
1 contains the steps in designing a course or seminar or learning design. The research step begins with the question,
why am I going to do it? Followed by, what am I going to do? Then, with what will I do? Then, how will I do? Ends
with, what has been achieved? These steps are connected to a curricular element and must be aligned to a single
purpose. Therefore, teachers establish operational objectives, according to specific and general outcomes, not just
school curriculum regulations.

FIGURE 1. Steps in designing a course/seminar/teaching design [13]


Based on the methodology's steps, two products were produced, those are the elasticity book and the AR
application. The elasticity book has two main components: the introduction and the description of the material. To
identification of evaluation, the material and media expert validation has been carried out on this product.

The Elasticity Book

The Introduction

The introductory part consists of stimuli for the elasticity concept, namely in the form of bungee jumping video
games, essential competencies, learning objectives, and concept maps. In the section, students asked to scan the
stimulus and bring up the bungee jumping game's stimulus video through the augmented reality application in Fig. 2
(a). Students are encouraged to identify the concepts observed after seeing the augmented reality stimulus video. Also,
in Fig. 2 (a), students know the essential competencies and Fig. 2 (b) the learning objectives on elasticity. From this
stage, students are expected to have initial knowledge of the idea of elasticity before entering into the material

The Description of The Material

The description material in AR books consists of Hooke's law and the concept of spring arrangement. In Hooke's
law material description, students asked to scan images in the form of videos in Fig. 3 (a). FIGURE 3 (b) is AR videos,
demonstrates the relationship between the mass of the load and the increase in length in the spring, which will help
students visualize Hooke's law. FIGURE 4 (a) shown the material of the spring arrangement. FIGURE 4 (b) is AR
Videos, which demonstrates the spring arrangement in a series. In this section, students are encouraged to identify the
increase in length when the springs are arranged in series when the spring constants used are the same. FIGURE 4 (c)
is AR videos, show the spring arrangement in a parallel. This section encourages students to identify the length
increase when the springs are arranged in parallel when the spring constant is the same.

(a) (b)
FIGURE 2. Display of the elasticity book in the introduction

(a) (b)
FIGURE 3. Display book in the hooke's law concept

(a) (b) (c)
FIGURE 4. Display book in the spring arrangement

The Application of Augmented Reality

The resulting of the AR book is in the form of several images with markers. This marker is integrated with the AR
application, which is displayed in video form. These videos can be presented with the help of an application installed
on an Android smartphone. The AR application was developed, shown in Fig. 5. How to use the AR application is
select the material as desired, then point the Android smartphone camera that has been integrated with the AR
application to the marker contained in the AR book. Furthermore, the camera will display virtual information in the
form of a video about practical instructions. The camera used offline, so it doesn't need an internet network.

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

FIGURE 5. Display the application of Augmented Reality (a) Shown application logo display; (b) Application initial display; (c)
Application menu display; (d) Instructions menu; (e) Material menu when the image is scanned; and (f) Information about the

Teachers are faced with an explosion of knowledge; this type of integration is a significant challenge [14]. One of
those explosions is the application of technology to learning. By exploring learning materials such as elasticity, the
teacher has tried to answer these challenges. In research conducted by Alabdulkareem (2015) and Ansari & Khan
(2020), the challenge was carried out by exploring social media for learning [15,16]. However, considering that
science lessons should be develop learning situations that relate situations from nature to students' experiences.
Learning by presenting experimental videos with AR technology's help is considered an effective form of utilization,
especially for schools that do not have elasticity practicum kits.

The Validation
The material feasibility test includes three main indicators: suitability material, consistency of material, and writing
material language. The media feasibility test contains two main components: the book divided into five sub-
components and Augmented Reality (AR) divided into two sub-components. the instrument use Likert Scale 1-5,
where one means strongly disagree, two means disagree, three means doubtful, four means agree, and five means
strongly agree. after that the value is converted into percent. The material expert validation results were 82.35% for
the suitability of the material, 100.00% for the consistency of the material, and 85.00% for the language of writing the
material. The results of the AR book media expert obtained a percentage score of 81.60% and the AR application
obtained a percentage score of 83.33% with very good interpretations for both. The validation results shown in TABLE

TABLE 1. The result of validation by experts
Indicator Mean Interpretation
Material Suitability of Material 82.35% Very Good
Consistency Theory 100.00% Very Good
Language Theory 85.00% Very Good
Media The Book of Augmented Reality
Book Size 100.00% Very Good
Front Page Layout 88.89% Very Good
Typography Front Page 84.40% Very Good
Typography of Book Contents 78.18% Good
Illustration of Book Contents 78.33% Good
Average 81.60% Very Good
The Application of Augmented Reality
Application interface 93.33% Very Good
Application content 82.22% Very Good
Average 83.33% Very Good

Teachers can explore the material and integrate technology into learning media, especially what physics teachers
can do by exploring elasticity material and integrating AR technology into learning media. In its integration, teachers
still have to consider the effectiveness of technology and the achievement of learning goals. The material and media
expert validation has been carried out on this product. Based on the validation result, we can conclude that the book's
material was suitability and the product is good for using as learning media.

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