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Lito Bayona

Notable calls for 5/6/2021

Issue: Stuck on generating reports// 24.11730

Strengths: Helpful tone of voice, Assurance statements, offered ss

Opportunities: instead of waiting idly to generate the same issue, can be used to search for relevant kb
or to ask questions from R1 chat

Additional Notes: Lito is able to ask if they have access to server. The cx did not have and Lito informed
R2, making the transfer easier

Issue: Softdent keyboard freezes up randomly on different computers// 24.4715

Strengths: Lito verified the existing contract that cx has since they don’t have softdent on the list of
supported software, cx service is able to verify. Lito is asking effective probing questions.

Opportunities: During idling time, like when cx run upstairs to go to the server, Lito can search relevant
kb to assist cx.

Additional Notes: It seems that Lito’s addition of the KB is last on his call flow. It should be on higher
importance and urgency on the call flow. This can lessen the escalations, the handling time and avoid
escalation defects.

Issue: Voice activated perio charting// 44.02909

Strengths: Lito is able to utilize KB effectively on this call. He sounds eager to help. He screenshared
when the cx is stuck, making the call a resolved call. Lito asks effective probing questions.

Opportunities: none on this call. He is excellent throughout the experience of the cx and sounds like an

Additional Notes: Lito is able to effectively assist cx when he is able to find the relevant kb.
Issue: Registration code

Strengths: Lito knows the issue well and can assist effectively. Lito asked the TL for code and promised

Opportunities: none

Additional Notes: none

Overall notes: Lito is always eager to assist and asks effective probing questions. Lito chats R1 chat
whenever he is stuck, he tries to search KB, but the keywords don’t match up. Truth to be told, KB
sometimes is slow during the call observation. I suggested for him to try to search the error tab
within clientele then search kb, which he acknowledged. Lito always sounds helpful and eager to
assist, but his KB utilization skills is an opportunity that we can work upon provided that the KB/ KB
alternatives is always available / is faster for easier use. Provided agent with KB alternative as well.
Also, informed agent that for successful transfers to imaging/sales/ cx care, we can not create a
case. This can be done to increase FLR.

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