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Salsabila Ainaa Binti Rosli (V11)

EDUP3023 Child Development

Tutorial 2 (Long Q): 02/09/2020

Discussion on “How nature & nurture influences the growth and development of me”.

The physical and psychological characteristics pass from my parents to their

children through genes. There are four genetic factors that affect me, which are my
parents, their race, their gender and genetic or chromosomal disorders. Both my parent
are Malays, so I was also born as a Malaysian. People with different race have different
hair and skin colour, and language. As both of my parents’ mother tongues are ‘Bahasa’
so my first language is also ‘Bahasa’. Parents usually transmit their traits to their children
genetically through their DNA, the DNA will then determine physical traits and gender. I
inherited most of my physical and psychological characteristics traits from my father. It is
obvious that my father is the dominance, not only through these physical traits, but also
through personality, interest, and preference. For instances, my eldest sister and I got
unibrows and pointed nose naturally from our father physical traits.

Moreover, I also carry his personality that influence me to be an extroverted

person, I love socialising with the community, meet new people, and try something new.
Next, different gender has different abilities. Boys usually heavier and taller than the girls
after they hit puberty. However, the puberty occurs faster to the girls than the boys. As a
result, the girls will have physical change and more matured. Compared to my younger
brother, he is heavier and got matured later than I am at his age.

Last but not least, genetic disorder can occur to the child if they lack nutrition or
exposed to the pollution or the mother's unhealthy lifestyle. There are two nurture factor,
environmental and social factor. When my mother was pregnant with me, her second
child, she is more cautious of her pregnancy from her first pregnancy experience, in
which, including nutrition intake and lifestyle. This might be one of the reasons I am way
heavier than my oldest sister when we were born. Environmental factor can occur during
pre-natal or post-natal environment. Meanwhile, social factor is more to the media and
peer pressure. Initially, I am an overweight type of person. This is because of the
unhealthy ways of food consumption and lifestyle as when I was exposed to social media,
I wanted to try a lot of viral food. The changes started when I hit puberty, in which, might
be resulted from hormone changes and unhealthy diet. After realising the importance of a
healthy diet, my life started to change and I manage to get be in a better shape, normal
and healthier type of person.
To sum up, it is clear that the genetic makeup or ‘genotypes’ is an individual
carries from the time of conception to the time of death. The physical and psychological
characteristics pass from parents to their children through genes. Meanwhile, nurture
refers to various external or environmental factors to which an individual is exposed from
conception to death.

479 words

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