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International Research Journal of Islamic Civilization

Tawasul International

1 Scope of the Journal

The International Research Journal of Islamic Civilization (IRJIC) is visualised
as an academic and scientific publication devoted to articles and other informed
studies on Islamic Civilization. The comprehensive and multidisciplinary ap-
proach of IRJIC is aimed at formulating new theories and proposing new dis-
courses in relation to the study of Islamic civilization in its diverse features, in
the form of its historical, intellectual and cultural manifestations. One of the
aims of IRJIC is to create an intellectual space shareable by scholars of differ-
ent orientations, traditions and historical and cultural backgrounds, in order to
promote the exchange of ideas, innovative research methodologies and theories.
IRJIC is an Open Access Journal and consequentially the users have the right to
read, download, copy, distribute, print, or link the full texts of the articles, but
not to reproduce them in any way without contacting and asking permission to
the publisher.

2 Discussed issues and proposals of research

The International Research Journal of Islamic Civilization (IRJIC) aims to be
a scientific publication in the field of Islamic Philosophy, involving at the same
time also topics closely related as Islamic History, Sociology, Logic, Law, The-
ology and the relation, exchanges and mutual influences between Islamic and
Western Thought. The comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach of IRJIC
is finalized to formulate new theories and propose new points of view in relation
to the study of Islamic Civilization in its several features and historical and
cultural manifestations.
IRJIC aims at discussing the following topics in relation to Philosophy: 1-
The Relation between Quranic revelation and Greek philosophy. How much
have Muslims thinkers been influenced by Greek philosophy both at logical
and metaphysical levels and, at the same time, at that one of the most debated
philosophical themes? 2-The concepts of History and Progress in Islamic Culture
and in the Quranic Revelation.
IRJIC aims at discussing the following topics in relation to Fiqh and Shariah:

Tawasul International International Research Journal of Islamic Civilization

1-The Relation between ends and principles of Islamic Law 2- General His-
tory of Islamic Jurisprudence in reference to the Historical, Political and Social
setting and environment of the schools’ development and progress. The ma-
jority of scholars agree that, after the historical events, which have involved
the Muslim world in the XIII century, scholars of Fiqh assumed an extremely
conservative attitude which, betraying the spirit of the predecessors, arrested
the historical development of Fiqh, which in the specific juridical pronounce-
ments still reflects the historical and social conditions of the Middle Ages and,
consequently, seems to be unable to answer to the historical changes and the
contemporary challenges. 3-Surveis on the theoretical approaches of the scholars
proposing a renewal of Islamic Jurisprudence both in modern and contemporary
times. 4- The Relation between Urf (custom) and Fiqh (jurisprudence) in the
first century of Islamic History and later.
IRJIC aims at discussing the following topics in relation to Sociology:
1-Relation between the Contemporary Islamic World and Western Moder-
nity. The attention will be focused mainly on the phenomenon of Islamopho-
bia, the rights of Minorities in a truly Democratic Space, the process of de-
colonization in the research of a new world order and the role of a new “civ-
ilizational” language Muslim scholars and intellectuals are called to formulate
in order to gain their place in history according to their own peculiarities and
intellectual premises, avoiding any kind of apologetic or nostalgic approach or
vision. 2-The Role of Shariah in a multicultural society where Muslims are a
minority. The relation between Shariah and Fiqh leads to other issues as: the
relation between custom (Urf) and Fiqh, especially in the Arab society in the
first century of Islamic History and, consequently, also to the relation between
Shariah and jurisprudential systems rooted in different cultural backgrounds.
In fact, even when it is true that a scholar of Fiqh, while formulating his legal
opinion, has to show a knowledge of the aims of the Divinely revealed law, it
is also true that a complex society in the process of developing needs a contin-
uous work of adjustment to the different needs of the different social partners
involved. This is true specially in a society where Muslim are a minority as,
for examples, in the Western world. When we try to apply the juridical rules,
which have formulated to answer to the needs of a particular society culturally
and historically, to the contemporary world, transforming the classic juridical
approach to a paradigmatic model valid in every historical and cultural context,
we are betraying the spirit of Shariah. This theoretic approach, in fact, has got
the tendency to remove the difference between Fiqh and Shariah, confounding
the divine and human side of the law.
IRJIC aims at discussing the following topics in relation to Logic:
1-The Relation between Greek logic and the methodology utilized in the
Usul al-Fiqh in the classical schools of law. It is actually possible to renew the
methodology employed in the Usul al-Fiqh in order to answer to the needs and
the challenges of the Contemporary Muslim Community worldwide. The process
of renewal of Fiqh involved also a deep study of the methodology used in the
juridical reasoning. Can these logical tools until now employed by the scholars
be considered adequate to the Islamic legal reasoning, and the methodology of

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Tawasul International International Research Journal of Islamic Civilization

Fiqh? The answer to this question involves two speculative levels and, for this
reason, most probably needs to be examined in two separate spheres of research.
First of all, it is very important to study the relation between the Greek logic
and the Usul-al Fiqh, and, in a wider sense, also the relation between Greek
philosophy and the Quranic revelation. This study is finalized to understand
how deeply Muslim thinkers have been influenced by Greek though not only at
a methodological level but also to that one of contents.
IRJIC aims at discussing the following topics related to Theology (Kalam):
1-The relation between Reason and Revelation: The character of finality then
involves the fundamental theological question if God’s actions have specific aims.
This question, highly debated between Muslim thinkers, is also related to the is-
sue of the intelligibility of Divine revealed laws and the capacity of human reason
to understand God’s commandments. 2-Limits of Reason. 3-Understandabilty
of the ends and aims of God’s Commands: a-Capacity of human reason to
comprehend the Divine Law and its finality b-Intrinsic intelligibility of God’s
Commands The answer to this question will also have a deep influence on the
conception and interpretation of Shariah. In fact, the aims of Islamic Law, which
sometimes cannot be immediately identified in the Quranic text and in the ha-
dith of the Prophet (pbuh), need a process of interpretation. The freedom of the
scholar in the process of interpretation and, consequently, also the validity and
the sharing of his deductions, will depend on the capacity attributed to human
reason to understand the Divine commands and their intrinsic intelligibility.

3 General Information
Frequency: Quarterly
ISSN: Set to come out next year
Format: IRJIC will be published in two format: online and printed. The
Online Format will follow the dispositions related to the Open Source Docu-
ments, while the Printed Format will be distributed free of charge to National
Libraries, University Libraries and Centres of Research all over the world.
Publisher: Tawasul International, Centre for Publishing, Research and Dia-
logue. Rome, Italy.
Scope: IRJIC aims at publishing researches on Islamic Philosophy, Theology,
Jurisprudence, History, Logic and Sociology.
Languages: IRJIC accepts research articles written in the following lan-
guages: English, German, Italian, Arabic, Persian and Turkish.
Open Access: IRJIC is an Open Access Journal.
Indexed: IRJIC is in the process of being indexed by the following indexing
and abstracting services: Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Ulrich’s,
Social Science Research Network (SSRN), Index Islamicus, İslâm Araştırmaları
Merkezi (ISAM), Crossref, Scilit, Publons, etc.
Policy: Articles and Reviews sent to IRJIC are examined and evaluated for
the publication according to the Peer-Review System.

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Tawasul International International Research Journal of Islamic Civilization

Review Time: Four Weeks Approximately. Every sent paper will receive a
notification of receipt within one week.
The Online Format of IRJIC will follow the dispositions related to the Open
Source Documents, while the Printed format will be distributed free of charge
to National Libraries, University Libraries and Centres of Research all over the
IRJIC is an Open Access Journal and consequentially the users have the
right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, or link the full texts of the
articles, but not to reproduce them in any way without contacting and asking
permission to the publisher.
Every Year IRJIC intends to publish a special issue or a monographic edition
dedicated to a topic of relevant academic interest and importance according to
the Editorial Board.

4 Formatting Guideline
Articles submitted to IRJIC should be between 7000 and 8000 words. It should
be accompanied by an abstract consisting of 200 words. The submitted arti-
cle should cover introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion,
The Reviews submitted to IRJIC should be between 1000 and 1500 words
The abstract should be written in italic.
To facilitate the blind review process, author’s names (without academic ti-
tles), institutional affiliations, and the email address of the corresponding author
should appear only on a detachable cover sheet.
Author(s) should include a short bio.
The submitted article could be written in English, German, Italian, Arabic,
Persian or Turkish in single space, using Microsoft Word, font size 12, Times
New Roman, 2.54 in all sides.
The sources cited in the body of the manuscript should appear in the refer-
ence, and all sources appearing in the reference should be cited in the body of
the article.
The Editorial Board reserves the right to make editorial changes to any
manuscript accepted for publication to enhance clarity and style.
The editorial board has the final decision to accept or decline papers.
In case of multiple authors, indicate which one is the corresponding author
AND provide a mobile telephone number for the corresponding author.

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