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- It is the difference between heat produced and heat lost by the body and is measured
through the use of a thermometer
A. Oral method

Equipment used:

- Thermometer
- CB in water
- Jar with cut tissue paper
- Waste receptacle
- Jot down notebook


1. Read the chart

2. Wash hands
3. Determine any previous activity that would interfere with accuracy of temperature
4. Identify the client and explain the procedure
5. Rinse it by using CB with water in a firm twisting motion from the bulb to the stem and then
dry using same motion using dry CB or clean soft tissues
6. Place disposable protective sheath over probe
7. Grasp top of the probe’s stem. Avoid placing pressure on the ejection button
8. Place tip of thermometer under the client’s tongue and along the gumline to the posterior
sublingual pocket lateral to center of lower jaw and instruct him to close his lips tightly
9. Thermometer will signal when a constant temperature registers
10. Remove the thermometer and wipe it at once with dry cb or sof tissue from stem down to
the bulb using firm twisting motion
11. Read measurement on digital display
12. Push ejection button to discard disposable sheath into receptacle and return probe to
13. Inform client of temperature reading
14. Cleanse the thermometer from the stem to the bulb using CB with water, then dry and
return to the container
15. Dispose the used CB and tissue paper in the waste receptacle
16. Record the temperature in the jotdown notebook
17. Wash hands
18. Record the temperature on the masterlist sheet and graphic chart

B. Axillary method

Equipment used:

- Thermometer
- CB in water
- Jar with cut tissue paper
- Waste receptacle
- Jot down notebook
1. Follow steps 1,2,3, and 4 of oral temperature taking
2. Expose arm and shoulder by removing one sleeve of client’s gown. Avoid exposing chest
3. Rinse it by using CB with water in a firm twisting motion from the bulb to the stem and then
dry using same motion using dry CB or clean soft tissues
4. Pat the client’s axilla dry with a face towel. Place the thermometer or probe into the center
of axilla bring the client’s arm down close to his body and place his forearm over his chest.
5. Leave the thermometer in place until signal is heard
6. Remove, dry and read measurement on digital display of electronic thermometer.
7. Inform client of temperature reading
8. Put back the sleeve
9. Cleanse the thermometer from the stem to the bulb using CB with water, then dry and
return to the container
10. Record the temperature in the jot down notebook
11. Wash hands
12. Record the temperature on the master list sheet and graphic chart

C. Rectal method

Equipment used:

- Thermometer
- CB in water
- Jar with cut tissue paper
- Waste receptacle
- Jot down notebook
- Lubricant
- Working gloves


1. Read the chart

2. Bring the preparation
3. Place client in lateral position
4. Drape client exposing only rectum
5. Don gloves
6. Prepare the thermometer
7. Lubricate tip of rectal thermometer
8. Instruct client to take a deep breath. Gently insert the thermometer approximately 0.5 to 1
9. Hold the thermometer in place for until the beep sound is heard
10. Remove thermometer and wipe with dry tissue. Discard used tissue in the receptacle
11. Read measurement on digital display
12. Wipe anal area with tissue and cover client
13. Cleanse the thermometer
14. Remove and dispose gloves
15. Wash hands
16. Record the temperature on the master list sheet and graphic chart

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