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You're going to need to look for a specific type of CPA offer to
make this work.After joining your CPA account, you need to
find offers that only require:
A) One of these three: Phone number submit Or Email submit
Or Zip code submit
B) International
They need to be an international offer so that anybody could
use them:

These are the only two things you need to look out for when
choosing a CPA Offer, for now.

Sign Up To Instagram
If you don't have a phone, just use this Wiki article to help
guide you to sign up.

Find out the instructions on using Bluestacks. It is the only one

that let's you upload pictures from your PC.That means you
should easily create multiple-accounts and just use VPN/high
quality proxies and Bluestacks. Upload at least one or two
pictures. I would recommend using a girl as your picture. It'll
be much easier to attract people, but you don't always have to
use some attractive girl. You could try using something like
landscape or photos of different gardens and flowers. The key
is to make sure the photo is interesting, and that you also
make it personal. Below is a link to a vault of free images that
you could use easily. This should be perfect for you to find a
photo that will get people's attention.
Now, here is the fun part:
Go to your CPA account now and look for good
A) only require a phone number, zip code, or just
an email. You don't want people having to fill out
a survey or anything like that.
B) International offers. Of course, you don't have
to if there aren't any available, but it's always
worth going after.

Now, you're going to create an account that is

actually niche-specific. So, you'll be making an
Instagram account focusing on a specific niche.

Note: You should only create one account

offering one specific offer.
For your first Instagram account, I want you to
choose an offer that offers something free to
your followers.
Look for offers like free iPhone giveaways or a
chance to win a trip to Hawaii.
These always convert well.Now, you're going to
find that CPA offer, go to tinyurl or to get
your affiliate link for that offer to be shortened.
Take that URL and put it in your bio!
Your bio should say something like:

"I love running, Yoga, and electronics. I adore the

iPhone 12 I just won two weeks ago! Want to win
your own?(CPA affiliate link)” That's it.

Go for as short as possible because you only have

150 characters available.

Going for the dating niche If you just so happen

to find a good and nice offer in the dating niche,
then you need to try out going for an provocative
but still decent photo, and then begin posting
more photos and then with your bio stating:
Bio:"Single. Free. Bored. I'm on like a thousand
dating sites lol. Visit my dating profile: CPA link"

Of course, you don't have to say it is "your"

dating profile. Sometimes. You could try
something like, "I'm 28. Single.:) I'm on this cool
dating site: CPA link. See you there"
Getting Traffic:

A) Use this guide

This is the part that can get a bit confusing, tiresome, and may
require a bit of time for you to really get used to.The way I get
some fast traffic is I simply type in the niche in a hashtag. If my
CPA offer was about getting
something for FREE like a free iPhone or maybe a discount to
something, I would simply go to the hashtag search area and type
in, "coupons". And you'll see there are so many different hashtags
for keywords like "couponsswap" or "CouponsShopping" all have
thousands of posts.If you were in the dating niche, you would
search as a hashtag, "singles" "dating" " online dating" and a wide
range of hashtags should pop up for you.What will we be doing
next? You're going to click on every picture one by one. When you
"like" a picture,
they'll get a notification on it and you'll probably have them visit
your profile back. That's the goal here. All you need is for your
visitors to click on the CPA offer, type in the requirements like their
phone number, email, or zip code, and you make the cash.
Instagram Offers Great Traffic

The best part about Instagram is how there

are so any people on the site who use it
consistently, and the traffic is also really
targeted because you can find
a hashtag for almost every niche.

"Like" posts for an hour If you can, try just

hitting like on a ton of posts. Spend about an
hour just "liking" every single photo you see
in your designated niche. I know, it's hard
sometimes to just keep double clicking your
phone or iPad, or for some of you., your
computer, but it is very worth doing. It may
take awhile to see that traffic coming in, but
trust me, the traffic comes in when you just
keep "liking" everything. Don't be afraid to
follow a few people, but it isn't needed. I
have done a
mixture of both following people and even
not following people. It doesn't matter as
much when compared to actually just liking
peoples pictures all day long.

All you need is 10 people to make $10+ on a

$1.50 email submit. This is NOT hard at all
when you're using Instagram traffic.
Note: If you don't know what else to post to your
accounts, you can try to actually search for
memes on Google on your niche, and that should
help make your account legit. Look for photos
with inspiring, funny, or basically any type of

Tip: Don't use a professional image. It always

looks so fake, cheap, and is definitely ineffective.
If you want more options, go to Google, type in
"free stockimages of people", and you should see
countless websites that will let you use people in
your Instagram accounts.

Follow This Plan

If you're as productive as you say you are, you're
going to have to follow this plan that does not
require more than 2 hours to complete.
If you spend just 2 hours doing this, you'll get a
consistent flow of CPA traffic going.

Here is what you do:

1) Create An Instagram Account
2) Add In A Picture
3) Add In A Few More If You Want To
4) Add In Your CPA OFFER In Your Bio
5) Create A Compelling Bio
6) "Like" Photos For The Next Hour Or More
7) Repeat All Steps The Next Day

You can create a new Account every single

All you need in order to create a new Instagram
account is a new email account, so go to for every new account. You can try
using different CPA offers and see what converts
best.All you have to do is be consistent and
spend just 2 hours a day doing this everyday.
Note: You don't even need to make a brand new
account if you don't want to. Simply create start
the next day "liking"a ton of different pics on
good hashtags.I would also recommend
changing up the offers in your bio.
Certain CPA offers do end up maxing out and
can't receive more than 200 or more leads, and
you won't exactly use the same CPA offers for
too long, so be sure to remember all of your
accounts and go back to them to edit the CPA
offers in a couple of days.

-Dont forget that you can outsource almost

everything! I usually just have myself create the
account and add in the offer in the bio, but I
instead have somebody do the 2-4 hours of
liking photos. Just have somebody do it for you.
It’s such an easy way to outsource and get a lot
of traffic!
Last important words to say: you can find a lot of
methods on nulled how to grow your instagram.
If you have already instagram with followers, just do

You will probadly first need to educate yourself a little

bit about CPA. But it is simple Call Per Action!;]

Tips for niche:

free V-Bucks, free games, Valorant Points, be creative!
You can steal content from tiktok, reddit, etc, search in
tiktok 'FREE VBUCKS' and BAM you got a ton of videos.

Fortnite niche IG account

People are naive they will fucking click on that link and
fill the mail adress to get that "free v-bucks".

Tip: sometimes do some "proof" like hey guys there are

my v-bucks and just post there and image, be creative.

This is it.
This ebook is done.You don't have to work too
hard on this. It doesn't get anymore complicated
than this.CPA is such a great way to make money,
especially when you are using Instagram. It is so
powerful and strong, and it is the best way to
making cash without having to be a salesman.
Use this guide. Don't leave it alone on your hard
drive. Use it. Go through it again if you have to,
and make the most out of this by taking action.

for community by comeonmybub

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