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Thanks for buying the CPA CASH TREE!

You have made the

right Investment at the right time and putting this method to use
will make you money with CPA! Please follow the Instructions
closely and implement all the strategies in the CPA CASH TREE.

Let’s take it from a newbie angle and explain what CPA is in

details, since my commitment is now to you, I will take all the
lesson and strategies I have been using to make money with CPA
and also help you succeed with your new CPA business.

I know together we can overcome all financial challenges and

we’ll have a new year with financial freedom.

Let start from the background.. CPA stands for COST PER
ACTION” Cost per action? Yes..that means an action must be
made before you earn.. You’ll get paid every time someone takes a
particular action based on the type of CPA offer that is available.

Examples are. When someone enter their email address , enter their
ZIP codes or fill out some sort of form. Basically you GET PAID
per action”.

The more information required from the visitor the more you will
make. That means the more information the visitor you funnel to
your offer fills in the more money you will make, this is a general
rule of CPA offer.
There is a potential to make lot of money PER lead even up
to $8-$30, through offers requiring subscribers to fill out forms in
higher details. The reason for the higher payout per lead is because
the company advertising will make a lot of money if the subscriber
actually purchase something. I’ll explain this in details, since CPA
is a cost per action model, you will get paid if the user perform an
action, they don’t necessarily need to buy anything, but if they buy
from that link, you can get paid more.

Abefe Dahunsi says

“The basic idea of the CPA marketing approach is to gain useful information from
potential consumers and convert them into profitable leads for future sales
generation. This information can be of various kinds: telephone number,
residential address, email address, social security number, credit or debit card
number, etc.”

Your task is to get traffic to a particular offer and earn money

when your traffic signup.. We need to explain more on what traffic
means, from a newbie angle traffic can mean Jam-packed of
queued vehicle, yes it happens too on the Internet, the visitors to
that website are the traffic.

You need to know that CPA offers that convert at the highest rate
are those offers that require leads to provide minimal information
such as an email address or ZIP code,. Although this offers may
payout less, but they are the easiest to promote offers. You’ll earn
money faster promoting email/zip submit offers because the visitor
need to enter the email only and you’ll get paid. Let’s see example

The example image below is an email submit offer, this can

convert insanely because the visitor need to only input their email
and once they click on submit the offer convert and you make
money isn’t that simple?
Let see another Image below.. and compare..
Looking at the image above one will notice that the form is
longer than the first one and certainly this offer will pay
higher than the first one. Simply because the form is
longer and required more stress than the first one.. I hope
you should understand the email submit and zip submit part
.Let’s move on.
To know the best converting offer out of the two. The
simple email submit and the long form.. You need to put
yourself in the shoes of the visitor, most of us will be more
comfortable with providing something like an email
address as opposed to a full address or personal phone

The truth is Traffic will convert at higher rate if there are

fewer form to fill. Most companies are willing to pay $1 or
more for offers that require just an email address or ZIP

See this earnings calculations and you can get motivated to

see the power of CPA and how you can make money with
CPA marketing, if you direct 1000 people to an offer and
5% of them input their email 5% of 1000 is 50, that means
you gain 50 leads to that offer with your chosen CPA
Network, so if the offer pay out $1 per conversion you’ll
earn $50, If you invest in sending 1000 leads to an offer per
day, you could make $50/day.. Multiply that by 30 days,
you make $1500/Month income with barely any work on
your part! Now if the offer convert at 10% you earn $100
daily and $3000/Month. (N546,000).

Some offer converts at 10-30% and that is “Gold” for you.

As you can see from the calculation above the amount of
revenue that you can generate from a CPA offer can be
determined by the amount of traffic you send to that offer.

One more important aspect is generating traffic to your

offer, You need to RESEARCH and find an Hungry and
Unsaturated Market with low competition. Why? Because
the less competition there is, the less you will have to pay
for the traffic. We will go into greater detail for finding a
good niche with low competition later.

Let’s see an EXAMPLE:

A good example is an Insurance Quotes offer, this type of
offer require no form to be fill out, your visitor or traffic
only need to select options.

If you take a close look, you will notice that you can select
a particular insurance quote option, whether auto, home,
health etc. You will also notice a blank field where a zip
code will be entered. It’s that simple. Once traffic that you
send to your CPA offer enters their particular zip code, you
get paid… $1 or more!

So let’s take a look at what we learned today. At this point
you should have full understanding of the definition of CPA
and what it entails. You should understand that your
conversions will be directly dependent upon the amount of
information your traffic is required to submit to a
particular CPA offer.
In later chapters, we will go into step by step detail on how
to do everything, but for now I just want you to understand
how CPA works.

So your homework for this section is to simply understand

everything we went over. I know it may seem basic but it is
important you understand the basics before we get into
more detail.

In the next lesson, we will tackle CPA Network

requirements and examples and how to get started in the
CPA market.

Signing Up To CPA Networks

Once you know about CPA marketing then you need to

know about CPA networks. Basically, CPA, which stands
for Cost per Action or Cost per Acquisition, works through
a network which acts as the intermediary between
advertisers of companies that want high lead generations
for their websites and affiliates who do the marketing job
for this purpose. CPA networks provide advertisers with a
wide range of affiliates who have signed up with them so
that various companies can choose the best affiliates for
this job. Unlike affiliate marketing, CPA marketing
requires the marketers to receive the approval of CPA
networks. Otherwise they are not able to gain access to the
network of advertisers with them. However, the approval
process is not too difficult to deal with. You have to
understand that the affiliate manager of this CPA network
is also interested in earning money as much as you are.
Therefore, as long as you own a website through which you
can build leads for the products you are advertising, you
should be good to go. In this module I will be providing
you with a number of specific CPA Networks that I highly
recommend and provide you with a solid game plan to get
you into those networks. If you follow the advice that I give
in this section, you should have no issues getting accepted
into the CPA Networks.

Finding CPA Networks

Technically speaking, you can go onto Google and search

for “CPA Networks” and find hundreds of different
networks that you can apply to.
However, the goal is not to apply to just any network. The
goal is to sign up to a few of the larger more established

Finding other CPA Networks through Google is not a bad

thing! Once you are ESTABLISHED on a few of the larger
CPA sites, then search for several other CPA Networks.

What Exactly Is A CPA Network?

CPA Networks are “middlemen” between affiliates and
advertisers. Their job is to find businesses that are in need
of traffic while also recruiting affiliates to do the
advertising and drive traffic to the offers for them for a
commission. As discussed in module 1, these commissions
can range anywhere from $1 to over $15 per lead.
Clearly, you can make a lot of money through CPA and the
best part is that it’s EASY. Different CPA Networks offer
different percentages of commission.

If you are like me and have to know everything in detail

before jumping in, simply search “how CPA Networks
work” in Google and you will be able to find loads of info
on the subject.

Getting Accepted By CPA Networks

As I said in the previous section, CPA Networks don’t
accept everyone. They will approve folks that can promote
offers and generate quality conversion and increase the
reputation of the Network in a good way. These networks
have an application screening process that all affiliates
must go through regardless of experience.

I have included in the CPA CASH TREE the CPA

acceptance guide , this will teach you how to register and
get accepted into CPA NETWORKS… below are the top
CPA networks you can signup with now (formally known as FluxAds) (Has lots of Insurance zip submits) (Private network with zip
submits & email)

They are just some CPA Networks I have listed above, that
seem to accept most people the easiest and fastest. There
are plenty of them out there. But we want to try and find a
trust worthy CPA network and one that has lots of good,
high converting offers.

If you still cannot get accepted into any of them or do not

like any of these CPA Networks, the best thing to do is to
go to CPA review sites, type in your CPA niche and find
the CPA networks that have the niches or offers you're
looking for.
So for example, if you're looking for the niche, Dating, and
the offer:, you would go to sites like these

Now, type in your Niche or your Offer and it will bring up

all the CPA networks that may have these offers. If they
have the offer you're looking for, then go signup to that
chosen CPA network. Easiest and quickest way to find your
offers you want.

Getting accepted into any CPA network is not as hard as

everyone makes it out to be. CPA networks usually do not
like newbie's, yes I know I said it, newbie's, but we all have
to start somewhere ay...

So the best thing to do is, try come off that you know a
little bit about CPA marketing, if a CPA manager asks
you... what is CPA marketing, how long have you been
doing affiliate marketing, etc.. Do a little research if you
have absolutely no idea what CPA marketing is or stands
for, aka (Cost Per Action). Get to know the basics...
Now, there are plenty of CPA networks that love to
welcome any Affiliates no matter how experienced or not
you are. In fact, most are like this, but you will get some
that have to do some Screening before letting anyone in.
So, come off as a confident person, think like a experienced
marketer, not a beginner, answer the CPA networks
questions the best you can and you will be good.

Whenever you I sign up to a new CPA network, no matter

what it is, always follow up with a quick email telling them
I just signed up and am very interested in getting started
straight away and getting into their network. Tell them, if
they ever need to contact you, to just let you know and you
will be happy to answer any questions they may have.
("You, as in I mean YOU who is reading this eBook!")
Another way to get accepted faster is to call them. CPA
networks love to know you're a real person on the other end
who signed up and not some fake person. Give them a call,
never can hurt can it?


Best CPA Niches and Offers to go After:

As you can see above, these are the Top 5 Niches I would
recommend. Dating is a top converter for both Desktop
traffic and Mobile, as they have the most traffic in
Dating/Adult Dating and Finance categories. Hundreds of
Thousands to Millions of visitors in just those 2 Niches

I have said this many... many times and I will say it again
Whenever you start out doing CPA offers, make sure you
stick with the simple submit offers and not the Sale offers.
You MUST, do this, or you're going to have a hard time
trying to get a Sale. This traffic works very well with free
stuff, giving away things and helping people get what they
So always keep that in mind, freebie offers, helping people
out on what they are looking for free, works a lot easier
than trying to get someone to get out their credit card to pay
for something with this.
Best thing about this traffic source too is, because this
traffic is so cheap and targeted, we can spend a little more
on testing but still only spending a few dollars and still
make a good profit because of their low CPC/PPR prices.

So you’ve been approved… Now what? If you have not

yet been approved then you can still take a look at this
chapter to get ahead.

Read the Rules and Stick to Them!!

Most people never read the terms and conditions of CPA
Networks. This is a huge mistake. You need to avoid doing
anything that the CPA Networks would deem against their
terms and conditions. Once you are accepted by a CPA
Network you will be able to set up your campaign and
select certain CPA offers to promote. Now, with each
different CPA offer there are certain do’s and don'ts
associated with them. I will go more into that later.
For now, all you need to know is that you need to avoid
“Black-Hat” methods. If you don’t adhere to the rules, it
may go unnoticed for some time but the CPA Networks
ALWAYS catch those that implement “Black-Hat”
methods. If you get caught, you will be banned from that
particular Network FOREVER.

The Different Types of Offers to Promote

Choosing an offer is important, but many people turn it into
a complicated process when it is actually a very simple

Let’s start with the basics… As I discussed in an earlier

module, the less steps the prospective buyer has to take the
more willing they will be to sign up. So back to the
different types of CPA offers; Zip submits, Email Address,
and Form Filling.

Zip submits and Email Address are the easiest to convert.

Zip submits earn you about $1 per sign-up. Email Address
submits earn you a little over $1 but not much more. With
these two, conversions will be higher because they are very
basic. Just keep in mind that since you are making less
money means you are going to have to funnel more
prospects to the offer in order to make more money.
In other words, you are relying on more marketing and
more traffic to make more money.

Let’s Talk About An Affiliate Manager

An affiliate manager is in the business of ensuring that you
are SUCCESSFUL at your job. You will have full access to
your manager and can contact them pretty much 24/7
through phone, email, skype, instant messenger and other
Your affiliate manager will guide you when it comes to
terms and conditions which must be adhered to as well as
troubleshooting if you having difficulties converting or
having any other issues. An affiliate manager is crucial to
any CPA Network.

It is in the best interest of a CPA Network to take care of

their affiliates because affiliates are the backbone of the
company. The more money you make the more money they
make. That is the best part of being accepted by a well-
known CPA Network and also a reason why getting
accepted is a somewhat competitive process.

Types Of CPA Offers

Okay, so now you have a general understanding of the CPA
industry, you have applied to networks, and now you have
access to different offers to choose from. When you look
around at the different offers you will notice that each offer
has a specific link for that offer. That link is your specific
link and you are the only person with that link. If people
click on that specific link, then the CPA network
recognizes that you sent the person to that offer. If the
person then goes on to fulfill the offer, then you will be
credited with the sale and you will earn the commission.
Essentially every single publisher has their own unique link
for every single offer and that is how the network tracks
who is sending traffic to each offer and that is how they
know who to credit with the commission. This is known as
your affiliate link.
When you look through the available offers on the CPA
network, you will notice the many different varieties of
offers there are in many different niches. Here I will list
some of the main types of Offers. Each of these types of
offers will have its own payout, which is the commission
you receive when your user fulfills the given action of that
offer. In general the more information an offer requires, the
more you will get paid per lead. For example, if the offer
requires the user to fill out their name, address and credit
card, then that offer will pay you a lot more than an offer
that only requires the user to fill out their email address.

Email Submit Offers:

An email submit offer is one of the most basic types of

offers and normally has a low payout because it is very
easy for the user to fill out. Essentially the conversion point
is when the user fills in their email address, normally on the
first page of the offer. Generally the payouts on an email
submit offer is between $0.50 and $2.00

Zip Submit Offers:

A zip submit is exactly the same as emails submit, but the
conversion point is when the user fills out their zip code.
Again, this is a one field submit, meaning there is only one
piece of information users need to fill out. Because this is
very easy for the user to fill out, the payout is low and can
be anywhere in between $0.50 to $2.00
Multiple Field Submit Offers:
Multiple field submits require the user to fill out many
pieces of information. Because it is much harder to get
users to fill out many pieces of information, the payout will
be higher. This could be a form that requires a user to fill
out their name, mailing address, and email address. This
could also be a dating offer, which requires users to fill out
a free profile about them that will be added to the dating
web site. Payout for multiple field offers varies widely
depending on the type of information required by the user
to fill out, but most range from $2.00 to $18.00.

Free Trails Offers:

Risk free trails are when advertisers are willing to let users
try their product risk free for a certain time period.
Generally users can cancel anytime within the two weeks
and not be charged anything. Sometimes there is a small
and handling fee that is not refundable. If users do not
cancel within the given time period, they are automatically
charged a certain amount per month thereafter until they
This type of offer requires users to enter their credit card
information. Because this is harder to do, payout is high
with the average range from $20 - $60 per lead.

Examples of High Converting CPA Offers

Ok, you learned what is CPA marketing, Choose CPA
networks and join them. You also learned types of CPA
offers and which one is more profitable and suitable to

Now let’s go and apply methods and earn some (extra) real

Good Luck!

You will learn different free methods to Promote CPA

Offers and also learn different Paid methods to promote
CPA offers!.

Lets talk about the Free Promotional Methods!

Note that CPA offers are country based, so you need to
look for traffic at that specific country of that offer.
Let see an example:

The Images above explains all. From the title, to what the
Offer Pays per conversion to what the landing Pagee look
like, to the type of action that must be done before the
offer convert. You can also see the Allowed countries.

So basically, the summary of this offer will be;

This offer is all about SAMSUNG GALAXY S4, you
need to get USA traffic to this type of offer and when the
visitor from USA land on the Landing page – the website
and he/she submit the email addresss You will earn $1.40,
check the Images again, this type of offer is called EMAIL
submit offers. It convert best and easy to promote.

Lets see another example;

The offer above is about a social network where you can
create custom avatar and chat with new people, it is free to
register and when someone register from the targeted
countries, you’ll earn $2, as you can see the conversion
point: This offer converts when a 18+ user completed the
form. That means when they register. And it’s free to
signup that means this is an Hot cake offer. The approved
countries are United States and Canada.

Let’s see one more Example on another niche;


First I will like to tell you about Instagram.. This Source
can earns $10-$20 per day extra.

Also, I'll go into more details below, but this is an easy method to
rinse, repeat and automate if done correctly. The reason I say $10-
$20 is based off my own experience only using a single IP address
with 5 Instagram accounts. You can make as many as you want.

What You Need

 1-5+ Instagram Accounts
 Account With a CPA Network With Mobile Offers
 An Android Phone/computer
 About an Hour to Setup

What CPA Network to Use?

When I did this method I used CPA network with zero
complaints. They have a huge selection of mobile offers which are required
for this method and a friendly support team. PeerFly is by far the most
popular, but I've had nightmarish experiences with their support team,
however and are also a great network for
mobile offers and they also have a weekly Payout.

Tip: Easy Way to Get Approved to CPA Network

The rise of mobile offers gives you a nice little loophole for easy approval.
When I signed up for my MaxBounty account and received the call from
them I just told them "I've been marketing CPA offers for a long time, but
really want to get into mobile offers which I noticed they had a lot of". The
guy (Ryan) was very friendly and basically approved my account just for
saying that. Though, it does help a lot if you have a quality website to submit
with your application. There are Also an attached CPA APPROVAL
EBOOK on your CPA CASH TREE Package please check it out.

Step 1 - Choosing The Right Offer

The offers that convert best on Instagram are email/zip submits for things
like Free iPhones, Free Xboxes, Free Macbooks, etc. Make sure you read the
offer description because some email/zip submits require more than one
page to get paid. People are lazy. They're not likely to fill out more than just
their email address or zip code.

Offers like these should pay you $1.00 - $1.80. On occasion you'll find one
page offers that pay up to $1.85. If the network you're on doesn't have offers
like these I recommend going else where. That's the price range you should
be looking for. This way you only need 10 - 20 people to fill out your offer a

Make a list of about 5 of these offers before moving on to the next step.

Step 2 - Setting up Your Instagram Account(s) (We'll be using a free

iPhone offer in these examples.)

Name: Create your Instagram accounts based on your offer. Not the other
way around. If your offer is about getting a free iPhone, call name your
account something like "SuperFreeiPhones" or "MegaiPhoneGiveaway"

Profile Picture: Make make your profile picture the product the offer is
giving away. Or if you have an account that's performing well, maybe take
the time to write some text over it or something.

Name & Description: Keep it simple, yet eye catching. Use emoji symbols
to make your account standout both in the name field and description. Like
use the green checkmark Emoji to give the appearance of a verified account
or iPhone Emojis to help it stand out more. For the descriptions I usually
would give people basic instructions for the offer. 'Click the link and enter
your email address' etc. Be creative here too.

Photos: Once again, post photos related to your product. With my accounts,
I posted photos of the item in bulk such as dozens of iPhone boxes stacked
up giving the impression that they were the ones being given away in the
offer. Some say it's not necessary to post photos to accounts like these, but I
think it helps A LOT. Especially if you use TagsForLikes (Available in the
app store and on their website) to get hundreds of likes on the photos. This
boosts the accounts credibility big time making it look really popular.

Link / URL: Instagram is not going to let you just post your CPA offer as
the website on your accounts. Either buy a domain name to redirect to your
offers (eg,, You can also get a FREE throwaway
domain for this using Dot.Tk.

Note: Shortened URLs such as links get your account banned just as
fast as linking directly to a CPA offer.

Just prepare for comments like "Why do you want my email address!? These
are all real comments You would get... Just delete these comments and block
the users so others don't see them and be turned off.

IMPORTANT NOTE: You are only allowed to have 5 Instagram accounts

per IP address. People may say otherwise, but that's what I found from
experience. If you make one too many accounts they all get banned. Be
careful and don't get greedy. If you want to make more use proxies or buy
more accounts.

Step 3 - Getting Traffic

Getting traffic to the accounts is pretty simple. Just follow the followers of
other accounts related to your offer. If you're offer is about a free iPhone,
iPad or Macbook, follow Apple related accounts, if your offer is for a free
Xbox follow gaming accounts. You get the idea. Instagram doesn't have a
daily follow limit like Twitter does, but an hourly one so open Instagram
whenever you get a chance during the day watching TV, waiting in line, etc.
Just follow as many a you can until it stops you. Have a goal of following at
least 500 users a day. Instagram's total follow limit is based off how many
followers you have. So the more followers you have, the more you can

The conversation rate is surprisingly high. I'm not sure how you would
actually measure it on Instagram, but my guess from my experience would
be 5-8% for most accounts.

Step 4 - Rinse, Repeat, Automate

Step 3 basically concludes the method itself. Now it's up to you to duplicate
it. Just remember, only 5 accounts for IP address.


Yahoo! Answers is a great way to drive traffic to your CPA
Offers. For example, consider our
example question.

“Where can I get free Itunes codes?”

If we type in the Phrase “Free Itunes codes Yahoo
Answers” on Google we can see that there are lots of
people asking this question.

Take a look at the screenshot below.

As you can see from the screenshot above there are lots of
people out there who are looking for answers to their
problems. So for example, if you go to Yahoo! Answers
you can put down an answer like this.

“Hi, you can obtain free Itunes code from this site

You will need to complete a simple offer and then you can get your free
codes. I have used this site myself and it works”.

An answer like that can help you drive lots of traffic to

your page and will give you backlinks too. You can give
this answer to other similar questions too and you will soon
find traffic will start to increase for your CPA page.

#3: Article Submitting Method

Another great way of making solid profits from CPA offers
is by writing articles and submitting them to article
directories. My focus with my article writing has always
been since they generate the most traffic
out of all the directories. That’s not to say that you cannot
have good success with others, it’s just that it’s my
personal favorite.

We’ve already gone through the process of selecting a CPA

product, so I’m assuming at this stage you’ll know what
offer you would like to promote. To keep the examples
uniformed, I’m going to go with “An email/zip submit
offers” again as the example CPA offer. Using the keyword
research way, we would now have a set of keywords that
we would want to target, and the articles we’ll be writing
will be based off these keywords. That is the offer name

By default, you can only submit a maximum of 10 articles

to when you register your first account.
You should write ten high quality articles that focus on
your major keywords and submit them to That should be your first step.
You need to keep in mind that your resource box needs to
be targeted to your CPA product. For example, your article
discusses the “benefits of acai berry” then in your Resource
Box, you’ll have text “soft promoting” your CPA offer. I
mentioned “soft promoting” since you do not want it to
sound like a blatant infomercial. Instead make it appear
more as a recommendation.
It’s best to not direct link to the CPA offer, but instead use
a link shortening service like;

With your ten articles written for, then

the next step is to write ten more articles, but this time
these articles will be submitted to the other directories. You
can mass submit these articles to as many directories as you
want. Just ensure that these ten articles different from the
ones you submitted to You can use the
software below by Brad Callen for mass article submission.
Currently it is free to download.

Use the software above to mass submit your ten articles and
ensure that your resource box is set to your domain which
redirected to your affiliate link. You repeat this process for
every CPA offer niche that you have.
It’s a great way to utilize the power of article promotion.
Another tip that is very important is to review the top
articles and authors within the niche you are promoting. For
example if your offer is “acai berry” then your niche maybe
“weight loss” so you would want to review the top authors
in that category along with the top articles in that category
to follow what they are doing to ensure you receive as
much views as possible.

If you write your articles targeted to specific buyer and

long tail keywords, there is a good chance your article can
rank in the top ten under those specific keywords. To
further increase your chances of your articles ranking high,
you can take it a step further by social bookmarking each
article you submit. The easiest free way of going about
social bookmarking is to use the site below:

Also if you are a little lazy or don’t want to write articles,

you can hire people at to write quality articles
for $3-$10.

PPC (Pay Per Click) Method

When you are setting up a PPC campaign for promoting
CPA offers it can be a hit or miss depending on the
campaign being promoted. That’s why it’s going to be
critical that you do some split tests when promoting your
CPA offers, as some offers will convert while others may

Let’s see the Cheap Pay Per Click Methods

This is where we are going to be able to stand out from the
others, leave them behind and get massive, cheap, but
targeted traffic to our CPA Offers whenever we want. I am
talking about paying as low as $0.002 Per Click/Redirect,
that's not even 1 Cent Per Click/Redirect. This untapped
traffic source I am talking about is,

So let me ask you, have you ever heard of this traffic

network before? If you answered NO, keep reading below,
as I go into more deeper details on what this traffic source
is, how it works and what in the world is a Pay Per
Redirect, all on the next page...

What we will be doing with this cheap, but targeted, high

quality traffic source is sending them to our CPA offers or
our own opt-in landing pages to build massive lists (if we
want), while paying next to nothing. More about this on the
next page...

Go here to sign up and create an account at DNTX:

The above link should take you straight to the SignUp page.
Put in all your real information and make sure you Tick the box and
accept the GTCs at the bottom of the Signup before you click, Create my
account You will than receive a confirmation email to activate your
account. Click on the activate link and log into your advertising account
and keep following the steps below.


Once you have created your DNTX account and logged in, first thing you
need to do is Fund your account.
Now there is a little trick you have to do as DNTX puts it on $50 but
doesn't want to show us how to put in less.
As I said at the top of this eBook, how we can start as low as $20, see

So, when you log into your account you need to click on the
Funding Tab and it will take you straight to $50 like this:
You can see, once we click on Funding, it wants us to deposit $50
straight up, we don't want that do we.
So what we do is, you will see the Tab named > Custom
--- On the right hand side on the same line on the money amounts.

Click on the Custom Tab and you will now be taken to where we can put
in our own deposit amount, $20 is the minimum.
If we put in lower than $20 it will do something like this:

Make sure you put in $20, and Proceed with the payment and once it has
gone through, you can move onto setting up your campaigns.


Here I want to show you how you can get cheap clicks and scenarios you
MUST look at when running your campaigns on DNTX or it will affect
your campaigns in a BIG way...
Take a look at one of my campaigns I ran for a few days test for a
Insurance Campaign:
I wanted to show you how low the CPC/PPR rates can get when you
have everything setup correctly. Look at that, $0.009 Per Click and it
only cost me $4.317 for 477 clicks for a $5 budget.
That's not even ONE Cent Per Click and 477 clicks, that's insane if you
ask me!...
This is for the niche Insurance, if you were to do Pay Per Click
advertising on BingAds or Google Adwords, you would be looking at
paying close to $1 and up to $20+ for ONE click!...

Can be pretty expensive when trying to outbid the top bidders on them.
Now, not every campaign is going to get you CPCs as low as that of
course, for a competitive niche like I did with Insurance. But it is very
possible and easy.
Most campaigns in the Insurance Niche I can get as low as $0.03 Per
Click and my record, $0.009 Per Click. So, still very low for a competitive
Once we get your campaigns setup correctly, you too can have low CPCs
in competitive niches like I'm getting.
With Pay Per Redirect you can see Auctions, Clicks/Redirects and Cost
per Click/Redirect.

Let me explain a bit about what Auctions mean:

Auctions are the other Advertisers bidding for the same keywords and
traffic you are. So if your Auctions are close to your Clicks/Redirects,
that means you are getting good quality traffic and you have your
bidding correct, like the screenshot I showed you above.
We can bid as low as $0.002 Per Click/Redirect, but if our Auctions is a
lot lower than our Clicks/Redirects it will affect our quality of traffic
massively. The ad system will start putting you on lower quality traffic.
As you can see, my Auctions are very close to my Clicks/Redirects in the
screenshot above.
So, if the recommended bid was for example, $0.01, bid that or just a
little lower than the minimum bid, so I would go $0.008, then it will still
give us good quality traffic and we are still bidding very low.

Even though we are bidding the minimum or a bit higher doesn't mean
that we are going to pay that. I have put in a minimum bid of $0.04
before but I was only paying $0.01.
In another example, if the minimum bid is higher, $0.05 per click, then
you can take that back down to $0.01. We want to try stick around
$0.005-$0.03 Per Click.
Of course this is going to depend on your Niche and Keywords you go
So always look at the minimum CPC rate it gives you and bid a few cents
less. If it is already low, $0.02 or less, bid that. If you want, you can
always go lower later on.
Take a look at this below so you can get a bit of an understanding. I have
outlined 5 different scenarios below...

5 scenarios you should look at when advertising on DNTX:

1000 Autions ––– 0 clicks

This means your bid is much too low.

1000 Auctions ––– 25 Clicks

This means your bid is pretty low, YOU could do better.

1000 Auctions ––– 500 Clicks

This means your bid is good and you’re getting a good amount of traffic
for a reasonable price.

1000 Auctions ––– 750 Clicks

This means your bid is very accurate and you‘re getting most of the
traffic, getting more is probably going to cost you much more.
1000 Auctions – 1000 Clicks
This means you’re getting all the traffic and there is no competition.
This is pretty rare… or very expensive.

I always aim for third and fourth scenario. These are the ones working
best for me and my ROIs.

"Remember, don't just expect a winning campaign just to happen

overnight. Some you do and some you don't".

It all comes down to Campaign optimization, it takes a little bit of time

just like any other type of campaign does. But when you find the
winning website ID sources, then you'll reap the rewards
with a successful campaign bringing in consistent earnings every day.


It's time, time to get into setting up our ad campaigns to start getting
you cheap clicks for as low as $0.002 Per Click/Per Redirect or like my
example campaign above for Insurance, $0.009 Per Click to any landing
page or offer you want...

So, what we want to aim for is to keep our CPCs/PPR prices as low as
possible but still high enough to keep on getting good quality traffic, like
I talked about with the Auctions scenario a little bit above.
We want to aim for lots of what I like to call, Mini Campaigns and make
multiple of them. So, if we have 5 campaigns making us $50/Day each,
that would be... $250/Day.

You can see now, keeping our spends low, make multiple campaigns, so
then we can reap in the profits out of each and expand from there.
So don't just stick to just one campaign and if it doesn't work that's it
and give up, NO, don't do that! Testing and optimizing makes perfect
and it also helps us learn to take this onto other traffic sources too...

When I first start testing DNTX, I started with 2-3 campaigns with a $4-
$8 daily budget to test things out. I ended up getting hundreds of clicks
and only paid around $4-$6 in total daily costs on each campaign. I was
only spending average of $0.01-$0.03/Click.

So for example, at $0.01/Click, spending $4, that's 400 clicks. Do you

think getting 400+ Clicks to a higher converting CPA offer you could
make at least a few conversions out of that to make back $4?
If your offer only paid $1.70 per email submit, we only need 3
conversions to break even or make a profit... :)

Now, you don't have to straight away start testing multiple campaigns if
you don't feel comfortable doing that. If you want to start with one
campaign, then start with one campaign first.

--- "Do what you are comfortable at doing and at your own pace".

Reason why I tested more than 1campaign straight up. Because the
traffic was so cheap, I was able to put in more campaigns to test the
waters faster to see what is going to work and not.

Then once I got some conversions, I would go back into the campaign
and block the website IDs straight away. (did this after a 2-3 day test) If
you got a winner straight up, block the bad ones ASAP!

Choose Your Offer

So, by now you should have some kind of idea what Niche you would
like to go after and start with. I would recommend one of the top 2.
--- Dating OR Insurance

Choose one offer to start with and stick with it. Test the offer for a few
bucks, that should get you a few hundred clicks at least, so then you
know, if the offer hasn't made you any conversions you need to get a
better converting offer.

Remember at the beginning of this eBook about choosing your Offers.

Choose simple offers, one that are free to sign up to, a offer that helps
the visitor to get what they want or they can WIN something. Like a free

When choosing your offers, make sure they accept, Search traffic,
Banner, PPV and any others and you will be fine to use.

Live Example Campaign Setup

Here I am going to go over campaign setup instructions and everything

else you need to know and look out for...

OK... OK, let's get started with setting up a our campaigns NOW...
I will be showing you screenshots as we go along to show you exactly
what to do and how to set everything up, step-by-step. So stay with me...

Once you are logged into your DNTX account, click on the New
Campaign button and you should be at a screen that looks just like this:
Name your campaign something you can remember, this is only for you
to see, no one else will see this.
Name it something to do with the offer or Niche so when you log into
your account and are on your Dashboard and you see, Insurance 1, you
know that is your Insurance campaign and so on...

Ad Type
For our Ad Type we are doing Zero-Click, Pay per Redirect, where we
are only going to pay for people who are redirected from targeted URLs
to our landing page/offers only. We will only pay for unique visitors, the
same visitor twice.
The other type Text Creatives, if you remember at the beginning of the
eBook I explained the two types of traffic we can do.

One being, getting traffic from search engines and domain owners who
type-in the URL to do with our keywords
The other was, text ads like you see on Adwords or Bingads.
So that is what One-Click PPC Text Creatives means for this, but we are
only going to stick with Pay Per Redirect campaigns to reap in the
higher quality traffic from type-in traffic and search engines.

So make sure you leave it on Zero-Click (PPR)

Device Targeting
For Device targeting, we only want Desktop traffic, people from Desktop
PCs only. Not mobile. So leave it on Desktop.

Campaign Type

Choose Keyword, as we want to target our own keywords for better

quality traffic.

If you choose RON, ( Run Of Network ), it's going to put your campaign
over their entire network and its going to be terrible quality traffic.
Trust me, I've tested it myself, it wasn't too good.
So we need to stick to Keyword targeting only, so we only get traffic
from Keywords, from the people who are searching for a specific
keyword and that are interested in what we have to offer, that will come
and visit our landing page/offers.
--- Type-in traffic and search engine traffic. Top quality traffic...

Traffic Category
If you're doing a Dating campaign and it's an Adult offer, this is where
you would choose the Category Adult, if it is a normal campaign like,

Insurance, Finance, Weight Loss, Gift Cards etc, we leave it on Non Adult.
I have left it on Non Adult for this campaign setup.
If you put it on Adult, it will only put your campaign on Dating/Adult
domains etc.. So if you're doing a Dating campaign, I recommend to put
it in Adult, as this is where you will get 100% dating traffic only.

Now important Step, Your Budget:

Take a look at the screenshot below so you can see exactly what to do
for your Budget:

As you can see, for your Budget you want to put on a Budget Cap. If you
leave it on No Cap, it will go spend all your money that you have in your
DNTX account to the one campaign.
So for each campaign, you MUST put in a daily budget.
I have put $5 for this example, but you can put $5, $10,$15, whatever
you are comfortable doing, but I would stick with as low as $5.
Can you see the little Blue X , where it says > Spread traffic evenly over
the day
This will make sure that your daily spend it spread over the full 24
hours instead of getting you all the traffic in a few minutes or hours.

We don't want that. Because, if we have a campaign set for USA and we
let the campaign go without the 24 hour spread campaign, it's going to
show our ad when USA people are going to be asleep or usually very

We want to spread it over the whole day so it gets to people in the

morning, middle of the day and afternoon. Most people come online at
around 11am-3pm or after working hours.
So this is why we want this feature left ticked.
Once you have done this, all you have to do is click the big GREEN
button I have pointed to in red so we can get to our Targeting Settings,
Country Targeting...

Targeting Settings

This is where we are going to be choosing our Country Targets.

So, of course by now you have chosen a offer, correct?
What you now need to do is go back into your CPA network account, go
to the CPA offer you're going to use to promote and look at the countries
the offer accepts.

The offer will tell you the exact countries it allows.

Most email submit offers, Insurance offers will only accept USA only.
For Dating offers, they will usually accept USA only or the Top countries
as in > USA, CA, UK and AUS. Sometimes NZ too...

See screenshot below to see:

Before I go onto the next step I want to show you something that you
might be seeing that is ticked and in really small text:
"Include Tablets".
Tablets is automatically ticked, we can leave Tablets on because they
are just like PC Desktops as they can view our offers in a full browser

Whereas, mobile phones are going to be very small and won't be able to
see our offers very good.
This is 100% up to you, I myself leave it on, but if you just want desktop
only, you can simply untick it. It doesn't really affect campaigns at all.
Take a look at the screenshot below so you can see what I mean:
So for myself I leave them all on, but if you would like to untick Tablets,
simply click the Blue X and then click on the big GREEN button to setup
our Bidding and Keywords.
Targeting Settings
Now we get into the most valuable step of all, our Keywords to get
traffic to our offers and only if someone searches or puts in a URL that is
targeted to our keywords.
To get our keywords we can use the good old Google Keyword Tool. It is
going to become your best friend by the end of this ;)
Google Keyword Tool you can find it Here:
Google KeyWord Tool
"TIP": When going for keywords, don't be afraid to go after broad
keywords, such as, Insurance, Auto Insurance, Car Insurance.
All the main keywords someone would type in, instead of going after
long tail keywords such as, compare car insurance quotes.
Stick with the higher volume keywords.
Once you put the keywords in, DNTX will give you a run down on the
average daily traffic and the average CPC rates...
Take a look at the screenshot below:

Check that out, 20,912 targeted traffic with just 6 keywords I put in. These
are just averages and it is never exact, there are alot more than what it says.

But, take a look at the Average CPC rates. Around $0.01 - $0.04 Per
Remember, this is for a highly competitive niche, Insurance, that's dam
good if you ask me!...
I only was targeting 6 keywords, that had good amounts of traffic.
Imagine having 20-50 keywords and each that had 3000+ daily visitors
on each keyword and we were only paying $0.01 Per Click/Redirect.
That's a hell of a lot of traffic if you wanted to get that much. But we do
not need that many keywords, as it's too much and it will spend your
daily budget very fast.
I would recommend starting with 5-10 keywords first that have a good
amount of traffic on each. Then you will be able to get enough traffic to
your offers, keep CPCs low and costs to be able to test. As well as be able
to spread the traffic out over a full day...
Then if you think you need to get more traffic faster, you can go back
into your Keywords section later on and add more later on, up to 100
you can have.

For your CPC bids, if you remember in the middle of the eBook about
CPC prices and going as low as we can but not to low so we still get good
quality traffic?
So, for the CPCs, in the example you can see the max CPC is high, $0.12c,
this will get you all the traffic, we don't need that. So, bid lower than
that, around $0.02-$0.03 for competitive niches like Insurance and

For other Niches like, gift cards/giveaways, you can get away with $0.01
per click rates and as low as $0.005.

But again, don't go to low, we still want to keep our quality of traffic

So remember, if your Auctions are much higher than your

Clicks/Redirects, it means you're bidding much to low and you need to
raise it up a few cents to get them closer.
If your Auctions and Clicks/Redirect clicks are very close, it means you
have it perfect and leave it. Don't touch a thing!...
So this is where you should start with around $0.01-$0.03 per click to
first test your niche/traffic. If it's good leave it, if it's to low raise it.
If you get to much traffic to fast, then you can take it under your $0.01
per click. I would recommend no lower than $0.005 and no higher than
$0.05 Per Click/Redirect.
If you want to bid the lowest possible bid, $0.002 Per Click/Redirect and
risk getting lower quality traffic, you will need to put in many more
keywords so it can get you the amount of traffic needed and be able to
spend your daily spend.
Once you have your keywords setup, Click on the Second big GREEN
button to get to the Step 4 so I can show you how to setup your affiliate
links properly and block websites next...

Tracking and Blocking Bad Sites

Here, I am going to go over in more detail about your affiliate link
tracking setup and how to block bad site IDs.
So, if you remember, we have our affiliate link like this:[doma
[domainid] - Will track the Websites that convert and ones that we
want to block.
[keyword] - Will track the keywords that are converting and not for us.
So if we want to stop a none converting keyword, we can simply just
pause that keyword in our campaign settings.
So, to setup our tracking within our DNTX campaigns, it's a simple copy
and paste your affiliate link with the codes, like the example above in
the SubID section.
It will look like this:
Obviously will be your actual affiliate tracking url,
then in the SUBIDs you put in the special codes, like above.
Then it will show a 24 Digit of numbers in your CPA Networks reports
So when you look at your CPA networks reports for the day you ran a
offer or you look at the report for just that offer alone, you will see a
bunch of 24 digit numbers.
That is what the IDs are and what you will be putting into the Blocking
Domain IDs in DNTX when you find IDs that are not converting for you.
You will only be doing this after you have got some conversions or ran
your campaigns for at least 2-3 days.
You cannot block keywords, so if any of your keywords you find that
may not be working at all, simply pause that keyword. You will be able
to see all this in your CPA Networks Reports tracking system.
So to Block IDs all you need to do and copy down the IDs that you have
found which are not making you conversions and paste them into the
Exclude Domains section like below:

Make sure you only do this after you have ran your campaign.
Once you have had a look and you are happy with your campaign, all
you need to do is save it and wait for someone to approve it.
It usually takes around 24 hours, sometimes much sooner.
Once it has been approved, let it run for the full day and check back in
with your stats. To see your CPC rates, checking your Auctions and
Clicks/Redirects are close.
If you want to keep a eye on it very closely, you can check back to see
your stats every few hours or every 4-6 hours is fine.
Something that you should not do, is stalk your campaigns, as in, don't
sit there all day watching your campaigns.
Just let it run, let it do its own magic... remember, it is only going to
spend $5 at most anyways from our daily budget.
When you start seeing conversions, you can then start raising your daily
budget and start blocking the bad website IDs.
As soon as you have one, start up another one straight away to have lots
of mini campaigns, instead of just one big campaign.
Because if for some reason one goes down, then you have to start all
over again and that sucks!...
So many mini campaigns keeps the ball rolling...

Congrat You Made it

Now it's Time for you to do these 2 valuable


Now, everything taught in this eBook works

and it can certainly work for you. If you don't
put in the time and effort into getting a
profitable campaign up and running to make
this work, then you're never going to know
what this could've done for you... So don't
give up!...

You too can be getting mega cheap, targeted

traffic for as low as $0.002 Per Click/Redirect
and reaping the rewards for many successful
campaigns and taking your cpa business to
the next level...

"Remember, don't just expect a winning

campaign just to happen overnight. Some you
do and some you don't".

It all comes down to Campaign optimization,

it takes a little bit of time
just like any other type of campaign does. But
when you find the winning website ID
sources, then you'll reap the rewards with a
successful campaign bringing in consistent
earnings every day.

Get started now and remember, you don't just

have to use this valuable untapped traffic
source for just CPA offers, you can also send
them to your own opt-in landing page or
anything else you want.

You have 100% complete control over your

traffic now, so take full advantage of this and
leave other marketers behind while you get
Only you can take it to the next step now...
Make Money Promoting

What is Mobile Marketing? Mobile marketing is when a
company advertises a product or service to people via
ads on a cell phone. It is usually set-up where a
company pays to have their advertisement placed on a
person’s phone through an application that person
downloaded for free. Companies make a commission
every time you click on that ad. This is where your ad
will come in. Your ad is going to link to a dating offer.
This dating offer will pay $8.50 for every mobile pin
submit. This basically means that every time a person
inserts their number in the mobile CPA squeeze page,
you get paid $8.50! I chose a dating offer because dating
offers ALWAYS convert! Everyone is looking for love.
Method 1: Buzz City Case Study/Copy-Paste

The offer you’re going to be promoting is the FlirtyMob

UK offer from Profit Kings Media.
It is a company that pays weekly and have some of the
highest payouts out there. As I said above, the payout is
$8.50, so you need to make 1 conversion in every 850
clicks because you’re only going to pay a penny a click!
Isn’t that awesome!? *Note) If you aren’t able to get into
Profit King Media…don’t freak out! This offer is also
available at:, and
inmedia network First step is to sign up with Profit
Kings Media (Or other company) Click Here To Sign Up
For Profit Kings Media When you sign up, put that
you’re going to use Mobile marketing to promote the
offers, also you may need to talk to Ian. He’s the affiliate
manager for the company. To speed up the application
process, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you call him.

He just wants to know that you’re using reputable

traffic methods. After you sign up, you will need to go to
Request Offers. Profit Kings Media is great because they
auto-approve every request, which means you don’t
have to wait forever to begin promoting the offers.
Right next to Request Offers, you will see Categories.
Click that. There you will see this:
Click where it says WAP (Mobile-Optimized) – Dating In
there, you will find FlirtyMob UK – It pays $8.50 a lead
… Click Request Offer After that, go to My Offers … this
where you will grab your affiliate link
Click where it says Creatives, it will lead you to this
Now highlight and paste that Creative Tracking Link
above. We will now need to create a prettier looking
link at If you don’t have an account, don’t
worry it’s free to join, OR you can just login with your
twitter/face book account like I do.

Okay, now that you’re signed into …you can

now create your re-direct link….I have called mine: I
I highly recommend something involving joining Flirt
Mob: Examples), or variation of;, or

Any variation of the combinations above will work! We

just need to make sure that it looks clean to our
potential CPA fullfillers! Next, step is joining the mobile
advertising network to begin promotion our newly
created mobile CPA offer link!

The Mobile Traffic Source – Setting Everything Up

This is the crem-de-la crem of this WSO. This where I

get my traffic for only 1 Cent a Click! The traffic source
I’m talking about here is Buzz City. I love buzz city
because almost all other companies require a minimum
of 5 cents a click, but with Buzz City you can get 1 cent
clicks! Also, you only need a minimum purchase of $20
to begin advertising with them.

You can’t find that anywhere else! Most companies

require over $100. This is perfect for newbie’s that
don’t want to blow all their money testing out a new

Step 1) Sign up here: Click Here To Sign Up For Buzz

City Now!

Step 2) Click on Sign Up Now under the sign in box at

the top right corner of the site.
3) Fill out all the information they ask for. If you don’t
have a personal website, just create a free blogger blog
about yourself and use that for the URL. Be sure to click
on the box that says I want to be an advertiser where
they ask if you want to be a publisher or advertiser. The
click, I Accept, Create My Account at the bottom.

4) You will then be lead to this screen: Highlight

Highlight where it says Advertisers and click on My
Campaigns. This will lead you to this screen, where will
we will set-up my Done for You – Copy-And-Paste
already successful ad copy:
As you can see, I already have my ad set in there … you
can also see I am only paying a penny a click!!! First, you
need to click where the ads balance is $0.00. That will
lead you to this screen:
Click Top Up Now: There you will be asked to pay via paypal OR CARD.. I
recommend topping up with 20 dollars to begin. It may take some time to
approve your payment when you just join. But afterwards, you will get
instant approved payments from there on out. After you top up you should
see this:
Next, click where it says Create New Campaign: You will
be led to this page:
Just copy exactly how I have it laid out below:
The Ad Copy is: Tap Here NOW To Find Sexy Men/Women In Your Area
Also, I recommend you start your daily budget at 5 dollars a day when you
first get started. I set mine at 20 dollars a day because it brings the traffic and
conversions faster.

The Link will be the link you set up at As you can see, mine
Next is the targeting, just copy it EXACTLY how I have it below: As
As you can see, I set my bid at a penny a click. I HIGHLY
RECOMMEND you set yours at the minimum they
ask…may be 3 cents or so to ensure you get approved. I
always lower my bids to one penny a click AFTER I get
approved for my ad. Next, check these boxes for channel
Next, is where the fun part comes in. This is when your ad gets approved
and you begin tracking your results! Here are my results over the course of
the year. Please note that I only promote this occasionally. Imagine if you
promote this EVERY month! That would make for some nice income!

Sometimes it pays to pay the extra money to get higher

quality clicks. By using the same offer with AirPush
paying 5 cents per click, I was able to get 3 conversions
from only 90 clicks! Screenshot below:
Here’s the ad copy I used:
Title: Your Soulmate Is Awaiting
Description: Tap here NOW To Chat With Sexy
Method 2: Mobile CPA Domination With Cheap,
High Quality Traffic From TapIt

Joining A Mobile CPA Network

You may have already joined a CPA network such as

Peerfly or Maxbounty, and that is a solid place to start
with mobile CPA. Just do a simple search for “mobile” in
any network and there should be several mobile CPA
offers for you to choose from. Below are examples from
Maxbounty and Peerfly of CPA offers that allow mobile
These should be fine to get your feet wet, but eventually you
will want to join a CPA network that specializes specifically in
mobile CPA. One other thing that I must emphasize is that I
will be showing you how to track with a network that uses
HasOffers. If they use a different tracking platform, then the
way you track may be slightly different, but the concepts of
tracking will always remain the same. Below is a short list of
mobile CPA networks that I recommend and are trustworthy
(there are no affiliate links in this pdf. I don’t believe in
pitching for commissions inside of a product )

MobAff – This is a private mobile CPA network that is very

serious about keeping its network clean and only working with the
best affiliates. They are very strict with accepting new affiliates,
but it is an excellent networks that truly cares about their offers and
affiliates. You will not get accepted here as a newbie, but when
you gain enough experience, I definitely recommend you join.

YeahMobi – My personal favorite mobile CPA network.

They have a wide variety of offers and even share
profitable campaigns with their affiliates.

Mobile Traffic Sources

Choosing a source for mobile traffic is crucial for your

mobile CPA campaigns. There are a lot of networks out
there that are
pretty shady when it comes to click fraud and garbage
traffic. Here are three trustworthy traffic sources that I
recommend you get started with:

Jumptap – My favorite mobile traffic source. High

quality traffic while reaching over 95 million mobile
users and 13,000 mobile sites and apps. They also have
a very low minimum starting budget of $25.

TapIt! – An excellent mobile traffic source with many

parameters and customization available. There is no
minimum deposit and the minimum bid is dirt cheap at
AirPush – An excellent mobile traffic source specifically
for Android users. If you are optimizing a campaign and
see that it converts well for Android users, then you can
have great success transferring that campaign here.

Leadbolt – I have been with this network for years since

they were one of the industry leading content-locking
CPA networks. Now they are an award winning mobile
traffic source.

Choosing A Mobile CPA Offer

This is also a very crucial step in creating a successful
campaign. Since we are not targeting specific niches, I
recommend that you do not choose to promote niche-
specific offers. Instead, choose offers with mass appeal
as we are bringing traffic to a very large demographic.
My best suggestion is to ask your AM what offers are
converting best right now. I cannot stress this enough,
and it is extremely important. Unlike regular CPA offers,
we cannot target specific niches and match them with a
CPA offer in that niche. Your AM will know what is
converting best, and they are your best friend in this
whole process.

After you choose your mobile CPA offer, you will need
to go to set up your tracking link. To do this you need to
find the offer on your network.
You will need to set up sub IDs for your offer by doing the

Copy and paste the tracking link and store it somewhere such as
notepad as you will be using it in the next step.
For this example, we will be using TapIt! to run our mobile traffic.
After you sign up for an account, you will log in and fund your
account (there is no minimum deposit so you can fund as little or
as much as you want). Go to your advertiser dashboard and then
click “Create a Campaign”
Campaign name: This can be whatever you want it to be. I chose to
name it after the CPA offer

Campaign Type: I recommend you choose CPC first as opposed to

CPM. After you optimize your creative to achieve a high CTR,
then you can switch to CPM.
Conversion Value: This is the amount the offer pays out. In this
case, the palm reading offer pays out $5.00

Category: Choose the category that best fits your offer.

Enable Day Parting: At first you want to choose no. After testing
the offer, you can then use day parting which will allow you to run
the offer specific times when the offer converts best. There are also
certain offers that are only allowed to run at certain times.

Delivery: Mobile traffic comes very, very fast. You can burn
through a small $10 budget in literally a couple of minutes. It is
best to spread your ad evenly throughout the day at first until you
have more data.
Click “Save & Continue”
Geo Location: This is very important as you do not want to
waste traffic going to countries that the CPA offer is not
accepted in. In this case, the offer is only available for the
US so I chose only the US to send traffic to.
Platforms & Handsets: Choose to target all devices. You will be
optimizing this later once you find out which platforms and
handsets the offer converts best on.

Carrier & Connection: I recommend you target carrier traffic only.

I have found that Wifi traffic is generally lower quality traffic and
does not convert well. It is your choice, but if you choose to target
Wifi traffic, then make sure you track that parameter.
Environment: Choose target all traffic.

Channels & Bids: With TapIt! I recommend you choose run of

network and test all categories. With other networks such as
Jumptap, you will not want to choose run of network as they also
target adult content sites that generally do not convert well unless
the offer is related to adult content.
There is also a section labeled “Post-Click Optimization.” This is
very important later, but right now you can leave it blank.
Click “Save and Continue”

Ad Name: This can be anything you want it to be for you to keep

track of your ads.
Click Action: In this case I am choosing “Click to URL” as the
offer leads to a URL that the offer is located on.

Rotate URL: Choose “no” for now as we are only testing a single
offer right now.

Destination URL: This is extremely important for tracking. This

URL will indicate which parameters you are testing. Copy and
paste the tracking link that you created earlier from your offer.
Now, replace each sub ID with a parameter given on the right side
of the screen. In this case, I chose to test site, carrier, ad size,
channel, and platform. One VERY IMPORTANT thing you must
include for sub ID 5 is the transaction ID. I will explain later why,
but it is for tracking purposes.

Ad Type: Select “banner” as you will be using banner ads to drive

Upload Creative: Your offer will have premade banners.
Download them from your network, and then upload them
Click “Create Ad and Finish”

Now, there will be a conversion code on your campaign

dashboard. Copy this code and then go back to your offer on
your mobile CPA network.
Paste the code for the postback URL and add {aff_sub5} at
the end. This will allow you to track conversions for your
Congrats! You have now successfully started your first mobile
CPA campaign.

Optimizing The Campaign

After running your traffic, you will be able to analyze the data you
collected so you can optimize your campaign for better results.
One of the most important things to track is the site from which the
clicks come from. This is why I recommend you track for site ID
when running traffic so you know which sites are bringing
conversions and which sites are wasting away your clicks. This is
where the post-click optimization feature from TapIt! comes in
Use this feature to your advantage, and do not waste your clicks on
sites that are not converting for you. Also, I recommended you
choose CPC for your campaigns instead of CPM. CPM is the cost
per one thousand impressions. The minimum on TapIt! is $0.30 per
one thousand impressions. Analyze your CTR from your
campaigns and decide if you should switch to CPM.

1000 impressions = $0.30

1 click = $0.05
6 clicks = $0.30

If your ad is getting more than 6 clicks per 1000 impressions, then

you will save money by switching to CPM. The formula is that
simple. This also highlights the importance of CTR.

When analyzing the data for each parameter, there are a few simple
suggestions that I recommend. As a general rule of thumb, I
eliminate any parameter that doesn’t yield a conversion after using
up 75% of the offer’s payout. For example, if you are tracking the
carrier, I would eliminate a specific carrier if the offer didn’t have
a conversion after using $3.75 in traffic.
Offer payout = $5.00 X .75 = $3.75
$3.75/$0.05 = 75 clicks

So for my campaign, if a carrier does not yield a conversion after

75 clicks, I will block that carrier from traffic to my offer. This is
to keep the campaign profitable. Use this general rule for each
parameter you track, and you will see how simple it is to run a
profitable mobile CPA campaign.

Thanks for Investing in the CPA CASH TREE… I am

Glad you’ve made the right choice and I will be
more than happy to help you get started making
money as soon as Possible

I want to thank you again. It means a lot to me. I hope you learned
something new and begin taking action! When I first started, I
always made excuses to NOT take action. I still have over a
hundred dollars of ebook’s collecting dust on my hard drive.

Don’t be that person. Start taking action! I guarantee that if you

follow my steps, you will start getting results and you will start
making money! I purposely laid this guide out in an actionable and
copy-and-paste type nature, because if I left too much guesswork
you guys are more likely to not take action.

I too hate products that tell you how to make money online, but
don’t SHOW you how!
Anyways, I hope you take action and start making money in the
highly lucrative niche
Thanks Again….

I am Omoluwabi Oluwadahunsi…
For any Inquiry Please feel free to call my
Hotiline… (08163295877 , 07051330044

Or email:

Follow My Affiliate Marketing and CPA BLOG


Also Watchout For The First CPA NETWORK

in Nigeria… Soon! For Our Company.

Wait.. before you go let’s get some motivation… I will be
showing you some of my CPA ACCOUNT SCREENSHOT
and some tiny PAYMENT I will also be giving you some
of my best Paying CPA networks….

Let’s start..
For Mobile Network Offers.

I joined mobpartner in 2011 and I have great days with
them.. I was able to build a great partnership with the
then affiliate manager Vandy Khamsay!..
Get motivated…see screenshot.

The screenshot above may not happen to you

overnight, it’s a combination of resources and
efforts.. so look up to making $20/day $50
per day, $100 per day and scale up. The
bigger your budget or time the bigger your
income with CPA.

See some tiny payment..

The 2 are my best… Let’s see some CPA
networks with lot of offers that accept
computer traffic..

I love peerfly, maybe because of their lot of
offers and the great Affiliate manager..
I am doing a bit with them too.. see some
screen below..

2. Adworkmedia –
I joined adworkmedia prior to the
recommendation of Prince… He is also a
Nigeria Internet Marketer.. and I am able to
make profit.. real good money with them..
Get motivated…
I will like to drop my writing pen here.. and I
hope you can start making money right away
and, Please if you think you can just drop my
book like you did to all those on your hard
disk now, please help someone… Give it to
your committed grandma and I am sure she
will make money with this guide…





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