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Software Design &

Assignment 1 Architecture

Submitted to:
Sir Muhammad Haris

Submitted by:
Muhammad Nawaf Shahid
Saad Awan

March 19th, 2021

Department of Computer Science

Comsats University, Islamabad
Discuss Architectural Design of a software system and its stages.

Architecture Design:

Architectural design is basically the early stage of system design process. Architecture
designs help us in identifying the sub-systems which when combine making up a system
and the framework for sub-system control and communication between these sub
systems. It involves identifying major system components and their communications.
Software architecture design shows the structure of a system while hiding the
implementation details of the system.
Stages in Software architecture design:
There are three stages during the process of architecture design. These are discussed

Problem solving:
In the first stage of problem-solving approach, we have to understanding the
problem. When we have to do for architecture then same approach will be use. In
Architectural designing first of all we have to thoroughly examine the problem for
which we are designing our software system. We Look at the problem from
different angles to discover the design requirements and goals in termo f
architecture..To,a software Project understanding the requirements properly and
efficiently is most necessary to develop a problem solving system.

Identify one or more solutions:

In this stage of archecture design, we try to find all the possible solutions for a particular
system. We must have to find all possible solutions in order to tackle the situation in all
possible senarios. Suppose if we dont have enough resources for one solution then if we
have a backup or multiple solutions so we can easy manage it and design and develop our

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