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Reflection Paper about Extended Reality Technologies (XR)

In my point of view, I think the technology that will mostly affect teaching and learning
process positively is Extended Reality (XR) and Virtual Reality (VR) technologies. Extended
Reality (XR) is a term referring to all real-and-virtual combined environments and human-
machine interactions generated by computer technology. Extended Reality (XR) technologies are
classified into three categories: Augmented Reality (AR) where the virtual objects and
information are portrayed on the actual world, Virtual Reality (VR) where the users are
completely immersed in a simulated digital environment through VR headset, and Mixed Reality
(MR) where the real and digital world objects exist and can interact with one another in actual

How does Extended Reality (XR) change teaching and learning practices?

Extended Reality technology enables the students to learn in a way that is different and unique as
no other technology can provide it. Moreover, it provides new ways of learning; for example,
learning about cellular biology by exploring a cell as if it is in a real physical space. Also, this
technology allows the students to practice the medical techniques more and deeper than what the
real world allows them. The limitations that the real world has, such as the disability of a human
being to go inside a cell, are not considered as limitations in the XR technologies. Thus, XR
technologies make it possible to overcome these limitations and create new learning
opportunities. Also, encouraging students to use XR for class projects is one way to
accommodate the pace of change as what the students learn through the process of building an
XR experience is more important than the final product.

The role of the teacher and the role of the students in the teaching and learning process
that is based on XR technologies:

In the use of XR, Teachers’ role is to see XR technology in use or use it by themselves to decide
how they might use it for their own courses. Another role of teachers is to examine the
effectiveness of XR for learning and assure its positive impact. Additionally, teachers need to
check XR factors such as increasing students’ engagement and greater achievement of learning
outcomes. Furthermore, teachers have to make sure that the students can access and use the
technology in order to promote widespread adoption of XR technologies. Finally, teachers are
required to find new ways of evaluating students’ work and they have to reconsider the
assessment criteria for course assignments and program outcomes to encompass self-directed

In addition, using this technology motivate the students to engage with course materials as the
learning process is based on learner-centered approach, so the students are self-directed in this
process. The students will watch and be involved in a virtual world so that they explore it closely
as if it is in their real world. Extended Reality (XR) technologies make teaching and learning
process more interesting and effective as the students live the experience by themselves rather
than watch it in a video presented by the teacher. Therefore, XR helps promote student
engagement with learning materials and deepens student interaction with complex problems.

Done by: Fida Salim Al-Shaqsi

ID: 125610

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