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Index of Tarot Spreads

Three Card Spreads Five Card Spreads

Basic Three Card Spread Inner Star (Transformation) Spread
Relationship Spread
Core Issue (Bardo) Spread
Fire Spread Seven Card Spreads
Inner Hearth Spread The Chakra Spread
Body-Mind-Spirit Chakra Spread The Chariot (Flying Bird) Spread
The Dialogue Spread

Eight Card Spreads

New Moon Spread

Four Card Spreads Nine Card Spreads

Heart of the Matter Spread The Bagua Spread
Advice Spread
Four Fold Way Spread
Path of Mastery (Aeon) Spread Ten Card Spreads
The Great Work Spread The Celtic Cross Spread
Cross of Dharma Spread Tree of Life Spread
Body-Mind-Spirit Chakra Spread
Conflict Resolution Spread
New Moon Spread (Four Week) Specialty Spreads
Ascended Master Spread Archangel Michael Spread
Samhain Spread Archangel Khamael Spread
Qabalistic Cross Layout

Elizabeth Schermer The Alchemy Mystery School March 2018

Basic Three Card Spread

The Three Card Spread is the most versatile of all spreads. It forms an excellent daily reading, providing
insight into the gifts and resources you are ready to receive as well as any areas where your energy may be
blocked or where you are experiencing resistance. This spread can also be used to answer questions
about a specific situation or relationship.

First focus on your question or intention. You can write it here.

Next shuffle the deck and choose your cards. Lay them in the order shown below, face down.

Turn one card over at a time, spending a few moments absorbing the energies and insights. Pay attention
to your first thoughts and emotions. Spend time with each card before looking at the next.

Once you have turned over all three cards, look at them in relation to each other. What do you notice
about any patterns? Do they tell a story? Where is there movement?

1. 2. 3.

Body Mind Spirit

In the space below note your first impressions of the cards you have drawn. What do you see? What
do you feel? Pay attention to your responses to the colors, numbers, symbols and figures in the cards.

Be sure you spend your own time in this way before you consult a text for additional interpretations.

Elizabeth Schermer The Alchemy Mystery School March 2018

Relationship Spread
Use this spread to learn more about the potentials and challenges that you are experiencing within a
relationship. Begin by focusing on the nature of your question. Ask to have clear insight from the
energy field of the relationship. You can also consult the higher self of the other person, asking for
support. Your intention is to be fully available and learn all that you can about your responsibility and
personal opportunities in this situation.

Important note: Since personal energy fields are private, for the purpose of this spread you will be
consulting ONLY the shared field between you and another person. You will NOT be invading the
personal space or privacy of another person. This spread unfolds from the position of you and your

1. You. The aspect of yourself that is being affected, evoked, nurtured or challenged in this
situation. How you are contributing, relating, or being affected. Your experience.
2. The Other. What you need to know about the Other. The aspect of the other (person,
organization or circumstance) that is being affected, evoked, nurtured or challenged in this
3. The Relationship Field. The quality and/or aspect of the relationship field that relates to your
question. What is currently being evoked and/or experienced. What you need to know. How
you are (or can) contributing to the relationship.
4. After you have reflected on the first three cards, draw and additional 4th card for the center
(crossing card) as an additional aspect of your relationship.

Next Steps - Taking Personal Responsibility

After reflecting on the first spread, use the Body-Mind-Spirit spread to ask for practical insight into
next steps. How can you respond from this new clarity and insight? You can use a second deck or
simply shuffle the remaining cards, holding your question and intention for guidance into right action.

Elizabeth Schermer The Alchemy Mystery School March 2018

Core Issue (Bardo) Spread

What we strive for in perfection is not what turns us into the lit angel we desire; what disturbs us and then
nourishes has everything we need.—David Whyte
This spread helps you explore the healing of a core issue in your life. This issue can show up as a
limiting pattern and/or habit that you have been unable to resolve. It may appear in any area of your
life, such as health, relationships, career, or prosperity.

1. The Significator. The spread begins with a Bardo card that expresses your Core Issue as a
subconscious pattern to which you currently have access. There are three ways to determine the
 Intentionally choose a Bardo card that represents your current issue. OR
 Draw a Bardo. To do this, shuffle and cut as usual, asking for your Bardo card. From the deck
turn over cards from the top one at a time. Use the first Bardo card that appears. OR
 Shuffle the deck and ask for any card that will illustrate the heart of the matter of your issue.
Now gather the rest of the deck and proceed to shuffle and draw the remaining cards of the spread.

2. Inner Awareness. Your inner world and subjective perspective related to the issue at question. Your
subconscious and hidden beliefs. Your essence and connection to inner truth. Corresponds to the
Ascendant in your Natal astrology chart.
3. Outer Awareness. Your circumstances, outer world and objective perspective as related to the issue
at question. Your subconscious beliefs manifest in your physical experience. Relationships as your
teachers. Corresponds to the Descendant in your astrology chart.
4. The Point of Balance and Choice. How to transcend polarization and balance the extremes. Stepping
above, into wholeness. What is needed to come to balance and/or integration. A Bardo card here
represents more information about the underlying pattern that is being activated with this issue.
Corresponds to the crown chakra.

Optional Form - Choosing a primary Significator with the Bardo as the Crossing Card
Begin the spread by sorting the Court Cards from the deck. Draw or choose a Significator from among
the Court Cards. This card represents the aspect of inner mastery you are developing and/or inner tools
upon which you can draw to explore this challenge, as well as practical insights for applying the
guidance of this spread into your life. (Or, you can choose a court card by drawing from the top as
described above.

Elizabeth Schermer The Alchemy Mystery School March 2018

The Fire Spread
Use the Fire Spread anytime you are seeking guidance for creating something new in your life, either
physical manifestation or internal expansion. Fire is the element of alchemical transformation and
this spread offers guidance on how to transform your current circumstances into something
completely new. Fire is also the element of metabolism, so this spread can help you understand what
is being transformed. It can also be used anytime you desire guidance around accessing inspiration
and/or integrating something important into your life.

If desired, you can choose a Significator from whom you wish to dialogue or learn - usually a Major
Arcana or Royalty Card. Your Significator can become the first card of the reading or it can be a
card on which you meditate before you pull the spread. You can also skip this step and simply draw
your Significator from the deck as the first card when you throw the rest of your spread.


1. Significator. Who You Are. What’s new. What's being integrated at the core of your Being.

2. Crossing Card - The Contrast, Gift, or Challenge. What needs to be accessed, released, or

3. The Path of Integration. What you’re bringing forward from the past. What needs to be
integrated, assimilated, anchored, embodied. A Bardo card may indicate the opportunity to
embrace a new level of polarity.

5. The Emerging Skills and/or Tools. What you’re practicing. Importance of exploration and

6. The New Creation. Who you're becoming. What you’re bringing into the world. The new birth.

Elizabeth Schermer The Alchemy Mystery School March 2018

The Dialogue Spread

In this spread you will consult a specific card for insight or the answer to a specific question in
your life. This will usually be a major arcana or court card. This card becomes your Significator.

To begin, choose your Significator, the card with which you wish to dialogue. Possibilities for
your Significator:
 a card to which you're attracted.
 a card with which you have resistance.
 one of your lifetime cards.
 your current growth card.
 a card that keeps showing up in your readings and spreads.

OR you can draw a card from the deck with the intention that you will receive a new insight or
message. When you have your Significator, meditate on this card. Shuffle the rest of the deck,
and draw the remaining cards with the intention to receive the response to your question.

Personal Card

Who are you What do you What special

inside of me? want to evoke talents and skills
from me? What do you hold for
are you calling me?

Elizabeth Schermer The Alchemy Mystery School March 2018

The Inner Hearth Spread
Use this spread whenever you want to dialogue with your home. You can also use it to connect
with your heart, your inner “Hestia,” that part of you who is the cultivator of your inner heart,
hearth and home. You can approach this spread with a specific question, or you can use the
spread as a way to dialogue with your home and allow your home to speak with you.
You may want to use the Empress as the Significator to represent Hestia, or you can meditate
on the Empress and draw a card from the deck to represent the aspect of your Self and/or your
Home that is being called forward.

1. Your Significator. The aspect of your Home or your Self who is being called forth. The
heart of the matter.
2. The Crossing Card. A new gift or inner obstacle. What is being integrated, expanded,
or healed through this process.
3. Connecting to the Heart. Insights into expanding your awareness and connection to
your home. Ways to approach or understand your connection, or something that is
holding you back.
4. Clearing Density. What needs to be ordered, cleared, or released? What are you
holding on to? Is there fear of letting go? What help or guidance is available for this
process? What do you need to know?
5. Cultivating Vitality. What needs to be nurtured? What can be expanded? How can you
approach this creative part of your relationship with your home? What steps can you
take to be more present in mind and heart?

Elizabeth Schermer The Alchemy Mystery School March 2018

The Heart of the Matter Spread

1. The Significator. Who you are. The heart of the matter.

2. What's Crossing. The opportunity, gift, or challenge. What needs to be integrated,

claimed or released.

3. The Ground. What's beneath you, the subconscious, the root of your question. Your root
chakra. What needs to be embodied, or what's holding you back from grounding your

4. The Crown. What's in your awareness. Your connection to Source and your Higher Self.
Your crown chakra. Qualities of truth you are expressing and/or what's blocking your
access to Source.

5. The Recent Past and/or the Material World. What has brought you to this current place
and time. What's already in form, including work, relationships, and circumstances in
your life.

6. The Near Future and/or Your Current Trajectory. How you are holding energy, what's
coming into form. New abilities. Challenges and opportunities you are ready to face.
What will be created based on your ability to assume responsibility and participate fully
in your present circumstances.
At the conclusion of this spread you can draw a follow-up three card Body-Mind-Spirit spread
for practical insight into immediate next steps.

A Bardo card in the position of the future – or elsewhere -doesn’t mean that you are moving into
difficulty. It can represent your ability to face challenges with new tools or to transcend habitual
limiting patterns. See the larger context of the spread for information on what’s going on here. In
other words, a challenge card can illustrate ways that the current momentum will allow you to
transform whatever is coming in your path.
Elizabeth Schermer The Alchemy Mystery School March 2018
The Advice Spread
Begin by choosing a Significator. This card represents a Teacher (or aspect of your Higher Self) with
whom you would like to dialogue. You can choose a specific card for position one or draw a card from the
deck with the intention of connecting with the aspect of your inner Teacher who holds a message for you
today. You can also use a different deck, such as the Ascended Master Deck or an Archangel Deck to
identify a teacher with whom to dialogue.

Focus on receiving guidance from this Teacher or aspect of your Self. The question is “What message do
you have for me? What can I learn from you? What do I need to know moving foward?” (Be as specific as
you desire. Remember that you can also include the time frame about which you are asking.)


4. 1. & 2. 6.

Current The Heart Point of

Circum- and what Change or
stances is crossing Illumina-
it. tion

My Inner

1. Significator. What is the heart of the matter? (If desired, you can choose the Significator first and
then re-shuffle for the remaining cards of the spread.)

2. What is crossing? What is in relationship with my highest potential? What gifts are being realized?
How can I collaborate or listen more clearly?

3. The root of the matter. What do I need to pay attention to in my inner world? What is being
grounded or embodied? What is the subconscious programming that is related to this question.

4. The recent past. What do I need to know about current circumstances? What do I need to carry
forward or integrate?

5. My awareness of the matter. What is the nature of my awareness regarding this question? What is
the quality of my ability to “see” and perceive? What do I need to pay attention to in my outer world?

6. The near future. What is being broken through, changed, or illuminated in my life? What is coming
forward? What is the current direction of my momentum?

Elizabeth Schermer The Alchemy Mystery School March 2018

New Moon Spread
A Four Week Overview of the Coming Month
This spread is designed to support your intention setting and planning for the coming month. The
four steps summarize the potentials of the four weeks of the month. You can also throw this spread
anytime you’re starting a new project to help you clarify intentions and come into alignment with the
beginning of a new cycle of potential.

Significator. The Heart of the Matter. A theme or aspect of mastery that is being called forward.
What you need to know about coming into alignment with the new potential.
Crossing Card. What crosses your significator? What is being amplified, integrated, or healed?

1. New Moon (Week One): Initiation and New Potential. What is your ability to access the
potentials of this month? What do you need to know about the new possibilities? How can you
maximize new momentum?
2. First Quarter (Week Two): Taking Action. What steps can you take to move into alignment
with the potentials of this month? What decisions and/or actions will help you capture
momentum? What needs to be expanded and claimed?
3. Full Moon (Week Three): New Awareness. What are you celebrating? What is your potential to
come into full relationship with the new potentials? How can you share your expansions with
others? What is your new capacity for community and/or communication?
4. Last Quarter (Week Four): Integration. What steps can you take to integrate your new learning?
What needs to be released? What will you carry forward? How can you best bring the new
creations into form?

Weekly Follow-up Spreads

After you have a chance to explore your New Moon spread and overview of the coming month, you
may be inspired to draw a three card body/mind/spirit spread for practical advice for the New
Moon and the week that follows. You can also consult this spread every week, drawing a new three
card spread in relationship to the overall theme or message of your spread and the coming week.

Elizabeth Schermer The Alchemy Mystery School March 2018

The Cross of Dharma

The “Cross of Dharma” is a primary pattern in your natal astrology chart that shows the relationship
between your expanding consciousness and your use of power. As you work with these four factors you
learn about how to connect with your inner essence, expand your inner power, strengthen your
relationships and creative expression, and understand your highest destiny.

If desired you can draw a Significator and additional crossing card, and add them to the center of the
spread for more insight into current potentials.

1. Who am I? Who is the true inner “me?” What do I need to know about who I am?
The Ascendant in your natal chart represents your truest Essence. This is your connection to
your inner guide, your pure potential and essential nature. What already is and what you are
bringing forward from past lifetimes of mastery. Essence.

2 How do I belong to the world? How is my essence grounded and activated within?
The Nadir in your natal chart represents your Inner Power. This is your inner foundation, your
security and what helps you establish your identity in the world. Represents internal choices,
decisions, inner spirituality. How your Essence is internally grounded and activated.
3. What inspires me? Where can I connect?
The Descendant in your natal chart represents the ways you express your creativity and connect
with others in your world. It is through the mirror of life experience that you learn about who you
are. Who and what inspires you is a reflection of your own inner essence. Connection.
4. Why am I here? What is my highest path of purpose?
The Mid-Heaven in your natal chart represents your outer Power and the way you explore your
highest potential through activity in the world. Here you learn about who you are through
contribution and sharing of yourself. Ultimately the sharing of yourself, your essence, IS your
highest contribution, your Great Work, and the true expression of your Dharma and life purpose.

Elizabeth Schermer The Alchemy Mystery School March 2018

The Four Fold Way Spread
The Four Fold Way spread helps you identify your degree of alignment and connection to your life through
these four essential aspects of your inner being. The cards you draw in each position will illustrate the nature
of your current relationship to your life through this path of mastery in the world.

Position 1: Your Significator. This card illustrates the heart of the matter regarding your current question. It
is either an essential aspect of your being, or the key issue that’s being addressed.
If desired you can shuffle and cut the deck as usual, and the first card will be your Significator.
Here are three other possible ways to choose your Significator:
 Choose a Major Arcana, representing an aspect of your Inner Being with which you desire to
communicate, explore, or expand.
 Choose a Court Card, representing a new level of mastery or initiation into which you are expanding.
 Sort the Deck.. If desired, before you shuffle you can separate the Court Cards and/or Major Arcana
from the deck, and draw from one of those piles asking for your Significator to emerge.
You will consult with this card for guidance in drawing cards for your spread. In other words, as you meditate
on this card, it becomes a vehicle for communication with this aspect of your Inner Guide or Higher Self.
You can ask for general insights, or answers to a specific question, and your Guide will speak with you
through the spread. After you have connected with the card, shuffle, cut and draw the remaining cards.
Position 2: The Crossing Card. The meaning of this card is interpreted through its relationship to the
Significator. It indicates what’s being integrated, healed, activated, or released.
Position 3: The Path of Power. Your ability to "Show Up" to circumstances in your life. The path of power
represents the Warrior within.
Position 4: The Path of Heart. Your ability to ‘Pay Attention’ to what has heart and meaning. The path of
heart represents your connection to inner power and the Hero within.
Position 5: The Path of Vision. Your ability to come into full relationship with circumstances in your life.
This includes ‘Speaking the Truth’ without blame or judgment. The path of vision represents the Seer within.
Position 6: The Path of Wisdom. Your ability to fully trust, which includes your capacity to ‘Release
Attachment’ to outcome. The path of wisdom represents your connection to the Sage within.

Elizabeth Schermer The Alchemy Mystery School March 2018

The Path of Mastery (Aeon) Spread

Each position in this spread relates to a transcendent aspect of your Cross of Dharma, and gives you insight
into your ability to connect with mastery in the present moment. Approach this spread by asking, with each
position, what you need to know in order to connect with personal empowerment and your creative potential.

Higher Self

1. & 2.
5. & 6.
The Past Crossing The Future

Body and

Heart of the Matter

1. Significator. Who Am I? and/or What is the heart of my question?
2. The crossing card illustrates what’s being integrated, accessed, or released.
Vertical Axis: Path of Prayer – Grounding above and below. Bridging the material world and the non-
physical dimensions of light. Alignment of your vertical column. Integrating emotions, thoughts and feelings
in order to be fully present.
3. Alignment with inner power. Grounding to Gaia and the Helpers of inner Earth. What you need to
know about your connection to the physical realm, including your inner body. Root Chakra.
4. Alignment with Higher Self and non-physical Helpers in other realms. Message from Self. What you
need to know about your connection above. Crown Chakra.
Horizontal Axis: Path of Prophesy – Transcending time and space. Stepping into full neutrality to bridge
and unite the past, present and future.
5. The Past. What you’re bringing forward. Past life mastery, connection, healing, how the past is
affecting you in the present.
6. The Future. Future potentials. Your ability to align with multiple possibilities and outcomes.

Elizabeth Schermer The Alchemy Mystery School March 2018

The Body-Mind-Spirit Chakra Spread
Use this spread to receive insight into your energy system and your general integration within and
without. You can focus on a specific question or circumstance, or simply ask for insight into your
state of balance and well being.


Connection to Source
Higher Mind, Intuition, &
Speaking Truth
(Upper 3 Chakras)


5. 6.


Outer World Inner World

Circumstances, Ability to receive,
Relationships &
1. The Heart of the Matter connect to inner
External Actions 2. What is Crossing Your Heart Integration, guidance &
(Right Hand) opportunities for release, bringing forward assume
who you are. responsibility for


Personal Power & Creativity
Grounding to Earth
(Lower 3 Chakras)

Elizabeth Schermer The Alchemy Mystery School March 2018

The Great Work Spread

This spread supports your ability to “Show Up” to the Great Work of your life. It’s based on
the Cross of Dharma and Four Fold Way spreads. Use it when you want to come into clearer
alignment with a specific project, release obstacles for moving forward, or amplify success in
your ability to fully show up to the highest potentials of your life.

1. The heart of the matter. Your heart’s desire. This card represents an aspect at the core of
the issue about which you are consulting. You can also intentionally choose a specific card
here as your Significator and consult with it for the rest of the spread.
2. What’s crossing. The core issue or opportunity. What needs to be amplified,
acknowledged, integrated, or healed in order for you to experience success.
3. Show up. Your current capacity to show courage and take action each day in alignment
with what you are creating. This position represents your inner warrior and your ability to
show up each day as if what you desire is already here.
4. Focus. Speaking your truth. Your current capacity for focusing your intentions and
envisioning your dreams. In what ways are you able to speak the truth and claim the vision
of what you desire? (note – currently shows as position 5 in spread diagram above)
5. Feel It. Your current capacity to be present. In what ways are you paying attention to what
has heart and meaning? In what ways are you feeling the eagerness of what you desire? In
what ways are you cultivating the frequency of appreciation in your life? This position is
your inner hero/healer who lives from the heart. (note: currently shows as position 4 in
spread diagram above.)
6. Surrender. Your current capacity to release attachment to outcome. To what degree are
you able to let go of the details and trust the Universe to provide? When you can let go the
Universe can offer much more than you could ever imagine.

Elizabeth Schermer The Alchemy Mystery School March 2018

Samhain (Harvest) Spread
A spread to help you celebrate the harvest and prepare for the birth of new light at Winter
Solstice. You might ask, “What is the highest and best for me right now? How do I fully show
up to harvest the gifts of the current cycle, and prepare for the new birth that will occur at

Position 1 – Significator. Who You Are. Who You Are Becoming. This card can also show how you are
perceiving or experiencing current circumstances (the lens through which you are viewing the world).
Position 2 - Gifts from this Year - the Harvest
Contemplate your "harvest." These are the gifts you have received, nurtured and developed this year.
Insight into the creations and expansions you will carry forward. These may be inner qualities, new
experiences, or physical creations.
Position 3 - What is Released - the Compost
These are the energies and resources that no longer serve you and/or patterns you are claiming. If
Bardo, by releasing these patterns, with feelings of appreciation for all the lessons learned, you free up
new energy in your life. Recent strength or ability here also provides new forms of nourishment.
Position 4 - What is Not Yet Claimed or Known - The Shadow
Ask for insight into your fears, your unclaimed gifts, new forms of mastery. Whatever holds you back
from expansion. This includes your ‘bright shadow,’ those aspects of yourself that you limit or hide.
There is much power and light to be claimed beneath your fear.
Position 5 – Gifts from the Ancestors
The wisdom of the Ancestral realm that supports all of these practices; What you will carry forward,
what you will release, and new insights around the fears that hold you back. Ancestral wisdom will offer
strength and support for all of your efforts. Consider this a message from any supportive realm of light.
Position 6 – Crossing Card: A Message from Your Higher Self
This card crosses the first card. It speaks to what you are integrating through this process. Something
else to ponder, or it may be used to add illumination to an unanswered question from the reading.
Note: A Bardo in any position of this spread may indicate the current potential to harvest life force
through the underlying energy that has been trapped within this pattern.

Elizabeth Schermer The Alchemy Mystery School March 2018

Elizabeth Schermer The Alchemy Mystery School March 2018
The Inner Star (Transformation) Spread
Use this spread when you want to increase your ability to transform limitations and bring more wholeness
into your life. The spread can offer insights that help you bring more balance and integration, remove
obstacles, and help you connect more clearly with your higher self. The elements are placed in the order they
appear in the ceremony of the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.

Begin by drawing the central two cards.

1. The Significator represents the aspect of Self who is evoked in this question. You may choose to use a
court card for this position.
2. The Crossing Card, indicating and what needs to be integrated, claimed, or released.

Draw the remaining five cards to form the Pentagram Star in the following order:

3. Physical Body (Earth)

Your own body as well as your circumstances and external life. Grounding. Also obstacles or aspects that
need to be cleared.
4. Higher Self (Spirit) – Unity and Wholeness.
Your connection to Higher Self and the Divine. Crown Chakra and drawing down the light. What unites
and brings life to the other points of the star.
5. Will and Creative Power (Fire) – Willpower, Vision, and Inspiration.
Intentional relationship with the world. Choosing to act from inner authority. Responding to outer
circumstances from inner truth. The Seer.
6. Thoughts and Awareness (Air) – Your state of mind.
Perceptions and what you think. Clarity and mindfulness Showing up. Observing what is. Awareness of
thoughts. Right use of the Sword. The Warrior.
7. Emotions and Desire (Water) – Your alignment with your emotional guidance system.
Internal integration of feelings, emotions and thoughts.v Surrender and trust. Releasing expectations and
expanding into vision of love. The Sage.

Elizabeth Schermer The Alchemy Mystery School March 2018

The Chariot (Flying Bird) Spread
This spread is about taking flight, lifting off, and moving forward in your life. In tarot the Chariot
represents the process of change, maintaining inner balance and healing from whatever is activated
as you release your past.

The left side of the spread represents the feminine. Even numbers describe your receptive aspect
and internal response to the current situation. The right side represents the masculine. Odd numbers
describe your active response and external circumstances at work.

This spread begins by choosing a significator. The significator represents your inner essence or
Higher Self. There are two ways to choose your significator.
1. Draw the card from the deck. Use the entire deck, or sort the major arcana or court cards and
draw from that stack.
2. Intentionally select your significator. Use the Chariot or another major arcana or court card to
directly to support your current intentions for change.
Meditate on this card as you shuffle the deck and draw the remaining cards for your spread.

The first card of the spread, lift-off, represents the new potential. This is the energy that supports
your change. The fuel that is helping to initiate the process. A challenge card in this position
represents what needs to be integrated or cleared for movement to take place.

~The Flying Bird Spread is found in the Osho Zen Tarot.

Elizabeth Schermer The Alchemy Mystery School March 2018

The Chakra Spread


3rd Eye


Right Hand Left Hand

(Acting) Heart (Receiving)

Solar Plexus



Elizabeth Schermer The Alchemy Mystery School March 2018

The Bagua Spread
The Bagua is a symbolic map of the ways in which energy comes into form throughout the Universe. It’s
especially useful as a personal way to understand the expression of the body in space, and how the “body” of
your environment reflects and supports your physical body and all associated aspects of life.
Use this spread as a way to consult with your environment. One simple and effective approach is to ask your
home what it currently needs and how it can best currently support your life. Begin by first connecting with
your home and drawing the Significator to indicate a general message or focus. Connect with this card to
draw the rest of the spread. The spread unfolds in the traditional Bagua sequence.

4. 9. 2.

3. Significator 7.

8. 1. 6.

Begin with the center card as indicated in the description above. This is your Significator, the aspect of your
Home that is stepping forward or asking to be revealed. What is the key principle, opportunity, or aspect of
Source that is available to you?The remaining nine cards signify a message from each of these sectors of your
home, as well as the corresponding areas of your life.

1. Career, Life Path, Your Journey

2. Marriage, Love, Relationship
3. Elders, Family, Ancestors
4. Abundance, Prosperity, Self-Worth
5. Health, Unity, What is Being Integrated
6. Helpful Friends, Travel, Community
7. Creativity, Children, Projects
8. Self-Knowledge, Contemplation, Wisdom
9. Fame, Illumination, Being Seen in the World

The appearance of a Bardo or challenge card can indicate an area of stagnation (such as clutter or emotional
imprints) or, alternately, an aspect in your life that is waiting to be released. Use your intuition to interpret.

Elizabeth Schermer The Alchemy Mystery School March 2018

Traditional Celtic Cross Spread

1. The Significator. Who you are. The heart of the matter.

2. What's Crossing You. The opportunity, gift, or challenge; what needs to be integrated, claimed or

3. The Ground. What's beneath you, the subconscious, the root of your question. Your root chakra. What
needs to be embodied, or what's holding you back from grounding your potential.

4. The Crown. What's in your awareness. Your connection to Source and your Higher Self. Your crown
chakra. Qualities of Spirit you can access, or what's blocking your access to Spirit.

5. The Recent Past and/or the Material World. What has brought you to this current place and time.
What's already in form, including work, relationships, and circumstances in your life.

6. The Near Future and/or Your Current Trajectory. How you are holding energy, what's coming into
form. Challenges and opportunities you are ready to face. What will be created based on your ability to
assume responsibility and participate fully. (The future is a possibility, not set in stone.)

7. Your Self Concept. How you see yourself in relationship to the central two cards. This card often
indicates your access point or ability to work with the opportunity expressed in cards 1 and 2.

8. Psychic Space. Your circumstances in relationship to the central issue or question. Who or what is
affecting you. This can be a person, a group, a situation, or a non-physical aspect of support.

9. Hopes and Fears. What you most hope for is also what you fear. Do you believe you deserve your
heart's desire? Also called the ‘karma card,’ this position can represent the deeper issue at hand and new
healing available to you through the circumstances of this reading – especially #1&2..

10. The Resolution or Outcome. The bigger picture. The larger context. If this is a minor Arcana card, you
can choose to draw 1-3 more cards to reach Major Arcana (or Ace or Court Card). The sequence can
tell a story clarifying the process as it unfolds.

Elizabeth Schermer The Alchemy Mystery School March 2018

Tree of Life Spread
This bare-bones tree of life spread was developed by Rachel Mann of Wash, D.C. The descriptions here are
those found on Mary Greer’s website, who says it’s her favorite. The numbers represent the order in which
you lay out the cards and read them. These are not the numbers associated with the Sephiroth themselves.

Positions 1 & 2 – Force and Form represent

“The Issue.” You can see Force as a generative,
active energy behind the issue and Form as the
form or structure the issue takes. (They can also
represent two alternatives or choices.)

Positions 3 & 4 – People or things going for or

against you. (They can also express what’s
expanding and contracting, or what’s coming in
and going out.)

Positions 5 & 6 – Your feelings and thoughts.

Position 7 – World. Your body, possessions,

physical manifestations.

Position 8 – Persona. Your everyday self and

how you present yourself.

Position 9 – Advice. Your heart’s advice. The

best you can do.

Position 10 – Spirit. Morality or personal growth

related to the issue.

Da’at (optional card) – If you choose you can also lay out an additional card between cards 9 and
10. The Da’at Position (meaning ‘Knowledge’) can represent a shadow or hidden knowledge:
something unknown or a possible future. It can bring insight, especially as to how to integrate the
cards on the right and left pillars.

You work your way down the tree with cards in positions 1 through 6 on the left and right pillars.
Then, work your way up the middle pillar from position 7 at the bottom to 10 at the top.

Rachel adds: “I really feel the grouping and order are important to get the right flow for the reading, especially ending
by going up the middle pillar. A good way to sum up a reading is to consider how the middle pillar cards (7 and 8 )
align with the upper ones (9 and 10).”

Elizabeth Schermer The Alchemy Mystery School March 2018

Archangel Michael Spread
Use this spread whenever you want to connect with clear insight, inspiration and higher mind. It can
also help you establish clear boundaries and a field of protection from interfering energies. In
addition, you can use this spread to directly ask for support and insight from Archangel Michael.

1. Signficator. The Heart of the Matter. Who you are. The core of the question.
2. What is Crossing. What is being integrated, activated, amplified or released.
3. Source Energy. The point of light. What is being received. Highest energy
available. Crown Chakra. (Ace)
4. What is Unknown. Unclaimed gifts. What is hidden. Shadow aspect. Something
you haven’t yet seen or understood. (Possibly a Bardo)
5. Point of Power. Your will. Ability to integrate higher self with personal awareness.
6. Beauty. Meaning. Access to emotional intelligence. Your ability to feel your truth.
7. Truth. Access to higher Mind. Your ability to connect intellect with higher
intelligence. (Swords/Air)
8. Strength. Manifestation. Embodiment. Point of integration of Intellect and Heart.

Elizabeth Schermer The Alchemy Mystery School March 2018

Khamael’s Spread – The Breakthrough
This spread is derived from the central six positions on the Tree of Life. The sequence from 3-7 follows
the traditional “lightening path,” which is the sequence in which source energy enters manifested form.
The spread is named after Archangel Khamael who is “The Divine Burner” and remover of obstacles. He
supports all forms of breakthrough and transformation by fire.

Consult this spread when you are determined to release or breakthrough limiting patterns in order to
expand more fully into your highest creative power and potential.

1. Tiphareth. The Heart of the Matter. Your Great Work. The aspect of Higher Self with whom you're
consulting, connecting and/or expanding. (You can sort the Major Arcana to draw this card. If you
do, then reshuffle the entire deck together before you draw the remaining cards.)

2. What is crossing. The gift being integrated, the challenge being released.

3. Chesed. What is entering from Source. Your capacity to be open hearted and receive. The catalyst
for creativity.

4. Geburah. What needs to be broken through, limited, or transformed. Your capacity for inner
strength, courage, and right use of power.

5. Netzach. Reaching out. Crossing the threshold of self into relationship with others.

6. Hod. Your inner space. Sense of worthiness. Access to higher knowledge that transcends limited

7. Resolution. This card represents the unfolding. Your capacity to integrate, manifest, express your
creativity, and bring this matter into form in the world.

Elizabeth Schermer The Alchemy Mystery School March 2018

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