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Jerico M Rabulan GAS GOLD

Directions: Please read and analyze each item . Write TRUE if the statement
is correct and FALSE if not. Write your answer on the space provided .


Activity 1.
Identify some problems of the Filipino entrepreneurs is facing and recommend
some solutions to the identified problems. Write it down below the headings of
each column your answers:
Problems of Filipino
Suggested Solutions
1. Inadequate access to  Look for hardware solutions that save
teachnology time, make work more efficient, are
easy to use and are rugged enough to
hold up in your working environment.
2. Financing Capital One way to address financial issues
within a small business is to review,
revamp, research, and rewrite the
business plan. If the current plan of
action, including company expenditures
on advertising, products and
employees, isn't working out, it may be
time to commit to some changes. The
business owner can also seek loans
and grants specifically designed to help
give existing companies a boost. Some
lenders will allow the owner to refinance
his business debt. Certain localities and
private community organizations offer
financial assistance to existing small
companies who agree to attend training
seminars. Venture capitalists and angel
investors tend to take on bigger risks
and may be willing to help a small
business owner with the funding he
needs to continue operations as long as
the owner can prove the viability of his
business plan.
3. Marketing Advice You’ve to overcome self-doubt to become
a successful entrepreneur. Discuss the
matters within your close circle who are
aware of your goals. You may even seek
the help of fellow entrepreneurs, some of
whom will be ready to offer advice and
show you ways to overcome the hurdles
during this phase.
4. Poor public utility Consider buying a generator or better use
services solar power which is a more environment-
friendly source of electricity. For the slow
Internet, if a reliable Internet connection is
vital to your business operation, try to find a
better location where internet is faster.
5. Lack of costumer care Listen to your customers to understand their
current and future needs. Get feedbacks by
putting a suggestion box in your store of
office. Interact and answer your customers’
questions and inquirers online and offline.
Moreover, you can also be a customer of
your own business to understand its
strengths and weaknesses.

Activity 2.
1. Think of yourself as an entrepreneur, how can you help your community
as well as the economy?
I can create an upportunity for my community by bringng new products, methods , and
production processess to the market by bossting productivity and competition more broadly.
I will also improve the standard s of living and in addition I can create jobs to contibute to a
growing community

2. Why should there be a tax? How does it help the government and the
Governments impose charges on their citizens and businesses as a means of raising
revenue, which is then used to meet their budgetary demands. This includes financing
government and public projects as well as making the business environment in the
country conducive for economic growth. To foster economic growth and
development governments need sustainable sources of funding for social
programs and public investments. Programs providing health, education,
infrastructure and other services are important to achieve the common goal of a
prosperous, functional and orderly society. And they require that governments
raise revenues. Taxation not only pays for public goods and services; it is also a
key ingredient in the social contract between citizens and the economy. How
taxes are raised and spent can determine a government’s very legitimacy. Holding
governments accountable encourages the effective administration of tax revenues
and, more widely, good public financial management.


1. D
2. C
3. C
4. B
5. C
6. B
7. C
8. D
9. C
10. D

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