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Tomb Sweeping Festival - looking forward for Spring

清明节古时也称作三月节”,距今已有 2500 多年的历史,在

二十四节气中,既是节气又是节日的只有清明和冬至 ,而且清明节


The Tomb Sweeping Festival is also called the March Festival in

ancient times. It has a history of more than 2500 years. Among the

twenty-four solar terms, only the Tomb Sweeping Festival and the Winter

Solstice are both solar terms and festivals, and the Tomb Sweeping

Festival’s influence on the Chinese is relatively speaking, bigger and wider.



The footsteps of April came with the warm spring breeze. On this

warm spring day, we ushered in the Chinese traditional festival Tomb

Sweeping Festival.




"It rains during the Tomb Sweeping Festival, and people on the road

want to break their souls. Just ask where are the restaurants? The

shepherd boy refers to Xinghua Village." To let children have a deeper

understanding of the meaning, origin, and cultural connotation of the

Tomb Sweeping Festival, we organized a series of activities.





In the activity, the teacher accompanies the children to learn about

all kinds of related knowledge about the Tomb Sweeping Festival,

especially based on patriotism. Through ceremonial activities such as

remembering the heroes and grateful ancestors, the children can

understand the folk customs and the origin of the cold food festival. At

the same time, Cultivate their patriotism since childhood.


Tomb Sweeping Festival- Build a Youth League





The teacher guided the children to make the Youth League in

different ways. The children used two small hands to round and flatten

them slowly according to the methods taught by the teacher, put their

favorite fillings, and then rub them. It became a round shape, and soon,
one by one, the green jade, waxy and soft youth groups appeared in front

of you. Don't mention how happy the children are! 清明-踏青

Tomb Sweeping- Outdoor time




The outing is also known as spring outdoor activity time. In ancient

times, it was used to explore the spring and search for it. The ancestor

worship activities of the Tomb Sweeping Festival are often carried out in

the suburbs. People combine the ancestor tomb-sweeping with the outing,

which not only remembers the ancestors but also benefits people's

physical and mental health. It is precisely because of this that the outing

has become one of the routine activities of the Tomb Sweeping Festival.






Facing the warm spring breeze, the teacher guided the

children into nature together, getting close to the blooming of

petals, the warmth of stones, and the twittering of worms, so

that we can experience the beauty that nature brings us. This
beautiful scenery is children's interactive playmates. The

children are bathed in the warm sunshine and wandering in the

lush spring scenery... We understand the festival customs and

feel the beauty of spring in the entertaining and entertaining.





Through this outdoor activity, the children have a preliminary

understanding of the custom of the outing on the Tomb Sweeping

Festival, and at the same time, they feel the beauty of nature firsthand.

Maybe they are too young to realize that nature is important to mankind,

but they have quietly planted a seed in their hearts-"We want to protect

nature together."

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