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Middle A 作品介绍
序号 作品名称 作品目标
1 《喷画》 学习喷画的技能,体验喷画方法再现物体形象的乐趣。
2 《敲打的艺术》 感受树叶 花朵印画的美感,体验印画的美感,体验印画活动的乐趣。

3 《版画》 尝试用版画的形式进行绘画,体验创造的快乐。
4 《猫咪》 利用杂志等纸张进行粘贴,合理布局画面。
5 《魔幻世界》 合理构图,颜色丰富。
6 《炫彩》 探索将不同颜色混合在一起变成另一种颜色,感受色彩的变化。
7 《动物园》 能尝试用滴洒的方法绘画,表现动物的毛发,感受滴洒画呈现的独特效果。
8 《色块》 探索用胶带贴画的新方法,体会用多种方式作画的乐趣。
9 《梅花》 幼儿感受运用不同材料进行绘画的乐趣。
10 《蒲公英》 用绘画来表现蒲公英的样子,体验绘画的乐趣。
11 《色彩世界》 引导幼儿体验吹画的乐趣,培养幼儿吹画的兴趣。
12 《荷塘》 让幼儿体验不同形式的绘画。
13 《龙卷风》 观察龙卷风的外形以及龙卷风来临天空色彩的变化。


Middle A - Art Works Presentation

Number Name Aims
1 "Jet Painting" Learn the skills of spray painting and experience the fun of spray-painting methods to
paint different objects
2 "The Art of Printing with Nature" Feel the beauty of leaf and flower printing. Experience the beauty and experience the
fun of printing activities.
3 "Printmaking" Try to transfer an image from a matrix to paper. Experience the joy of creation.

4 "Kittens" Use magazines for pasting. Create a beautiful layout.

5 "Magic World" Creative compositions and wealth of colors.
6 "Colorful" Explore the mixing of different colors. Feel the color changes.
7 "Zoo" Use the dripping method to paint animal hair and feel the unique effect of dripping
8 "Color Blocks" Use the tape in creative ways and explore different layouts.

9 "Plum Blossom" Children experience the fun of drawing with different materials.
10 "Dandelions" Use painting to express the appearance of dandelions. Experience the fun of painting.

11 "Color World" Experience the fun of blowing painting. Encourage them to try different forms and
12 "Lotus Pond" Let children experience different painting forms.
13 Ttornado" Observe the shape of the tornado and the sky color change when the tornado
Missing works due to child absence

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