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Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity: Neurocortical compromise of a

dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system

Dr. Mauricio Duque Ramírez, M.D.

Dr. Carlos Sosa Rodríguez, M.D.


On May the 31st of 2014, the World Health Organisation through its official branch,
the International Agency for Research on Cancer- IARC, declared radiofrequency
radiation as a Group 2B carcinogen or possible carcinogen (1). This declaration
automatically converted the international standards of civilian exposure to these
electromagnetic fields, into a health risk for billions of human beings around the planet.
Due to the international treaties signed with the WHO, this statement has a binding
force for many states around the world.
Despite this official classification by the WHO, a great majority of governments have
had a very scarce response when it comes to the protection of children, senior citizens,
pregnant women and patients with cancer. It is quite common to find cell phone base
stations and wireless internet (Wi-Fi) antennas inside hospitals that have Oncology
Departments for the treatment of cancer patients at different TNM stages. The
Precautionary Principle is being openly disregarded by dozens of governments.
Within this framework of unknowing and many times unwilling irradiation of a great
majority of nations, an important per cent of the world population is exhibiting signs
and symptoms of Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity. The clinical picture of EHS has a
consistent clinical presentation throughout the world which directly implies a series of
common physiopathological mechanisms.
The problem of cancer is however, not the only issue that has emerged with the
unconscious exposure of human beings to radiofrequency radiation. A panoply of very
serious damages and dysfunctions is affecting all systems and tissues in the human
body with catastrophic effects. Extremely serious alterations have been reported in the
international medical literature: immunological, genetic, endocrine, cardiovascular,
hematological, neumological, oncological, biochemical, urological and pneumological
in nature.
Among all these agressions to the normal human physiology, the neurological effects
stand out in the measure that they constitute an attack to the essence of Mankind which
rests in the central nervous system.
The capacity of radiofrequency radiation to cause disease and death was known in
Medicine decades before the introduction of cell phone telephony and other wireless


III. Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS)

EHS is a syndromatic clinical diagnosis that is defined by the evocation of signs and
symptoms in the patient who´s acutely or chronically exposed to electromagnetic field
(EMF) radiation. These symptoms are experienced many times as dysesthesias that have
a profound negative effect on the normal physiological, social, work and family
functioning. The World Health Organisation has estimated that the impact of EHS on
the patients can be so severe that “whatever its cause, EHS is a real and sometimes a
disabling problem for the affected persons” ( ).
An extensive amount of international publications has documented the clinical and
physiopathological reality of EHS ( ). Furthermore, the international bibliographies
concerning the medical and biological effects of electromagnetic fields
(radiofrequencies and microwaves) extend back to almost 120 years ( ).
The clinical scenarios where EHS is arising throughout the planet, have to do with the
exposure of the patients to non-natural pulsed EMFs coming from cell phones, DECT
telephones, cell phone base stations, Wi-Fi routers and antennas, electronic tablets,
laptops, computers, neon lights, electrical substations, radars, power lines, satellites and
a wide gamut of gadgets and electromagnetic field sources.
Electromagnetic fields have the potential capacity to interfere with the normal
functioning of all cells, tissues and organs in the human body ( ). This explains why the
panoply of signs and symptoms of EHS and its clinical presentation can be so variable
and diverse. EHS is diagnosed when the patient experiences sometimes one or several
of the following signs and symptoms when exposed to EMFs: headaches, nausea,
dyspnea, insomnia, hypoprosexia, amnesia, latero-pulsion, tachycardia, hypothermia,
cardiac arrhythmias, hypotension, bradycardia, palpitations,precordial pain,
hypertension, erythema, edema, tinnitus, burning sensations, artralgias, myalgias,
depressive symtoms, irritability, dizziness, convulsions, paresthesias, fatigue,
diaphoresis, allergic symptoms, increased light sensibility, increased sensibility to noise
or sound, increased sensibility to odors, dyschexia, urinary urgency and frequency,
cough, dysphagia, cold intolerance, asthenia, adynamia,

Auditivos: otalgia, pérdida del equilibrio, hipoacusia, acúfenos

Cardiovasculares: taquicardia (fases iniciales), precordialgia, hipotermia distal,

arritmias cardíacas, sangrados internos, disnea, epistaxis, trombosis, hipotensión,
hipertensión, bradicardia (fases avanzadas), palpitaciones,

Neurocognitivos: confusión, trastornos del aprendizaje, disartria, hipoprosexia y

aprosexia, amnesia, desorientación, insomnio, somnolencia, heteroagresividad,
ansiedad, depresión, irritabilidad, logorrea, oscilaciones afectivas, cefalea, mareos,
síncope, convulsiones, hiperactividad, parestesias, cansancio, sueño no reparador,
malestar general, tics, diaforesis, mialgias, artralgias, dysmenorrhea,

Dermatológicos: eritema, máculas hiperpigmentadas, edema, sensación urente, alergias,

sensibilidad a la luz solar y de luces fluorescentes, sensibilidad al ruido o al sonido,
sensibilidad a los olores

Gastrointestinales: flatulencia, intolerancia a los alimentos, trastornos digestivos,

Genitourinarios: urgencia, frecuencia

Oftalmológicos: temblor palpebral, trastornos visuales, dolor ocular, ojo seco, ardor

Respiratorios: tos, disnea, disfagia

Endocrinológicos: dismenorrea, astenia, adinamia, intolerancia al frio, alteración del

hábito intestinal

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