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Mayo Clinic and Mayo Foundation

Held September 23 and 24, 1955

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Published by the Institute of Radio Engineers, Inc., for the Professional

Group on Medical Electronics, 1 East 79th Street, New York 21, New
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Foreword Page 2
Problems Which Are Challenging Investigators
Address of Welcome F. H. Krusen
Problems Which Are Challenging Investigators in Industry B. L. Vosburgh
Military Aspects of the Biological Effects of Microwave Radiation S. I. Brody
Problems Which Are Challenging Investigators in Medicine · ]
J. F. Herrick and F. H. Krusen Page 10 V

Session II
✓ ·
Field Intensities Generated by Microwave Radiating Systems
Energy Densities of Microwave Radiating Systems W. E. Tolles and W. J. Horvath
An Exploration of the Effects of Strong Radio-Frequency Fields on ./.._ ~ ·
Micro-Organisms in Aqueous Solutions G. H. Brown P ~ "
Protective Measures for Microwave Radiation Hazards: 750 to 30,000 Mc /., ]
H. R. Meahl Page 16 (V "

Session III
Effects of Microwaves on the Eye
Biologic Effects Studies on Microwave Radiation: Time 3:nd Power Thresholds
for the Production of Lens Opacities by 12.3 Cm Microwaves /
D. B. Williams, J.P. Monahan, W. J. Nicholson, and J. J. 4-ldrich Page 17 t/
The Use of Biological Simulants in Estimating The Dose of Microwave Energy
F. G. Hirsch Page 22
· The Effects of Microwave Diathermy on the Eye ·./
L. Daily, K. G. Wakim, J. F. Herriclc, E. M. Parkhill, and W. L. Benedict Page 25]

Session IV
General Session on Biologic Effects
Microwave Energy in Food Procedures D. A. Copso/ Page 27 ] 1✓ '
Paramagnetic Resonance·Methods in Biological Research Scott Blofr/ Page 35 JV
Heat Exchange Characteristics of Animals Exposed to 10 Cm Microwaves ~]"-I•?.~ •
T. S. Ely and D. E. Goldmall Page 38 Y •.
Physical Evaluation of Personnel Exposed to Microwave Emanati_ons / c/. . ~ }
C. I. Barron, A. A. Love, and A. A. Bara. Page 44 ~
The Mechanism of Absorption of Ultrahigh Frequency Electromagnetic Energy ✓
in Tissues, as Related to the Problem of Tolerance Dosage /
H.P. Schwan and Kam Li Page "15
List of Attendees Page 50


The Symposium on the Physiologic and Pathologic Effects of Microwaves

was held for the purpose of determining whether or not there are problems
worthy of serious consideration. The program was arranged with this in mind.

The objective for the opening session was the presentation and discussion
of existing problems. The purpose of the second session was to establish basic
information on which to discuss so-called dosages during exposure to micro-
waves. This session included excellent papJs by experts in ultrahigh-frequency
measurements. The last two sessions per~ained to the results of prolonged
studies on the biologic effects of micro,yaves. One session was limited to
reports on the effects of microwaves on tfe eye since these effects seem, at
present, to be of major consideration. The final session included several
fundamentally important papers on the 1hore
general effects of microwaves
on animals and human beings. I


ate journal in which to publish the proc4edings of this Symposium. Unfor-
tunately, the intrinsically valuable inforrr}ation presented in the stimulating
discussions throughout the entire Symposi\lm is not available for publication.
Perhaps the reader may wish to contactI persons who participated in the
Symposium in order to learn about unpublished material. A list of those who
attended the Symposium may be found on the last page~ of this publication.
Addresses are a:so given.

-The Editor


Session I-Problems Which Are Challenging Investigators

Address of Welcome
F. H. KRUSENt ( ~~~ )

T is a real pleasure to welcome you to this symposium

I on the physiologic and pathologic effects of micro-
. waves. The members of the Section of Biophysics,
Dr. E. J. Baldes and Dr. J. F. Herrick, and the members
designating a certain range of waves in the radio-frequency
spectrum. This range includes frequencies from approxi-
mately 1,000 me per second to 30,000 me per second or
higher. When expressed in wavelengths, this region of the
of the Section of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, spectrum is from 30 cm to 1 cm. As you know, also, micro-
my associates and I, have joined together in making waves can be produced by means of specially constructed
preparations for this conference. At this institution we tubes, such as the magnetron and the klystron. The
have long been interested in the employment of electric magnetron was invented by Albert Yf. Hull, of General
currents or radiations of very high frequency as related Electric Research Laboratories, in 1920; and the klystron
to medical and surgical practice, and more recently, we was developed by D. L. Webster, of Stanford University,
A have concerned ourselves with the study of the medical in 1938.
wapplications of microwaves. We physicians in the Section of Physical Medicine and
For many years, high-frequency radiations have been Rehabilitation at the Mayo Clinic first became interested
employed in medicine. In 1890, d'Arsonval demonstrated in microwaves in 1937. In that year, N. H. Williams re-
that high-frequency electric currents of 10,000 cycles per ported that electromagnetic radiations having wave-
second produced no muscular contraction in the human lengths of a few centimeters could be focused, and G. C.
being, but caused only heating. Since then, physicians Southworth pointed out that such radiations could be
have been employing increasingly higher frequencies for directed along tubes. These observations led Hemingway
heating of living tissues. By 1900, high-frequency currents and Stenstrom, in the department of physics at the
of 1,000,000 to 3,000,000 cycles per second (long-wave University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, to conclude that
diathermy) were in use, and by 1935 electric currents of these properties, which would permit the direction of a.
still higher frequency, 10,000,000 cycles per second at a beam to a desired region of the body, might make such·
wavelength of 30 meters (short-wave diathermy), were radiation particularly valuable in medicine. At that time
being employed. I reported my agreement with Hemingway and Stenstrom:
Soon thereafter, application was made of radiations at that we should study the medical applications of radiations'
frequencies of 100,000,000 cycles per second and at a having wavelengths ofless than a meter.
wavelength of 3 meters (ultrashort-wave diathermy) and In 1937 also· I entered into correspondence with Lee
we were beginning to run out of diminutives. Still more De Forest, the inventor of the triode valve, concerning
recently, as you know, medical investigators and scientists electromagnetic radiations of a wavelength of 3 cm. I told'.
in general have been concerned with the employment of him that if such radiations could be obtained in sufficient:
radiations at a frequency of 3,000,000,000 cycles (3,000 intensity "it would seem that the therapeutic possibilities
megacycles) per second, at a wavelength of 10 cm. When might be great." In 1938 I advised F. D. Jewett, of the·
radiations which approximate this frequency and wave- Bell Telephone Laboratories, who was developing the
length have been employed medically, we physicians have magnetron tube, that "if it ever becomes possible to
spoken of them as "microwave diathermy." increase the wattage of such tubes, they should prove'

The word "microwave," as you know, is a popular term, suitable for therapeutic purposes." He informed me that
a power of only 2 or 3 watts could be generated by the·
tubes then available, and I replied that "for therapeutic
t Section of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Mayo Clinic purposes, it is necessary to have considerably higher
and Mayo Foundation, Rochester, Minn. (Latter is a part of the
Graduate School of the University of Minnesota.) wattage."
By July, 1938, Dr. Albert W. Hull advised me: "I can American manufacturers had produced this multicavity
promise you at least a hundred watts at any wavelength, magnetron for use in microwave radar. The output of these
down to 20 centimeters." In March, 1939, I learned of the tubes could be as high as 1,000,000 watts and the micro- 1

development of the klystron tube at Stanford University, waves which they developed had optical properties so that-
and D. L. Webster of the department of physics wrote to they could be reflected, refracted or diffracted. They
me: "I am convinced that therapy is one of the important could be focused by a suitable type of. metal lens to as
lines to which we must start applying the klystron very sharp a beam as a searchlight. Microwaves could be
soon." I was also advised that "between 10 and 40 centi- selectively absorbed by certain media but at that time
meters, the klystron has outputs of several hundred watts." we did not know whether or not the various biologic
It seemed that at last a tube of large enough wattage to media would absorb microwaves selectively.
provide radiation of sufficient power for medical use had Studies on living animals were begun by Drs. Ursula
been found. Leden, Julia Herrick and Khalil Wakim. Thereafter
The idea of using radiations of a wavelength of a few various fellows in physical medicine worked with Dr.
centimeters in treatment was, of course, not an original Herrick, Dr. Wakim and me in the study of the employ-
one. About the same time (1938 and 1939) that I was ment of microwaves in medical practice. These fellows
investigating the possibilities, H. E. Hollmann, in Ger- included in addition to Dr. Leden, Dr. Ralph E. Worden,
many, was discussing the possible application of radiations now at Ohio State University, Dr. Jerome W. Gersten,
of a wavelength of 25 cm for medical purposes and pre- now at the University of Colorado, Dr. James W. Rae, Jr.,
dicted that these waves could be focused so as to cause now at the University of Michigan, Dr. Joseph P. Engle,
heating of the deep tissues without excessive heating of now in Minneapolis, Dr. Louis Daily, Jr., now at The
the skin. However, at that time, equipment which could Daily Eye Clinic and also associated with Baylor Univer-
generate such high-frequency waves at sufficient wattage sity in Houston, Texas, and Dr. R. Quentin Royer, ~ow
for suitable biologic investigation was not available to at the Mayo Clinic.
Hollmann. Since the publication of our first paper on microwaves
Just when I had finally found tubes that gave promise in the Proceedings of the Mayo Clinic, on May 28, 1947,
of being of sufficient wattage, suddenly all such tubes we have published many others dealing with this subject;
became mysteriously unavailable. It was not until the and other groups of investigators concerned with medical
secret of radar was finally revealed that it became evident research, such as the fine group of scientists at the U niver-
that the supply of such· tubes had been designated for sity of Iowa, under Dr. H. M. Hines, have contributed . .
military use, and the tubes were being employed only for much valuable information on medical uses of microwaves. w,
this secret wartime development. As soon as the war was I understand that nearly 20,000 microwave diathermy
over, I found in January, 1946, just what I had been machines are now being employed clinically by physicians
looking for. On a visit to the Massachusetts Institute of in various parts of the United States. Interest in this
Technology, I saw a large experimental model of a micro- method of heating bodily tissues continues unabated.
wave generator which contained a water-cooled multicavity There are still many problems to be solved if microwaves
magnetron with a maximal output of 400 watts and a are to be employed to best advantage in medical practice,
frequency of 3,000 me per second. and it is our hope that during this conference an exchange
Shortly thereafter, in June, 1946, I obtained one of of ideas will permit us to extend our knowledge of this
these devices through the courtesy of the Raytheon subject.
Manufacturing Company and with the aid of Drs. Her- Dr. Herrick will explain to you later some of our
rick, Wakim, and Martin we began our studies on micro- problems, but I should like to mention particularly the
wave diathermy. We also obtained a small portable need for new types of directors which will make it possible
experimental model of a microwave generator containing to heat larger regions of the human body and other new ·
an air-cooled multicavity magnetron which had a maximal types of directors which will make possible satisfactory
output of 125 watts and which operated either on a applications of heat in various bodily orifices. Also I
frequency of 3,000 me per second or on a frequency of think there is need to explore more fully the effects of
2,450 me per second, depending on the magnetron em- microwaves of somewhat short13r wavelength in the
ployed. heating of human tissues, and there is also need to explore
The multicavity air-cooled magnetron tube was devel- more completely the employment of impedance matching
oped through the genius · of a research group at the devices, which render possible more effective passage of
University of Birmingham and was of tremendous im- microwave energy through the human skin.
portance in perfecting radar, which it has been said "won It is our wish that all of you enjoy this conference, and
the battle of Britain." we expect that you will present to us many new angles of
Prior to 1940, suitable generators of microwaves for investigation so that an exchange of ideas will profit each
radar did not exist. In September, 1940, a British technical one of us. It is a real delight for us to serve as hosts during.
mission headed by Sir Henry Tizard brought the multi- this conference and we hope sincerely that each of you W
cavity magnetron to the United States and in a short time will enjoy your stay with us.

Problems Which Are Challenging Investigators in Industry


HEN Dr. Krusen announced a Symposium on 6) Program for obtaining more data on the hazards of
W the Physiologic and Pathologic Effects of Micro-
waves, our interest was rekindled and we were
reminded of a meeting held at Sche11ectady dealing with
microwave radiation, so as to permit the establishment of
adequate safety measures.

Microwave Radiation; Hazards and Safety Measures on Mr. Vann, Chairman, said that he endorsed the objectives
June 1, 1954. We had distributed the minutes of our of the meeting. He hoped it would help to make everyone
meeting to those having a common interest, which explains concerned more clearly aware of microwave hazards and
my place on this program. that it would lead to a common standard of safety practices
Possibly the best way for me to elaborate on the problems for the use of all personnel who are working with micro-
which are challenging investigators in industry in respect wave equipment in the various departments.
to microwaves is to interpret the discussion of the 35
General Electric people who attended our meeting. MI CROWAVE HAZARDS AND INFORMATION AVAILABLE

Permit_ me then to present the following recorded minutes The author pointed out that the hazard considered
as revised and supplemented: most serious at present is injury to the eye, by cataract
formation. This may have a delayed appearance after the
exposure to radiation and the cataract may even grow
The meeting was held on the following bases: without further exposure. The formation of cataracts
1) Tests performed on animals indicate that damage seems to be associated with heating of the lens tissue, and
can be done to live tissue exposed to microwave radiation. the critical wavelengths appear to be within the range from
The amount of damage appears to depend primarily upon 3-30cm.
the wavelength, the time of exposure, and the field Various other organs, such as the kidneys, the brain,
intensity. The available data are meager. the male sex organs, certain muscle tissues, etc., when
. . 2) There is no existing authoritative standard to define exposed to microwave radiation in animal tests, havti. also
Wthe limits of time, field intensity, and wavelength under indicated tissue changes or even serious injury. Conclusive
which exposure to microwaves could be injurious to the quantitative information on these effects appears, how-
human body. ever, to be lacking.
3) There are no generally recognized safety practices Although most of the effects so far observed seem to
that will offer maximum protection from microwave be accompanied by increase of temperature of the organs
radiation to personnel. affected, some of the tissues, including the eye, may not
4) The building and testing of microwave equipment is have the sensation of heat. It seems possible, therefore,
rapidly increasing and spreading into different geographical that injury may occur to an individual upon sufficient
locations. exposure to radiation without his being aware of it.
5) Several departments have expressed deep concern While the data available at present indicate that the
about establishing appropriate safety measures to be used chief concern is with the eye hazard, there is a possibility
in building and testing this equipment. of damage to other organs. Limits should be set for the
exposure of persons to mi.crowave radiation based qn th_e
We might have added our concern about the possible effects of radiation on the eye.
increase in the risk with an ever-increasing power factor. There followed some discussion of the desirability of
expressi1Ig a definite relatio_n between. damage ,effect a_nd
the temperature rise resulting from specific values of
1) Hazards of microwave radiation: Review of data radiation intensity. However, it was agreed that there is
available, and unsolved problems. insufficient information available to establish such a
2) Proposed tentative value of maximum allowable relation, considering .the ~umber of variables involved.
level of exposure to microw~ve radiation at various Mr. Meahl called attention to the long time-lag between
wavelengths. exposure to radiation and cataract formation in some of
3) Instruments for measuring field intensity. the animal studies reported in the literature and the
4) Means for protecting persons f:rom overexposure. rather low temperature rise aiisociated with some of the
5) Recommended medical ch.eeks .oI personnel wo~king damaging effects. He suggested therefore that factors
~ n mj~rowaye fields. · · - · '· other than heating may also play a par_t in the format;ion
t Consultant, Health Services, General Electric Co., Schenectady, of tissue damage. Some of t,he medical authorities _have
N.Y. not ruled out such a possibility.

References to the literature mentioned in the course value of radiation intensity. In order to derive from these
of the above discussions included studies by Brody1, meager data a tentative level of intensity not to be
Hines & Randa112, Herrick and Krusen3, Salisbury, Clark, exceeded in locations where persons are working, a very A
and Hines4, and a data folder by R. Zendle. Additional sizeable safety factor would need to be applied to theW
references are given in each of these publications. values shown in the curve.
G. E.
A review of data on microwave equipment and of the
conditions under which personnel are exposed to radiation
was then given by representatives from various activities
of the Company.
Mr. Vann suggested that any further data on microwave
equipment in use, operating arrangements and conditions
of exposure of General Electric personnel to radiation,
including field intensities and related data, be sent to
Mr. 0. R. Schurig, General Engineering Laboratory,
Building 5, Schenectady, New York, so that he will be in
a position to make the information available upon request.


Mr. Meahl stated that 600 watts/square cm average 5

is the lower limit for breakdown of air. A very much
smaller value is reported in connection with a case of 10""
human cataract formation, namely 0.1 watt/square cm
average, to which a laboratory technician's eyes ·were
exposed in daily work for approximately one year as "' ~

reported by F. G. Hirsch. 6 The range from 0.1 to 600 0.1 0.5 I 10 102
103 104 105

watts/square cm might be suggested roughly as the range - PERIOD. OF EXPOSURE -

in which cataracts may be formed in the eye. It is realized Fig. 1-Data relative to cataract formation following exposure to
not only that the lower limit is based on meager knowledge microwave radiation. Cataract formation. No clinically observ-
ab~e pathologic findings in t)-ie eyes of dogs. (a) Salisbury et al.,
and lack of conclusive data on human cataract formation ammal exposure. (b) Hernck and Krusen, animal exposure.
due to microwave radiation, but also that a high safety (c) Hirsch and Parker, human exposure.
factor is desirable where eyes are concerned.
Mr. Schurig then presented the chart (Fig. 1) which Mr. Pester then suggested a level of 0.001 watts/square
indicates radiation intensity versus period of exposure for cm, not to be exceeded where persons are at work. This is
cataract formation. The chart relates to the 6 cases (5 one one-hundredth of intensity that is believed to have
animal and 1 human) for which data on intensity and caused cataracts in previously mentioned human case.
time of exposure are available. While the number of cases Mr. Glass, Counsel, upon request for his advice, sug-
shown is far too small for a statistical analysis, the line gested that it would be helpful to have a value of radiation
drawn might possibly indicate a very rough order of intensity which can readily be measured and which should
magnitude of the radiation intensities for the formation not be exceeded, but cautioned against drawing conclu-
of observable cataracts in animals. It would, of course, sions from inadequate data. The collection of all available
be much more difficult, in the absence of further data, to data and as much further data as can be secured in one
associate cataract formation in human eyes with specific location for consultation and dissemination would seem
1 S. I. Brody, "The Operational Hazards of Microwave Radia- RECOMMENDED SAFETY MEASURES
tion," presented at the Aero Medical Association, Los Angeles -
Calif.; May, 1953. ' Based on the above, the following safety measures
2 H. M. Hines and J.E. Randall, "Possible Industrial Hazards in

the Use of Microwave Radiation," presented at the ALEE Summer

relating to microwave radiation within the range from
General Meeting, Minneapolis, Minn.; June 23-27, 1952. 1-40 cm wavelength were proposed:
3 J. F. Herrick and F. H. Krusen, "Certain physiologic and patho-

logic effects of microwaves," Elect. Engrg., pp. 239-244; March, 1953. 1) Prevent exposure to a direct beam, especially of the
4 W. W. Salisbury, J. W. Clark, and H. M. Hines, "Physiological
Damage clue to Microwaves," Collins Radio Co. Engrg. Rep.
CER-153, Cedar Rapids, Iowa; December 27, 1948. 2) Appropriate procedures shall be applied to limit the
• Based on a ratio of maximum to average value of 1000.
6 F. G. Hirsch, "Microwave Cataracts," presented at NSAE

.Conference on Industrial Health, Cincinnati, Ohio; April 25, 1952.

direct o~ reflected ~ntensity t? 0.001 watt/square
average m all locations to which people require access:
1956 Vosburgh: Problems Challenging Investigators in Industry 7
a) by the use of shielding or absorbing material, orb) by analyzed in a technical paper by Simmons and Emerson •
remote viewing. The material is made by Sponge Rubber Products, Shelton,
3) Authorized persons only shall have access to areas Connecticut. By placing a small cylinder (¼ to ½inch in
- i n which the level of the radiation intensity is close to dia:neter) through such a sheet a usable shield may be
0.001 watt/square cm average, and _they shall be subject obtained.
to medical examination on the follmving basis by arrange- It was suggested that a program be initiated by the
ment ,~ith the Works Physician: a) Pre-employment departments concerned to make measurements on absorb-
vision test and exit vision test; b) Spot check of those who ing and shielding materials so as to determine their
have had radiation exposure; and c) Check after any performance and relative merits.
unusual exposure. It was the consensus of those present that it is important
to obtain further information and new medical data from
Attention is also called to the possibility of bodily every possible source.
heating from exposure to high-intensity radiation at wave
lengths outside the 1-40 cm zone. While little quantitative CONCLUSION
information appears to be available, caution is recom-
mended in all work with sources of high-frequency radia- I would like to summarize some of the purposes of the
tion to avoid exposure to high intensities, especially when meeting, the minutes of which are given above:
the radiation causes fever or the feeling of heat locally. 1) Animal tests iriclicate that damage can be done to
Obviously this restriction does not apply to treatment by certain tissues. The available data are meager.
high-frequency induction heating equipment under medical 2) There is no existing authoritative standard to define
direction. the limits of time, field intensity, or wavelength under
whiGh exposure to microwaves could be injurious to the
' human body.
Mr. Meahl said that one would want to know rather 3) There are no generally recognized safety practices
accurately the frequency as well as the radiation intensity. that will offer maximum protection of personnel from
The following instruments and devices are available or microwave.radiation.
readily obtainable: 4) The building and testing of microwave equipment is
1) Detecting loop with tunable wavemeter and detect- rapidly increasing and greater power is being added.
ing meter measure on the order of milliwatts/square cm. 5~ Appropriate safety measures should be established.
A Mr. Meahl demonstrated for inspection a developmental It seems to me that they present a significant commentary
W sample operating in the 5-cm to 30-cm region, accurate regarding the lack of well defined knowledge about micro-
within 1 per cent for wavelength and approximately 50 wave dangers and the standards of conduct that are needed
per cent for power per square cm. to safeguard any such dangers.
2) Sperry and Hewlett-Packard make wattmeters
selling at a price under $500, having an accuracy better Our specifying and adopting a factor of safety of 100
than 20 per cent. Battery operated units are available. in reference to eye exposure sounds like hysteria, but I
. 3) Neon tubes are erratic. Qualitatively they are useful feel quite certain, since everyone was quite agreeable to
but quantitatively they may be quite misleading. that figure, that everyone also appreciated the fact that
4) Modification of existing test equipment already there is very little actual need jor eye exposure to micro-
waves. Our recommended safety measures seemed realistic
available was mentioned.
and so far as I know have imposed a hardship in only one
It was suggested that one measuring equipment might be instance. Mr. Meahl will describe shortly General Elec-
used to take measurements for various microwave opera- tric's experience with instrumentation, microwave meas-
tions in rotation within a limited area. urements, and protective measures now in force.
Speaking for the health and safety interests of industry,
we regard this meeting as an opportunity to acquire a
A discussion of different ways of viewing energy chan- better perspective of the microwave hazard. It is reason-
nels, as for example with the aid of eye shields, telescopes, able to err on the safe side but not so far that it hurts;
movie film, periscopes, etc., led to the conclusion that not so far that progress in the art becomes jeopardized;
each situation will require a particular solution. Eye not so far that we will one day laugh too loudly at our
shields of wire screen, Mr. Meahl said, could not be present day fear.
depended on for protection because of the risk of energy ' I hope that these remarks will convey something of the
penetrating and focusing on the eyes. problems that are challenging investigators in industry in
Absorbing materials were then discussed. Mr. Meahl the microwave field.
showed a material made of hair-like fiber with a conductive
A coating. It is understood to have reflection coefficient of 7 A. J. Simmons and W. H. Emerson, "Anechoic chambers of
W approximately 2 per cent. Its characteristics have been microwaves," Tele-Tech & Elect. Ind., p. 7; July, 1953.

Military Aspects of the Biological Effects of Microwave


.T HE MILITARY applications of microwave radia- tion of its materials have always been a major concern
tion have increased in scope in recent years and of the Navy Department." [1]
considerable activity has been devoted to the The requirements for safety precautions are often very
exploitation of this form of energy in order to increase our obvious, as with the handling of ordnance or the operation
military effectiveness. This expansion of effort in a field of aircraft. However, there are many areas in which
once dominated by physicists engaged in basic research is precautionary measures are not firmly established.
a reflection of the ready acceptance of scientific progress Usually the uncertainty stems from a lack of experimental
applied to defense of this country. And, as has often evidence involving human subjects or the scarcity of
been the case, this compelling requirement stimulated re- basic information relative to biologic effects incident
search and development to the point where military services to exposure. As an example, it is not fully known what
are now in possession of advanced types of microwave physiological changes may be anticipated when personnel
equipment with subsequent modifications being adapted are exposed to high intensity noise levels above 160
to civilian uses. Other examples of this technically pro- decibels. Prolonged exposures of this kind are unknown in
gressive trend may readily be seen within our defense human experience and it is not prudent to conduct studies
agencies whether we look to the land, sea, or air. Perhaps in the event that pathological changes might result. On
the most obvious application of accelerated research and the other hand, it is considered feasible to make careful
development is illustrated by the story of atomic energy, observations during operations involving very high noise
·probably the greatest technological achievement of all time. intensities with the view of removing anyone from the
The realization of the tremendous importance attached noise field who shows evidence of unfavorable reactions.
to the advancement of knowledge in the physical sciences This analogy is presented because it so well parallels the
has resulted in emphasizing the need for more direction present situation with regard to the effects of microwave
toward the military application of fundamental data. radiation on personnel. Little is known relative to human
Thus, many known forms of energy are being actively exposures to high power outputs of this form of energy,
investigated in the hope that new concepts will aid us in and data extrapolations based on animal studies are
our national security. difficult to correlate with confidence when applied to man.
From a practical point of view we may regard power as The paucity of this information has tended, in the past,
the inseparable companion of energy, and it is the applica- to instill a natural anxiety among personnel engaged in the
tion of this power that contributes to military superiority. operation of microwave generators. Biologic changes have
The complexity of modern equipment is of such a mag- been adequately demonstrated in animals exposed to
nitude that high degrees of many skills are required for continuous power outputs of electromagnetic waves and,
effective utilization. For this reason, mechanization has considering the wide distribution of high-frequency
progressed to automation in those instances where human equipment, it is reasonable to expect that questions as to
performance capabilities are inadequate for a given task. potential latent or obvious clangers would arise in the
In spite of the advantages gained by the proper use of minds of those in contact with this equipment. Stimulated
powerful military devices, man has become well aware of by doubts and apprehensions, stories spread throughout
the dangers associated with the misdirection or misuse of. the military services following the introduction of radar
this equipment. Under operational conditions, it is the as a defensive measure. One heard tales concerning the
inadvertent or accidental exposure to potentially harmful sterilizing effects of radar beams or other equally serious
power sources that results in injuries or property damage. manifestations. Similar rumors were spread as aircraft
The interference ,vhich may be the result of these con- developed the capabilities of flying to high altitudes far
sequences upon military effectiveness has stimulated a into the stratosphere, and such rumors usually could be
deep interest in matters relating to safety among all the ' anticipated with the institution of new and little under-
military services. Within the Navy, safety is so funda- stood applications of the less common sources of energy.
mental that this consideration is stipulated in the U. S. To determine whether or not these suppositions might
Navy Regulations and Secretary Thomas emphasized this be based on factual grounds, a clinical study was con-
by stating, "The safety of its personnel and the preserva- ducted in 1943 by Daily [2] and in 1945 by Liclman and A
Cohn [3]. Certainly, the lack of clinical changes reported W
t Medical Liaison Officer, Bureau of Aeronautics, Navy Dept., resulting from exposures to radar emanations may be
Washington, D. C. attributable to the low power outputs then available.
1956 Brody: Milit,ary Aspects of Biological Effects of Microwave Radiation 9

Meanwhile, basic research utilizing .animals continued, produce many nonbiological manifestations. Mention has
notably by Clark, Hines, Salisbury, and Randall and by been made previously [4] of sparking among metal chips
the Mayo group, among others referred to in a previous and the burning of steel wool when placed in the beam
-paper [4]. These studies amply demonstrated the insidious of radar sets at considerable distances from the antenna ..
effects of high power microwaves on certain tissues and The possible repercussions, both figurative and literal~
pointed out the most significant changes associated with are quite obvious with an increase in power outputs. The:
the use of discrete frequencies. indirect consequences to personnel and material resulting
Despite the insufficient evidence found to indict micro- from the unexpected sparking of keys in a pocket or of the
wave radiation in the few individuals where pathological ignition of steel wool in' proximity to inflammable sub-
changes were believed attributed to exposure, the experi- stances can be appreciated. Of even more serious concern
mental data have been adequately convincing as to the is the relationship which exists between very high powered
potential dangers incident to operation of high powered radars and certain types of ordnance. The effect of micro-
equipment. Radar development has reached a point where wave radiation on fuel vapors is also deserving of further
the unfounded rumors of the past regarding the possible investigation.
effects on man begin to take a form molded on facts. Safety precautions for personnel have been disseminated

Perhaps we are now seeing the base of the fire responsible to all commands in the Navy having aircraft with high
for the hazy smoke which has heretofore enveloped this powered airborne radars. These measures are conceded to
entire problem. The military intends to keep this fire be very conservative. However, until more definite
under control, for to allow complacency to remain, information is forthcoming regarding the effects of expo-
induced by a lack of positive incriminating evidence sure, it is well-advised to be overly cautious in the face
against microwaves, would be to invite probable serious of the potential hazards involved. A density level based
consequences in the f~ture. · on the figure of 0.1 watt per square centimeter, was agreed
As has been demonstrated, the superficial absorption of upon as a damage risk criterion by those attending a
microwaves having a wavelength of 3 centimeters tends symposium at the Naval Medical Research Institute in
to produce an immediate subjective awareness of the April 1953. As a corollary, an accurate means of measur-
impingement of this radiation on the skin. Since this ing or indicating field densities for personnel working in
constitutes a warning, personnel need only be apprized of the vicinity of radar equipment is a distinct requirement.
the consequences qf exposure to reasonably insure against The well-established concern for health and safety
deliberate or inadvertent injuries. . maintained by the military in its personnel makes it
- Such is not the case, however, with respect to wave- essential that more knowledge be available relative to the
lengths of 10 centimeters, for the perception of heat physiological and pathological effects of microwave
may not be apparent with low power outputs and, in the · radiation. Increased research efforts must be pressed at
- case of higher powers, the subjective warning might be the earliest opportunity. In order to have an applicability
delayed. On this basis, safety precautions are deemed consistent with military operations of the future, studies
necessary to preclude adverse effects in those accidentally involving a wide variation in frequencies at much higher
exposed. It is conceded that the likelihood of undesirable · power outputs than those available in the past should be
changes is remote in terms of the operation of present day undertaken. On the basis of development trends and the
equipment. Some may allege that the military services electronic technical potential possessed by our industries,
are unduly alarmed in establishing safety precautions in marked advances in radar capabilities may be predicted.
view of the lack of proven cases of injury resulting from To realize the full advantages and usefulness of this
exposure to radar beams. It can only be maintained in equipment, it is incumbent upon scientific personnel
refuting this position that, in the face of experimental conversant with microwave radiation to provide data
evidence of tissue damage using power outputs comparable upon which to base a rational safety plan. In this way a
to the average powers of presently operational radars, it is significant contribution may be made to the future
potentially dangerous to accept the risk. New equipment security of this nation. Without doubt, the achievement
exists with peak pulsed power of 2.5 megawatts, and it is of an efficient military organization depends, in part,
likely that radars with much greater powers will be upon the maximum use and performance of radars without
available in the future. Furthermore; although much of endangering the well-being of those working with or in
our interest has been directed toward the 10,000- and the _vicinity of the equipment.
3,000-megacycle bands, future equipment may be pro- BIBLIOGRAPHY
duced using frequencies far removed from this relatively [11 U.S. Navy Safety Precautions, OPNAV 34Pl-1953.
limited zone. In the face of higher powers, biological [2] Daily, L. E., "Clinical Study of the Results of Exposure of
Laboratory Personnel to Radar and High Frequency Radio."
corrolations will be required once these new frequencies U.S. Naval Medical Bidletin, Vol. XLI (July, 1943), pp. 1052-
are determined. 1065.
B. I., and Cohn, C., "Effect of Radar Emanations on
A The interest of the military extends beyond the question [3] Lidman,the Hematopoietic System." Air Surgeon's Bulletir,, Vol. II
W of potential damage to personnel through induced bio- (December, 1945), pp. 448-449.
from equip- [4] Brody, S. I., "The Operational Hazard of Microwave Radia-
logical changes. Microwave radiation issuing tion." Journal of Aviation Medicine, Vol. 24 (June, 1953),
ment with very high power outputs has been known to pp. 516-525.

Problems Which Are Challenging Investigators

in Medicine

H EAT THERAPY in its various forms has been a

fundamentally important procedure throughout
the history of medical practice. In spite of the
prolonged clinical use of heat, data for the quantitative
iZ;zJ Meat alone
~ Meat und laPd
40 Meut lu1:1er = 3.5 cm.
understanding of the benefits of heat are inadequate and 39 LuPd lu1:1er =3.5 cm.
controversial. When it was learned that alternating cur- 35
rents having frequencies above those which cause stimula-
tion of nerves and muscles could increase temperatures
of bodily tissues, a new heating agent became available
to the physician. The term, "diathermy," refers to clinical
0 34
heating by means of alternating electric currents. z.
~- The problems encountered by an investigator using (),) 33
high-frequency currents for heating industrial materials ::J 32
are, perhaps, less frustrating than those which arise when (j 31
Jiving tissues are to be heated. The physical properties ~ 30

necessary for a quantitative understanding of the heating ~ 29

of industrial materials may be more easily evaluated. ~ 25
Living organisms possess interesting mechanisms which 27
tend automatically to balance heat loss with heat produc- 26
tion. These mechanisms, which may function differently 25
under certain pathologic conditions, present provocative 2.4
but baffling problems to those investigating heat therapy.
First of all, the living animal does not tolerate hyper-
thermia very well. Hyperthermia may prove fatal if the
nervous centers are seriously damaged. The familiar terms
which describe serious conditions arising from overheating 2 0Just
~- -------------------
under 0.5 cm. 1,0 cm.
are "heat stroke" and "heat exhaustion." the surfoce deep in deep in
of meut meut meat
Microwave diathermy was introduced to American
physicians about 1947. Although it has proved to be an Fig. I-Changes in temperature at different sites in the meat during
exposure to microwaves. Single-hatched columns indicate changes
effective and convenient form of heating bodily tissues, a when meat alone was exposed. Cross-hatched columns indicate
completely satisfactory type of microwave diathermy the changes when a layer of lard, 3.5 cm thick, was placed on
top of the meat, The higher initial temperatures shown in the
awaits further research and development_. Many problems crosshatched columns result from the fact that we did not wish
confront the medical investigators who hope to put to wait until the meat had cooled to its original temperatures
before undertaking these particular measurements,
microwave diathermy on a firm physiologic basis. Some
of these problems will be described presently.
meat than when meat alone is exposed to the microwaves
IMPEDANCE TRANSFORMERS MAY ExrsT WITHIN THE Fig. 1. These observations obviously raise the question
LIVING ORGANISM of the possible role that a layer of fat may play when
living animals are exposed to microwaves. Should micro-
Preliminary experimental observations of an academic waves be used with caution when layers of fat are inter-
nature indicate that a given layer of fat may function like posed between skin and muscle? Before definite and
an impedance transformer between air and meat. It is objective conclusions can be made, the living fat animal
regretted that at this time our studies do not include the must be studied. In our opinion, the pig is a suitable
living tissues. When a layer of lard is placed on top of a animal for such experimental investigations.
layer of meat, higher temperatures are produced in the
t Section of Biophysics and Biophysical Research, Mayo Clinic Microwave diathermy has been limited to those fre-
and Mayo Foundation, Rochester, Minn.
t Section of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Mayo Clinic quencies generated by available equipments. Actually only -
and Mayo Foundation, Rochester, Minn. two frequencies, namely, 2,450 me and 3,000 me, have
1956. Herrick and Krusen: Problems Challenging Investigators in Medicine 11
been used in our investigations. The former frequency therm." Three types of directors are available for general
(2,450 me) has now been allocated by the Federal Com- use with the microtherm. The director shown in Fig. 2 is
A munications Commission for use in medical diathermy. called the B-director. Fig. 3 shows the heating pattern of
• Although this frequency has proved to be quite satisfactory this director fairly clearly. Maximal heating occurred in .
for medical diathermy, the question naturally arises: is an annular region having a radius of approximately 2
another frequency more effective? Theoretical considera- inches when the distance from the meat was 2 inches. The
tions have led Dr. Schwan1 to state that the optimal do~nelike area of unmelted lard was caused by the lower
frequency for medical diathermy is considerably lower. energy within the central region under the B-director.

Fig. 2-A demonstration of the melting of lard at the lard-meat

interface during heating by microwaves. Note that the surface
of the lard remains unchanged.
Fig . 3-A demonstration of the relative heating pattern of director B
of the microtherm. The central domelike region of unmelted lard
- Since the use of microwaves has become a routine indicates the area of lesser energy in the heating pattern. The
annular area of melted lard indicates the site of maximal heating.
clinical procedure in departments of physical medicine,
the advantage of this type of therapy over the well-known
infrared irradiation has been questioned. To demonstrate The unmelted surface layer of lard that has slipped com-
the difference between heating by infrared and heating pletely off the layer of meat may be seen. The unmelted
by microwaves (at 2,450 me), a motion picture was pre- surface layer broke away from the central dome-shaped
pared and shown at the present symposium. A significant region when the melting in the annular region at the lard-
characteristic of heating by microwaves is shown in meat interface caused an indentation of the surface of
Fig. 2, in which meat with a superimposed layer of lard was the lard.
used. The significant characteristic of heating by micro- Such nonuniform distribution of microwave energy is
waves is the melting of the lard at the interface between undesirable. Another challenge to investigators in micro-
the lard and meat. When infrared irradiation was used wave diathermy is the design and development of directors
for heating the same substances, the melting occurred at which will have a more uniform heating pattern. One of
the top surface of the lard. During exposure to infrared the available directors, known as director C, has the
irradiation, the top surface of the lard began to melt region of maximal heating at the center of the heating
within approximately 4 minutes. During exposure to pattern.
microwaves the top surface of the lard showed no evidence TEMPERATURE l\1EASUREMENT DURING EXPOSURE
of melting at the end of more than 20 minutes, at which To MrcRowAYES
time the undernurface (proximal to the meat) began to
melt. Under our experimental conditions, reliable measure-
ments of temperature have not been possible in living
RADIATION PA'l"l'ERNS OF DIRECTORS OF l\1ICROWAVE tissues while microwaves are being generated. Considerable
ENERGY cooling can take place within the time interval between
The microwave equipment which has been manufactured turning off the microwave generator and the accurate·
in this country for therapeutic use is called the "micro- measurement of tissue temperature. We have failed to
develop a method for reliable measurements of tempera-
1 H. P. Schwan,
"Application of uhf impedance measuring tech- ture while the microwave generator is in operation.
niques in biophysics," TRANS. IRE, PGI-4, pp. 75-83; October, 1955. Conferences with experts in the field of temperature
measurement have not resulted in a method which we nerves or muscles. Perhaps we may hear something during
could adapt to the living organism. It is interesting to
note that other papers presented at this symposium
contain data of temperatures measured during exposure
th~s conference concerning the biologic effects of pulsed
microwave energy. e I

to microwaves. SHIELDING
We do know that temperatures in muscles may exceed Microwaves can produce cataracts. Obviously, the use
those in skin. This is a disturbing situation because the of some protective devices for eyes must be seriously
subjective sensation of heat from skin receptors may not considered. Other regions of the living organism also may
occur until after deeper tissues have been impaired. In require shielding from microwaves. To design a practical
other words, the patient may not be able to warn the shield for protecting given regions of the body while
physician in time to prevent the development of unde- other regions are exposed to microwaves is not so simple
sirable temperatures. as would appear from a nonexperimental point of view.
The accurate measurement of temperatures during Unless the spacing between a metal shield and the living
microwave diathermy also is a challenge to the investigator tissues is adequate, considerable discomfort may be
in the field of microwave diathermy. experienced through leakage of induced voltages across the
insulating gap. We will have the privilege during this
PULSED MICROWAVE ENERGY symposium of hearing the reports by investigators who
Microwave diathermy has been limited, so far as we have been working on the problem of shielding devices.
know, to continuous microwave energy, and little informa- In conclusion, we wish to emphasize the importance of
tion seems to be available on the biologic effects of pulsed further intensive investigations in order that microwave
energy. By conjecture, it might be imagined that a type diathermy may become firmly established on a truly
of pulsed microwave energy could be capable of stimulating scientific basis.

In a previous issue of IRE TRANSACTIONS on Medical
Electronics (PGME-3, November 1955) Dr. Henry P.
Kalmus was incorrectly identified as being at the Uni-
versity of Buffalo. Dr. Kalmus is with the Diamond
Ordnance Fuze Laboratory in Washington, D.C.

- Session II-Field Intensities Generated by Microwave Radiating Systems

Energy Densities of Micro-vvave Radiating Systems


HE development during World War II of powerful
1 microwave generators has caused some concern as to
whether the power radiated from devices using such
generators reaches levels that may be harmful to persons
by body fluids. Generally this type of radiation is produced
in narrow bands of the spectrum, and our discussion will
be confined to equipment operating at frequencies of
from 200 to 10,000 megacycles.
located in the vicinity of the apparatus. It would be ·we can divide microwave equipment into two cate-
helpful therefore to review the types of equipment using gories, pulsed equipment such as radar and continuous
high power microwave oscillators, and estimate in each wave generators such as communication and TV trans-
case the power density radiated as well as possible future mitters. Alt~ough radar equipment may be designed to
trends in total radiated power. produce extremely high peak powers, since the energy
High power generators of electromagnetic waves are comes in short bursts spaced by long intervals of zero
not new. In .the 1920's, AT&T installed a 150 kilowatt energy, the average power, which is the important con-
transmitter at Rocky Point, Long Island, for transatlantic sideration for tissue heating, is not too great. Table I
A communication. However this transmitter operated at 57 lists the properties of representative high power radars
W kilocycles and the energy was fed into a mile-long antenna; used by the U.S. Navy. 1
thus the energy density even near the antenna was not It can be seen that, although the peak power of one of
too great, so that although the field strength near the the sets is as high as one million watts, the average power
antenna (of ~he order of 10 volts/meter) was enough to is only about 400 watts. However, this is not a negligible
require precautions about grounding metal objects like amount of energy. Since S-Band waveguide has a cross
automobiles approaching the transmitter, the power section of about 25 cm2 , the energy density of radiation
density in the field was small (about 10-s watts/cm2 ). leaving an open ended wave guide (assuming no losses)
The essential difference between microwaves and the averages about 16 watts/cm2 or about 100 times the
broadcast band is not that we generate more power in energy density of solar radiation striking the earth.
the microwave region (in fact the opposite is true) but The average power may be increased by increasing any
that we can concentrate the electromagnetic energy in the one of the three factors: peak power, pulse width, or pulse
relatively small volume of a waveguide or coaxial cable repetition rate. The pulse repetition rate in radar applica-
and radiate it from extremely high gain antennas. tions is generally set by the maximum range at which
vVe can, of course, generate waves even shorter than targets are expected to be detected. Since it takes 0.002
the microwave region by going into the visible and infrared second for a pulse to travel out and return from a target
part of the spectrum. A very powerful source of these at 300 miles, in long range search applications pulse
waves is the sun. The energy of sunlight reaching the repetition frequencies are kept below 500 pps. Although a
earth is enough to produce a heat energy of 2 calories per greater amount of average power can be radiated by
cm2 per minute on a perfect absorber at normal incidence. increasing the duration of the pulse, there are many
This is equal to a power density of 0.14 watts/cm2 • Fur- . practical considerations to limit this. Among these are
thermore it is possible to concentrate this energy by reduced range resolution between targets, increased signal
suitably designed mirrors and lenses and produce a from nonaircraft targets, less reliable operation of the
considerably greater heat energy at the focal point. The magnetron, and difficulty in lining up the narrow band
physiological effects of solar radiation are, however, receivers which are ~eeded for best sensitivity with a
limited by the fact that the ultraviolet and, to so~e long pulse. For these re:ltsons,.attempts to increase average
xtent, the infrared radiation of the sun is absorbed in a ·radiated power and h~Iice radar range have been directed
thin layer of the skin. Microwaves, on the other hand, mainly toward in.creasirtg the peak power.
penetrate the tissues and release their heat inside the Raising the peak po,ie; and hence the average power
body, some of it in areas which are not sufficiently cooled of microwave generators introduces a number of problems.
1 Supplementary Readings in Fundamental
Naval Electronics,
t Airborne Instruments Laboratory, Mineola, N. Y. NAVPERS 10809; March, 1949.



Set Use Frequency Peak Power Pulse Width Representative Average

Rate Power I

SR-3 Long Range Search 1300 me 500 kw 1 µsec 600 pps 300 watts
sx Fighter Director 2900 me lO00kw 1 µsec 390 pps 390 watts
SP Fighter Director 2800 me 700 kw 1 µsec 635 pps 445 watts

Since less than 50 per cent of the power is converted to Other possible methods of overcoming this limitation
electromagnetic waves, considerable heat is also generated on transmitted power are either to pressurize the wave-
and must be removed by suitable coolants. The magnetrons guide or to remove all the air by high vacuum pumps.
used in the radars of Table I are all air cooled. Water The latter alternative has been used · in the design of
cooling must be used for generators of higher average linear accelerators where high power requirements and
power. Klystrons lend themselves more easily to high high vacuum are both needed. The feasibility of this
power designs and water cooling has been provided for solution in the radar field remains to be demonstrated,
all recent tubes of this type. This is not a limitation at but pressurization is not difficult and we know that wave-
present, but cooling becomes more and more important guides with twice atmospheric pressure could carry four
as power is increased. times as much power and with four atmospheres pressure
Probably the most serious limitation to high power in about ten times the power of unpressurized waveguides.
the radar field comes from the fact that dry air at room Some idea of the magnitude of the power available from
temperatures and pressures cannot sustain voltage microwave generat•ors can be obtained by listing some
gradients in excess of 30,000 volts per cm. Since wave recently published data on the use of klystron power
guides are normally filled with dry air at reJom pressure amplifiers for linear accelerators. An electron accelerator
this is a serious limitation. Table II shows the maximum designed at Stanford University for x-ray therapy
power (peak) theoretically possible in various sized operates at 2,836 megacycles (10.5 cm) and has a peak
waveguides subject to this limitation. power of 1 megawatt, pulse duration of 1.8 µsec, and
pulse frequency of 480 pps. This produces an average
TABLE II-Peak Power Capacity of Standard vVaveguides 2
power of 865 watts. An even more powerful tube for -
linear accelerator use has been described by M. Chodorow,
Size Wavelength Maximum Peak
et al. Operating at 10.5 cm this tube produces 2 µsec pulses
(Inside) Cm Power Megawatts
at 30 megawatts peak power and pulse repetition rate of
3.40 x 7.25cm 10.0 10.5 60 pps or an average power of 3,600 watts. Efficiencies of
1.02 x 2.29cm 3.2 0.99 generating this energy are about 40 per cent, so over
0 .43 x 1. 07cm 1. 25 0.22 5,000 watts of heat must be dissipated. This is done by
circulating 2½ gallons of water per minute in jackets
around the tube. Since these tubes operate at 400 kilo-
These maximum power values are attainable only under volts, the x-ray production (up to 1,lOOR per hour) is a
ideal conditions of smooth surfaces, dust free air, etc. more serious hazard than the microwaves produced, inas-
Allowance for the usual safety factors in engineering much as the microwave energy is all confined to guides
design will result in values which are only one-third to and accelerating tube. However, it should be possible to
one-fourth as great. Thus, if we took a practical limit of adapt these tubes to radar usage, in which case we would
3 megawatts for S-Band waveguide and the previously be dealing with radiated powers thirty to fifty times
stated parameters of 1 µsec pulse duration and 500 pulses
those shown in Table II (up to 20 kw average power).
per second we would have about 1,500 ,:vatts of average
Let us consider next the problem of determining the
power at this wavelength.
energy density of microwave radiation in the space sur-
The dimensions of the waveguides shown in Table II rounding the antenna. In the immediate vicinity of the
are governed by certain design considerations which keep antenna a rather complicated situation exists in which
the narrow dimension less than half a free space wave- part of the energy is stored in the field (the so-called
length to avoid propagating undesirable modes. Thus it
"induction field") and part of it is radiated. The stored
is not possible to arbitrarily increase the waveguide energy usually exceeds the radiated energy but the
dimensions in order to reduce the electric field strength determination of the exact value of each in space and time
and thereby increase the power transmitted. As Table II is a very complicated problem. At large distances from
indicates, the power density (watts per square cm) that
the antenna, the radiation field predominates and the
can be transmitted for a given breakdown field is sub-
problem becomes much easier. For this case, the power
stantially constant. Since smaller guides are used for the
higher frequencies, the total power transmitted decreases
3 N. C. Chang, "Design of Linear Accelerators," Stanford Micro-
roughly as the square of the wavelength. wave Laboratory, Rep. No. 203; July, 1953.
M. Chodorow, E. L. Ginzton, I. R. Neilsen, and S. Sonkin,
L. Ridenour, "Radar System Engineering," McGraw-Hill Book
2 "Design and Performance of a High-Power Pulsed Klystron," PROC.
Co., Inc., New Yoi·k, N. Y., p. 394; 1947. IRE, vol. 41, p. 1584; 1953.
1956 Tolles and Horvath: Energy Densities of Microwave Radiating Systems 15
density, PR , at a point in space on the axis of the antenna The chief uses of continuous microwave generators will

a distance R from the surface of the antenna, is given by be as communication transmitters and TV transmitters.
At the moment, effort in this field is confined to the vhf
(1) band (300mc-1,000mc) or about 1 meter to 30 cm wave-
length. At present RCA 5 has a forced air-cooled tetrode
where P O is the power density at the antenna and G is (6181) for TV transmitters which generates 1,200 watfa
the power gain over an isotropic radiator due to the at frequencies up to 900 me. Eimac 6 has developed a
focusing action of the antenna. This formula is valid only 3-cavity klystron capable of furnishing 5 kw of continuous
if the distance R is greater than D 2 />-. where Dis the diam- power at 1,000 me. But the most powerful generators
eter of the antenna aperture and ;\ is the wavelength. In mentioned in the literature in this frequency range are
the S-Band region gains of the order of 1,000-2,000 may the resnatrons, 7 which are high power tetrode cavity
be expected. In fact, the gain of a parabolic mirror is resonators. These tubes have a high inherent efficiency
given by and considerable effort has gone into the development of
extremely high powers for good TV broadcast coverage.
(2) Some estimates place the ultimate power at 200 kw for
adequate coverage of the average service area. The
where A is the area of the aperture and f is a correction published literature indicates that under laboratory
factor depending on the actual phase and intensity conditions as much as 75 kw has been generated by these
relationships over the aperture. For ;\ = 10 cm and tubes. Conventional resnatron designs are limited to the
D = 100 cm the theoretical gain should be 986 for f = 1. 350-650 me range. The attainment of higher frequencies
In practice, antennas of this size seldom exceed gains of at usable efficiencies appears to be limited by electron
about 600. transit times. An axial· flow resnatron8 has recently been
If we were to supply this particular antenna with a perfected which may have a _higher frequency limit,
power output of 1,000 watts, then the power density although the experimental tube is confined to the 300-600
just outside the antenna will be about 0.13 watts/cm2, me range where it has generated about 30 kw.
or about equal to that of the noonday sun at the equator. The use of these tubes in TV broadcast and other
This, of course, is an approximate calculation assuming a communication applications will _mean the use of omni-
plane wave right at the antenna aperture. However, this directional or at best very low gain antennas. However,
A assumption is not far from correct and can be used to even if the power is spread over a fairly large radiating
W obtain an estimate of the power density. A man placing surface, the energy density right next to the antenna will
his hand (about 100 cm2 ) right in front of this antenna be greater than in any of the current radars due to the
will receive about 13 watts of microwave power through projected hundredfold increase in radiated power. A rough
the tissues and feel the heat in a very short time. The calculation, whose validity should be judged from our
decrease in power density close to the antenna is, as we previous remarks about the problems of calculating the
have indicated, very difficult to calculate. Each antenna field in the near zone, shows that the radiation density one
will be a special case, and the best approach to the problem foot from the axis of a cylindrical antenna with 6 bays
is to undertake a program of measurements to determine operating at 1,000 me and 200 kw would be about one
representative values for each configuration. hundred times the density of solar energy.
We can, however, use formula (1) to estimate the power Salisbury and his co-workers have indicated that
density in the above example at 33 feet where the formula expo.sure to a power density of 3 watts per cm2 for as
holds reasonably well. At this distance the power density little as 10 minutes could lead to cataract formation. For
has dropped to 6.2 microwatts/cm2 or about one twenty- longer exposures, much smaller levels of radiation may
thousandth of the power density at the antenna. Thus, be harmful. The smallest harmful dose for extremely long
even with a relatively high gain antenna (600) the power exposure seems to be about 100 milliwatts per cm2 or
level drops very rapidly with distance from the antenna. about the mean power density in sunlight reaching the
Increasing the average .power by twenty times (i.e., a earth.
20 kw transmitter) will still result in a power density at Thus, although the realization of some of these develop-
33 feet from the antenna only one-thousandth of that ments is still in the distant future, some thought should
due to solar radiation. It is obvious therefore that high be given now to the problem of setting up a measurement
power densities will occur only within a few feet of th_e program to determine the energy density in the near·
antenna and that the determination of the exact contours zone of microwave antennas and determining appropriate
of power level will have to be obtained by a special safety requirements.
measurement program.
Before closing this subject, a brief mention should be 5 W. P.
Bennett and H. F. Kazanowski, "One Kilowatt Tetrode
made of continuous power generators in the microwave for vhf Transmitters," PROC. IRE, vol. 41, p. 13; 1953.
D. H. Priest, C. E. Murdock, and J. J. Woerner, "High Power
region, since some of the limitations of pulsed generators Klystrons at uhf," PROC. IRE, vol. 41, p. 20; 1953.
will not apply to them. Breakdown in the waveguide is D. B. Harris, "New vhf Resnatron Designs and Applications,"
Electronics, vol. 24, p. 86; October, 1951.
no longer a limitation here since the peak power is also 8 R. L. McCreary, vV. J. Armstrong, and S. G. McNees,
the average power and average powers are unlikely ever Axial :Flow Resnatron for vhf," PRoc. IRE, vol. 41, p. 42; 1953.
9 W. W. Salisbury, J.
W. Clark, and H. M. Hines, "Exposure to
to approach values needed to reach breakdown potential. Microwaves," Electronics, vol. 22, p. 66; May, 1949.

An E~ploration ?f the Eff~cts o~ Strong Radio-F~equ;ncy •

Fields on M1cro-Organ1sms 1n Aqueous Solutions·

The authors of this paper prepared the following comments

and summary for publication. The complete paper which Dr.
Brown presented at the Symposium is not available for pub-
lication.-the Editor. ·

Summary-Radio-frequency power generators have been Many writers have speculated concerning specific effects of
widely used in many industrial heating operations. Limited electric fields on micro-organisms other than the heating
applications have been made in the treatment of food, effect. A series of experiments, using a wide range of
where internally induced heat has been used to inactivate frequencies to treat specimens which varied widely in
enzymes, as well as to pasteurize or sterilize the material. conductivity, were designed to learn if the elect,ric field
per se contributed to the destruction of bacteria. The paper
* Reprinted from Food 1'echnology, vol. 8, pp. 361-366; August, describes the methods developed for estimating field
1954. (Copies of the full paper are available on request from the intensities and temperature rise and in addition displays
t Radio Corp. of America, RCA Labs. Div., Princeton, N. J. typical test results.

Protective Measures for Microwave Radiation Hazards:

750 to 30,000 Mc

The author of this paper prepared the following comments

and s'Ummary for publication. The complete paper which Mr.
Meahl presented at the Symposium is not available for pub-
lication.-the Editor.

Summary-Continuous exposure to a field intensity of Much experimental work remains to be done before
0.001 watt per square centimeter appears to cause no reasonably complete evaluation of microwave radiation
harmful effects to either animals or men. hazards can be made.
It is neither difficult nor expensive to make and use
monitoring instruments to find out whether or not fields CONCLUSION
in excess of 0.001 watt per square cm exist in an area.
Attention is called to the need for monitoring microwave
' It is well to remember that microwaves may be greatly
radiation in the frequency range of 750 to 30,000 me and
intensified by reflections from objects which do not
for limiting th~ intensity to which one exposes his body.
reflect light well. Consequently, it is necessary to use
Two inexpeijsive and easy to use devices which may be
instruments sensitive to the microwaves in inspecting an
used as moriltors of field intensity are described briefly.
area and to move them about the whole area to find out
The materitt,ls and techniques which may be used to
whether or not it is safe.
limit the field 'strength to which one exposes himself are
t General Engrg. Lab., General Elec. Co., Schenectady, N. Y. indicated.

Session 111-_Effects of Microwaves on the Eye

Biologic Effects Studies on Microwave Radiation:

Time and Power Threshold s for the Productio n
of Lens Opacities by 12.3-Crn Microwaves*
Summary-This study is essentially an extension of the work of
Daily, et al. (1, 2] and Richard, et al. (3], who demonstrated that
cm2 ) and the power measuring equipment. The method
12.3-cm radiation could produce lens opacities in the eyes of animals. of measurement and calibration data are described in
Because of the broader implication of their findings in terms of greater detail elsewhere [4].
human analogy, this present investigation was designed to gain some
idea of what microwave power densities should be considered dan- DIPO /.,,.E RN71INNR
gerous for human exposure. Both wavelength and power densities
used for this purpose are of interest in the applied fields of microwave
diathermy, radar communications, and microwave research.

D1PoL£ ceossovc.e


SOURCE of high-frequency radiation (12.3 cm

wavelength) was~~~ ~a!theon Mic~otherm-director
MEn;1t DEFLECTOR.-✓ I---""

-PLR5TJC HOl,J-,11vG,

C, Model CDM4. Ih1s mstrument 1s rated at about Otl!ECTO/e "c" RNTENNR

100 watts of continuous wave power output, and pro- li!RY7HEON MICR07HE/f!M'
duces a microwave beam of previously undefined density.
The Microtherm is approved by the American Medical
Association for use in diathermy and operates at a fre-
quency of 2,450 megacycles per second as authorized by
the Federal Communications Commission.
Power output of the Microtherm was measured by
means of a Hewlett-Packard Microwave Power Meter,
Model 430B, employed in conjunction with a Hewlett-
Packard tunable bolometer, Mount Model 475B, and a
section of attenuation cable RG-21/4 (55.00 decibels).
Beam densities from director C were obtained with the of Fig. 1-Power distribution in beam at 2- and 3-inch distances from C
the Raytheon Microtherm at 100 per cent power output (95 w).
same equipment except that 26.34 db of attenuation were
used between a dipole pickup antenna (effective area-21.3 Beam power densities at the 2- and 3-inch exposure
position are shown in Fig. 1. The power density in each
* This work was accomplished at the Radiobiology Laboratory, square inch of the 3 X 4-inch cross section is shown to
Atomic Warfare Directorate, AF Cambridge Res. Center, Air Res. 2
and Dev. Command, Cambridge, Mass. This report is a condensed the nearest tenth of a watt/cm • Calibration of the beam
version of the complete study (in press); A.M.A. Archives of Oph- opposite the dipole crossover at these and other distances
thalmology and School of Aviation Medicine, USAF, Rep. No.
55-94. shown in Fig. 2 enabled an estimate to be made of the
t Dept. of Radiobiology, School of Aviation Medicine, USAF, previously unknown power densities which had been
Randolph Field, Tex. .
t St. John's Hospital, Lisle Street, Leicester Square, London, employed in other studies. For example, Daily et al. [2]
W.C. 2, Eng., . worked at 2- to 5-inch positions approximating 0.53 to
§ Biophysics Division, AF Special Weapons Center, Kirtland AF
Base, N. Mex. 0.16 watt/cm2, while Richardson et al. [3] used about
1 Obtained
on loan from the Raytheon Mfg. Co., Waltham, Mass. 0.5 to 0.6 watt/ cm2 at the 2-inch position.



( CM"-


030 0/4
a,, I

0.0----_.__ _ __.__ _ _....1...._ _ _J.__ _ _..J..__ _ _..J..__ _ _..,L__ __

·I 3 4 .s 1

Fig. 2-Power density as a function of distance from Director C of the Raytheon Microtherm.



Fifty-eight anesthetized2 male New Zealand white

rabbits of the same generic strain and about 10 to 15
::!: weeks of age were used to establish the minimum exposure
w time and power requirements for opacities produced by
80 J:
0 a single dose of radiation. Duration of irradiation and
Q power levels were varied between the limits of 3.5 to 8
70 ::!: 2
minutes at 100 per cent output (0.59 watt/ cm ) and 90




minutes at 35 per cent output (0.24 watt/cm ). The left
eye served as a control for the right eye which was exposed
directly opposite the dipole crossover in the beam 2 inches
from director C. Distance was measured from the cornea of
·o:: 0:: the eye to the anterior surface of the plastic housing over
0 40 3: the dipole. The results of the exposure series 3 are resolved
~ 0
Q. Q.
into a threshold for opacity production in Fig. 3.
w 30 z I- The trend of the opacity threshold beyond 90 minutes
~ 0.2 w
was determined by exposure of 4 animals, 2 at each power
<( w density, 0.12 and 0.22 watt/cm2, respectively (Fig. 4).
Finally 17 animals were used to determine ocular and
whole temperature characteristics of threshold exposures.
0.1 10
The method of temperature measurement is described
elsewhere [4]. After a single exposure was made to the
open eye, each animal was periodically observed for 90
0.0 ,.___,___.L.---L----'---'----'--.L.----'--.__-'-_..J days and in some cases for 6 months. Examination of
0 20 40 60 80 100
2 Sodium pentobarbital, about 35 mg per kilogram of body weight,
injected into marginal vein of ear as needed to maintain anesthesia.
3 Parameters of exposures and results are reported in tabular form
Fig. 3-Exposure time and power density thresholds for opacity
production by 12.3-cm microwaves. in the original study [4].
1956 Williams et al.: Production of Lens Opacities by Microwaves 19





~ 0.3

~ @)2,6
-L:.J - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -SUSPECT POWER LEVEL -- -00,2

o.oa.......L..-...a.-...1-... i.......,_...,_~~--:1----..........._--.a..-..,__..........................i.......,_...&...__._....J.__,___..__._a......a.......1.-..L.-

10 20 30 40 50 60 10 IO 90 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280
Fig. 4-Time and power densities significant in ocular irradiation by 12.3-cm microwaves.

both eyes before and after irradiation was made with the Diffuse, Irregular, Opacities
May ophthalmoscope. None of the control eyes developed
This variable group of cataracts, obstructing vis10n 1
opacities during the period of observation.
was comprised of large, opaque areas with peripheral
GROSS PATHOLOGY crescents, dense linear projections, and vacuoles. In some
cases the cataract involved the lens sufficiently to obscure
Opacities occurred in 32 of the 58 rabbits subjected to
the retina. Some changed their shape during the 90-day
12.3-cm radiation. An arbitrary classification into three
observation period. Fourteen cataracts were included in
groups was used for typing the damage observed. Clinico-
this miscellaneous grouping.
histopathologic studies on the cataractous lenses will be
All of the lens opacities produced in this study developed
reported upon separately and are but briefly described here.
within 14 days after irradiation. The minimal opacity
Minimal Opacities required the longest time for development; the diffuse,
These lesions appeared as clusters of small black dots the shortest; and the circumscribed, between the two
in the region of the posterior suture of the lens and were extremes. Thus, the degree of damage is inversely pro-
probably not detrimental to vision. Eleven animals portional to time of appearance. In three cases minimal
had lens damage of this type, described by Daily et al. [2]. opacities regressed to the point of disappearance but
exposures producing these lesions were considered as
Circumscribed Opacities having produced opacities.
These lesions were roughly round or' oval with sharp, Although attention was focused primarily on the pro-
<lark, borders which often had a ray-like appearance, in duction of opacities, other radiation effects were observed.
contrast to the core which was diffuse and less dense. High power levels produced edema of the lid and con-
These opacities were located in the region of the posterior junctiva. Enophthalmos, miosis, and injection of the
horizontal· suture; in two of the severe cases, the suture conjunctiva occurred commonly. A few cases of retinal
line separated the damage into upper and lower regions. damage were noted but in most cases lens opacities repre-
Daily et al. [2] also reported similar observations. Some of sented the most severe damage which was grossly dis-
the seven examples of this group appeared dense enough cernible. Exposures causing prominent and persisting
to interfere with vision. edema in the periorbital region resulted in cataracts of

greatest severity. Other secondary effects could not be lower power densities caused a 3 ° to 5 ° C increase in body
correlated to subsequent occurrence of opacities temperature. In general it appears that the rise in body
temperature is a direct function of the duration of thresh- 1

POWER AND TIME THRESHOLDS OF OPACITY FORMATION old irradiation despite the higher power levels character- - ·
In Fig. 3, exposures which produced opacities or istic of brief exposures. ffhese observations are in contrast
cataracts are shown as crosses; ineffective episodes of to the results of sub-threshold exposures at 0.12 watt/cm
exposure are indicated by circles. The solid line dr_awn where a protracted period of exposure of 270 minutes
through the experimental points represents an empirical produced a negligible body temperature elevation.
limit above which production of lens opacities is a near Evidently at this latter power level the rate at which the
certainty. The nature of this limit as a threshold is sug- irradiated animal is able to dissipate heat is about equal
gested by its passage through and proximity to experi- to the energy flux on the head and eye.
mental points which represent mixed results obtained by Heating effects such as solar radiation, restricted air
the same conditions of exposure. The significance of the circulation, high relative humidity, high environmental
threshold is not precisely known in terms of probability. temperatures and,· in general, any effects which tax the
It is of interest, however, that the empirical limit selected ability of the body to dissipate heat, are indicated as
passes through approximately 25 per cent of the total factors which would tend to lower the threshold require-
number of experimental points and effectively separates ments of opacity production. This effect would be par-
all of the remaining exposures except in one case. ticularly critical at lower power densities which might
The threshold ranges from 5 minutes at 0.59 watt/cm not otherwise be capable of causing lens injury. Conversely,

to 90 minutes at 0.29 watt/cm • One watt/cm equals other conditions such as low circumambient temperature
2 2

14.3 cal/cnl/min. The threshold power densities thus are and low relative humidity, which would augment the
equivalent to a thermal flux of 8.4 to 4.1 cal/cm /min or ability of the body to dissipate heat, might well raise the

doses of 42 to 369 calf cm delivered during 5 to 90 minutes threshold requirements of opacity production.

of exposure, respectively.
Compared at 10 minutes of exposure, the threshold
power requirement of 0.48 watt/ cm is only one-sixth of It appears worth while to mention that the minimal
the 3 watts/ cm which was regarded as hazardous by opacities observed in this study have salient features in

Salisbury et al. [5]. The extreme susceptibility of the eye ·common with opacities described in rabbits subjected to
to power densities greater than 0.4 watt/ cm is indicated ocular irradiation by x-, neutron- and beta-radiation

by the precipitous slope in this region. Below 0.4 watt/ cm2, [7, 8, 9]. This is particularly true in that vacuolar opacities -
the rapidly decreasing slope of the threshold reflects the induced by both 12.3-cm microwaves and ionizing radia-
gross increase in the exposure time required for opacity tion show: 1) a marked predilection for development in
production at only slightly lower power densities. the region of the posterior horizontal suture, 2) a compa-
Little is known of the threshold below 0.29 watt/ cm 2
rable latent period of onset (several days to several weeks)
-except for exploratory exposures of 4.5 hours duration at in the case of microwaves and high doses of neutrons
0.22 and 0.12 watt/cm , respectively. The production of (14 mev) and beta-radiation, and 3) in some instances
:severe ocular damage at 0.22 watt/ cm is not typical of regression to the point of disappearance.
opacity production as previously described. The extremely The photon energy of 12.3-cm radiation at 10~ electron
prolonged episode of ocular hyperthermia at 0.22 watt/ cm volts (thermal effects range) possesses only 1/3,000,000 of

i{)ermits time for the development of thermally induced, the 30 electron volts (ionizing effects range) required for
:physiologic changes in the eye during the course of expo- the production of a single ion pair. Thus despite the fact
:sure. It is probable that these changes are not representa- that opacities induced by microwave and ionizing irradia-
tive of the ocular system in which lens opacities are tion are undoubtedly initiated by entirely different
produced by relatively shorter periods of exposure at primary reactions (thermal vs ionization, respectively),
higher power densities. The failure of the 4.5 hour exposure it may well be that these lesions, regardless of radiation
.at 0.12 watt/cm to elicit any discernible response suggests type, become visible through a similar course of secondary

-the proximity of a practical limit to power densities which events. A comprehensive study of lens changes produced
.can produce lesions of the lens by a single exposure under by microwave vs ionizing radiation might elucidate the
;the conditions of the experiment. controversial features of radiation cataract mechanism.


'Vitreous temperatures between 53° to 49° C, respectively, Although sufficiently high power levels may cause human
were characteristic of threshold exposures between 5 to <;>Cular injury, lens damage has not been established as a
25 minutes in duration. This level represents a 10° to 14° C radiation effect in humans. On the contrary, the thermo-
elevation of vitreous temperature above normal and agrees genie quality of 12.3-cm radiation has been used to
well with the range of 51 ° to 55° C which was found advantage in ocular diathermy for treatment of the
significant in opacity production by Richardson et al. (3]. diseases of the posterior lens segment of the eye [6]. In
Threshold exposures shorter than 25 minutes in length this connection it should be noted that the production of
produced less than a 2° rise in body temperature, whereas opacities in the present study is in no way intended to
:50- to 70-minute threshold exposures at considerably depreciate or discourage use of the Microtherm where its
1956 Williams et al.: Production of Lens Opacities by Microwaves 21
application has been found desirable, but to indicate contingency is of considerable importance with respect
limits which can guide its successful application. to its connotations in human exposure to low power

Although the threshold of experimental opacity pi:o- levels of radiation over long periods of time. With the
duction affords an estimate of power density to be con- development of a threshold for experimental opacity
sidered dangerous, its meaning in terms of human analogy production by a single exposure, it is expedient to examine
has not yet been established. A better appraisal is obtained the results of previous investigators for evidence of opacity
from consideration of time and power parameters of ex- formation as a cumulative effect of repeated exposures.
posures used in microwave diathermy of the human eye. Irradiation parameters reported by Richardson et al.
A standard ocular treatment reported by Clark [6] [3] and Daily et al. [2] are shown as circles in Fig. 4. The
consisted of a 15-minute exposure of the open eye to total number of exposures per rabbit eye are indicated
20 per cent of the power output of the Raytheon Micro- inside the symbol. The ratio of the number of animals
therm at a distance of 3 inches from director C. In an developing opacities to the total number of exposed
unusual case it was possible to administer a number of animals is noted as a fraction outside the circle.
exploratory exposures without fear of damaging an The 15- to 20-minute single exposure requirement for
already irretrievably lost eyesight. Although 2$ of these opacity production as observed by Richardson et al. [3] at
exposures were at power levels considerably higher than 100 per cent power output corresponds to a power density
the standard treatment, none of these exposures were of about 0.46 watt/cm2 • Reference to Fig. 1 confirms that
deleterious. The approximate power densities employed thiE power density is within the power distribution at
in these treatments are shown as boxes in Fig. 4. 2 inches from director C of the Microtherm. The proximity
It is notable that all of these exposures are at power of the multiple 10- to 12-minute exposures to the threshold
levels well below the threshold for experimental opacity suggests that any single exposure within this latter series
production. The standard clinical treatment employs only may have produced lens damage without the need for
one-fourth the power density dosage and dose rate which additional exposures. Similarly the results of Daily et al.
produces lens damage in the rabbit. Despite the production [2] at 0.53 and 0.36 watt/cm2 are inconclusive with the
of severe ocular damage in the rabbit by 4.5 hours of exception of ten 10-minute exposures at the lower density
exposure to 0.22 watt/cm2, it is of interest that three where 1 of 6 exposed animals sustained an opacity. An
15-minute exposures at this level were not injurious to example more suggestive of opacity production as a
the human eye. Human exposures at 0.24 watt/cm2 ,vere cumulative effect is found in the ten 30-minute exposures
discontinued bec~use of pain or discomfort. Possible at 0.16 and 0.24 watt/cm2 • It is remarkable, however,
A effects from protracted exposure at this power level are that each of these latter densities are well below the
W suggested by the massive ocular damage sustained by the threshold requirements for single exposures.
rabbit from 4.5 hours of exposure to 0.22 watt/cm2 • The
production of sensible discomfort before injury to the CONCLUSIO N
human eye at 0.24 watt/ cm2 is of interest in the light of a
Time and power threshold for experimental opacity
suggestion [5] that injury without warning may be causedproduction ranged between 5 minutes at 0.59 watt/cm2 to
by 12.3-cm radiation in a region such as the lens which 90 minutes at 0.29 watt/ cm2 • These power levels correspond
is poorly supplied with heat sensory receptors. to a thermal flux of 8.4 to 4.1 caljcm2/min. The trend of
Hirsch and Parker [10] described a case in which expo-
the threshold beyond 90 minutes was bracketed between
sure to microwaves is circumstantially linked to the 0.22 and 0.12 watt/cm2 for 4.5 hours of sustained irradia-
occurrence of bilateral lenticular opacities in a microwave
tion. Failure of latter density to cause opacities suggests
generator operator. An etiologic relationship. was not proximity of a power level below which experimental
established in this case. The radiation source involved a
opacity production by this method is impractical.
9- to 18-cm wave generator with an average power output The quantity of irradiation reflected and transmitte d
of about 100 watts on a 50 per cent duty cycle. The by the eye is unknown, but sufficient energy is absorbed
average daily level of exposure was believed to approxi- to produce temperatures of 49° to 53° C at the site of
mate 0.005 watt/cm2 • It was estimated, however, that subsequent lesion formation in the lens. The temperatures
the operator's head was intermitte ntly exposed to a appear adequate to account for thermal denaturati on and
power density of 0.12 watt/cm2 for a total of 2 hours coagulation of lens protein or cellular injury in the capsule.
during the 3 days preceding difficulty with vision. There is a need for basic information on the reflectance,
The same power level of 0.12 watt/cm 2 was ineffective
absorption, and transmission of microwaves in tissues,
in rabbits -receiving a single exposure for 270 minutes in
and on opacity thresholds at other wavelengths.
duration. It is notable that suspect power level shown in Lens opacities and cataracts have not been established'.
Fig. 4 is only slightly higher than clinical level and is
as a microwave irradiation effect in humans. Moreover,.
directly comparable to or lower than the power densitiesthe equivalent of the experimental threshold is not known,
of 23 exploratory exposures which Clark gave without in terms of human analogy. Consideration is being givelli
erceptible ill effect upon the lens. the development of an opacity threshold in the monkey·
Cumulative Effects
as an approach to the problem of extrapolation to man.
It is suggested in the interim, however, that the present;
There is a possibility that opacities may be produced threshold should be regarded as dangerous for
as a cumulative radiation effect. Exploration of this eyes until more definitive information
is available..
12.3 Cm Microwaves." School of Aviation Medicine, United
Limited evidence of opacity production as a cumulative States Air Force, Randolph Field, Texas, Report No. 55-94
(August, 1955). American Medical Association Archives of
effect from multiple, subthreshold, exposures emphasizes . Ophthalmology, Vol. 54 (December, 1955), pp. 863-874.
the need to further explore this aspect of ocular irradiation. [5] Salisbury, W. A., Clark, J. W., and Hines, H. M., "Exposure to
Microwaves." Electronics, Vol. 22 (1949), pp. 66-67. A
[6] Clark, W. B., "Microwave Diathermy in Ophthalmology: Clin- 'W'
BIBLIOGRAPHY ical Evaluation." Transactions of the American Academy of
Ophthalmology, Vol. 56 (October, 1952), pp. 600-607.
Ill Daily, L., Jr., Wakim, K. G., Herrick, J. F., Parkhill, E. M., and [7] Cogan, D. G., and Donaldson, D. D., "Experimental Radiation
Benedict, W. L., "The Effects of Microwave Diathermy on Cataracts: I. Cataracts in the Rabbit Following Single X-Ray
the Eye." American Jmirnal of Ophthalmology, Vol. 33 (Au- Exposure." Archives of Ophthalmology, Vol. 45 (May, 1951),
gust, 1950), pp. 1241-1254. pp. 508-522.
[2] Daily, L., Jr., Wakim, K. G., Herrick, J. F., Parkhill, E. M., [8] Cogan, D. G., Goff, J. L., and Graves, E., "Experimental Radia-
and Benedict, W. L., "The Effects of Microwave Diathermy tion Cataracts: II. Cataracts in the Rabbit Following Single
on the Eye of the Rabbit." American Journal of Ophthal- Exposure to Fast Neutrons." Archives of Ophthalmology,
mology, Vol. 35 (July, 1952), pp. 1001-1017. Vol. 47 (May, 1952), pp. 584-592.
{3] Richardson, A. W., Duane, T. D., and Hines, H. M., "Experi- [9] McDonald, J. E., Hughes, W. F., Jr., and Peiffer, V. G., "Beta
mental Lenticular Opacities Produced by Microwave Irradia- Radiation Cataracts." Archives of Ophthalmology, Vol. 53
tions." Archives of Physical il1eclicine, Vol. 29 (September, (1955), pp. 248-259.
1948), pp. 765-769. [10] Hirsch, F. G., and Parker, J. T., "Bilateral Lenticular Opacities
[4] Williams, D. B., Monahan, J. P., Nicholson, W. J., Aldrich, Occurring in a Technician Operating a Microwave Gener-
J. J., "Biologic Effects Studies on Microwaves. Time and ator." Archives of Industrial Hygiene, Vol. 6 (December,
Power Thresholds for the Production of Lens Opacities by 1952), pp. 512-517.

The Use of Biological Simulants in Estimating the

Dose of Microwave Energy

BOUT four years ago, an electronic technician tissues composing the organism; on the depth of the

A employed at the Sandia Laboratory, while con-

ducting research on antenna systems, developed
bilateral cataracts. There was a considerable amount of
tissue beneath the surface of the organism; and on the A
duration of the exposure. All of these parameters combine W
to c·onstitute what, for the sake of comparison with other
circumstantial evidence which suggested that the micro- modalities of producing tissue damage, we should like
wave radiation he had received was causative of these to call the dose. All who have an intei'est in protecting
lesions. As a result, a number of us, who had previously biological systems from harmful doses of radiant energy
dismissed this form of radiant energy as being not par- would like to quantitate exposures in terms of their
ticularly hazardous to people, felt required to re-evaluate biological significance in order to have for our guidance,
the• state of our knowledge concerning the physiological number indexes signifying safe and hazardous situations.
and pathological effects of microwave radiations.
We find ourselves unable to assign meaningful values to
As the data, which was contained in various published these indexes, with our present knowledge.
reports, was reviewed and correlated, a number of things When we consider chemical poisons, thermal hazards,
became apparent. The first was that tissue damage, which or the damage to biological systems resulting from ionizing
seems to be related to the amount of heat produced, can radiations, we employ a relationship of time proven
be occasioned by heavy single exposures. The second utility. This is stated by a simple equation, which is:
thing was that tissue damage can be produced by multiple, C X t = le,
less intensive exposures where there was an insufficient
amount of heat produced by any one of the exposures to where C is the concentration, t is time, 7c is a number
produce immediate damage; that is to say, there was an which when it exceeds a certain characteristic value for
.apparent cumulative effect. The third point was that a any particular agent always means damage to the organ-
.difference in susceptibility to damage by radiant energy ism. Conversely, there is no damage when it is lower than
,exists between various types of tissue and various organs. this characteristic value. The value above which damage
The amount of radiation any organ or tissue mass is always seen, and below which damage is not to be ex-
receives depends, of course, on the relative power density pected, is often called the threshold dose for toxicity.
of the field in the free space occupied by the organism; on This relationship is not the mathematical truism it
the degree of absorption of the energy by the various appears to be due to the fact that in addition to concen-
tration and time, other things are found to influence
whether or not tissue damage occurs. The most important
t Medical Director, Sandia Corp., Sandia Base, Albuquerque, factor is the varying ability of a biological system to
1 F. G. Hirsch and J. T. Parker, "Bilateral lenticular opacities repair itself, or to restore a degree of its disturbed function
occurring in a technician operating a microwave generator," Arch.
Ind. Hyg. 0cc. Med., vol. 6, pp. 512-517; December, 1952. towards normality while still under the influence of the
1956 Hirsch: Use of Biological Simulants in Estimating Dose of Microwave Energy 23
toxic agent or damaging force. Not only do various tissues If one such were available, we could by interpolation
have different capacities in this regard, but the same arrive at a position where we could say that a tissue in a
tissue in different individuals will vary in its recovery

given field intensity could be tolerated for a calculated
capacity. Further, the same tissue in the same organism period of time with safety. Amount of heat produced in
will have a different response at different times. tissue upon radiation is easily measured, suggesting itself
With all of these defects, however, this relationship of to a biologist as an appropriate substitute measurement.
concentration of agent and time will always apply, The amount of heat produced in a tissue mass on
although with varying degrees of accuracy, and will be radiation is assumed to be proportional to the amount of
found to be a useful concept. There is no reason to expect the absorbed radiant energy. It is the absorbed energy
the dosage considerations in the case of microwave which has biological significance, not that which is
radiations are fundamentally different from those in the :wailable. A man drinking in a tavern becomes intoxicated
cases of chemical toxicity, thermal damage, or the adverse by the brandy he absorbs into his body, not by that which
effects on tissue of ionizing radiation. This being so, we remains in bottles on the shelves of the back bar.
l have sought to find, if possible, the various values for In deciding to utilize the production of heat as an index
Jc in the special case constituted by microwave radiations. of biological energy absorption, there is no intended
In order to do so we had first to consider the nature of implication that the only.response of tissue upon absorp-
the parameter C in the equation. The following is a brief tion of radiant energy is the conversion of a portion of
account of our tussle with this matter, and of the state that energy to heat, because this is almost certainly not
of the struggle at the moment. Thus, I wish it understood the case. There are effects on enzyme systems and other
that this communication is not a report on a finished aspects of cellular metabolism which are probably of
research, but is only a preliminary report of progress. greater importance than is the heat which is produced.
As mentioned earlier, several parameters combine to The causal relationship between heat production and
constitute the amount or concentration of radiant energy altered cellular function is something about which we
to which a biological system is exposed. In the first place, know very little, but hope to learn more. However,
there is the relative power density in the free space whatever else may happen, heat is always produced in
occupied by the organism. Then there is the ability of the tissue as radiant energy is absorbed. Further, we feel
various tissues to absorb the energy, and finally, the s2Je in speculating that profundity of metaboliG changes
matter of the depth of the tissue beneath the surface of and amount of heat production are directly proportional.
the organism. There are many problems associated with We speculated that if we could determine at what
A the measurement of these parameters. temperature any particular event occurred as a tissue was
W The difficulties encountered in making power measure- irradiated, we could use the temperature thereafter as an
ments in free space are widely appreciated. Any pick-up index that the event would take place in any subsequent
device introduced into a field constitutes a discontinuity experiment. We began with an easy and obvious phe-
which interjects artifacts and errors into such measure- homenon in order to test the validity of our speculation.
ments. The precise nature of these errors is inherent in the We used the temperature at which the tissue of the
particular method of measurement, be it a dipole antenna, crystalline lens of an eye coagulated; or, to be more specific,
black body, or what-not. Directional effects, focusing . the temperature at which coagulative opacities appeared
effects, the setting up of spurious frequency modes, and in the lens of the eye of the cow.
other things all combine to make free space measurements We found that when the lens tissue reached a tempera-
unsatisfactory and unreliable. ture of 46 degrees C., coagulative opacities appeared. This
The ability of any tissue mass to absorb radiant energy is in contrast to temperature at which the phenomenon
is also a complicated thing. Clark has considered this takes place in case of rabbit's eye; i. e., 55 degrees C. 3
matter in his paper published in 1950. 2 One finds upon Excised eyes from slaughtered cattle were obtained as
studying his presentation that a great many physical soon as the animal was killed. They were immediately
properties of tissue play a role; that absorption is a fre- pla,ced in a thermos jug containing warm Ringer's solution,
quency sensitive phenomenon; and that the degree of and taken to the laboratory. Here they were placed in a
homogeneity of the tissue is of importance. He has pre- perfusion apparatus where Ringer's solution was pumped
sented a formidable equation for the calculation of the through them at a temperature of 37 degrees C. plus or
energy absorption of tissue. The solution of this equation minus one degree. We found that such preparations
requires a knowledge of the numerical values for a number remained in excellent condition for as long as ten hours.
of physical constants for any particular tissue or organ We have demonstrated the continuance of active cell
system. For many of these, no values have been worked division in the corneal epithelium of these perfused eyes
out, and may not be, since they would only be accessible for an equally long period.
through complicated and difficult experimentation. Several bead thermistors were placed within the eye
It seemed necessary to us, in the face of these difficulties, along the optical axis from front to back so that data
- to provide a substitute measurement which would enable could be obtained which indicated the temperature
us to approximate C in the relationship mentioned earlier. gradient within the eye. The microwave beam had a wave
3 A. 'vV. Richardson, T. D. Duane,
and H. M. Hines, "Experi-
2 J. W. Clark, "Effects of intense microwave radiation on living mental lenticular opacities produced by microwave irradiations,"
organisms," PROC. IRE, vol. 38, pp. 1028-1032; September, 1950. Arch. Phys. Med., vol. 29, p. 765; December, 1948.



u 1:
bl) ~
0 32
Q. I
f,< 3. 0 'cm wave length I'.., 3. 0 cm wave length

IJ) Power density 15/Wcm2 Cl) Power density 15 W / cm 2
Cl) Duration - 10 minutes 0 Duration of radiation - 10 min.
Qi Distance = 30 ems.
0 16
!\ 16
Distance - 30 ems

\ ~ 8

0 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 0 3 4 5 6 7 8 '-
Depth in Cms. Depth in Cms.
Fig. 1-A typical temperature gradient curve measured inside as Fig. 2-A typical gradient cu~ve measured inside a 30 per cent A
cow's eye on irradiation. gelatm sphere. W
length of 3.0 centimeters. The relative power density was ture gradient through the geometry which would be as
15 watts per square cm at a plane coinciding with the good as that of gelatin. At the present time a ball made of
rim of the antenna horn. Distance between eye and this hair, latex, and lampblack looks promising. -
plane was 30 cm. A typical gradient curve is in Fig. 1. When the optimum simulant has been devised, we will
After several of these curves had been obtained and then have a technique which will give us information
were found to be virtually identical, we then tried other. concerning the biological significance of that field. By
materials in place of the excised eye. Since gelatin mixtures correlating the amount of damage or the degree of dis-
are known to respond in a fashion closely approximating turbed function in any organ or tissue of interest with the
the response of tissue when other physical phenomena are temperature at which such damage or disturbance occurs,
compared, this was our first choice. we hope to be able to advise the engineer or safety man
Spheres of gelatin of the same size as the cow's eye were intelligently concerning the relative safety or hazard
cast in molds. A concentration of 30 per cent was selected associated with any radiation field of interest. Such a
since most mammalian eyes have this concentration of device will, we hope, permit us to monitor microwave
protein. Again bead thermistors were placed within the fields much as we do with Geiger counters in ionizing
gelatin spheres and radiation was performed in the Saine radiation, or with our air samplers in chemical hazards.
manner as was the case with the eyes. In Fig. 2 a typical I wish to make it clear that in using lens coagulation as
temperature gradient curve is presented. It can be seen an end point we ha-;e begun with an extreme case. Clinical
that curves are sufficiently alike serve our purpose. lesions, that is to say cataracts, do not occur as a rule
We felt safe in assuming that a gelatin sphere would from single exposures intense enough to "cook" an eye.
yield the same temperature information that an eye We see such lesions in experimental animals only after a
would, if one had been used in the experiment. We were lapse of time, and where there was no single temperature
then able to place the gelatin spheres at various places in reEtched which was high enough to be coagulative.
a radiation field and to determine how long would be We wiU have to run parallel radiations on animals and
required for a temperature to be reached which would simulants to a point where we have enough data to cali- .a
have produced coagulative opacities. bra~e simulant for various types of tissue and lesions. W
We soon found that there were a number of technical This phase has only begun. Perhaps, later, we will have
difficulties associated with the use of gelatin which made a device which can be taken into the field, and used there
it desirable to find some other material, or combination of to evaluate relative danger or safety of any microwave
materials, which when irradiated would result in a tempera- generator and field of radiant energy associated with it.


The Effects of Microwave Diathermy On the Eye


N ORDER to determine the changes in temperature the original level. This might
be explained by the observa-
of the orbital tissues, and of the aqueous and vitreous tion that in these animal$ there
was a general rise in the
humors after exposure of the eye of the dog and the temperature of the. body after exposure
to microw'O,ves.
rabbit to microwaves, and to determine the pathologic In all the experiments, a plateauing of the cooling curve
changes as well as certain chemical changes in the eye was practically complete within
15 minutes after dis-
resulting from exposure to microwaves, a study was continuation of heating,
and much sooner in the experi-
made of the effects of various durations of exposure of ments in which there was relatively
little rise in tempera-
intact as well as enucleated eyes at different distances, ture following exposure
to microwaves. As a rule, at the
durat1ons,. and power outputs. · . end of 20 minutes after exposure to microwaves, the
One series of acute experiments was performed on 36 temperature of the aqueous
was lower than that of the
dogs (Fig. 1) and on 79 rabbits. Thermocouple needles were vitreous or deep orbital tissues.
introduced into the orbit and aqueous and vitreous The rapid rate of cooling of the vitreous and aqueous
humors of the eye of the dog, while thermistors were was striking, since both of the
media are entirely avascular.
introduced into the orbit and vitreous of the eye of the Evidentl y most of the heat
produced in these structure s
rabbit, and the temperatures were recorded before and as a result of exposure to microwav
es was carried away by
after exposure to microwaves. The cooling curves were the blood circulating in the
vascular tunics adjacent to
followed for about one-half hour after the microwaves were them. To substant iate
this explanation, a number of
turned off. Exposure of the eye of the dog to microwaves experiments were performe
d in which intact eyes of
using 75 per cent of the output of the generator with the living animals, and the
contralateral intact eyes of the
corn~r director at a distance of 3 inches (about 8 cm) for same animals immediately
after death, were exposed to
30 minutes produced an average temperat ure rise of 1.9° the same dose of microwav
es under identical conditions.
C in the orbit, 3.2° C in the vitreous, and 2.8° C in the After exposure to microwav
es,· the rises in temperat ure
aqueous, exactly one minute after the microwaves were of the aqueous and the
vitreous of the intact eye of the
- turned off. Exposure of the eye of the rabbit to micro- living animal were much lower than
those of the intact
waves using 75 per cent of the output of the generator contralateral eye of the same
animal after death. This
with the corner director at a distance of 5 inches for 30 proved to us that the
blood circulating in the vascular
minutes produced an average temperat ure rise of 3.3° C tW1ics adjacent to the
aqueous and vitreous efficiently
in the orbit and 4.8° C in the vitreous exactly 15 seconds carries away a large part of
the heat produced in these
after the microwaves were turned off, and 2.7° C in the media by exposure to microwav
orbit and 3.7° C in the vitreous exactly one minute after No significant difference was found in the temperatures
the microwaves were turned off. · of eyes of albino and of pigmented rabbits following
In every group of experiments except one in this study exposure to microwaves
under identical conditions.
the actual temperatures of the vitreous and aqueous after However, a significantly higher rise in the temperat ure
exposure of the eye to microwaves were consistently higher of eyes of rabbits than
in eyes of dogs occurred in every
than that of the deep orbital tissues. After the eyes of experiment in which the eyes
of the animals were exposed
5 albino rabbits were exposed to microwaves at a distance to microwaves under identical
of 5 inches from the corner reflector with an output of Another series of experiments was performed on 8
94 watts from the microwave generator for a duration of dogs and 6 rabbits similarly
anesthetized,· as well as on
30 minutes, the average temperat ure of the orbital 28 unanesthetized rabbits,
and their eyes were exposed
tissues exceeded that of the vitreous. In most of the to microwaves at specific
output, fixed distance, and
experiments, the temperat ure of the vitreous was higher duration. No records of temperat
ure were made in this
than that of the aqueous. However, when the duration of series. However, the eyes
were examined clinically, and
exposure of the eye of the dog was 10 minutes, the average ophthalmoscopic examinations
of the media and fundi
temperat ure of the aqueous was slightly higher than that were made before and after
exposure to microwaves.
of the vitreous. In every instance, the elevation in tem- The eyes of 2 dogs that were repeatedly exposed, 6 and
perature of the aqueous and of the vitreous exceeded that 10 times, respectively,
to microwaves using 75 per cent
of the deep orbital tissues. of the output of the generator with the corner director at
An interesting observation is the rate of degree of a distance of 2 inches (about
5 cm) showed ophthal-
cooling of the eye after exposure to microwaves. After moscopically observable
anterior cortical cataract within
the cooling curves had been recorded it was observed six days after the last exposure
that, in many of the eyes, the temperat ures did not Seven exposures of the eye of another dog to microwaves
return to control values but formed a new base line above once daily for 30 minutes,
using 98 per cent output with
the director at a distance of only 1.5 inches (about 4 cm),
t Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. produced ophthalmoscopically observable anterior cortical

cataract within 24 hours after the last exposure. Over a might possibly produce either of the two above-mentioned
period of about nine weeks both of these anterior cortical types of cataract.
cataracts increased in size and density and then regressed, With the aid of the hand slit-lamp the posterior cortical
and posterior cortical cataracts developed. ca_taracts produced bin thedeytes bof ~abbbits by exposure to A
. In one dog, one exposure of the eye for 30 minutes to microwaves were o serve o egm y an en1argement •
microwaves, using 75 per cent output with the director and extension of the "water clefts" that are seen in the
at a distance of 2 inches (about 5 cm), produced corneal region of the posterior horizontal suture in the normal
clouding and partial iridoplegia within 24 hours after lens of the rabbit. Seen through the ophthalmoscope, the
exposure. Microscopic examination of stained sections of first appearance of the cataract was that of a number of
this eye revealed that there was infiltration of the corneal small black dots usually located in the region of. the
stroma with polymorphonuclear neutrophils. posterior horizontal suture.
Similar clinical and histologic changes were produced Many of the larger opacities produced in the eyes of
in the eye of another dog within 24 hours after 2 exposures rabbits by exposure to microwaves progressed in size and
of 30 minutes each to microwaves, using 98 per cent density during the first month after becoming visible to ------~
output with the director at a distance of 1.5 inches ophthalmoscopic observation. During the following month 1

they regressed in size and density and changed in shape ~

(about 4 cm); in addition, vitreous opacities, reddening
of the optic disc, and whitening and elevation of the and position. Thereafter the size, shape, position and
retina in the region of the disc were observed ophthal- density of the cataracts appeared to change relatively
moscopically. Microscopic examination of stained sections little.
of this eye in addition revealed erythrocytes, leukocytes, In this study, certain enzymes in the lenses of the eyes
and fibrinous exudate in the anterior chamber with of rabbits were investigated. An adenosine triphosphatase,
hemorrhage into the iris and ciliary processes. Necrosis a pyrophosphatase, and enzymes acting on L-glycyl-
of the stroma of the iris and disorganization of the pigment leucine, L-leucyl-glycine, and L-leucyl-glycyl-glycine were
layer of the iris, and subchoroidal exudate and cystic found in lenses from the eyes of rabbits, dogs, horses,
degeneration of the retina were also observed. guinea pigs, and humans. The adenosine triphosphatase
Out of the 17 eyes of unanesthetized albino rabbits and pyrophosphatase in lens homogenate in vitro are
exposed to microwaves for durations of 10 to 30 minutes much more heat-labile than most enzymes, with pyro-
using 75 per cent output (94 watts) with the director at phosphatase being more heat-labile than the ATPase.
distances of 2 to 5 inches, cataracts developed in 7 eyes. Exposure to microwaves which caused severe damage
Out of 17 eyes, of unanesthetized pigmented rabbits to the lens and other ocular structures markedly reduced A
exposed to microwaves under the same conditions that the activity of the pyrophosphatase, Exposure to micro- •
were used in the experiments on the eyes of albino rabbits, waves which did not cause grossly visible damage to
cataracts developed in only 3 eyes, The cataracts which the eyes did not reduce the activity of any of the enzymes
were produced in the eyes of rabbits by exposure to studied. No reduction in activity of adenosine triphos-
microwaves were of two types. In one type the cataract phatase and pyrophosphatase was found in the circum-
was present immediately after exposure to microwaves, scribed posterior cortical cataract which followed exposure
when it involved diffusely the region of the lens under the to microwaves only after a delayed interval of time.
capsule. The cataract progressed rapidly until the entire Almost complete loss of activity of adenosine triphos-
lens became opaque .. This type was seen only when phatase and pyrophosphatase was found in totally
grossly visible damage to other ocular structures was cataractous lenses produced by microwaves. No pre-
produced, namely clouding of the cornea with congestion cataractous loss of enzymic activity was found in lenses
and hemorrhages into the iris and ciliary processes. exposed to microwaves to which etiologic significance
The second type of cataract was not associated with could be attributed in the mechanism of causation of
obvious gross clinical signs of injury, although dissection these cataracts.
and microscopic examination of some eyes containing
such cataracts had demonstrated the presence of hemorr-
hagic infarcts in the ciliary processes, This type of cataract BIBLIOGRAPHY
did not appear immediately following exposure to micro-
[1] Daily, L., Zeller, E. A., Wakim, K. G., Herrick, J. F. and Bene-
waves, but became visible only after a period of time dict, \V. L., "Influence of microwaves upon certain enzyme
varying from several days to several weeks. It was limited systems in the lens,'' American Journal of Ophthalmology, Vol.
34 (1951), pp. 1301 and 1306.
to the posterior cortex, but could be made to progress [2] Wakim, K. G,, Herrick, J. F., Parkhill, E. M., and Benedict,
and involve the entire lens by repeated exposure of the W. L., "Effects of microwave diathermy on the eye." American
Journal of Physiology, Vol. 155 (1948), p, 432. American Jour-
eye to microwaves. nal of Ophthalmology, Vol. 33 (1950), p. 1241.
Exposure of the eye of a rabbit at a distance of 2 inches [3] Daily, L,, Wakim, K. G., Herrick, J. F., Parkhill, E. M., and
Benedict, W. L., "The Effects of Microwave Diathermy on the
from the corner reflector with an output of 94 watts from Eye." American Journal of Ophthalmology, Vol. 35, No. 7
the microwave generator, for a duration of 10 minutes, (July, 1952), p. 1001.


Session IV-General Session on Biologic Effects

Microwave Energy in Food Procedures

Summary-Power input up to 1.6 kw is used in electronic ovens food on a glass, china, plastic, paper, or sometimes metal
operating at 2,450 me for cooking, heating, and defrosting foods.
Some important considerations in microwave cooking are sizes of
dish, and then in this oven, closing the door, selecting au
food masses, comparable processing time, residual cooking, nor- interval on a timing device proportional to the quantity
malcy in results, special surface effects, the relation between process of food, and pressing a button to start the heating. The
time and food load size, and the effect on nutrients.
heating or cooking proceeds while the cavity remains;
essentially at ambient temperature.
Present circumstances indicate electronic oven use in,
LECTRONIC ovens for microwave cooking and
E defrosting at 2,450 me are in daily use in about
eleven major cities in the United States. These
Radarange1 ovens in two models provide cooking power
defrosting portioned foods, heating refrigerated foods, and'
:in primary cooking. Since the method provides an unusual
facility for rapidly raising the temperature throughout a
small mass, such as a dish of mixed semisolids, to serving:
input of 0.8 and 1.6 kw respectively. The larger model temperature without adversely affecting the surface·
#1161 is shown in Fig. 1. conditions, there is a decreased need for devices which

- maintain food hot for long periods.

The information reported in this paper is drawn largely
from our Food Laboratory experience with the specified
power levels in cases where the absorbing material is food.
Our purpose is to obtain the rationale of the process and
establish methods for producing normal quality in micro-
wave-cooked or defrosted foods. This paper presents the
results for some food materials in the thawed state.

Size of Food to be Cooked

The largest unit food masses which a cooking· d'evi'ce i&
ordinarily required to accommodate are turkeys and
heavy beef roasts. Turkeys offer no special problems since,
they have a large body cavity. Heavy roasts may be: ·
1) The kind shown in Fig. 2, which is the usual full-sized
rib roast weighing from 18 to 25 pounds, and measuring:
15 to 18 inches long, 5 to 5½ inches thick, and 10 to 11.

l Fig. I-Commercial model Radarange 1 Microwave Oven.

inches across the cut surface.
2) Full-sized rolled rump roasts weighing 9 to 10 pounds.
and measuring up to 7¼ inches in diameter. Fig. &

( The ranges are powered by one or two C-W magnetron

tubes which deliver microwave energy directly into a
metal oven. The cooking operation involves placing the
shows a similar meat mass, that of a rolled rib roast,
as prepared for microwave cooking. Any one measure~
ment being of the order of 7 inches or less as with,
I . t Head of the Food Lab., Research Div., Raytheon Mfg. Co.,
type 2, it was found possible to produce satisfactory
cooked quality with an additional advantage as to
Waltham, Mass.
1 Trademark, Raytheon Mfg. Co., Waltham, Mass. yield which need not concern us at this time. Doneness
in these roasts involves finish temperatures varying
from 122 degrees to 160 degrees F in the range defined
by the terms rare to well-done. These temperatures will
be recognized as roughly defining blood color changes. -
Initial work was done with sections of the larger roasts;
e.g., in Fig. 4 temperature gradients are given through a
three-rib, 5-pound beef roast cooked short of <loneness at
a rate of 2 minutes per pound. The curve represents
temperatures taken at ¼-inch intervals along the directions
indicated. The thermocouple, encased in a long hypodermic
needle, was inserted at the indicated times after -removal
Fig. 2-Standing rib ro:1st weighing 22 pounds.
of the roast from the range, since at these power levels,
thermocouples used in the active microwave field produce
spurious results. Lower temperatures were found inside
the lean face of the roast than inside the fat layer, and
temperatures on the bone side of the A to B curve were
much lower. The curve for temperatures through point
D was more symmetrical. The effect of 10 minutes equaliz-
ing time on this D curve is also given. About 1 degree per
minute was the gain in the center. The same roast sub-
sequently cooked for a total time of 3 minutes per pound
showed a good result except for being slightly underdone
at the center, where the minimum temperature was 110
degrees F.
In Fig. 5 results are shown with a boned and rolled
Fig. 3-Jl.Jlled rib ro:1st weighing 10 pounds.
roast cooked at the rate of 2½ minutes per pound at the


,...•------ 8" ---+I



l.60KW MODEL 1161




2 3 4 5 6
Fig. 4 Fig. 5

1956 Copson: Microwave Energy in Food Procedure 29

same power (1.6 kw). The curves for this truncated-cone- layer, on the otherwise open faces has then contributed
shaped roast, i.e., A to B and C to D, are nearly sym- to the cooking, and the shapes of the curves, at least with
metrical, with less difference than noted in Fig. 4. Curve respect to the height of the maxima, approach similarity.
AC to D shows maxima just inside the surface and higher The portion of the meat adjacent to the rib case again
W,temperatures, suggesting that more heat has been intro- shows lower temperatures due to an interplay of factors
duced through the fat layer than through the lean faces, connected with the bone.
and also that there has been some heat loss to surroundings These tests indicate the advantages of working with
from the first ¼inch of surface layers. Temperatures at the boned, . rolled, and symmetrical pieces of meat. The
narrow end of the roast were slightly higher than at the importance of the equalization period for residual heat
wide end. Fifteen minutes later, nearly 30 degrees rise in is shown in the rise in temperature of the eenter, as
the center temperature was noted. shown in the broken curve which indicates that less than
rare <loneness increases to medium <loneness after removal
of the meat from the range. If the center te::nperature
were lower than indicated, a longer equalization time
would be required. The center temperature on removal
of the meat from the range was called the reference
temperature, and final <loneness was determined by the
reference temperature as well as by the residual cooking.
The former depended upon the amount of cooking, e.g.,
in minutes per pound, and the latter upon both amount
of cooking and the equalization time which was effective
up to about 40 minutes.

. "r

4 6
INCHES ... ,. 1 t 1

Fig. 6 l ·~ [
I, 1. I,
In Fig. 6 curves are shown for a three-rib 9.75-pound r! :,L
beef roast prepared with a fat layer applied to the end
Fig. 7
j lean faces, so that this roast was essentially covered with
fat with no lean showing. It was well tied and roasted for
29 minutes and 15 seconds on the basis of 3 minutes per
Temperature Distribution-Spheres
pound with one turning and 180 degrees rotation at the Temperature gradients were also determined in a
end of 10 minutes. Higher temperatures occur just inside symmetrical absorbing material as shown in Fig. 7. Agar
the natural fat covering in the direction of A to B, decrease was made up with 2.7 per cent nutrient agar and cast in
to a minimum at 3¼ inches, and rise to a much lower the form of a sphere 5.75 inches in diameter. This mass
point on the boned side. This is a roast similar to that thus consisted essentially of immobilized water in which
shown in Fig. 4; however, a different result has been circulation of heat was minimized. Spheres were heated
obtained by covering the normally open faces of the at 0.7 and 1.6 kw input levels ai1d temperatures were
) - roast with a fat layer. This difference is emphasized by measured along a diameter. Heating intervals were chosen
inspection of the sub-curve areas, which show a deeper to obtain maximum temperatures less than the melting

and greater heat input from this direction than in the
previous case. This input brings the curve to near sym-
metry with the maximum of the A to B curve. The fat
point of the agar and the energy input was not equivalent
for the two levels, being slightly less in the case of 0.7 kw.
The maxima occur in the center of the sphere and the

90 _ '. l


70 C llli




Fig. 8

Fig. 10
;e HI '!'ii ti ""~ E] i!i (lli IW ei. II! .~FSi ,I [Ii !Ni 'A, /i .Gi i,@~~ i,lli91 R i' i ; fl
ii i "· · . 10 ir 1r1¥.J •11 b L~ lf}f ~ :ao_~ M e,1iill M11 :or ••·. ··· • ' r; center maxima are seen, and although the temperat ures
b · • • •· -c" :;11 .•:, "' t.~I ~ = :'.,Lt \/:Ii':' •••• ·••• IJ':' ••::i:.,;
. "3 "" •• :••• •·; :CT
are not corrected for conduction during the heating period
;JC . ]8 it .:i: ;1f:;J!i l(lt 11 I,··!.: ·'·: :H:;:: in the range, heating by microwaves appears negligible
~E t.t t~r-: ~::_A~: ifll !ii I:: I< . ::· 1-:l:~::
·c -- jF'; c°'~i ~~;;\[cc!~~ ::: .•:: :cc; :II~: ••· ' k' beyond 2.75 to 3 inches.
"' --:, ~: i~; ::: ;:; i;i'kf' • Ifie:• i '" •• ,.:• : , ii'· The effect of heat conduction for the larger agar cylinde r&
Jreici Eic"i =~ii~ fir;i';ii ;,,,.. a:~ •X.l•':?: ::- ·•· • • '
· i'[i,;l!il!iii ~~ iili;imm,2::,:• ··· ·•• ··. J.: is shown in Fig. 9. A gradual rise in the center tempera tureW
is observed over a 55-minute period (lower curve), and
90 the slow rate of rise shown here suggests that we obtained
approximately direct heating temperat ures in the previous
;i; figure. For the first 10 minutes the rise was only 3 degrees,
ccic and it will be remembered that microwave heating times
i!lf ;i ~! t~ l'.-~ ·d.i: t
t;lilt_;.i- :1.J: frrj were less than 10 minutes and that less than 1 minute
illll iltm 'lff f1i1!1 ll l1i1 tci l'l 1ti1 was required to read gradient temperatures. The upper
Fig. 9
curve indicates changes at 1-inch depth at the center
line, representing a gradual drop.
usual surface heat losses are seen. The cem,er temperat ures Temperature Gradients in Agar Cylinders of Increasing
are undoubtedly influenced by the symmetr y of the object, Diameter
which may produce heat conduction effec";s along a radial
The effect of heating a series of increasing-diameter
direction with accumulation in the center. Some wave
cylinders will now be considered. Cylinders were prepared
phenomena may be involved, again related to symmetry.
in a series from 4 to 8 inches in diameter, with height
Tempm-ature Distribution-Cylirulei-
equivalent to the diameter in each case. Initial tempera-
ture was 77 degrees F. The power level used was 1.7 kw
The results obtained from microwave heating of another and the power-to-mass ratio was maintained approxi-
symmetrical shape, that of 2, cylinder, are 3hown in Fig. 8. mately constant at 30 kw-seconds per pound.
For the
The curves show the temperat ures obtainec at quarter-inch 4-inch cylinder shown in Fig. 10, the temperat ure gradient
interv8ls along the diameter A to B and height C to D. rises steeply to a maximum, approximately at the
The upper curve refers to a 14.1-pound mass heated 6 The curve represents the average of three sets of gradient
minutes at 1.6 kw, and the lower one to a 15.6-pound mass readings through a plane at the center in the
heated for 9.5 minutes. The height was 7.5 inches for the indicated. The C to D temperat ure gradient is
also shown .
upper curve and 7 .75 inches for the lo'Ver curve, and but is distorted because of the position of the agar cylind
diameters were 8 inches. The initial temperat ure was on the metal floor of the cavity. This mass of 1.6
69 degrees F and measurements were rr_ade at a room was heatP.d for 28 seconds.
temperat ure of 76 degrees F. Under these experimental Fig. 11 shows the result obtained with a 5-inch cylinder
conditions of short heating within a large agar mass, no heated for 60 seconds. The weight was 3.4
pounds. A
1956 Copson: Microwave Energy in Food Procedure 31

liIT :t: 8~ f~ 1 ~~: w; im ::; t~i

i,c:J!,i!il'lli '1-.'·rJ,om\:i! .•• i ······
'1:: 1-:!.;. ,... ~. ·::· .. <..:...; .
;:i Ii:: •;.c fl~ !]i; f,j ;i; '~. ,;'d!~
m~ ~u f!:! iii !I," .
,fij J ., ·~ \i ;" iiiili;i ;IJ Mi ~ ~f~1 ~~ m '"_;r ·~ ,Sl !;Ii \Iii :;:; ::1: :·:: ::::

di ::g tfo t~ 1~!~ ~~! ~: ~J /I::-:

ii'j !ill !iii 'Ii ;J! il;i li, Hi ~r/ift,-;-li':f/ •••

Fig. 12
Fig. 11

plateau is observed with a slight rise at the center. The

effect of a 1-inch increase in diameter has been to level
the temperatu re gradient throughou t the mass. This

increase in dimension has produced more uniform tem-
peratures through the cylinder.
In Fig. 12 the gradients are shown for a 6-inch cylinder
weighing 5.8 pounds and heated for 102 seconds. The
temperatu res obtained appear similar to those of the
smaller cylinder, but the maximum at the center is much
more pronounced, suggesting that this dimension has
some special significance.
Fig. 13 shows the results obtained with a 7-inch cylinder
weighing 9.3 pounds and heated for 164 seconds. It shows
a ,vave-formed curve with maxima at 1 inch depth and
at the center.
Fig. 14 shows an 8-inch agar cylinder weighing 14.5
pounds, which was heated for 253 seconds. It will be
observed that the center portion is practically level, and
essentially only the 1-inch maxima are observed. At this
dimension, therefore, we have reached the point where
the supplemen tary effect is scarcely discernible at the
Fig. 13
In the series tested, all show a maximum at an approxi-
mate depth of 1 inch from the surface, and the temperatu re
gradient from this point to the center depends mainly on We were required, therefore, to devise a temperature-
the diameter. The additive effect which produces a center measuring method which was as independent as possible of
maximum ends essentially when the diameter increases these influences. We chose a system utilizing the expansion
from 7 to 8 inches, but a slight temperatu re rise is observed of dry air indicated on a mercury manometer. Low-loss

-at the center even with the 8-inch mass.

Internal Temperature Rise Under Microwave Heating

difficult at these power levels due to extraneous influences,

such as the rf field on the temperatu re measuring system. 1.8
materials made up the in-cavity portion, and the response
was found to be dependent on the temperatu re at the
sensing bulb in loads of the order of those recorded. The
In-cavity temperatu re measurements have proven temperature-calibrated manometer indication
sensing bulb
degrees F
less at
a liter
for the
consistent ly

D - .

:'ti·· r

80 • ..

. ±ti:··
. i~F
110 . J]j:j
• +.j:-
: - -1 ~

100 ,:
Fo - - I-~~ ·1·!U
90 ~ l::'
:·. f:t_ Tl
. _pt t~- :!]1-, :4' . -
-·' ' I...:..-,
c- .
. J"

;- -

..._ 1T.!"•
' ... ,. ;1:

,_ ,-J -·tt1 "ElR :~~~

:•::.. i:1#1:t _ !~ r.i'tt ,,c1
Fig. 14
than the tempera ture indicated by a standar d alcohol enced after the power was off, but a distinctly long lag -
thermometer inserted on termination of the heating. period intervened.
When both temperatures were measured after cessation
of heating and agitation of the water, they were equal. We Microwave Energy Absorption as a Function of Load Size
took the lower reading in the first case as an indication In microwave cooking, the time requirement is directly
that the manometer device was not affected by the rf proportional to the amount of food being heated. Two
directly, for if the reading had been greater, rf inter- types of curves are shown for illustration. In Fig. 16 (page
ference on the system would have been suggested. 34) the upper curve shows the power absorbed in increasing
With the sensing bulb sealed in various agar cylinders water loads. The greater the load, the greater the energy
along the major axis at the center, the internal response absorbed per unit of time up to 3 liters of water at 1.6 kw
to microwave heating was measured. Fig. 15 shows the in the microwave oven. Thus, the power mea_surement is
observations made. For the time interval from t 0 to the load-dependent, and a significant increase in heating rate
cessation of heating, a linear response to the energy was may be obtained in this manner (18 per cent over this short
observed at the center, the slope of the curve increasing range). The extension to food loads illustrates the possible
with decreasing cylinder diameter. For a cylinder 8 inches capacity increase, as shown in Fig. 17 (page 34). Here the
in diameter a different response was observed at the center. capacity to cook hamburger patties increases by 114 per
Here there was a greater lag in response than in the case, cent in the abscissa interval from 8 ounces to 90 ounces. It
of smaller cylinders. With the smaller cylinders, B re- will be observed that in this region the relation is linear,
sponded before 30 seconds, and A responded at 30 seconds. and cooking or heating rate may be established by con-
The response may be considered independent of conductive sidering the slope as a factor for change in time as a
heat in this poor heat conducting material. It will also be function of load. Acquaintance with cooking by the
recalled that the data shown previously in Fig. 9 indicated usual surface methods indicates that the time for increasing
that a 10-minute period of heat transfer by conduction loads is practically constan t for moderate loads under
yielded only a 3 degrees F rise in the center tempera ture steady- state oven tempera ture conditions. Thus, in a

of an 8-inch agar cylinder: The curves level off following standar d domestic range a 5 ounce potato bakes in 80
cessation of microwave heat, whereas they would be minutes at 350 degrees F to a final internal tempera ture
expected to show a drop if the response of the tempera ture of 190 degrees F and five such units require only 90
measuring system were being affected by the rf. For curve minutes, so that the difference is small and the time
B, data not shown indicate a rise at the end of 45 minutes, practically constant. Microwave cooking requires 2
showing that tempera ture at the center was being influ- minutes for one unit of this kind, and 8 minutes for five,
Copson: Microwave Energy in Food Procedure 33

·= --- 1 =_ i-1:t::·=m.i-==· ~--- ±.1.ij:
=· =
ri..,.· :::;:l t i.1....+:i
i.J· -

- •
~ j...l, ., •
··.::·, ..,..;_ --,-,

: )1.. :i: :_ ~: :j. : .+;J t-i;t". f :-.-:!_~-:~:.:.

-f: .r:j:i.~-- . . .. ···Eµ
r:.,-1'1:icf ---~~-1l!~- -

j: -~ 1 -.

"-i~ ilf:-.: ::,_. :_.:1:i=.

-•-~·-,.. ·11·r
~- ·•pJ·r:;:·.
:!:i.- ,:i: ; :,: ....
- ·- - -·-

, -. I .

-- -

--'1 130
130 ::::!·--

- 110

90 -·


..: ~
:j:• ··
' ;Jfltc~ -
t,,:µ.r::!:::::!: ~-

Fig. 15

or a direct increase in time. The difference is, therefore, a retention of vitamin C in tomatoes, broccoli, and cabbage,
difference in the method of getting thermal energy into and of phenylalanine, thiamin, and iibofiavin in meat.
the product, or penetration. DISCUSSI ON
To explain the relatively greater heating times required
for increasing loads with microwave heating as compared The dimensions of most food products are such that
with surface or oven heating, we note that for surface they come within the influence of direct microwave
cooking each heat-absorbing unit is surrounded by a hot heating at this frequency, while in the case of large pieces
atmosphere, and therefore the number of units does not of meat, it was shown that a balancing of direct heating
affect the capacity for moderate loads under assumed and heat-conduction effects achieves desired results and
steady-s tate conditions. Changing to microwave heating simultaneously gives a normal rare pattern. Undoubtedly
is similar to removing a semipermeable membrane and combination of penetrati on and delivery of thermal energy
allowing a perfusion of the mass with thermal energy. within the material, relation of gradients to thickness, and
The load-size studies serve as evidence that the heating advance of the heat line after termination of microwave
depends on internal concentration of micro-wave power. heating are interesting features of the study.
As expected, the after-heating effect has consequences
Retention of Nutrients
in the cooking of foods. We note in particular that cakes
Any cooking process has importan t implications in progress from an under baked to fully baked state, or
nutrition. The full effect of microwave cooking in this from fully baked to overdone, after removal from the
area has not been evaluated. Obviously the short exposure range. Further, if a cake is cut before the residual cooking
to high temperat ures in many microwave procedures, is accomplished, excessive crumb dryness occurs due to
de-emphasis on holding food hot for service, and greater some action of the energy still present. This effect does
emphasis on the use of frozen foods, plus other functions not occur if cooling time is provided, or if the energy is
which will suggest themselves, are all favorable to the allowed to dissipate internally. Similarly, vegetables are

- protection of nutrients. The selection of some portion

of the data for presentation from an incomplete study is
of dubious value. However, nutrition al studies at the
Departm ent of Food Technology at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology have shown significantly better
observed to improve in doneness and quality if a short
conditioning period is allowed after micrm:fave cooking.
Our cooked product temperat ure differentials vary
from those obtained with conventional cooking in a hot
chamber or under hot radiant elements. Consider the
moment of cessation of heat; at this time, the surface and
C. Campbell, (1955), private communication.

,;,j 1.9
I. 9 I~;: I, 8

13 SEPT. 1954
1.7 MODEL 1161

"' 0.20
13 SEPT 1954 I.I
:::; 0.19
<l MODEL 1161 .J
.,, 1.5
1.0 ::. 0.18
I- a:
31: 0.9 "'
a. 0.17
0 U) (.}
.J 1.4
0.8 I- w 0.16
i: I- U)

"';;: ' N
0.7 ~ 0.15
1.3 0.6
::. 0.14

0.5 '31:

1 .2
0.4 0.12

0.3 0.1

I. I
0.2 0.09

10 20 30 40
0 WT. (OZ.)
1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
Fig. 16
paration. These studies have been reported previously.~ -
It is general practice, however, to treat this class of
interior temperature differentials are reversed in the two foods as products requiring through-cooking, usually in a
methods of heating. However, with microwave heating few minutes, plus short broiling or searing. These two
there is a much smaller differential with ordinary-sized processes are sometimes carried out in conjunction with
foods such as a potato, and temperatures tend to be more freezer storage or refrigeration.
uniform at the instant of cessation of heating. The actual A third class of foods with respect to microwave cooking:
surface is cooler. Ordinarily, high exterior temperatures practice is the group of roasted products, such as meat.
are required during baking to create a baking temperature and poultry. These roasts generally require a cooking:
within the food. These circumstances may well explain period of the order of 20 to 30 minutes, and this is ample,
residual cooking ""ith microwaves, in that ordinary for surface coloring without further treatment. Superficia[
cooking gives higher surface temperatures and conditions fat layers absorb microwave energy and the temperature
are less favorable for continued cooking after cessation of may rise well above the boiling point of water, so that.
heat because of rapid loss of surface heat to surroundings. regular oven conditions are approached by the roast itself
For short heating periods with microwave energy, as in and browning occurs. The effect of longer heating at.
baking apples, potatoes, and cakes or in cooking fish, these power levels in such products is, therefore, surface-
surf~ce cooking is moderate and crusting absent. Thus, an browning attributable to high temperatures of 250 degrees.
apple retains a nearly fresh surface appearance while F or more, melting of fat, and development of some
being baked throughout, and the time for 12 apples would crispness. If heating is continued to the overdone stage,..
be 6 minutes. The facility with which dishes of food may crusting occurs.
be heated without crusting or deterioration has made
such heating an important application of microwave SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
cooking. Temperature gradients were determined in various beef
Products which cook quickly but ordinarily require a roasts so that a model for efficient roasting by microwave
browning or crusting to meet taste acceptance pose a energy could be constructed. Agar shapes were used as
problem in microwave-only cooking. Chickens, steaks, phantoms in penetration studies. In spheres 5 . 75. inches: -
and chops are examples. The problem is resolved by prep- in diameter, and in cylinders up to 7 inches in diameterr
arations which promote natural browning through Maillard
reaction of normally present but now concentrated D. A. Copson, B. R. Neumann, and A. L. Brody,. '·'Browning;
methods in microwave cooking," Joitr. Agr. Food Chem·.,. vol. 3,
materials, such as glucose and glycine in cooking pre- pp. 424-427; May, 1955.

temperature maxima were demonstrated at the center. gradient is greater than in microwave heating. In micro-
The internal temperature rise was measured in agar wave-cooked products the degree of surface cooking rela-
cylinders while they were being heated by microwave tive to internal cooking has important consequences which
- energy using a dry-air expansion device indicating on a are favorable for purely heating functions, limiting for
mercury manometer. Direct heating by microwave small objects requiring browning, and acceptable in the
energy was observed at the center of these objects. case of large roasts requiring extended cooking of the
Cylinders up to 8 inches in diameter were tested. order of 20 to 40 minutes. Cooking times with microwaves
The progress of conducted heat toward the center of as well as capacity are functions of load size. For a moderate
large masses, after the termination of microwave heating, load, cooking time with surface heating is nearly inde-
was found to be important in accomplishing the cooking. pendent of the size of the load. The fact that the cooking
Thermal conduction effects and the nature of the thermal time is a function of the load size may be explained by
energy within a mass appear to contribute to residual • icrowave power concentration within the food.
I, cooking. Compared to surface heating, the temperature Important improvements in nutrient retention in foods
r differential is reversed in direction in small units and the cooked by miscrowaves are suggested in early reports.

Paramagnetic Resonance Methods in Biological Research*


F ALL THE specialties in the field of physics, that magnetic field and the microwave frequency satisfy the

O of magnetism has been unique in the infrequency

of its application to research in biology. This is
easy to understand upon realizing that living systems
Larmor condition, these transitions become sufficiently
- numerous so that the resulting absorption of microwave
power can be observed. In practice, one customarily keeps
display no gross magnetic properties. Despite this, there the microwave frequency constant (X band being typical)
A have been occasional studies of considerable value such as and sweeps the external magnetic field until the resonance
W the work of Pauling, Coryell, and coworkers' on the is found.
magnetic susceptibility of the various states of hemo- Since the sample being observed is immersed in a
globin. This work, employing classical susceptibility meth- microwave field, there are secondary effects involving the
ods, and extended by other investigators to additional electric field. First, any dielectric absorption in the sample
systems such as respiratory enzymes, suffers from a sensi- reduces the Q of the system and thereby reduces the
tivity which is at best about 10- M. sensitivity of the apparatus. For this reason, paramagnetic .
The recent development of microwave paramagnetic resonance studies are frequently limited to solids or
resonance techniques has, however, increased the feasi- nonaqueous solutions. If the method is to be useful in
bility of performing magnetic measurements on biological biology, this limitation must be faced. In practice, it is
systems, and in particular, upon living systems. A sample found that locating a thin layer or thin capillary of an
containing as little as 10- moles of a paramagnetic aqueous sample at an electric field node (where the
substance can now be studied and there are indications magnetic field is a maximum) enables one to detect a
7 8
that this sensitivity may be increased by another two paramagnetic species at a molarity of about 10- -10- •
orders of magnitude. Because of this high sensitivity, the A second question is the extent to which this die,lectric
very weakness of the magnetism of biological systems absorption may affect the sample, particularly when it is
becomes an asset since one can perform the observation a living system. We have so far hoped that since the
with a minimum_ of disturbance to the system. microwave absorption spectra of liquid systems charac-
In order to observe paramagnetic resonance absorption, teristically show no sharp lines for reasons of strong
one places the sample in a microwave cavity which is molecular interaction, the main effects would be the
located in a steady, magnetic field. Microwave power gross thermal ones. If this proves to be the case, control
flowing continuously into the cavity with its magnetic of power level, possibly pulsed oper:;i,tion of the klystron,
vector oriented normal to the steady magnetic field will and suitable cooling should prevent untoward effects. For
then induce transitions between Zeeman levels of a information on details and results of this electric inter-
paramagnetic molecule. If the values of the steady action it is hoped this Symposium will greatly assist us.
A well resolved paramagnetic resonance line yields
A * This research was supported in part by the United States Air considerable information: the area enclosed by it is a
W Force, through the AF Office of Sci. Res., Air Res. and Dev. Comm. measure of the number of paramagnetic molecules in the
t W. vV. Hansen Laboratories of Physics and Dept. of Physics, sample; the location of the line (determined by the "g"
Stanford Univ., Stanford, Calif.
1 L. Pauling and C. D. Coryell, "The magnetic properties and
value) gives information regarding the coupling of the
structure of the hemochemogens and related substances," Proc.
Nat.. Acad. Sci., vol. 22, pp. 159, 210; March, 1936. free electron responsible for the paramagnetism; and the

hyperfine structure, if any, gives us knowledge of the
structure of the molecule itself. Since the resonance can
be displayed or recorded repetitively in time (Fig. 1) we
have in principle a graph of concentration vs time which O······HO
immediately gives the rate constants for the kinetics of QUINHYDRONE
the system.
tt Dimerization

0 ;;



(+H) II


Free radical reaction Free radical reaction

Polymeric Products
Polymeric Products

Fig. 2-The reaction scheme for the oxidation-reductio n of p-benzo-

Fig. I-The repetitive display in time of the differentiated absorp- quinone (hydroquinone).
tion curve of the semiquinone of p-benzoquinone during aklaline
oxidation. The envelope of this curve is a concentration vs time
plot of the free radical with the initial concentration being of the which has a concentration dependent upon the pH of the
order of 10-51VI.
solution (Fig. 3). It has been found that these reactions
are essentially reversible physiological at pH, but as the
In order to observe any resonance at all, it is necessary solution is made increasingly alkaline the lifetime of the
that the system under observation contain paramagnetic free radical intermediate is increased and the yield of the
molecules. In biological systems these usually arise from polymeric products rises markedly. This polymeric
a paramagnetic atom such as the iron group, or a free material is observed to form during alkaline oxidation-
radical or molecule containing an odd number of electrons. reduction of all the quinones and aromatic amines studied
A further possibility lies in the paramagnetism of an and appears to be similar in nature to melanin. Since this -
"even" molecule which has been raised to a metastable has been observed to be shared by catechol and DOPA it
excited state. To illustrate the scope of the present day appears that magnetic resonance method should be useful
application of the magnetic resonance method, it has been in studies of biological pigmentation processes.
used by Ingram and Bennett2 to study several metallo-
porphyrins and carbonized organic compounds, by
Commoner and coworkers3 to observe resonances in a CONCENTRATION OF THE. SEMIQUINONE
number of lyophilized plant and animal tissues, and by ~ p-BENZOQUINONE ( .136 HYDROQUINONE
the author to examine the free radicals produced duri11g z OXIDIZING IN AIR)
the reversible oxidation-reduction of biological quinones. 4 =>
Our program at Stanford has at present two principal <ta:
. objects: one aim is to increase the instrumental sensitivity I:::
which we believe can be accomplished by improved a:<t
(I) .......___
microwave configurations, better klystrons, and more z
efficient detection methods. The other phase is to apply 0
our present paramagnetic resonance spectrometer to the f--a:~ "I'-
study of biochemical systems which are appropriate to wz
the sensitivity of the apparatus. This has at the moment 0z
taken the form of a detailed study of kinetics of biological
(.) r-- :---._ pH 10.0
quinones undergoing reversible oxidation-reduction.
The general mechanism involved in the single electron
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
oxidation-reduction of quinones is shown in Fig. 2 for the 45
case of p-benzoquinone. w·hen this molecule loses one
hydrogen atom a paramagnetic semiquinone is formed Fig. 3-Concentration of the semiquinone of p-benzoquinone as a
function of pH. ·
2 D.
J. E. Ingram and .J. E. Bennett, "Paramagnetic resonance in
activated carbon," Phil. Mag., vol. 45, p. 545; 1954. Also "Phthalo-
-cyanine, chlorophyll, and haemoglobin derivatives," J. Chem. Phys., If we ignore for a moment the free radical-polymeric -
vol. 22, p. 1136; 1954. reactions and dimerization, the kinetics of these systems
3 B. Commoner,
J. Townsend, and G. E. Pake, "Free radicals in
biological materials," Nature, vol. 174, p. 689; 1954. may be represented by Fig. 4. The free radical inter-
4 M.
S. Blois, "Observation of the semiquinone of benzoqui- mediate is indicated as the species _labeled B. To give a
none," J. Chern. Phys., vol. 23, p. 1351; 1955; also "A note on
free radial formation in biologically recurring quinones," Biochern. qualitative idea of the behavior of these quinones, the
et Biophys: Acta (in press). larger molecules like 9, 10 anthraquinone appear to reach
1956 Blois: Paramagnetic Resonance Methods in Biological Research 37

H2 N ~ N H 2
1- 1
z K k
w A~s-.1.c

HO"=./-OH Ho-Q-o•

}rig. 4-Concentration changes in consecutive first order reactions. Fig. 5-Qualitative comparison of the differentiated resonance sig-
nals of the free radicals produced by oxidation of p-phenylene-
diamine and p-benzoquinone.
a peak value of concentration in something like 2 to 3
hours at, say, pH 10, while the maximum for p-benzo- H N - o - ~ OH /\
quinone occurs in not more than a few seconds under 0~ • - _,. ~
similar conditions. We have not as yet observed this
latter maximum since it takes place before the sample
tube could be inserted in the instrument. (A continuously
H2 N - o - O H
circulating system is now under construction, aii.d we will
observe the fast reacting systems as the components are p- AM I NOPHENOL ~ 0'1/. · to
added and mixed directly in the sample holder.) It is also ~4,.>:
found that the o-benzoquinone free radical is still less
stable and with solutions having molarities where the
para form would show a resonance for several hours, the

H2 N - o - o • ~r
corresponding ortho-semiquinone vanishes in a few Fig.shape 6-Qualitative indication of the difference in resonance line
where the oxidation of p-aminophenol is accomplished in
minutes. In the cases of ortho and para naphthoquinone air and with hydrogen peroxide.
we have estimated the stability of the para-semiquinone
to be about 50 times that of the ortho isomer.
4 group 5 and later observed by us that the hydroquinone
A A preliminary survey of quinones has led us to the fol-
resonance consists of five closely spaced lines. vVe intend
W lowing tentative conclusions:
to re-examine at higher resolution all the quinone reson-
l) The semiquinones of ortho isomers are from one to ances with which we have worked in the expectation of
two orders of magnitude less stable than the para. finding further hyperfine structure. This is a necessary
2) The free radical stability is increased foi· the poly- step toward understanding these line shape differences.
nuclear hydrocarbons-steric hindrance for dimeri- Study of the behavior of biological quinones is only a
zation probably playing a role. part of a larger problem, that of biological oxidation-
3) The yield of insoluble oxidation-reduction products reduction in general and the corollary role of antioxidants.
of the aromatic hydroxyl compounds and aromatic As instrumental sensitivity is increased to the point where
amines increases when the free radical stability is enzyme-substrate reactions can be studied, and assuming
increased. From this, it seems likely that these that single electron transfers are involved, it would appear
products (including melanin) are produced by free that oxidation-reduction can be approached in a unified
radical reactions. manner by use of these methods.
A further application of this method will be an evalua- •
Other results have turned up which we hope to explore tion of the predicated role of free radicals in carcinogenesis.
in more detail. The oxidation of the aromatic amines This hypothesis is an attractive one since the intracellular
displays the free radical behavior during univalent dehy- production of free radicals appears to be the principal
drogenation, as shown in the upper sequence of Fig. 5. feature common to such diverse agents as ionizing radiation
Resonance itself is broader than with hydroquinone and and the carcinogenic chemicals. Finally, there is reason to
its appearance is that indicated in the figure. Some very suspect that free radicals in biological systems may be
tentative results indicate that this shape is characteristic more common than usually supposed. It seems likely
of the free nitrogen valence in distinction to the free that we should think of free radical prod~ction as a process
oxygen valence shown below it. A somewhat similar line similar to ionization; it can occur with all molecule~ and
shape has been observed with riboflavin where a ,free often with energy threshold much lower than the latter.
nitrogen valence also exists upon reduction. To fur.,~her In summary, the application of this tool to biology
A chec~;thi~ we have ex_ai:1in~d p:aminophenol (Fig._ 6} _by gives one a means of obtaining essentially unique data
•allowu1-g it to first ox1d1ze 111 air, and then by ox1d1zmg which appear to be associated with life processes at the
with hyi:lrogen peroxide. The former treatment might be molecular level.
expected to affect more strongly the easily oxidizable
amino group while the latter would oxidize both amino
6 B. Vankataraman and G. K. Fraenkel, "Paramagnetic resonance
and hydroxyl groups. The approximate shapes of the of methyl substituted p-benzoquinones," J. Chem. Phys., vol. 23,
resonances are as shown. It was first reported by Fraenkel's p. 588; March, 1955.

~ )'/ Heat Exchange Chafacteristics of Animals

LfQ/ / Exposed to 10-Cm Microwaves*

Summary-Work now in progress on the biological effects of high

intensity 10-cm microwave fields has been accompanied by studies
body temperature, heat production is just balanced by
on heat exchange characteristics of rats, rabbits, and dogs irradiated heat loss. Any additional source of heat, such as microwave
under relatively free field conditions. These studies include meas- power, causes a rise in body temperature. As the rise is
urements of field intensity and distribution as well as of body
temperatures. Determination of initial heating rates, steady-state
perceived by physiological thermostatic mechanisms, an
body temperatures, and cooling rates permitted estimation of thermal increased cooling rate acts to reduce the temperature, and
characteristics including absorption and certain heat exchange pa- a decrease in the rate of rise results. The initial rate of •
rameters as an aid in interpretation of biological effects.
temperature rise, however, is entirely the result of the
additional heating, and the magnitude of this power input
INTRODUCTION can be estimated from the animal's weight, specific heat,

HE INCREASE in radar field intensities in recent and initial rate of temperature rise. The effectiveness of
years and the increase in the use of microwaves in absorption of the power is measured as a ratio of the
therapeutic diathermy have produced a potential microwave heat production in the animal to the total
hazard and created a need for further understanding of the power in the area of the beam intercepted by the animal.
biological effects of this form of energy. Considerable work The ability of an animal to dissipate additional heat at
has been done on the effects of localized microwave elevated body temperature and, consequently, his ability
irradiation on animal structures such as the eye, testis, to withstand microwave fields, can be studied by measur-
bone, and hollow viscera [1-8]. Selective heating of tissues ing the average field intensity necessary to maintain body
has been shown to be due to differences in their micro- temperature at a prescribed level.
wave absorption and heat dissipation ability. The rate of cooling of an animal from elevated tempera-
Little work was found in which field strengths were tures is an indication of his heat loss capability at a given ·
known ai~d controlled, or in which the entire animal body temperature. An ideal inert thermal mass would cool -
was exposed to the field. Information on the heat exchange exponentially; however, a live animal's cooling is dependent
, characteristics of animals completely exposed to measured on· many physiological factors, the characteristics of
microwave fields would be valuable for the over-all which change with temperature. The most important of
understanding of the biological effects of these microwaves, these are metabolism, respiration, and blood flow.
and would be helpful as a preliminary to the study of The live animal's cooling will probably not be expo-
localized effects. nential, but will reflect the physiological changes involved.
From a hazard standpoint, the S-band (IO-cm band) The dead animal's cooling rate approximates the expo-
has a peculiar place in the diathermy spectrum. Longer nential quite closely, any departure being due mainly to
wavelengths generate heat in tissues in a more diffuse the fact that temperature equalization throughout the
manner, and are therefore less likely to cause localized body depends in this case entirely on conduction, and
injury. Shorter wavelengths are absorbed more super- some significant differentials do develop.
ficially and are more easily perceived.
We have undertaken to study the over-all heating and METHOD

cooling of animals completely immersed in an S-band An S-band (10.4-cm) pulsed radar transmitter with a
. microwave field, particularly with regard to the absorption horn antenna was used for the experiments. A beam was
of the electromagnetic energy, the ability of the animals radiated horizontally with vertical polarization. The
to dissipate heat at elevated body temperature, and the radiation was confined to a shielded enclosure which was
relation of field strength to body temperature increases. lined with an absorbing layer in order to give relatively
Such information should be of value from the physiological free field conditions. A power divider in the waveguide
standpoint as well as for the understanding of microwave system allowed the shifting of any portion of the trans-
effects. mitter output to a water load_, thereby affording field
Before an animal is exposed, and while he is in a intensity control over a wide range. Transmitter input
steady-state condition with his environment at his normal power was automatically regulated, and variation of the
average field strength with time was within one per cent.
* The opinions herein expressed are those of the authors and do Field strength measurements were made with a small A
not necessarily reflect the views of the U. S. Navy or of the naval
service at large. receiving horn, a directional coupler, a coaxial attenuator, W
t Naval Medical Research Institute, National Naval Medical and a Hewlett-Packard 4300 Microwave Wattmeter.
Center, Bethesda, Md.
t Presently at the Office of U.S. Naval Research, London Branch, Families of intensity curves were recorded in each of
London, Eng. several planes perpendicular to the radiation axis. From
1956 Ely and Go;dman: Heat Exchange Characteristics of Animals 3!!
l l

i-, ~j
Fig. 1-Rat in exposure supp"'rt.

Fig. 3-Dog in exposure support.

However, the administration of 6 mgm/kilogram of

chlorpromazine intramuscularly about an hour before the
experiment was effective in calming the dogs and therefore
improving the temperature records. With this agent, we·
did not find the temperature fall characteristic of the·
general anesthetic drugs, and the results compared well
with what results were obtained from the unmedicated
Fig. 2-Rabbit in exposure support. dogs. •
Rectal temperatures were recorded continuously during
-these curves, intensity contour charts were plotted, per- the microwave exposure, as well as for a period before
mitting estimation of the total field in any particular profile and afterward. For this purpose, a small shielded ther-
area. mistor connected in an unbalanced direct current bridge·
Three species of animals, in three size. ranges, were used was used in conjunction with a recording potentiometer.
for the study: 4 Long-Evans rats of about 200 grams, It was found that by orienting the thermistor leads
10 albino rabbits of about 4 kilograms, and 8 mongrel perpendicular to the direction of polarization, the direct
dogs of about 10 kilograms. The animals ,vere exposed, effect of microwaves on the thermistor was nil. The
one at a time, in a horizontal upright position, with their thermometry system was found by calibration to be
sensitive to about 0.01 C , and accurate to about 0.05 C •
flanks perpendicular to and centered on the beam axis.
Figs. l, 2, and 3 show the manner in which the animals. In addition to recording the animal's temperature, the·
were supported. Exposure support matm·ials were sub- potentiometer was used as a controller to start and stop,
stantial enough to restrict a somewhat anxious animal, the transmitter. A thermostatic cycling of animal body
and yet cause a minimum distortion o~ absorption of the temperature was obtained, with the over-all swing as lmv-
field, or restriction of normal convective cooling air. ·rn as about 0.03 C 0 • The control point was selected by
order to minimize the production of -:;emperature differ- changing the range of the recorder. During the period
entials within the animal, field intensit~es of no more than of temperature control, transmitter "on" and "total"-
about 100 milliwatts per square centimeter were used. times were determined by two synchronous timers.
Rats and rabbits proved relatively docile, and were Each experimental run was conducted in the following
exposed in a plastic insect screen tu·Je supported by a general sequence: Animal weight was determined, pre-
horizontal Lucite bar on vertical glase. tubes. The screen medication (if any) was given, and the animal was placed
support was not adequate for the dog3, which were more in the exposure support. The thermistor was inserted, and
active, and so a canvas sling ·was developed, which gave temperature recording started. Fig. 4 shows, in principle,.
them good support and adequate restraint. the exposure routine. The first portion of the record,,
The dogs' marked lack of submissi~ness to the experi- before irradiation is started, established a baseline, or·
mental procedure, and the body ternp3rature fluctuations initial, normal body temperature, and also indicated
A resulting from their attempts at m,wement made the variations in this value, such as those due to activity or·
Winterpretat ion of the data difficult. General anesthesia medication. Next, the transmitter was turned on, and the
was attempted and abandoned, beca1.1se all agents tried body temperature ro:;;e. This provided the initial slope
caused a profound fall in body tem::wrnture and inter- needed in the absorption calculation. Interpretation of
ference with the normal thermoetatic mechanisms. field intensities with the animal present is very difficult;

ture. When the animal's temperature reached this level,
automatic on and off cycling of the field started, and the
animal temperature oscillated about the prescribed level.A
This appears as the first group of small oscillations in the•
::, figure. Average field intensity was measured as the product
~ of the measured field intensity and the fraction of time
the transmitter was on. After a period at one temperature
f- sufficient to give a good average field value, the control
temperature was increased by a degree or half-degree, and
another steady-state field determination was made.
Determinations at several more levels were made, and
then the transmitter was shut off entirely, and the animal's
cooling temperature record was obtained.
Fig. 5 shows an example of an actual record. Since the
Fig. 4-Time sequence of animal exposure experiment. range of the recorder rather than the control point on the

J )

,. s 8
Fig. 5-Actual temperature recorder chart of an experimental run.

consequently measurements were made without the recorder was changed, all cycling appears at the same
animal, under relatively free field conditions. level, although actually representing a series of different
The dimensions of most experimental animals are not temperatures.
very much greater than S-band wavelengths; therefore, A single experimental run, therefore, provided data for
diffraction of the field by the animal can cause the effective the estimation of microwave absorption "efficiency,"
absorption cross section to differ significantly from the as well as data on heat dissipative ability at several ele-
geometrical cross section. As the latter is used in our vated body temperatures, and a cooling constant in the
calculations, the term "Absorption Efficiency" is not a case of dead animals.
true efficiency, and is used only because of convenience. The animals survived the procedure well if not heated
l t is calculated as: to beyond 42° C. At 43° C there were some deaths, while
Absorbed power no animal survived 44 ° C. If death did not occur during
Absorption "Efficiency" or within a few minutes of exposure, the animal recovered.
Incident Profile Power
Those animals which survived the higher levels of hyper-
(Initial Heating Rate)(Animal Wt.)(Animal S.H.) thermia were temporarily disabled, but apparently
(Av. Microwave Profile Intensity)(Profile Area) con;iplete recovery occurred within a few hours of the end
of the exposure.
The effect of the irradiated animal on the transmitter
power output is not a problem unless the animal intercepts . ~mIB -
most of. the beam and is close to the radiating antenna. Fig. 6 shows the individual calculated values of absorp-
The first control, or steady-state temperature, was tion "efficiency" for each animal. The open circles are
-chosen about one degree above the normal body tempera- the species averages.
I i
1956 Ely and Goldman: Heat Exchange Characteristics of Animals 41
100 , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,

I - l

• ~



z 60

- 0
a.. 40

Fig. 7-Qualitative heat exchange characteristics of an animal as
! related to body temperature.

20 of a magnitude just sufficient to make the resultant equal

zero, would produce a steady temperature.
Figs. 8, 9, and 10 show the e},,l)erimental data obtained
from the rats, rabbits, and dogs, respectively. Body·
0 L -_ _. . __ _ _ __ . . , ~ - - - - ~ - - - ' temperature rise above normal is plotted with respect to
the microwave field intensity required to maintain this
Fig. 6-lndividual values and species averages of absorption rise. Each animal in the group is represented by coded
"efficiencies" for rats, rabbits, and dogs. points. The dashed line is an approximate average. Here
microwave power has been used as the additional source
Fig. 7 shows schematically the heat gain and loss rates of heat necessary to caus~ the animal's net heat exchange
of an animal as a function of body temperature. Normal to equal zero, in other words, to maintain constant body.
A temperature is at the ord~nat~, and increases to_ the right. temperature. The ri.1agnitude of the microwave power,
WHeat gain from metabolism 1s above the abscissa. Heat then, represents the rate at which the animal would lose
loss, plotted below the abscissa, has been grouped i1~to heat without this source, or his heat dissipation ability.
two factors: surface loss and respiratory loss. The heavier In order to facilitate comparison with Fig. 7, the results
line is the resultant sum of the gain and loss. have been plotted in the fourth quadrant.
The metabolic heat gain curve at normal body tempera- In Fig. 7, again, the bottom of the resultant heat
ture is at a level which represents the resting metabolic exchange curve represents the maximum heat dissipation
rate. As the temperature increases, the metabolic rate ability of the animal. This point occurs at about 4 ..5 C

also increases, but in a somewhat exponential manner. 0

above normal for the rats, about 3 ..5 C above normal
This is due not only to increase in the rate of metabolic for the rabbits, and about 2..5 C 0 above normal for the
chemical reactions, but also to the increased respiratory dogs. However, since there is a species difference in normal
effort and struggling which appear at these elevated body temperature, this amounts to about 42° C in each
temperatures. The surface loss line is nearly straight, since case.
nonsweating animals are involved. However, the increase The second point at which the resultant curve crosses
in slope shown by the respiratory loss curve represents the axis represents a condition where the animal is in a
the use of increased breathing as a cooling mechanism. steady-state condition-heat input balanced by heat
At higher levels, this mechanism begins to lose its effec- output, but it is an unstable point. Any gain in tempera-
tiveness because of an impairment of respiration which ture produces a net heat input resulting in additional
is seen at high body temperatures. temperature gain, while any loss of temperature produces.
The resultant curve shows that for a moderate sub- a net heat loss, with further temperature loss.
normal temperature, there is a gain of heat, which acts The cooling constants of several of our experimental
to return the temperature to normal. For a moderately animals, together with some figures for mice, and one
elevated temperature, there is a resultant loss of heat, value from the literature [9] which represents the average-
which also acts to return the temperature to normal. If of several humans, are plotted in Fig. 11.
the fever is higher, there is a decrease in ability to lose
heat, and for high temperatures, the net heat exchange DISCUSSION
- even becomes positive, which further increases the
temperature until the animal dies. All the animals used in this study were fur-bearing and
In the region between the points where the resultant unclipped. It may be that fur significantly changes th<7
curve crosses the abscissa, any additional source of heat, absorption characteristics of microwaves. Further experi-

.... , ......
··,. ....


0 0


' '···•-•.

. .
/ /

0 ·••··•·•·· .

2 3 4 5 6 7

Fig. 8-Microwave field intensity required to maintain steady-state body temperatures in rats.
',' ', 0.----------------c--0-r-6,------,
' I
\ I
. ,,.a',
',,.......... 0
', 6 6
• 6


o ',e • • e ', • I
a A - ........ ......_ _ _ _
..."', ,/

------1.__. .,.____ _ >-

............ ___

0 .,,,,,-.,,,,,,,,,,

• •

!z 50 0
• • • 0 •
:w 0
,.;: w

75 75'

2 3 4 5 0 3 4 5

:Fig. 9-Microwave field intensity required to maintain steady-state

body temperatures in rabbits. Fig. 10-Microwave field intensity required to maintain steady-state
body temperatures in dogs.

mentation including a comparison between clipped and
unclipped animals would be valuable, particularly from
the standpoint of extrapolation to humans.
>- The values of absorption "efficiencies" obtained were
z not highly consistent, but most are not far from 40 per
z cent, and this figure suggests itself as a good approximate
i'! working value. A significant species difference was not

100 1>-I>?;' demonstrated, which fact is reasonable considering that

:; /'/I.
,f: the microwave power gain and heat loss are both approxi-
:::; mately direct linear functions of animal surface area.
8 10 There is a rather wide spread in individual points on
the steady-state field graphs (Figs. 8, 9, and 10). However,
the over-all trend is apparent not only from the point-
10 100 1000 10,000 100,000
BODY WEIGHT (gm) averages, but also from the curves of the individual
Fig. 11-Cooling time constants of several animal species as related animals. Although none of the rats or rabbits reached the
to body weight. axis again at elevated temperature, three of the dogs
1956 Ely and Goldman: Heat Exchange Characteristics of Animals 43
actually crossed it at the points indicated, and continued recordings during exposure provided data on the rate of
into the region of positive net heat exchange to death. power absorption and on the ability of the animals to
All three species required a field of roughly 25 milliwatts dissipate the heat absorbed. The average absorption of
~ e r square centimeter to maintain a fever of 1 C 0 -sug- each species was roughly 40 per cent of the power in the
gesting little species difference in this respect. Although animal's geometrical profile, and the heat dissipation
it is not to be inferred that this figure is proposed for use ability was such that a field of 25 milliwatts per square
in formulating safety standards, this type of information centimeter could be dissipated at a body temperature
may be of value from the hazard study standpoint. We 0
:increase of about 1 C The data further demonstrated

have related temperature rise to field intensity because that at high body temperatures the heat loss mechanisms
these quantities represent cause and effect, and are the of the animal body become less effective, and at a very
most convenient to measure accurately. We also did high temperature a net heat gain results.
calculations of intermediate events, using such factors as
,_ absorption "efficiency," metabolic rate, surface area, and BIBLIOGRAPHY
I profile area, but found that little was contributed except
[1] Daily, Jr., L., vVakim, K. G., Herrick, J. F., and Parkhill, E. M.,
additional sources of error. "Effects of Microwave Diathermy on the Eye." (Abstract)
Cooling records were made mainly as a partial check on American Journal of Physiology, Vol. 155 (September, 1948),
pp. 432.
procedure. If an animal were to cool as a unit, slope of j2] Daily, Jr., L., ViTakim, K. G., Herrick, J. F., Parkhill, E. M., and
cooling curve would be equivalent to net heat loss at any Benedict, W. L., "The Effects of Microwave Diathermy on the
Eye: An Experimental Study." American Journd of Ophthal-
point, hence would be equivalent to values obtained mology, Vol. 33 (August, 1950), pp. 1241-1254.
during steady state temperature phase of experiment. [3] Engle, J. P., el al., "Effect of Microwaves on Bone and Bone
Marrow and Adjacent Tissues." Archives of Physical 1lfedicine,
However, the animal is not an ideal thermal mass. Vol. 31 (October, 1950), pp. 453-461.
Of the many possible sources of data variability in this [4] Hines, H. M., and Randall, E. J., "Possible Industrial Hazards
in the Use of Microwave Radiation." Electrical Engineering,
experiment, the differences between individual animals Vol. 71 (October, 1952), pp. 879-881.
and the time changes in a given animal seem to be the [5] Hirsch, F. G., and Parker, J. T., "Bilateral Lenticular Opacities
Occurring in a Technician Operating a Microll"ave Generator."
greatest. The experiments have consisted of heating American Medical Association Archives of Industrial Hygiene
complicated systems in a nonuniform manner with & Occupational Medicine, Vol. 6 (December, 1952), pp. 512-
uncontrolled. ambient temperatures and humidities, and :6] Hutt, B. K., Moore, J., Colonna, P. C., and Horvath, S. M.,
measuring their temperatures in a location which did not "Influence of Microwave Irradiation on Bone Temperature in
Dog and Man." Amer-ican Journal of Phys·ical Medicine, Vol.
necessarily represent average. We found not only that
e_ive animals vary in their sensitivities to microwaves, but
any given animal's response can vary from minute to
31 (October, 1952), pp. 422-428.
[7] Richardson, A. vV., Duane, T. D., and Hines, H. M., "Experi-
mental Lenticular Opacities Produced by Microwave Irradia--
tions." Archives of Physical Medicine, Vol. 29 (Dec-3mber, 1948),
minute. Irregular patterns of voluntary activity, breathing, pp. 765-769.
[8] Richardson, A. vV., Duane, T. D., and Hines, H. lVL, "Experi-
and even blood flow, cause erratic temperature swings. mental Cataract Produced by Three-Cm Pulsed Microwave
Irradiations." American Medical Association Archives of Oph-
CONCLUSIONS thalmology, Vol. 45 (April, 1951), pp. 382-386.
[9] Molnar, G. W., Hurley, Jr., H. J., and Ford, R., "Preliminary
Rats, rabbits, and dogs were totally exposed to a Report on Measurement of Post Mortem Cooling of the Human.
Body." Army Medical Research Laboratory", Re}ort No. 147,
calibrated S-band microwave field. Rectal temperature January 17, 1955.


Physical Evaluation of Personnel Exposed to

Microwave Emanations

SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS was known and determined to be entirely unrelated to

COMPREHENSIVE physical examination pro- radar exposure.

A gram of radar personnel at a large airframe

manufacturer was instituted in an effort to deter-
mine whether prolonged (years) and short (months)
Modified Rumpel-Leede tests for capillary fragility
were disproportionately high for the control group. There
was no apparent correlation between reduced platelet
duration exposure to microwave emanations had resulted counts and positive tests.
in transient or permanent biological damage. It was Subjective complaints were present in a minority of
further hoped to correlate any significant findings with cases and consisted essentially of a heating sensation when
time-field power relationship and postulate standards for in close proximity to X band antenna and buzzings or
safe exposure. vibrations near S band antenna. Occasional complaints
Included in the program were 226 Derc1mmel with of fatigue, headaches, and aching eyeballs were elicited.
histories of radar contact varying from o-cc,:;,.,ional beam The presence of embedded metallic foreign bodies was
exposure to 4 hours a day and up to 13 years overall. 88 not associated with any localized heating or tissue-
control subjects were given examinations similar in scope destructing effects.
for baseline comparison. The examinations were designed Re-examination was accomplished on 175 subjects
to detect pathology experimentally induced in small test following 6 to 9 months of incidental contact with both
animals apparently by the thermal effects of absorbed S and X band pulsed radar transmitters of high power.
electromagnetic energy. Special emphasis was placed on Examinations were essentially limited to the ocular
those structures with poor heat regulatory mechanics; structures, blood cellular studies, and urinalyses. Pre-
the cornea of the eye, the gastro-intestinal and genito- liminary observations revealed a decrease of red blood
urinary tracts, and those organs and systems adversely cells in excess of 10 per cent from original in 30 per cen~
affected by excessive heat, such as the gonads and hema- of subjects; an increase of white blood cells in 50 per cent;
poietic systems. and an increase in lymphocytes in 39 per cent. The blood
Rada~ personnel were grouped· as to years of exposure, platelets showed no significant unidirectional change.
0 to 2 years, 2 to 5 years and 5 to 13 years. The distribution Urinalyses revealed no evidence of significant changes.
of the red blood counts, white blood counts and blood Approximately 14 per cent of all subjects sired offspring
platelets was essentially identical among the sub-groups during the 9 month recheck period.
and comparable to the control group. There was a signi- The difficulty in measuring field power densities upon
ficant decrease in the polymorphonuclear cells in 25 per which the biological effects of microwave energy are pre-
cent of the radar personnel as compared to 12 per cent in dicated is stressed. Routine field measurements are gener-
the control group. An interesting and disproportionate ally made in the far radar field, an acceptable boundary of
increase in monocytes above 6 per cent and eosinophiles which is defined by 2d 2 /A, where cl is the diameter of the
over 4 percent was also noted in the radar group. The round dish propagating energy and lambda the physical
significance of these changes is not immediately apparent wave length of the frequency. Within the far field, accurate
and warrants further study. field power densities may be formulated by application of
Urinalysis revealed no significant difference for the two the inverse square law of free field air absorption.
groups. Fertility statistics were essentially comparable. Since radar test and maintenance personnel may be
There was no i11dication of increased significant pathology exposed to the firing beam at distances not encompassed
among the radar personnel. Ocular examinations revealed by the far field boundary, it becomes increasingly difficult
a high incidence of pathology for the radar group. However, to evaluate biological effects and hazards in relation to
in all but a single case of retinal hemorrhage, the etiology absolute exposure dosage. The need for more precise meas-
urements is obvious and can be achieved through the
development of exposure level meters reflecting absorption
t California Division of Lockheed Aircraft Corp., Burbank, Calif. in quantum units of radar energy.

The Mechanism of Absorption of Ultrahigh Frequency

e Electromagnetic Energy in Tissues, as Related
to the Problem of Tolerance Dosage*

HE TWO excellent studies reported earlier at this quired on a purely experimental basis. vVe have chosen,
symposium by Major D. B. Williams and therefore, a semitheoretical approach. From reflection.
. Lieutenant T. S. Ely indicate that intolerable coefficients, obtained by exposure of tissue layers to
body temperature rise due to absorption of electromag- radiation in transmission line sections, ,ve calculate
,..., netic energy is the most serious health hazard. This is their dielectric parameters. The dielectric parameters are
true at least in all instances where a substantial part of just a more convenient means of expressing 'the results
the body is exposed to the radiation so that conditions of such experiments. vVe are able to conclude from them
of "total body irradiation" are approximated. Major by analysis the laws which govern the absorption of
Williams has shown that tolerance dosage for the eye, electromagnetic waves in the more complex ar:·angement
at least in the case of animals, investigated by him is of the human body. However, we must make a simplifying
near 0.2 watts/cm2, while Lieutenant Ely reported in- assumption. We will discuss here only the case of airborne
tolerable body temperature rise in his animals at much radiation propagated in plane wave fashion perpendicular
smaller energy flux figures. We had come to similar to the smface of the human body, as indicated in Fig. 1.
conclusions from evaluation of existing literature con-
cerning radiation-induced cataracts and calculations of I I
likely body temperature rise. Available experience with I I
local application of electromagnetic energy supports this.
material and permits us to conclude that an energy flux
Afigure of 0.01 watts/cm should not be exceeded, if total
•body absorption of the radiation is assumed. Also, the
optimal permissible value of 0.01 watt/cm2 should not be
applied for more than one hom. Of course, it· is very im-
portant now to know the answers to two questions:
1) What percentage of airborne radiation is absorbed
by the human body? Fig. 1-l~lectromagnetic energy passes through skin, subcutaneous
2) Where is the absorbed energy transformed into heat? fat, and more deeply located tissues and is transformed into heat.
The triple layer arrangement illustrated is the basis of the analysis
which is presented.
The answer to the first problem establishes a relation-
ship between optimal tolerable absorbed energy flux and
energy flux in the field of the radiation source undisturbed This case will be approximated roughly by the trunk of
by the body. The second problem is of importance since a person facing the source of radiation. We can -state
that the percentage of absorbed energy will be a ma;,rimmn ·
in the case of pure surface heating the usual mechanism
of the body's heat regulation is available to carry away under such conditions. Any conclusions drawn from such
excess heat. In the case of deep heating this possibility an approach will give, therefore, the highest possible
does not exist directly, especially whenever subcutaneous value of absorbed energy which should be considered in
fat with its relatively poor heat. conductivity separates an attempt to establish tolerance dosage figures. The
body itself is to be represented by a triple arrangement
skin and deep tissues. In the latter case, obviously,
tolerance dosage recommendations should be more of skin, subcutaneous fat, and deep tissue such as muscle
carefully made. This paper attempts to answer the two and various body organs. Since depth of penetration of
problems formulated above. electromagnetic radiation has been shown to be sufficiently
small , the deep tissue layer may be assumed to extend
In order to obtain conclusions of general value, a
'\ gigantic number of difficult experiments would be re- infinitely, as shown in Fig. 1. Only occasionally do bone·
structures appear within reach of the radiation and,
when they do, only . for lower frequencies than those
.AT * These studies were aided by a contract between the Office of predominantly of interest today.
•~aval Research, Dept. of the Navy, and Univ. of Pennsylvania,
NR 119-358. .
t Electromedical Group, Moore School of Electrical Engineering, 1
H. P. Schwan and G. M. Piersol, "The absorption of electro-
and Dept. of Phys. Med. and Rehab., Schools of Medicine, Univ. of magnetic energy in body tissues, Part I," Am. J. of Phys. Med.,
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 4, Pa. vol. 33, pp. 371-404; December, 19~4.
TABLE I eor-----------------------a.
37°c 50°c 20°c
+ +
40 X
CONDUCT•. ( m Mho)
Muscle Wet Fat Dry Fat Wet Fat Wet Fat


150 66 7.6 3.8 7.6 7.6 20

400 58 6.8 3.4 6.8 6.8 10

+ + + +
900 54 6.1 3.05 6.1 6.1
100 2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8
1000 10,000
3,000 54 4.4 2.2 4.4 4.4
Fig. 2-Dielectric constant (,) and conductivity (K) (in mMho) of
10,000 45 3.3 1.65 3.3 3.3 skin tissue. The results are obtained by the authors (o, +), England
(t., Nature, Vol. 166, p. 480; 1950) and Cook (x, e, Brit. J. Appl.
Phys., vol. 2, p. 295; 1951). The curves define the values used in all
37°c 50°c 20°c numerical discussions.
10 3K
Muscle Wet Fat Dry Fat Wet Fat Vlet Fat

me higher frequencies together establish smooth curves

which are utilized for the calculations. The variability of
150 10 0.66 0.33 1. 32 0.33
the skin data is characterized by two out of five sets of
400 10 0.78 0.39 1. 56 0.39 measurements made by us (200-1,000 me) and by the
deviation of the curve from the single observations. It
900 11 0.91 0.45 1.81 0.45 is small enough to neglect in the following discussions.
3,000 22 1.18 0.59 2.35 0.59
Percentage of absorbed energy and distribution
energy in skin, fat and deep tissues are uniquely deter-
10,000 125 2.63 1. 31 5.26 1.31 mined by the dielectric properties of the tissues. Details
of the analytical procedure are to be given elsewhere3
and are similar to those discussed above 4
The dielectric data used in our studies are summarized We will discuss first the percentage of airborne energy
in Table I. The data for muscle and other body organs absorbed by the body. Table II summarizes results
.are found to be quite reproducible, and these data are obtained at 150 and 400 me. It gives ranges of figures
well understood in terms of the structure of these tissues2 • which correspond to variation of the thickness of sub-
Data obtained for fatty tissue, on the other hand, have cutaneous fat layer from 0 to 2 cm. The lower percentage
been found to vary considerably, probably due to variation figure applies always to zero thickness, and the increase
in water content and the fact that its conductivity is of the percentage of absorbed energy with thickness of
highly temperature dependent. The "wet" fat indicated subscutaneous fat is continuous. The table demonstrates
in the table, with somewhat higher water content, repre- that the percentage of airborne radiation which is absorbed
.sents horse fat, while the "dry" fat has been found more by the body, for low frequencies such as are shown i11 the
characteristic of pork. The values for human fat are table, is nearly independent of thickness of both skin
.somewhere in between. We have carried out our analysis and fat layer. It is also found to be nearly independent
for all types of fat named in Table I, and at different of temperature and degree of water content of sub-
temperatures, but can summarize here only the most cutaneous fat. However, it changes with frequency from
important results. about 30 per cent at 150 me to 50 per cent ± 10 per cent
The dielectric properties of skin, which are used for at 400 me. The dependence of the data on frequency is
the calculations, are summarized in Fig. 2. Previously in accord with previously published data1 • 5 , which apply
.available data are insufficient for our purpose and it was to just one layer of tissue. They indicate the transparency
necessary, therefore, to add data to cover the frequency
.range from 200 to 1,000 me. The results, presented in
Fig. 2, show that our new data and the older data at
2 H.P. Schwan and Kam Li, "Capacity and conductivity of body
Submitted for publication, PROC. IRE.

H. P. Schwan, E. L. Carstensen, and Kam Li, "Heating of


muscle layers by electromagnetic and ultrasonic diathermy," Trans:w,

AIEE, (Communications and Electronics), p. 483; September, 1953.
6 H.P. Schwan and E. L. Carstensen, "Application of electric and
-tissues at ultrahigh frequencies," PROC. IRE, vol. 41, pp. 1735-1740; acoustic measuring techniques to problems in diathermy," Trans.
December, 1953. AIEE, (Communications and Electronics), p. 106; May, 1953.
1956 Schwan and Li: Absorption of UHF Energy in Tissues 47
900 MC.

Fat Skin 150 me 400mc

WET 0 26-27 36-42
31°c 0.2 cm 26-31 36-54 <.!)

J 0.4 cm 27-32 37-60

DRY 0 27-29 37-40 lLJ
37°c 0.2 cm 27-32 37-52 a::
0.4 cm 29-34 38-61 Cl)

WET 0 26-28 37-43

50°c 0.2 cm 26-30 37-52
0.4 cm 27-33 37-59

WET 0 26-27 37-44

20°c 0.2 cm 26-31 36-55
0.4 cm 27-33 37-62

of both skin and fat for the electromagnetic radiation at

such low frequencies. However, it is noticeable that the
dependence on the parameters is somewhat stronger at
Fig. 3-Percentage of airborne radiation, which is absorbed by-the
A400 me than at 150 me. body, is given as function of thickness of subcutaneous fat layer
• Fig. 3 gives the percentages of absorbed energy for for 900, 3,000, and 10,000 me. The parameter]{ gives the thickness
of the assumed skin layer in cm.
900, 3,000 and 10,000 me. The curves at 900 me and
especially at 3,000 me demonstrate a pronounced varia-
tion of percentage of absorbed energy with thickness of 3000Mc.
subcutaneous fat and thickness of skin. Normal skin
thickness values vary between 2 and 4 mm, with values •

up to 5 mm and more possible on the back. The curves ~ 60

demonstrate that, especially at 3,000 me, energy absorp- "'0
~ 4C
tion can vary from 20 to 100 per cent for likely values of 0::
skin and fat thickness·. At 10,000 me, on the other hand, <I>
~ 20
the percentage of absorbed energy for all skin values of
practical interest is again nearly independent of both 0 o::-------:o=--.2-:-------::0~.4-:------:-o.~s---o-:-'.-a_ _ _.,_w_
skin and fat layers and varies between 40 and 50 per SKIN THICKNESS (Cm)
cent. The explanation is that all the energy is already
Fig. 4-Percentage of airborne radiation, absorbed by the body, as
absorbed in the skin, due to the fact that the depth of function of thickness of skin. Assumed is a layer o~ 1.25 cm sub-
penetration is smaller than 1 mm. The curve demonstrated cutaneous fat. The curve demonstrates tremendous influence of
in Fig. 4, shows finally, the periodic behavior of the thickness of the skin layer on the percentage of absorbed energy.

percentage of absorbed energy with thickness of skin

layer for a fat layer of 1.25 cm and a frequency of 3,000 me. cutaneous fat are. The explanation for the fact is the
The results presented in Table II and in Figs. 3 and 4 ability of both skin and fat to act as A/4 transformers,
demonstrate that at low frequencies well below 1,000 me since their thickness is comparable in this frequency
and at high frequencies well above 3,000 me rather range to one quarter of a ·wavelength, and they can
simple conditions exist. The percentage of absorbed transform, therefore, the input wave impedance of the
energy is nearly independent of skin and subcutaneous deep tissues according to well known rules over a con-
A.fat thickness and is near 40 per cent. However, in the siderable range of impedance values. This makes possible,
!•range from 1,000 to 3,000 me very complicated con- depending on conditions, the occurrance of all possibilities
ditions exist. Here the percentage of airborne energy from complete mismatch to almost exact impedance match,
which is absorbed by the body may vary between 20 and . with corresponding variability of the percentage of air-
100 per cent, depending upon how thick skin and sub- borne energy absorbed by the body. Conditions· for 100

50 M

2 3 2 3

100 . . - - - - - - - - ~ 100 . - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
50 50

2 3 '2 3

100 , - - - - - - - - - - - , 100 . . - - - - - - - - - - 100..---------

50 50-

0 o,___ _,____2..___ _,3 0 o,,___ _,___ ____.2..___ _,3 OM

0 2 3
Fig. 5-Total heat developed in skin, subcutaneous fat, and deeply
situated tissues is expressed in per cent of total energy absorbed by
the body. The ordinate gives percentages of heat, the abscissa,
thickness of subcutaneous fat. The upper row of graphs refers to
a skin thickness of 0 cm, the middle row to 0.2 cm skin thickness,
and the lower row assumes 0.4 cm skin thickness. The shaded
areas refer to the heat figures pertaining to fat (indicated by sym-
bol F). The upper areas hold for skin heating (S), and the lower for
deep tissues heating (M). For any particular combination of values
of frequency, thickness of skin and fat, the sum of all the heat con-
tributions developed in skin (S), fat (F), and deep tissues (M) is
100 per cent in this presentation.

per cent energy absorption can be obtained only when cent in this presentation. The results show that skin
skin thickness can be neglected. However, inspection of absorbs most of the energy at 10,000 me. Only 20 to 30
the curves for 900 and 3,000 me in Figs. 3 and 4 shows per cent of t4e total energy is made available for heat in
that up to 90 per cent energy absorption can exist for the fat and deep tissues, for skin thickness of 2 mm.
reasonable values of the skin thickness. Since tolerance For skin thickness of 4 mm, 90 per cent of all energy is
considerations must be conservative, up to 100 per cent absorbed in the skin. At 3,000 me a more complicated
energy absorption must be assumed in an establishment sit1,1.ation prevails. The amounts of h_eat develope1d in
of toler~nce dosage for frequencies between 1,000 and skin, fat, and deep tissues are more comparable t.o each
, 3;000'-r'nc and up to 50 per cent for frequencies well below other, but depend in detail in a complex manner .on the
1,000 me and well above 3,000 me. · thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer. At 90.0 me most
. We will consider now the second problem of importance, of the energy reaches into the deep tissues, unless we hav:e
namely, where energy is .transformed into heat. This is to deal with a combination of values which _are high both
summarized in Fig. 5 for the frequencies 900, 3,000, and for skin thickness and fat thickness (skin thick;er 4
10;000 me. Given is the total amount of energy absorbed mm and fat thicker than 1 cm). The part of the energy
by the body as it is transformed into heat in skin, sub- which is absorbed in the body surface layers is about
cutaneous fat, and deep tissues. The results pertain to equally diviqed betw,een fat and ski.n; it goes mainly into
skin thicknesses of zero (upper row), .0.-2 cm (middle row) fat when skin thickness is below 2 n;i.m ap.d ,predominantly
and 0.4 .cm (lower row). Percent~ges of totally absorbed into the skin for larger values than 2 mm. The trend,_
energy are plotted as a function of tbic:\,mei;;s of sub- indicated by this graph, becomes more propounced :;it
cutaneous fat. N atu.ra}ly, the to~al of all energies trans- lower frequencies (not included in Fig. 5). At 1:00 me,
formed info ];1eat in the three layers adds up ·to 100 per ~lmost all of the energy reac~es int~ the de.e_p ,tissues.
1956 Schwan and Li: Absorption of UHF Energy in Tissues 49
The same applies, of course, at 150 me, in fact even more However, our detailed calculations, omitted here, show
so, as our evaluations, not demonstrated here, show. that all the conclusions derived above are always valid.
, In summary, it may be stated that for frequencies well Presently available knowledge makes it difficult to
e.ibove 3,000 me, most of the radiant energy is transfor~ed state to what extent heat generated at the body surface
into heat in the skin. For frequencies well below 1,000 is more tolerable than heat generated in the deep tissues.
me, all energy reaches beyond the fatty layer and is A more differentiated dosage statement must wait, there-
transformed into heat in the deep tissues. In the range fore, until more research has been done concerning this
from 1,000 to 3,000 me, the energy splits up into heat a,spect of heat physiology. However, it seems safe to
contributions whose amounts in the three layers depend state that 0.005 watts/cnl applied to the total body
on the thickness values of the skin and fat in a more surface can be tolerated under all circumstances, since
IJ complicated manner. vVe consider this an important
result in so far as it establishes that radiation of a frequency
this would just about double the heat output of the
human body due to "its own metabolism. Considering _the
below 1,000 me is much more dangerous than radiation fact that, at most, half of the body surface is hit by
operating above 10,000 me. The poor heat conductance· radiation, 0.01 watt/cm2 is reasonable as a tolerance
of fat must make it difficult for the human body to get dosage recommendation. For the frequency range above
rid of heat developed in the deep tissues, and must result 3,000 me, higher flux figures can be tolerated.
in significant temperature rise before a sufficient temper-
ature gradient is established across the fat layer to
deliver the heat to the outside. On the other hand, heat At frequencies lower than 400 me and higher than 3,000
developed in the skin must almost instantaneously bring me, the human body will absorb about 40 to 50 per cent
into play the heat regulating elements of the body surface of airborne radiation. Between 1,000 and 3,000 me the
and must result in effective cooling of the body surface. percentage of absorbed energy fluctuates between 20 and
These· results refer exclusively to "wet" fat of body 100 per cent, depending on frequency, thickness of skin,
temperature. We have carried out the same calculations and thickness of subcutaneous fat. Conservative estimates
for "dry" subcutaneous fat and also for different temper- of tolerable amounts of energy should be based,. therefore,
atures as indicated in Table I. Physiologically, unreason- on a possible 100 per cent absorption.
ably large temperature changes had to be assumed in At frequencies lower than 1,000 me most of the radiant
order to obtain sizable temperature effects, i.e., the energy is transformed into heat in the deep tissues.
~nfluence of temperature of the subcutaneous fat was Frequencies higher than 3,000 me cause predominant
-.,round to be negligible. The same can be shown to hold surface heating. Intolerable temperature rise due to
for the temperature of the deep tissues and skin. The exposure to high frequency electromagnetic waves is less
variability of the amount of water bound in the fat likely, therefore, at high frequencies above 3,000 me than
material has a somewhat more noticeable effect. This has .at lower frequencies below 1,000 me.
already been pointed out before in a similar discussion A tolerance dosage of 0.01 watt,/cm2 is recommended
restricted to a case in which the skin could be neglected6. for the total frequency range. It is expected that this
figure can be replaced by a higher figure for frequencies
6 H. P. Schwan and Kam Li, "Variations between measured and
above 3,000 me when more about the mechanism of heat
biologically effective microwave diathermy dosage," A.rch. of Phys.
Med. and Rehab., vol. 36, pp. 363-370; June, 1955. regulation of the human body is known.



List of Attendees

Anderson, F. A., President, The Burdick Dunnette, William, Section of Biophysics Isaacson, James, Section of Engineering,
Corp., Milton, Wis. and Biophysical Research, The Mayo The Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.
Baer, Dr. R., Dept. of Physical Medicine Clinic, Rochester, Minn. Jones, R. E., Head, Section of Engineering,
and Rehabilitation, The Ohio State Uni- Ely, Lt. T. S., (MC) USN, Naval Medical The Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.
versity, Columbus, Ohio. Research Institute, National Naval Medi- Kottke, Dr. F. J., Professor and Head,
Baldes, Dr. E. J., Head, Section of Bio- cal Center, Bethesda 14, Md. Dept. of Physical Medicine and Rehabili-
physics and Biophysical Research, The Engel, Dr. J. P., St. Barnabas Hospital, tation, The Medical School, University of
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. 920 S. Seventh St., Minneapolis, Minn. Minnesota, Minneapolis 14, Minn.
Barron, Dr. C. I., California Division, Lock- Erickson, Dr. D. J., Section of Physical Krusen, Dr. F. H., Head, Section of Physical
heed Aircraft Corp., Burbank, Calif. Medicine and Rehabilitation, The Mayo Medicine and Rehabilitation, The Mayo
Baus, Rene, Dept. of Biophysics, Tulane Clinic, Rochester, Minn. Clinic, Rochester, Minn.
University, New Orleans, La. Fawcett, Gr. Capt., Chief, Tele-Communi- Kubicek, Dr. William, Department of Phys-
Bieging, G. P., Manager, Marketing Re- cations, Air Materiel Command, Ottawa, ical Medicine and Rehabilitation, The*
search and Product Planning, Heavy Canada. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis,..,
Military Electronics Equipment Depart- Flint, Dr. C. H., Fellow in Physical Medi- Minn.
ment; Electronics Division, General Elec- cine and Rehabilitation, The Mayo Lehmann, Dr. J. F., Associate Director,
tric Co., Syracuse, N. Y. Foundation, Rochester, Minn. Department of Physical Medicine and
• Blois, Jr., Dr. M. S., Research Associate, Garvey, Tim, Raytheon Manufacturing Co., Rehabilitation, The Ohio State Univer-
Microwave Laboratory, Vv. W. Hansen Waltham 54, Mass. sity, Columbus 10, Ohio.
Laboratories of Physics, Stanford Uni- Geduldig, Donald, Research Assistant in Licht, Dr. Sidney, 360 Fountain St., New
versity, Stanford, Calif. Ophthalmology, c/o Prof. C.R. Burrows, Haven, Conn.
Brody, Cmdr. S. I., (MC) USN, Depart- School of Electrical Engineering, Cornell Loken, Merle, Radiation Therapy, Uni-
ment of the Navy, Bureau of Medicine University, Ithaca, N. Y. versity of Minnesota, Minneapolis 14,
and Surgery, Washington 25, D. C. Gullickson, Jr., Dr. Glenn, Dept. of Phys- Minn.
Brown, Dr. G. H., Director, Systems Re- ical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Mayo Lowry, Dr. R. H., Office of Canadian Air
search Laboratory, Radio Corporation of Memorial Building, The University of Attache, Canadian Embassy, Washing-
America, RCA Laboratories, Princeton, Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. ton, D. C.
N.J. Haagensen, Bud, Raytheon Manufacturing Lubin, Dr. Martin, Medical Dept., Occupa-
Carpendale, Dr. M. T. F., Fellow in Physical Co., Waltham 54, Mass. tional Medical Service, Massachusetts
Medicine and Rehabilitation, The Mayo Hartig, Prof. H. E., Head, Dept. of Elec- Institute of Technology, Cambridge 39,
Foundation, Rochester, Minn. trical Engineering, Institute of Technol- Mass.
Chapman, Dr. Carrie, Oakland Veterans ogy, University of Minnesota, Minnea- Lustig, Dr. R. T., Grand Rapids, Mich.
Administration Hospital, Oakland, Calif. polis, Minn. Marston, R. L., General Electric Co.,
Christensen, Glenn, Section of Biophysics Haugen, Merlin, The Burdick Corp., Mil- Schenectady, N. Y.
and Biophysical Research, The Mayo ton, Wis. Martin, Dr. G. M., Section of Physical
Clinic, Rochester, Minn. Medicine and Rehabilitation, The Mayo
Copson, Dr. D. A., Research Division, Food Henriksen, Dr. J. D., Fellow in Physical
Medicine and Rehabilitation, The Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.
Laboratory, Raytheon Manufacturing Marvin, Dr. J. F., Radiation Therapy, Uni-
Co., Box 12, Allston, Mass. Foundation, Rochester, Minn.
versity of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn.,
Daily, Jr., Dr. Louis, The Daily Eye Clinic, Herrick, Dr. J. F., Section of Biophysics, Maxson, R.H., The Burdick Corp., Milton
1117-18-19 Medical Arts Building, Hous- The Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. Wis.
ton, Texas. Hines, Dr. H. M., Professor and Head, Meahl, H. R., High Frequency Measure-
De Lucchi, Capt., Office of Scientific Re- Dept. of Physiology, State University of ments Engineer, General Engineering
search, Headquarters, Air Research and Iowa, College of Medicine, Iowa City, Laboratory, General Electric Co., Sche-
Development Command, P. 0. Box 1395, Iowa. nectady, N. Y.
Baltimore 3, Md. Holden, Dr. J. A., Light Military Electronic Miller, Capt., Army Environmental Health
Dohan, Dr. F. C., Medical Director, Radio Equipment Dept., General Electric Co., Laboratory, Army Medical Service, ArmyA
Corporation of America, RCA Victor Utica, N. Y. Chemical Center, Edgewood, Md. •
Division, Camden 2, N. J. Horvath, Dr. W. J., Airborne Instruments Moore, D. G., David Sarnoff Research
Dudenhoefer, Dr. P., Veterans Administra- Laboratory, Inc., 160 Old Country Road, Center, RCA Laboratories, Radio Cor-
tion, Milwaukee, Wis. Mineola, N. Y. poration of America, Princeton, N. J.
1956 List of Attendees 51
Mumford, W. W., Bell Telephone Labora- Reynolds, Dr. 0. E., Director, Biological ratory, Inc., J.60 Old Country Road,
tories, Inc., Whippany Laboratory, Whip- Sciences Division, Office of Naval Re- Mineola, N. Y.
pany, N. J. search, Department of the Navy, Wash- Troedsson, Dr. B. S., Chief, Physical Medi-
Nels.on, Dr. P. A., Department of Physical ington 25, D. C. · cine and Rehabilitation Service, Veterans
A Medicine and Rehabilitation, Cleveland Richardson, Dr. A. W., Dept. of Physiology, Administration Hospital, 54th St. and
W Clinic, 2020 East 93rd St., Cleveland 6, St. Louis University School of Medicine, 48th Ave. S., Minneapolis 17, Minn.
Ohio. St. Louis, Mo. Vosburgh, Dr. B. L., Manager, Health
Olsen, Dr. K. J., c/o Dr. J. F. Lehmann, Rucker, Dr. C. W., Section of Ophthalmol- Services, Health and Safety Services
Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. ogy, The Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. Dept., General Electric Co., 1 River
Orvis, Dr. A. L., Section of Biophysics and Schwan, Dr. H. P., School of Medicine, Road, Schenectady, N. Y.
Biophysical Research, The Mayo Clinic, University of Pennsylvania, 3600 Spruce Wakim, Dr. K. G., Section of Physiology,
Rochester, Minn. St., Philadelphia 4, Pa. The Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.
Otting, W. J., Office of Scientific Research, Senstad, Paul, Section of Engineering, The Walsh, Wing Cmdr., Chief, Clinical Medi-
Headquarters, Air Research and Develop- Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. cine, A.F.H.Q., Ottawa, Canada.
ment Command, P. 0. Box 1395, Balti- Shearer, D. D., Apparatus Product Plan- Wertz, Dr. J. E., Dept. of Physical Chem-
more 3, Md. ning, X-Ray Dept., General Electric Co., istry, University of Minnesota, Minnea-
Paul, Dr. David, Veterans Hospital, Iowa 4855 Electric Ave., Milwaukee 1, Wis. polis 14, Minn.
City, Iowa. Solon, L. R., Acting Chief, Radiation Widmann, F. W., RCA Laboratories Divi-
Peebles, Dr. F. E., Dept. of Anatomy, Branch, Health and Safety Laboratory, sion, Princeton, N. J.
Tulane University, New Orleans, La. Manager of Operations, U. S. Atomic Williams, Maj. D. B., USAF, Dept. of
Phoebus, Capt. C. P., (MC), USN, Special Energy Commission, ·P. 0. Box 30, Radiobiology, USAF School of Aviation
Assistant for Bio Sciences, Office of Naval Ansonia Station, New York 23, N. Y. Medicine, Randolph Air Force Base,
Research, Department of the Navy, Sowby, Dr. F. D., Medical Officer, Radia- Randolph Field, Texas.
Washington 25, D. C. tion Section, Occupational Health Divi- Willis, G. R., Section of Engineering, Mayo
Quimby, Dr. F. H., Head, Physiology sion, Department of National Health and Clinic, Rochester, Minn.
Branch, Office of Naval Research, De- Welfare, Room 412, Laurentbn Building, Wilson, Jr., Dr. G. M., Fellow in Physical
partment of the Navy, ·washington 25, Ottawa, Canada. Medicine and Rehabilitation, The Mayo
D. C. Speicher, H. W., Administrator, Industrial Foundation, Rochester, Minn.
Redford, Dr. J. W. B., Fellow in Physical Hygiene, Westinghouse Electric Corp., Wolf, Lt. Carl, Army Environmental Health
Medicine and Rehabilitation, The Mayo East Pittsburgh, Pa. Laboratory, Anny Medical Service, Army
Foundation, Rochester, Minn. Tolles, W. E., Airborne Instruments Labo- Chemical Center, Edgewood, Md.

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